APOCALYPSE 2073 Omnibus

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APOCALYPSE 2073 Omnibus Page 18

by Parker James

  “You’ve had a very long day, Margaret. I think we’re going to have to get you some additional assistance,” Andrews said to her.

  “Oh, it was nothing. How are doing, Jason?”

  It was the second time today that he had been called by his first name; that right typically exclusively reserved for his wife Linda. But Margaret was also family and he took no offense.

  “It’s been a very long day for me as well,” he responded.

  Margaret approached him and reaching out for his hand held it in both her own in a motherly fashion.

  “You’ll do well, Sir. Remember why you were elected in the first place. People trust you, and for good reason. Don’t forget that.”

  “Thank you, Margaret.” The President returned to his office to spend a few more moments with his family prior to the address.

  “Margaret, please let me know when the others arrive.”

  “Yes, Mr. President.”

  Andrews and his wife sat silently watching their children play, Linda looking up on occasion smiling at her husband. And then Margaret gently knocked on the door.

  “Come in, Margaret.”

  “The others have arrived, Sir,” Margaret said as she opened the door.

  “Thank you, Margaret. We’ll be out shortly.”

  Linda again looked at her husband, yet this time more dourly. Her husband smiled at her in return.

  “It will be ok,” he said to her.

  He looked at his two children playing and rose from his chair as he approached them. Looking up from their very important work; after all Marissa and Rebecca were solving some very important problems, yet despite those responsibilities they stopped what they were doing and paid their father attention. President Andrews kneeled so he would be on their same level.

  “Are you two young ladies ready for our meeting?” he asked.

  “Yes, daddy,” they responded in unison.

  “And will you be strong for me, so I can be strong?”

  “Of course, daddy.”

  “Ok, then,” President Andrews responded as he gently kissed each of them on the forehead. “I’m very sorry for interrupting you two. “You know I love you very much, don’t you?”

  “We love you too, daddy,” Marissa responded.

  “Ok then. Both of you stay close to your mother; daddy has to go to work now. Are you afraid?” There will be a lot of people out there?”

  “We know. Mommy told us.”

  President Andrews looked at his wife, no words having been necessary. Linda grabbed each of her children by the hand as they followed her husband into the adjoining conference room where the others were patiently waiting. She spoke to her two daughters quietly as she gently held their hands.

  “Did I tell you how pretty you two look?” she asked.

  “Thank you, mommy. You look pretty too.”

  As the First Family entered the conference room all of those in attendance were standing; no one sat. Each and every one was also impeccably dressed in their military dress uniforms and all their finery, yet absolutely amazed at the sight before them as the four members of the First Family entered. No one dared speak as the sheer determination on the President’s face was overwhelmingly apparent. To a person each and every single individual within that room realized without a doubt that President Andrews, their Commander-in-Chief, was the right man elected at this very important point in history.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen,” President Andrews asked. “Are we ready to go to work?”

  Only General McCreary responded.

  “We are, Mr. President.”

  “Well then, let’s have at it.”

  Agent Phillips opened the door as the entourage headed toward the elevator. The President and the First Family were in the lead; Agent Phillips as always ahead of them. This time he had his sidearm discreetly hidden within his jacket, not having been told otherwise to discard it. No words were spoken as they entered, nor were any words spoken as the dedicated and secured elevator began to ascend to the Atrium on level 10. The group as a whole almost seemed Arthurian. The only one missing was General Rodriguez, who had taken over McCreary’s duties within the control room as he would monitor the security situation on the monitors within the Atriums in each of the 20 bunkers. The elevator ride was brief and silent. Upon their arrival on level 10 of Bunker Site 1, President Andrews could see that the Atrium was jam packed, thousands of individuals in fact and the audible level deafening as most were speculating about what news would be disclosed by the President. The sound level was overwhelming as the elevator doors opened and when those within the Atrium saw the President and his entourage appear a quiet hush overcame over the crowd. The group departed the elevator and paused as President Andrews turned to Secret Service Agent Phillips and the three other Agents accompanying him, all similarly armed.

  “Agent Phillips, please have you and your men stand to the side of the podium at ground level,” the President said. He didn’t want to intimidate the crowd or exacerbate the potentially volatile situation in any way with the information he was about to disclose. He was also glad to see that Dr. Pearson as promised had at least 100 medical personnel in attendance, most of who stood at the back of the very large Atrium next to the enclosed amphitheater. She had given similar instructions to the other medical personnel within the other 19 bunkers. President Andrews and his group then headed directly to the podium, perhaps four feet off the ground so that the crowd would better be able to see them. All took their designated positions, the President at the podium with his wife and two children slightly off to his right. Professors Enghult, the Conyers, and Dr. Pearson were to his left while the Joint Chiefs stood behind them all. Again the placement was a subtle statement on the President’s part that the government was intact as well as a level of stability. The crowd remained quiet as the President paused as he attempted to gather his words. All awaited the words he was about to impart, yet he began slowly and spoke in a halting manner.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen. Fellow citizens. The news I am about to tell you is dire. If you look behind you, you will see that we have medical personnel in attendance should they so be required. What I have to tell you is perhaps the worst case scenario that can be imagined.”

