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Sleeping with a Billionaire - Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

Page 99

by Nella Tyler

  “Yeah, you know the Missus,” Ronald said as he kept staring at Kaitlin.

  “I know Ronald. I’m sorry.”

  Ronald wasn’t sorry at all. I was starting to think he liked it when his wife sent him over to my house. Perhaps he even went home a little horny and ready to bang his angry uptight wife?

  “Yep,” Ronald said as he looked at Kaitlin. “Ok.”

  Ronald turned and went back to his apartment.

  After I had closed the door, I could see that Kaitlin had started to get dressed. Another surprise. Was she really going to just leave? I couldn’t fucking believe it.

  “Are you leaving?” I asked.

  “Yeah, my girlfriends said they are going out dancing. Can I get your number? I’ll call you sometime.”

  I gave it to her. This girl was my kind of fuck. She didn’t want anything and knew exactly what she wanted. I definitely wanted to keep her number around. Maybe I’d want to fuck her again in the next few days before she left town.

  I walked her out and she kissed me quickly as she left. The simplicity of out fuck was perfection I thought as I got into the shower.

  Chapter 9

  Another day of work and I was ready to clear my head. It was funny that work actually cleared my head as it did, though. There was something soothing about the numbers and noise that came from being back at the office.

  I skipped my morning gym visit and decided I would spend an extra long time there after work. Instead, I grabbed a coffee and made my way into my office where Mike was waiting for me.

  “Jesus, Evan, who was it last night?”


  “You look like shit.”

  I decided not to tell Mike about Alicia and instead keep his focus on Kaitlin. He didn’t need to know I was going after Alicia. He wouldn’t approve of it because the practice was highly illegal. No one that had inside knowledge about a trade was supposed to purchase during an IPO. My plan was to have as much inside knowledge as possible without officially crossing the border over into illegal territory.

  My information gathering had to be kept on the down low and I really couldn’t get too involved with Kaitlin. Which probably wouldn’t be an issue considering how fast she dropped me at eh Nightly Sinner bar.

  “Well, I did meet a nice southern girl and her friends out at the bar last night,” I said.

  Mike stopped in mid step.

  “And her friends?” he questioned.

  It wasn’t out of the realm of possibilities that I would have more than one girl. I had told Mike about a cute group of three that I had brought home one time. But that had cost me a lot. The three of them were wild and knocked over at least $20,000 worth of accessories around my condo. I think they actually enjoyed screwing each other much more than any of them wanted to admit to. There had been a moment when I was just standing there and looked over the three of them playing with each other on my bed. They didn’t look like they needed me at all. Of course that didn’t stop me from joining them.

  A bed full of blondes was never something a man should turn down, even if they were paying an awful lot of attention to each other’s pussies and minimal attention to my cock. It was an enjoyable and memorable night for sure. Every now and then Mike would bring it up and I knew he wished he was single.

  “I only brought one blonde home this time,” we both laughed. “But it was a long night.”

  “Man, your life is the shit. I love it.”

  “Hey, do you know anything about these new IPO’s? I really need to do some research today,” I said as I changed the subject.

  “No man. That’s above my pay grade. I just execute the sales I’m told to. That’s why they pay you the big bucks.”

  Mike leaned back into one of my chairs and put his feet up on the desk. His life was much less stressful than mine, that was for sure.

  I had hundreds of people who counted on me to invest their money and make them the biggest return possible. If I did poorly, I certainly heard about it from them. If I did well, they would invest more and more money with me. I had to do well.

  My ability to make a living each and every day depended on how many people gave me their money to invest. It was essential that I set a reputation for myself as someone who would treat their money as my own and help them reach their own personal financial goals. The only way I could do this was by being damn good at what I did.

  Researching every purchase had become second nature to me. But for some reason I found it hard to look at Alicia’s company with a blank slate. Everything I had found on her and her company looked picture perfect so far and that was a sure sign that something was rotten. No company ever looked picture perfect. There was always that one aspect of the company that didn’t do well, or that one person on their executive committee that got arrested for prostitution. There was always something. I needed help finding what that something was for Alicia’s company.

  “I need someone to help be research. Anyone around here that you would suggest?” I asked Mike because he had his ear to the ground and always knew what people were doing.

  “Rebecca is the best.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at Mike’s statement. She was really good in bed, but I didn’t really know what she did around the office.

  “Hmm, alright. I’ll ask her if she would like to do a side project.”

  “You’ve fucked her, haven’t you?” Mike said accusingly.

  “What? I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about,” I smiled and walked Mike toward the door of my office.

  “Jesus, Evan, is there anyone in this office you haven’t fucked yet.”

  I had opened the door already and Natasha handing me my morning stack of papers.

  “Me,” she said with a wink.

  “What?” Mike said confused as he looked at Natasha and then back at me. “You haven’t? How is that possible?”

  “He’s not my type,” Natasha said as she grabbed Mike’s tie and pulled him toward her.

  His face was priceless as she let him look into her eyes. Her huge, fake breasts pressed up against him and I knew he had a hard on from hell because of her.

