APOCALYPSE 2073 Omnibus

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APOCALYPSE 2073 Omnibus Page 37

by Parker James

  “You ask what assurances we can give you. Through opening your satellites and underwater sonic communication devices we were once again able to establish contact with our fleet. Some, those who launched the missiles against you also chose the wrong path, having been aligned with those who chose aggression. We have remotely disabled all nuclear weapons within our fleet and are also capable of remotely destroying any single vessel as well. It was I who issued those orders. Instructions have been given to all vessels within our fleet to return to pre-designated locations, where all weapons of mass destruction will then be removed. All vessels have been instructed to continuously transmit their locations on an open communications line, allowing all other nations to track them. Should my orders be ignored, those in charge of these vessels do so at their own peril. These are the only assurances I can give you at this time.”

  President Andrews listened to the Acting Premiere, wondering if he would be in power the following day. Chingzau’s expression hadn’t changed throughout his response as Andrews saw the blood continue to flow from his arm. He thought perhaps this was the bravest man he’d ever met. Andrews responded in a measured tone as had Chingzau; treating him now as Premiere. President Andrews spoke with absolute respect to the man standing before him.

  “Mr. Premiere. I mourn the losses you have suffered, as have we all. I respect the risks that you have taken on behalf of us all. I would tell you now that all nations of the world have stood down their military forces, as shall we. We shall continue to allow you full access to our satellite systems and sonar devices. Perhaps one day should we collectively survive through mutual cooperation, that war will become a thing of the past. The assurances you have given could not be any clearer, and this is truly taken to heart. I wish, and believe I speak on behalf of all nations, that wisdom has prevailed in this one final chance given. You have our assurances that we will not attack you, and to the contrary will do everything within our power to assist you. Is there anything that comes to mind?”

  “Our food supplies run critically short, President Andrews.”

  “Premiere Chingzau. Three of four food convoys remained intact. One of those convoys has been redirected to India and Pakistan. A second is headed for the Australian Continent. In your time of need I wish to direct the third remaining food supplies to the People’s Republic of China. If you give us the coordinates we shall dispatch it immediately. We also have transport drones which can assist you in getting those supplies to the locations required. As an act of good faith we shall give you the command codes to those drones enabling you complete control over them. Should you require fuel supplies, we shall also send refueling tankers to accomplish the challenges you face.”

  “Mr. President. That would be greatly appreciated.”

  “May I ask you, Mr. Premiere, what is to become of former Premiere Xintau?”

  Now both were speaking as men, with mutual respect.

  “Former Premiere Xintau will be charged with crimes against humanity, but never tried. He remained in power perhaps longer than he should have and was led astray in his advanced years. When a younger man, he did great good for our people and will be remembered that way. He will live out his remaining years given to him and be treated with the respect that he’s earned and deserves.”

  “And the others?”

  “They will charged, tried, and convicted. They too shall live out their years, but will do so in custody in conditions that they are unaccustomed to. That is our way.”

  “Understood, Premiere Xintau. With your permission may I notify all nations of the world that you have responded to our transmission and ask that they also stand down considering these recent developments.”

  “President Andrews; I would expect no less.”

  “And may we again speak tomorrow?”

  “President Andrews; I would expect no less.”

  “Premiere Chingzau; until tomorrow. Get that arm taken care of; your people need you as do I. Jason Andrews out; end transmission.”

  Andrews turned to Meehan who overheard everything and knew what stance he was in. The orders didn’t need to be given.

  “General Meehan, take your finger off that button and go to DEFCON 3 for now until we’re sure those subs are gone. Continue to monitor them and advise our allies to do the same. I would also like you to immediately redirect the closest food convoy to the coordinates given by Premiere Chingzau and dispatch the drones promised. Have our subs escort the convoy but not approach their coastline closer than 200 miles. Let’s assist this brave young man to the best of our ability, who’s risked everything for all of us.”

  “Yes, Mr. President,” Meehan replied, smiling.

  Not only did the Command Center break out in applause; whistling and catcalls with many hands being shook, but the same response also took place in the Control Room, all having been riveted to the conversation. For all intents and purposes the war was over. Andrews let them have their moment, knowing that the true work was surely about to begin, as sad a realization that it was making the war seem like the easy part. Surviving it and facing the true challenges that lay ahead was foremost in his mind. He knew it as well as Enghult, McCreary, and Meehan, but today they had dodged the bullet.


  * * *

  The Japanese surprised everyone. Right under the noses of the entire world they’d completed a multitude of bunker systems in the remote islands, the names of which were mostly unknown to the other nations. More importantly they’d created without great expense underwater access sanctuaries for their entire submarine fleet, literally hollowing out volcanic islands immune from the radiation that had permeated the surface, and done so under the radar. They offered sanctuary to all submarine fleets who agreed with the proposals of unification put forth on the part of the United States. It was completely unexpected, and their preparations performed with great effort yet little expense. What remained of humanities’ assets most certainly would be required to ensure the future survival of all and could not easily be replaced. They understood this and set aside their differences, despite also having lost so many and been terribly wronged. They too chose life and understood those who survived must work together to realize that goal.