  The crowd grew a little louder at this hint of what had occurred, and President Andrews waited patiently as they soon quieted down and awaited his next words.

  “If you have your children with you and so desire, please have them sent to the amphitheater at this time where they will be looked after. You may disclose to them what I am about to tell you when you feel the time appropriate.”

  Several minutes passed as most of those in attendance, if not all, took the President’s advice sensing the direness of the news that he was about to disclose and summarily escorted their children to the awaiting medical staff located outside of the amphitheater. They were to look after the younger ones not yet old enough to absorb the devastating news as the doors to the amphitheater were then closed and the address could not be heard. The situation was the same within the other bunkers as well. General Rodriguez, in charge of security matters had given similar orders as Dr. Pearson, strategically placing his military personnel throughout the Atrium to control the situation should it become out of hand. However, he gave explicit instructions that no weapons were to be visible and should they unfortunately be required they were only to be used in a non-lethal manner. In fact not only were the medical personnel there to assist their fellow citizens, the military personnel stationed within the Atrium were charged with the same mission. Perhaps the only saving grace was that most within the bunkers were already aware of the possibility of a worldwide nuclear holocaust and already mentally prepared for the worst. After the lights temporarily went out the night of the attack, gossip and rumors had spread quickly. In fact most of the new arrivals had already assumed the worst, but now they were to hear it first-hand from the President of the United States. Most of the adults soon returned and the Andrews again cont
inued with his speech.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen. Fellow citizens. These past ten years have been difficult ones for us all. Despite our best efforts as a nation and those of the administrations prior to my own to avoid a potential catastrophe, we were not able to do so. Something terrible has occurred, and I shall disclose the situation to you fully and truthfully. A number of months ago both North and South Korea were destroyed in a matter of moments. Several days ago large scale war broke out on the Asian Continent with a number of nations involved. Nuclear weapons were utilized, first on a tactical low yield basis but the war quickly escalated. Despite our declaration of non-interference and our best efforts as well as those on the part of other allied nations, we were unable to avoid involvement in the war. On the evening of September 19th the United States and its allies were targeted on a large scale basis with nuclear weapons. Regardless of our ability to intercept a number of those weapons targeted at us, we were not able to intercept them all. In fact we were only able to intercept a fraction of those weapons. The majority of those nuclear weapons found their targets.”

  President Andrews paused as an audible gasp arose from his captive audience. He gave them some time to quiet down before continuing.

  “Most of our major cities were destroyed as well as most of our military installations. The bunker system in which we are located was targeted as well. However, within this bunker grouping we were able to withstand the attack and for the moment are currently secure. Minimal damage has occurred and is being addressed as we speak. We anticipate no further offensive moves against us at this time; perhaps if ever. The destruction which has occurred on the surface of this planet is unimaginable.”

  The President stopped, looking down as he chose his next words carefully, suddenly at a loss for those very words which had once come so easily. The crowd was surprisingly quiet, riveted on the President and his obvious utter sadness at having to repeat this devastating news to his fellow citizens.

  “We soon lost all communications with NORAD, yet anticipate that they in addition to most, if not all of the 2,000 bunkers located within the Continental United States also withstood the nuclear attack and that those communications will soon be restored.”

  Andrews’s voice withered slightly.

  “Contained within our 2,000 bunkers are approximately 62 million of our fellow citizens. Prior to the loss of communications and knowing which cities were already destroyed with many more missiles on their way, millions, hundreds of millions perhaps, of our fellow citizens have been lost. On a planet wide basis losses are anticipated in the billions.”

  He stopped there, the crowd absolutely silent as they attempted to absorb what they had just heard. Minutes had passed, with no incidents occurring. Andrews again looked up from the podium, his hands having a death grip on the table before him.

  “I would tell you that we are all in this together. I would tell you that many plans have been made not only for our future survival within this bunker system as well as the others, but in fact for that of the continued and future survival of mankind as a whole. I weep for our citizens. I weep for my friends and family who have been lost. I weep for your friends and family who have also been lost. And I weep for all of mankind. Even those who attacked us. The only solace we have as a nation is that during the attack we protected ourselves through defensive measures only and did not offensively take action that would have potentially pushed this planet beyond the brink of salvation, however long that may take. As further information becomes available, you will be notified immediately. Nothing will be withheld. I now ask you to join me in a moment of silence as we pray for those many souls lost.”