  Then she pushed him away and laughed as she went back to her desk. She was one wicked bitch. That’s why we worked so damn well together.

  “Oh, Christ. That woman,” Mike mumbled as he went back to his office.

  I threw my papers onto my desk and went to find Rebecca.

  I hoped that she was the person I needed. I had actually been searching for someone to help me with my research lately, there was just too much for me to do alone. It was a sign that I had built my fund up large enough to expand. Soon I would have several people working with me who did research on up and coming companies, companies to sell and other companies we should buy.

  Devon Macintosh was one of the guys I idealized in our company. He had started like me on the floor and was now managing one of the biggest stock and equity funds in our whole organization. He had eight people working under him and from the outside it looked like he spent most of his time golfing and not much time in the office at all. The next step for him was going to be totally freelancing things and leaving our company for his own fund management company. It was just a matter of time.

  The problem at that moment was that I didn’t really know where she worked. I always ran into her in the elevator and I didn’t exactly know which part of the office she was in. I went to the elevator but couldn’t find her so I went back to Natasha.

  “You know that girl Rebecca at all?”


  “Yes, you do the one with huge tits that I banged awhile ago.”

  “No. I have no idea.”

  God Natasha could be a bitch sometimes.

  “The plus-size girl that is always flirting with me. You know, Rebecca.”

  “Evan, I have no idea who you are talking about.”

  I stormed off to Mike’s office.

  “Mike, where does Rebecca work?”

p; He came out of his office and pointed to the far corner of the building.

  “Thank you.”

  Finally, I had some direction. I made my way over there and looked through the cubicles until I found Rebecca’s desk. She was hard at work, researching something and analyzing sales charts.

  “I need your help,” I said as I looked around her cubicle.

  Her eyes lit up and I felt a twinge of guilt for using her crush on me for my own benefit. But I quickly got over it.

  “Oh, alright. What can I help you with, Evan?”

  Rebecca had turned toward me and leaned over her desk. It was just enough that her voluptuous breasts sat there teasing me. Perhaps I would give her another night of fun if she was able to help me out with this research I needed. I certainly wouldn’t mind having her fluffy breasts wrapped around my cock again.

  “The new IPO ALL Warren Clothing, do you know anything about them?”

  “Sure, Alicia Warren, 30 years old, graduated from Illinois State University. What else do you want to know?”

  I was impressed with her off the cuff knowledge about a company that was just now going to be public. I certainly needed someone like her around to help me with my investments. Natasha was great at getting me what I asked of her, but she wasn’t interested in stocks and certainly didn’t know a damn thing about any of the IPO’s that came along.

  “I need to find what’s wrong with the company. Everything looked pretty perfect when I looked at past public financials. Can you help me with some research?”

  “I could, but how much? I don’t want to do anything illegal.”

  Oh no, Rebecca was a rule, follower.

  “Nothing too intense. I just want to know more about the people working there. The board members, anything that looks a little weird.”

  “Sure, but you’ll have to do something for me,” Rebecca smiled and I thought for sure I’d get to have those tits around my cock again.

  “Sure,” I winked at her.

  “Great, I have a birthday party at my family’s house this weekend and they are killing me about not having a boyfriend. Come be my boyfriend for the weekend.”

  I swallowed hard.

  “Your boyfriend?”

  “Not for real, just put on a little show so my mother can calm down.”

  I really didn’t want to be anyone’s boyfriend for a weekend, but it seemed harmless enough and I was interested to see what kind of research Rebecca was able to find on Alicia’s company.

  “Alright, but just one night.”

  “Great, I’ll pick you up Saturday morning.”

  We continued to talk a little about the information I needed and how she could legally obtain it. Rebecca was extremely concerned about the legality of the research so I didn’t want to give her too many ideas. I didn’t want her thinking that I was willing to do any sort of illegal research, although I doubted she would care if I was the one doing it.

  She promised to have all the research she could by Saturday and I walked away stunned. I had just agreed to be Rebecca’s boyfriend at a family event. I hated families. I didn’t even really like my own family.

  If only my clients really knew how hard I worked to get them more money. I think most of them had this idealistic view of what I did as easy. It was hard work. I spent all day everyday working on what the next big buy was going to be and ensuring the current portfolio continued to have high earners. There was never any rest for me. It was constant and my clients had no idea.

  My goal was to someday not need to manage other peoples money. I wanted to be at home investing in my spare time and golfing all the rest of the time. Traveling had also been something that interested me.

  Technically I could quit my job anytime and start investing from home, but I needed more of a nest egg to get started. I needed a few million, like twenty million, in the bank before I would feel comfortable going out solo.

  That might seem a lot of money to some people, but in Manhattan, twenty million dollars could be gone with one single condo purchase. I, of course, wouldn’t want to blow my money. I would invest it in a wide variety and watch it grow. I could easily live off the interest and not have to worry about money ever again.

  As I watched the news about the market from my desk in my office, I remembered that Alicia was going to be at the stock market closing that day. She would get the ring the closing bell and I needed to take the opportunity to see her again.

