Stunning in Stilettos: A Stunning Contemporary Romance

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Stunning in Stilettos: A Stunning Contemporary Romance Page 4

by Nana Malone

  Just get through this and then you can be back in your office far the fuck away from her. Or even better, he'd call one of his long-standing dates and take care of the low-grade lust. If he handled it now, he would squash it.

  “As you know, the plan is to go public in the next six months. We’ve worked hard to get to this point and I am so proud. All we have to do is make one last push. Hit our numbers and we are golden.”

  He'd had the four brightest guys he had working on it nonstop for months. It was time to focus on it and he needed to drive them toward a resolution. He'd poured money into this game and platform. The only problem was, they weren't going fast enough.

  Bryan scanned the room, deliberately avoiding looking at the woman with the cinnamon skin and eyes dark enough to penetrate his soul. “I know some of you have questions, particularly about timelines. So I'll take a few and then we'll do the usual Ask Bryan sessions in break outs.”

  He liked to keep a finger tethered to his employees. There were so many, he liked to give them access to him when they wanted or needed.

  There were a few questions, the mic passing from one person to another. Finally it made its way to the right corner he’d been avoiding looking at.

  He knew the moment Kyra had the mic because his skin tingled. Fuck. Not convenient.

  “Mr. Ross, I’d like to—”

  “It’s Bryan,” he interrupted. “We keep things less formal here.” He forced himself to meet the challenge of the pull she had on him head on. Maybe not the smart play, but the only one he had. Her eyes went wide, but instead of cowing at that small rebuke, she narrowed her gaze. Hell. Why was that hot?

  “Yes, of course, Bryan. May I ask when we plan to roll this out?”

  He’d been expecting more sassy sarcasm from her, but her voice was even. “Two months.” His words were terse and clipped. Aaand he was being an asshole. He could hear it in his voice.

  She only continued to meet his gaze. Not with direct challenge but with curiosity. “And how many resources will we be devoting?”


  “Forgive me. I’m just trying to get the lay of the lands. You just said yourself that we’re growing exponentially and we have a lot of projects going, all of which will need resources, so I’m trying to get a sense of priority.”

  “The priority is what I set.” Every word out of her mouth stuck under his skin. He resented the quiet challenge in her voice. And he resented her beauty.

  She was gorgeous. Built like freaking Sofia Vergara. With breasts so high and full he might get lost in them. Not appropriate dumbass.

  “This all sounds very exciting, but I want to make sure we watch pacing and taxing of resources.”

  That sounded vaguely like she was telling him he couldn’t have what he wanted. And that wasn’t going to fly. He’d already worked too hard for all of this. “Why don't we table this conversation and we will discuss it later?”

  “Sure. When would be convenient for you? Obviously we should discuss soon if you plan on moving resources and reallocating—”

  “Miss Benson.” He kept his voice low. “Who is the CEO of X2?”

  She frowned. “You are.”

  “Excellent. Just so we’re clear. You’ll find a way to make this vision happen.”

  He was a prick and he knew it. For a long moment, she glared at him. “I guess we’ll see how it all works out.”

  Then he watched as she rolled in those full lips and handed the mic to the moderator. In that moment, he knew several things to be true.

  First, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, which was an obvious problem. Second, that current of electricity he’d felt from reading her emails was far worse in person. Third, her fucking voice. That rasp was likely going to keep him in a permanent state of hardness. And finally, Kyra Benson was going to be a huge pain in his ass. He’d have to figure out a way to get a handle on what he was feeling or he could lose everything.


  “I don't know what you did to our CEO, but can I just say that was awesome.”

  Kyra blinked up at Megan in front of her wearing killer Stuart Weitzman shoes, printed tights, a leather skirt that hit her knee and a loose flowing white top. Her vivid green eyes danced as she spoke.

  “Was that awesome? It feels like I barely made it through the firing squad.”

  She shook her head. “You spoke for the rest of us peons, so mad respect.”

  Kyra laughed as she tugged on her laptop bag. “Well, that's my job. To protect the resources and not overtax anyone. He's not the first CEO who wants what he wants now. It's my job to remind him that sometimes he has to wait.” She shrugged. It was nothing she hadn't done a million times, sometimes in front of audiences bigger than this. So why was her skin flushed and why did she feel like she'd been electrocuted?

  The electrical energy pulses still hummed under her skin.

  There was a quiet confidence to him. More like arrogance. No. It wasn't that exactly. But he was confident that he knew his shit and he wanted what he wanted. Oh yeah, and he was about to be a billionaire several times over. Well, billionaire or not, she knew how to handle him ... At least she hoped she did.

  “Well, it was freaking awesome. I mean, Bryan is normally cool. But it's rare anyone questions him. He's totally open. But it's frustrating because he's usually right. So it was kind of nice seeing him fumble.”

  They walked through the first floor exit of the auditorium. “I don't think he fumbled really, but I'll pretend I maimed him.”

  Megan grinned. “I like you already. So first day and you're off to an awesome start. I know the QA guys are already half in love with you.”

