APOCALYPSE 2073 Omnibus

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APOCALYPSE 2073 Omnibus Page 28

by Parker James

  “Ok, daddy,” Rebecca replied.

  “But you’ll have to be very quiet, she has someone with her.”

  “Ok,” they replied almost in unison as they both sprinted out the door headed to Margaret’s office.

  President Andrews closed the door behind them as he turned to Joe.”

  “Take a seat, Joe, it’s been a long day,” the President said as he pulled up the schematics for Level 20, most of which the President was already familiar with.

  “I’m fairly knowledgeable about this Level already. I understand it’s mostly quartering for the Joint Chiefs, their families, Secret Service Staff, control room technicians, maintenance staff, and a spattering of other various personnel located on the other side of this Level. I’ll inspect their quarters personally on a meet and greet basis at a later point in time, but for now there are only three areas in particular that I’d like to inspect.”


  “The main computer room, the evacuation tubes should we ever need them, and the battery banks. Sound like a plan, Joe?”

  “Sounds like a plan, Mr. President. I would like to mention though in the secondary section of Level 20 there are additional food supplies and water storage should Level 15 ever need to be sequestered.”

  “Good to know, Joe. How much?”

  “Approximately a one year supply based upon occupancy rates of Levels 16 through 20.”

  “Joe, what’s your position on the damage control crew?”

  “Second under the lead technician, Mr. President.”

  “Let’s relax for a moment and then I’d like to have General McCreary come in here.”

  Joe was completely at ease as the President rose after several minutes and approached the door to the conference room where General McCreary and the Joint Chiefs had been reviewing schematics all morning and well into the afternoon. Before opening the door he turned.

  “You did well today, Joe. Remember what I told you about your tour with the Joint Chiefs tomorrow. Clear, concise, and specific answers to specific questions. There’ll be a bunch of them and they’ll be coming at you from multiple angles. No conclusions on your part, just answers. Understood?

  “Understood, Mr. President.”

  Upon entering the conference room most of the Joint Chiefs were already on their feet, some leaning over the conference table reviewing schematics while several conversations were taking place simultaneously. Upon seeing the President all came to attention.

  “At ease. General McCreary,” he said. “If I may see you in my office for a moment?”

  “Certainly, Mr. President,” McCreary replied as he followed the President through the doorway, Andrews closing it behind them. Joe rose upon the General’s arrival while Andrews made the introductions.

  “General McCreary, I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Joseph Maxwell, second in seniority on the damage control crew. He’ll be the one assisting you and the Joint Chiefs on your inspection of Bunker Site 1 tomorrow following the morning conference.”

  Joe was young and had a firm handshake, reaching out his hand as he spoke. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, General McCreary,” he said. He’d heard much of the General and seen him many times on television over the years. Returning the gesture General McCreary reached out and shook Joe’s hand; rock firm despite his age. Joe knew this was a man to be reckoned with, even if he had never shaken his hand.

  “Gentlemen,” the President said, “please be seated.”

  Both McCreary and Maxwell complied as President Andrews began methodically.

  “General McCreary,” he asked. “Is there any news of significance to report regarding the mid-day conference?”

  “No, Mr. President, nothing of significance requiring your attention. All goes well according to your directives within each of the 20 bunkers.”

  “Have there been any indications of restoration of communications with NORAD?”

  “No, Sir, there has not.”

  President Andrews drew a deep breath in a contemplative manner, concerned not only for the integrity of NORAD, but all bunker complexes located within the United States as well as the allied nations.”

  McCreary interjected. “Mr. President, if I may?”

  “Continue,” Andrews responded.

  “I’m concerned, but based upon the EMP pulse I would give it two days’ more time. Should communications on at least a minimal basis not be restored, I recommend that we dispatch one of our own drones contained within the bunker and attempt to make contact with NORAD from this end.”

  Andrews thought for a moment. “Agreed,” he said with no further discussion on the matter for the moment. Joe sat silently listening to this conversation take place, unsure as to whether it was appropriate that he be permitted to overhear any of it.

  “Have the Joint Chiefs familiarized themselves with Bunker Site 1 as well as the other outlying bunkers contained within the complex, General?”

  “They have, Mr. President.”

  “Very well, then, General, here are my instructions. Tomorrow Mr. Maxwell will provide the tour of Bunker Site 1 for the edification of the Joint Chiefs. As a group you are to be accompanied by four armed Secret Service Agents; suit and ties; specific personnel to be allocated at the discretion of Agent Phillips. At 2400 this evening we have restart of the nuclear power generation unit which I shall personally be on-site within the control room to oversee. After tomorrow’s inspection, assuming all goes well you and I shall make a decision regarding whether or not to attempt to communicate with NORAD by sending out one of our own drones contained within the complex. I have found Mr. Maxwell to be most helpful and extremely knowledgeable regarding all aspects of the bunker system. You are to allow the Joint Chiefs to ask questions and also allow them their leash, but keep it a short leash. When you reach the military quartering on Level 11 keep it especially short. During the inspection Mr. Maxwell is not to be impugned in any way, shape, or form, nor or our military personnel. I have, based upon my experience, future plans for Mr. Maxwell’s continued service. Upon reaching level 15 Dr. Lazzario and his staff are not to be interrupted whatsoever. You are permitted to observe operations from within the anteroom only. Upon reaching Level 16 the Joint Chiefs are not to consume more than one hour of Professor Conyers’ time. Upon reaching Level 19 the Joint Chiefs are encouraged to tour the hospital facilities to remind them of the task that lay before us, but are not to disrupt or impede the Conyers’ preparations for the suspension chamber operations.”