  Still the crowd remained eerily quiet, many with their heads down. President Andrews turned and reached for Marissa’s hand, the four members of the First Family now one. He looked down at her as he spoke to his very young daughter.

  “Will you pray with me, dear, for the friends that we have lost?”

  “Yes, father,” Marissa responded.

  As they looked down silently the Joint Chiefs, all of those on the podium and virtually everyone in the crowd followed their lead. In fact the silence was deafening and continued for five full minutes. The President then returned to the podium. He had planned on taking questions but was completely emotionally spent. He had broken the news to his fellow citizens, and done so truthfully. The concerns of panic or a possible riot were unfounded; the crowd having reacted in the opposite manner. He would finish his speech quickly and would take no questions despite his earlier inclinations. Enough had been said. He once again approached the podium and looked over the crowd completely and slowly.

  “Fellow citizens. Let this night be one of mourning. Tomorrow your Bunker Site Commanders will be available throughout the day to inform you of our future plans for our continued survival. You will be informed of the structural layout of the bunkers which will now become our new home. You will be informed of those cities that were specifically targeted and hit. Every single question you ask will be answered. Nothing will be withheld. If you feel the need for any medical treatment whatsoever, it will be available to you. The Commissary will be open throughout this evening and hot meals will be served continuously. I, personally, as your President thank you for your strength at this turning point in history, and further assure you that I shall do everything within my power for you and your families’ future and continued safety.”

  Andrews paused, not knowing whether he should say anymore. He did not, once again grabbing Marissa’s hand as he and the other four members of the First Family descended the podium steps and headed toward the elevator. The others on the podium followed suit as Agent Phillips pressed the button to the elevator, ready to give his life for this man now more than ever. Veronica stood outside the elevator as her father entered with the others when President Andrews unexpectedly held the door to the elevator open.

  “Veronica, please join us,” he said.

  Veronica did as instructed. As the doors to the elevator began to close President Andrews asked a seemingly odd question of her.

  “I’ve heard from your father that you went to Yale on a full scholarship; engineering if I remember correctly. Is that so?” he asked matter of factly.

  “Yes, Mr. President, it is,” Veronica responded as the elevator doors then closed fully and they gently began to descend to level 20.

  Andrews then turned to General McCreary.

  “Phil, do you think you could handle things tonight in the control room as well as the conference call scheduled for 2300?”

  “Of course, Mr. President.”

  “Please have General Rodriguez remain with you throughout this evening and monitor the security situation within all of the bunkers. I would like to have Veronica with you there as well. I’ll be in my quarters and if any situation should arise requiring my attention, please come get me immediately. Also, I would like you to draw up papers for Veronica; Security Level Four.”

  General McCreary looked at his daughter.

  “Congratulations, young lady, you’ve just been drafted,” he said to Veronica with a wink.

  As the group reached level 20 the President and his family headed directly toward their quarters, no further words having been spoken. Upon entering Linda put their children to bed after Andrews kissed them each on the forehead and thanked them both for being so strong, telling them how proud he was. He then went to his own bedroom and undressed, pulling back the covers and placing himself beneath the down comforter which he loved so much. Not ten minutes had passed before Linda entered only to find him already fast asleep. She herself undressed and after putting on her nightclothes joined her husband; snuggling close. “Today is today, and tomorrow is tomorrow,” she thought as soon she too was also fast asleep. It was done.

  Episode 17: “Grindstone”

  * * *

  Linda was pleasantly surprised when she had awoken the following morning to the smell of freshly cooking breakfast, despite the fact that it wasn
’t quite yet six am. She rolled over only to find her husband’s side of the bed empty but still warm. She hadn’t quite acclimated herself to military time. Her husband, the President, apparently had woken before her and decided to prepare the family meal himself. Although she had been restless throughout the night, her husband had seemingly slept like a rock. It apparently had done him well. Very well, in fact. The Presidential quarters despite being sparse compared to the other quarters within the bunker system were relatively spacious, having all of the required amenities; kitchenette included. However, they seemed Spartan to say the least compared to those of the White House. The bunker system and sheer number of people contained within it simply did not allow for luxuries, be they simple or not. However, being that this was the First Family certain amenities were included, space requirements aside. The new Oval Office was in reality larger than their personal quarters and it somehow reminded Linda of their first apartment together all those many years ago. They had initially struggled; she just beginning her career as a lawyer while Jason had decided to enlist in the Air Force for a period of six years after they were first married during their final year in college together. Washington after all was a very expensive city to live in, especially with both of them just starting out in their chosen careers. Despite the country being in the early stages of a continued downfall and prior administrations’ efforts they plugged along with only each other to count on, always hoping for a brighter future. Today would be no different.


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