  For the rest of the day, I tried to focus on my actual work while I constantly stopped to think about Alicia and how much I had thoroughly enjoyed our date. I could still see the nap of her neck as she pressed her hair out of the way. I could still feel her skin under my lips as I had kissed her neck. I could still hear her slight moan when my warm mouth made contact with her cool skin.

  When it was time for the closing bell, I hurried down to the trading floor to see if I could make an opportunity to talk with her.

  I had been a little surprised that she hadn’t called me at all during the day but chalked it up to her having a long day with all her IPO meetings and things of the business nature.

  Chapter 10

  I saw her up on the balcony just as they were ready to ring the final bell. Alicia looked like a deer caught in headlights as she tried to listen to the man on her right. He whispered in her ear and she laughed. Jealousy shot up inside of me.

  I didn’t know who he was or what he had said to her, but I definitely didn’t like that he had made her laugh like that. My blood boiled a little as I watched their interaction.

  He seemed to be very familiar with her and I racked my brain to try and remember if he had been with her the other day when they rang the opening bell. But I just had not paid much attention to anyone else except Alicia on that day.

  She stood up there with a tight pink blouse on that was sheer; I could tell that she had a camisole underneath. I couldn’t see what else she had on, but damn I wanted to. Her eyes were timid as she looked over the balcony at the room full of traders. I urged her to make eye contact with me. I willed her with my intense stare at her, but I never did get what I wanted.

  When the closing bell had been rung, I followed her group of people and joined in as they chatted about the upcoming big day.

  “Monday is going to be epic,” one young trader said.

  “Yeah, I think she is going to kill it. A total money maker,” another trader said.

  I couldn’t help but overhear them and it made me happy for Alicia. She seemed like a good woman who had worked really hard to get where she was, I hoped the best for her and her IPO. I also hoped Rebecca could get me the information I needed before Monday so I could make a decision on whether to buy her stock or not.

  I stood back and watched the chaos around Alicia as people asked her questions and she talked a little about her company. It was one of the only times people could get up close and personal with a CEO of a company, but in reality nothing they had to say was of any help on investment day.

  CEO’s didn’t know how their company was going to do any more than the rest of the world. They, of course, had much more hopefulness that the IPO would do well. But in the end, the opinion of the general public was what mattered most.

  Alicia looked really uncomfortable and like she wanted to leave. At one point, I even saw her turn away but that same man pulled her back and she continued to answer questions. It was painful to watch after about thirty minutes. So I did what I thought was best.

  “Miss Warren, can you come with me? Mr. Taylor would like a word with you.”

  I walked with authority up to Alicia and grabbed her by the arm and led her away.

  Everyone knew Mr. Taylor was the CEO of Taylor Trading Incorporated and the biggest trading company on the market. The others quieted down as we walked away.

  “Mr. Taylor?” Alicia smiled as we walked quickly off the trading floor and into the hallway. “You better hurry, he’s coming,” Alicia said as she looked behind us.

  Sure eno
ugh, the man that had been at her side all day long had just come out the door to the hallway and was about one hundred feet behind us.

  “Alicia, where are you going?” he hollered down the hallway.

  “I’ll be right back, Bill,” Alicia said as we quickened our steps.

  When we turned the corner, the two of us were into a full on sprint as we tried to make it out the door and into the street before Bill had seen where we went.

  It was fun, like when you were young and ran away from the mall security guard. I laughed as we ran and Alicia did too. By the time we had made it outside, we were both in a full on giggle.

  “This way,” I said as I brought her up one of the narrow side streets.

  We continued to walk quickly and soon had made it to China town where we slid into a noodle shop and sat down.

  We were both sweating, but I was very impressed with Alicia’s ability to run. She surely must run for exercise. She had not had any problems keeping up with me and I was almost in a full on sprint.

  “So, who is Bill? A boyfriend?” I asked.

  “Oh god, really, Evan. You think I like short bald guys?”

  “Well, I thought perhaps he was a sugar daddy.”

  As the words left my mouth, I knew right away I shouldn’t have said them. Of course she didn’t want anyone insinuating that she had some rich guy who was the only reason she was successful. I had to do some damage control and quick. The look on her face said that I was about thirty seconds away from getting slapped.

  “I mean, he looks like the kind of guy who only has money going for him. Not that you would date a guy like that. Oh god, I’m sorry.”

  I physically took my shoe off and put it into my mouth.

  I sat there with my shoe in my mouth and just looked at Alicia with the best puppy dog eyes I could muster.

  Finally, she broke down and laughed.

  “Put your shoe back on. That’s disgusting.”

  “Thank you. It did taste a lot like pee. Probably that alley we went down.”

  I raised my hand for our waiter and ordered us some noodles and some ice water. I really needed a drink, and fast. Putting my shoe in my mouth was certainly not something I was used to doing and I didn’t know what had come over me at that moment. But it seemed to have gotten me out of the hot water my mouth had put me into, so all was well that ended well.


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