  Andrews didn’t need to ask if General McCreary understood; they had worked together for too long and any questions on the part of the General were unnecessary. Joe sat there silently alongside both men, absolutely mesmerized. If there had been any questions in his mind about who was truly in charge, they had been quickly put to rest. According to the President’s instructions apparently he had done something right today.

  “As you wish, Mr. President,” McCreary replied.

  “General, you are dismissed.”

  Looking down at his desk the President suddenly noticed the paperwork that he had requested earlier approving Major Hastings promotion to Colonel. He signed it quickly and stopped the General prior to exiting the Oval Office.

  “Phil,” he said.

  The General turned. “Sir?”

  “If you would be so kind as to process this paperwork when time avails. For now please leave it on the corner of the conference room desk. Continue with your efforts, and I thank you for correcting Rebecca and Marissa.”

  McCreary smiled.

  “Been there and done that, Mr. President.”

  McCreary had his marching orders and would follow them to the letter. He exited the Oval Office as he closed the door behind him and upon entering the conference room made a subtle show of placing Hastings’ papers on the corner of the desk. Maxwell suddenly understood that the relationship between the President and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs went well beyond the chain of command; their friendship ran deep and
both were on the same page with complete dedication to their mission. President Andrews rose.

  “Let’s check out those three areas on Level 20, Joe.”

  “Yes, Mr. President,” Maxwell replied. But first he had to get past Margaret’s office and run the gauntlet of Rebecca and Marissa.

  As President Andrews rose Joe followed suit. Within seconds they were in Margaret’s office and the President looked at his long-time secretary.

  “Have they been behaving properly, Miss Margaret?” he asked.

  “Quiet as kittens, Mr. President.”

  Andrews then turned to his two children.

  “I’m very proud of you two. Please go about your business in the Oval Office. Mr. Maxwell and I have to see to some things.”

  “Yes, father,” Rebecca replied. “Goodbye Mr. Maxwell.”

  “Goodbye Rebecca. Goodbye Lissa. It was very nice to meet you both.”

  Certain that they had been polite the President’s daughters sprinted to their personal playground as Andrews and Maxwell completed the partial tour of Level 20. Andrews found all to be in place as promised and thanked Joe for his time and very informative guidance.

  “Get a good night’s sleep, Joe, you have a long day ahead of you,” he said as Joe entered the elevator. He went straight to the Atrium where his wife had been volunteering in the Commissary, doing her best to keep her mind off of what had transpired over the past several days. Upon seeing her husband in the serving line she asked him with a degree of concern on her face;

  “Are you ok?”

  Joe responded with a look that she had never before seen.

  “Right as rain, dear. Right as rain.”

  Episode 21: “First Contact”

  * * *

  President Andrews had been very encouraged during his inspection of Bunker Site 1 and was glad that Joe had been with him. Other than his very real concerns regarding how long the food supplies would last prior to stasis operations going into high gear, he was confident that the plans put into motion would enable the future survival of all of those contained within the 20 unit bunker complex, yet he was also extremely concerned about the lack of communications with NORAD, and knew that the issue had to be addressed in very short order. Information regarding the effects of the attack was crucial. McCreary had things well under control within the conference room, and looking at his watch he saw that it was only 1620 hours. His wife Linda was still in the hospital facilities and had been there the entire day, comforting those undergoing care through the direction of Dr. Pearson. Despite the fact that it was going to be a very long night and he hoped to get at least a limited amount of sleep, even if only for an hour, President Andrews unexpectedly turned to Margaret still in the midst of conducting one of her several interviews of the day. With the evening group conference with the Joint Chiefs and the Bunker Site Commanders followed by restart of the power generation unit scheduled for later on that evening, his resiliency would be pushed to the limit.

  “Margaret?” he asked, “would you mind terribly looking after the children for a little while longer, I’d like to join the First Lady in the hospital facilities.”

  “Not at all, Mr. President, I’d be happy to.”

  “Thank you. There’s a considerable amount of time left before the group conference and I think I’ll join Linda after all.”

  Margaret knew the President didn’t want to leave his wife hanging, absorbing all of the despair that she most definitely was and listening to the many horrible stories of those who had lost so many loved ones and friends in the nuclear attack. It must have been very difficult for her, knowing that her parents were also lost in the attack when Washington was hit.

  “I don’t think I’ll be too long,” he added.

  “Take as long as you need, Mr. President,” Margaret replied. “We’ll be just fine.”