  Many things would be accomplished in the years and decades that followed. The world became not many nations, but one global nation held together through a common cause. Cultural differences were set aside and acceptance became the rule, whether it be race, religion, or competition for scarce resources. Mankind was for the first time in its existence now working together. No longer would technology be withheld, it was shared and improved upon collectively, that alone making the advancements of the prior century pale in comparison to what was accomplished in the years to come.

  Only 600 million survived the nuclear holocaust that had devastated the planet, and perhaps that’s what it took to lead man into this new era. Those relative few who beyond all odds did survive on the surface, perhaps fifty million in all, were relocated to the southern hemisphere where the radiation levels were less, although the effects would express itself for decades to come. Where there was chaos, order was eventually restored.

  Those able were brought into the bunkers, and with the passage of time and gradual expansion they became small cities in themselves. Hydroponics eventually lived up to its expectations, but first the additional food supplies were brought to the surface to assist those in the greatest need, leaving many in the suspension chambers for decades. Once a planet of nine billion, in a relative sense few survived. Yet despite the devastation wrought on that one single day, space too was again conquered, only this time done so with determination and for a greater purpose.

  As the years passed there became one world governing body; eight separate Regions represented by Ministers, with one Premiere elected for a period of six years. On all issues each Minister held a vote, as well as the Premiere who also held the deciding vote on all issues in cases of a tie. Andrews held the position of Premiere for twenty-fo
ur years, only stepping down when he felt a younger leader was needed. Minister Chingzau was shortly elected thereafter and held the position for twelve years himself. As the years continued to pass all military forces were integrated, yet not for the purpose of war, but their efforts were directed toward humanitarian relief and also provided an element of order and stability for those remaining on the surface. The government came to be known as the “Global Alliance,” and then simply known as “The Alliance.”

  In the Northwestern Region there would be no more Presidential elections, there would only be referendums, and once stepping down as Premiere, Andrews represented the Region as Minister through a landslide referendum for his remaining years, which would be many. He’d become a legend, and those he represented simply wouldn’t let him go. War became a memory, a thing of the past told by the old ones who lived through it to those later born in the bunkers. It was all they knew of the past and the pictures of the planet as it once was. Many challenges were met; some solved while others were not. Mankind had been given one final chance. If ever a lesson was learned, certainly it was learned the hard way. And that was the meaning of the warning as foretold in “The Prophecy.” It was a gift from those who knew.

  It was the beginning of the end,

  And the end of the beginning...

  And what of Erin Conyers?, locked away in her suspension chamber all these decades aboard her ship Discovery, farther out in space than any had ever been, dreaming her dreams of those very dark days in the year 2073 when the war first began. Looking back the war almost seemed a predestined inevitability, yet soon she would wake with the hopes and future survival of mankind resting fully upon her shoulders. Erin’s long journey wasn’t over yet, and what she was to learn would alter mankind’s understanding of the universe for all time to come, but that would be her future and not the past.


  From the Author

  * * *


  The Complete 24-Part Series

  Available at Amazon ($1.99)


  Thank you for your purchase of “APOCALYPSE 2073 (The Complete 24-Part Series).” I sincerely hope that you’ve enjoyed it, and if so please recommend it to a friend. Please feel free to visit my Author Page at Amazon (Parker James) for a complete listing of all my works-to-date. Once again, my sincere thanks.

  (Volume 1) “The Prophecy” (FREE)


  (Volume 2) “Darkness Falls” ($.99)


  (Volume 3) “Redemption” ($.99)




  Additional Works

  * * *



  THE LEGEND OF CALIBAN (Part 1) ($1.49)

  “Fall from Grace” (Episodes 1 through 4)


  PARKER JAMES ($2.99)

  Short Story Collection


  Table of Contents

  The Alien Message


  Table of Contents

  Episode 1: “The Immortals”

  Episode 2: “Apocalypse 2073”

  Episode 3: “Into the Bunkers”

  EPISODE 4: “Precipice”

  Episode 5: “Armageddon”

  Episode 6: “Journey”

  Episode 7: “Rescue”

  Episode 8: “Arrival”

  Episode 9: “Eve of Destruction”

  Episode 10: “Nuclear Holocaust”

  Episode 11: “Darkness Falls”

  Episode 12: “Aftermath”

  Episode 13: “Damage Control”

  Episode 14: “Restoration”

  Episode 15: “Crisis”

  Episode 16: “Truth Be Told”

  Episode 17: “Grindstone”

  Episode 18: “The Dome”

  Episode 19: “Descent”

  Episode 20: “The Sanctuary”

  Episode 21: “First Contact”

  Episode 22: “Surface Recon”

  Episode 23: “Ultimatum”

  Episode 24: “Ceasefire”


  From the Author

  Additional Works




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