  Margaret wasn’t sure whether he was more concerned about his wife’s well-being or that of those within the hospital, but she knew him well. It was most likely a mixture of both and he wouldn’t leave Linda hanging. With that the President headed toward Level 19 with Secret Service Agent Phillips close in tow, both arriving within moments. They were greeted by Dr. Pearson who had been conferring with Mitch in the main corridor separating the stasis operation facilities and those of the hospital. She turned in the middle of their conversation and recognized the President’s arrival as soon as the elevator doors opened. Emma hadn’t expected to see him, knowing he had been touring Bunker Site 1 in detail and cut her conversation with Mitch short.

  “Jason,” she asked as she approached him. “How are you doing?”

  Her concerns for her long-time friend were obvious.

  “Well, Emma, I can’t complain all things considered. How are our patients doing in the hospital facilities?” he asked.

  “We’ve released about a third, with more discharges planned for tomorrow. Some will continue to receive treatment on an out-patient basis, but I’m certain that most of the others will be up and back on their feet in very short order.”

  “And reallocation of staff members for stasis operations?”

  “In-process within all 20 bunkers,” she replied with confidence.

  This was good news for the President, his plans were proceeding accordingly. As their conversation continued suddenly Agent Phillips put his hand up to his ear as if listening, followed by him extending his hand toward his mouth as he responded over his wireless, the only active system currently operating other than the tablets with security level 5 and above.

  “Understood,” he said as he approached the President briskly.

  “Sir, if I may have a moment of your time regarding a matter of urgency,” Phillips said in a manner that for him could only be called excitedly.

  “Forgive me, Emma,” the President said as he stepped away to speak to Phillips privately. He had a sense that something very important had just occurred, and before he was even able to ask Phillips began to repeat what he had just been told over his earpiece. He spoke in a low tone as the information he’d just received was of the highest security level.

  “Mr. President, that was General McCreary on the line. He’s stated that we’ve just received indications from the outside landing platform of Bunker Site 1 that a drone has just arrived. The Joint Chiefs are proceeding to the control room and your presence is requested immediately.”

  Andrews’s eyes rose in anticipation as he felt a sudden pounding in his chest. He again approached Dr. Pearson and made his apologies as she silently wondered what had just occurred, knowing it must have been something extremely important based upon his demeanor.

  “Please relay my apologies to the First Lady and let her know that I was here but unexpectedly called away,” he said speaking quickly.

  “Yes, Jason, most certainly” was all she was able to muster.

  Although her curiosity got the best of her, she also knew it wasn’t her place to ask. With those few words President Andrews and Agent Phillips were once again on the elevator and arrived at the control room within moments. Opening the door the President could see that General McCreary and the Joint Chiefs were already stationed within the room as he then turned to Agent Phillips.

  “Agent, please station yourself outside this door with your team. No one is to enter this room unless otherwise summoned.”

  “Understood, Mr. President,” Phillips responded as he again rose his wireless transmitter to his mouth in order to speak to the remainder of his staff perpetually on standby. “All hands on deck immediately, repeat, all hands on deck. Complete lockdown of Level 20; man your assigned stations.”

  All of the Secret Service Agents would be armed and as the President entered the control room he locked the door behind him. He could see that in addition to the Joint Chiefs there was also Professor Enghult, Veronica, General Rodriguez, and the four technicians present. Immediately he turned his attention to General McCreary.

  “Phil, status report,” he said, having great difficulty
controlling his intense emotions at the unexpected arrival of the first drone which in all likelihood had been sent directly from NORAD.

  “The drone arrived less than three minutes ago, Sir. It landed safely on Landing Pad 1 and upon doing so the pressure from its vertical landing rockets cleared all debris from the platform. It’s currently transmitting recognition codes through sonic data transmission confirming that it was sent from NORAD and isn’t a Trojan horse. We’re confirming the codes now.”

  “Is the data uncorrupted?” Andrews asked.

  “It’s the safest method, Sir. With the radiation levels outside the bunker being what they are, the drone can transmit all data through the metal plating directly wired to the control center. It’s encrypted and there is absolutely no way for the information to be picked-up by anyone other than ourselves.”

  One of the communication technicians monitoring the console turned to General McCreary.

  “Sir, we have confirmation of the proper recognition codes and it’s a match.”

  President Andrews interjected.

  “Instruct the drone to re—transmit the recognition codes prior to downloading any data.”

  “Affirmative, Sir. Two minutes at most for duplicate confirmation prior to download.”

  The atmosphere in the room was almost palpable as Professor Enghult directed Dr. Lazzario to continue with his preparations for restart, simply stating that another matter currently required his attention. Veronica had been with him throughout the day but had chosen to remain silent, absorbing as much information as she possibly could without disturbing the Professor while she poured through operational reports. Enghult had given no information to Lazzario other than that, knowing the sensitive security issues involved. He then switched to a number of other displays as he observed the data transmission stream. President Andrews looked over at him and was glad that he was on-board without comprising the sensitive nature of the drone’s arrival. President Andrews didn’t need to ask if Professor Enghult understood the download procedures, somehow that seemed to be a given.


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