  Kyra laughed. “Well, whatever it takes to motivate them.” She'd long ago learned to use her inner nerd and occasionally her looks to get teams behind her. Instead of her looks being a detriment, it helped. Guys sometimes took a minute to come around to a project manager telling them what to do, but they usually fell into line right about the time they realized she was there to help and not hinder. And then they found out she loved superheroes so … yeah, that usually did it. Megan walked her to her office. “I guess this is me.”

  “Look, don't worry about Bryan; he'll settle down. He's usually pretty fair. Intimidating as fuck, but fair. You guys will find your rhythm. Either that, or you'll kill each other.”

  Kyra laughed. “More like I'll kill him. I'm too stubborn to go anywhere.”

  “I can tell we're going to get along great. And to solidify the new tech sisterhood, how about drinks after work? An initiation of sorts.”

  “I'm down for that.” In the meantime, she had to mentally prepare herself for war with Bryan. How could he be so different from the nerdy, fun guy who had been emailing her?

  More importantly, what was she going to do about that low pulse between her thighs? Screw him till you stop feeling it? No. Hell no! She had a strict no assholes policy and she was sticking to it. And a no fucking her boss policy.

  So what he was attractive? The guy today was clearly not the guy from her emails, or the one that had taken her around. So that was that. Now all she had to do was tell her lady parts that.

  * * *

  Bryan tried to bite back his irritation. First of all, who the hell was she that she was messing with his equilibrium like this? He wanted her. So much so that his skin itched. He didn't want to want her. And to make matters worse, he liked her.

  He gritted his teeth. He wasn't doing this. Not when everything he'd worked for hung in the balance. Who the hell was she to mess with him? He wasn't that same quiet kid who'd fumbled his way through the dark with girls. Right around the time he'd gone to college, he'd finally started to fill out and grown another several inches. The acne had cleared up. It was amazing what all those expensive products could do for his face.

  And suddenly, all these women started to pay attention to him. So what if he ... indulged? Okay, maybe overindulged at times. The way he'd figured it, he was making up for lost time ov
er the last few years.

  “You want to tell me what the fuck happened in there?”

  Tom’s question dragged him out of his reverie as he prowled around his office. “What do you mean?”

  His friend leaned against the doorjamb and cocked an eyebrow. “I've known you for how long?”

  Bryan didn't bother to look at his friend now. The answer was too fucking long. “What's your point?”

  “What's going on with you, man? Is it the new platform? Is it the Meredith situation? What? Because from where I was sitting, it looked like you were taking off of your new project manager for no goddamn reason and from what I've been told about her skills, she's like the second coming or some shit. You need her, so what the fuck gives?”

  Bryan picked up one of the tiny basketballs on his desk and shot it through the hoop next to the door. Tom was right. Of course. He had been a dick. He resented her. She was supposed to be off-limits, but he couldn’t get his brain with the program.

  She'd looked like the embodiment of everything he wanted but couldn't have. Well, he could bloody well have it now. Except he couldn't because she worked for him. Yeah, remember that asshole?

  Bryan cracked his neck. “I know. I was in a mood. You know how important this platform is to me. I want it to go out on time.”

  “Then my advice is—”

  “I don't recall asking your advice.”

  Tom held up his hands. “Yo man, I come in peace. My advice is to make nice with the new project manager because she will save your ass. Oh and also, get used to hearing no, because I think she'll use the word more often than you're expecting to hear it. And finally, figure out a way to work out this extra attitude, because you can't take it out on your employees.” His friend tucked his hands back into his pockets. “This isn't you.”

  The two of them had been friends growing up. Tom's parents had had money and his friend had been the star everything. And no wonder. He'd gotten his full height and muscle at fifteen so he was Mr. All American. But unlike the rest of the popular clan, Tom had talked to him and protected him when he could. And the fucker was smart as hell. They'd taken a programming course together.

  While Bryan had gone off to MIT, Tom had headed to Yale. After college, Tom had hit early with a tech start up. He'd sold his stock and now did the VC thing. When Bryan had built his first company, Tom had gotten his old man to invest. And now Tom sat on the board of X2. He should listen to his friend because he'd always had his best interest at heart.

  “I know.” He ran his hands through his hair. “Fuck. I know. I wish I could explain it, but she just got under my skin.”

  “By asking questions you pay her to ask?”

  Well when he put it like that …“I know, I know. I’ll apologize to her during our meeting.” He'd hightailed it out of that auditorium to get as far away from her as possible.

  Not like he could run from her. They were still trying to replace her boss, so he was taking over those managerial roles for now.

  “Bryan, dude, try and be nice. Work out whatever it is you have to work out before you meet with her because we need her. You need her. Don't be a dick.”

  “I won't.” He forced a smile he didn't feel and his friend just rolled his eyes. But when he spoke again his voice was softer. “Oh, and on the off chance you're not having a bad day, and from what I saw, that looked like fireworks, let me just remind you that we just put in that dating policy. And that you can't touch her. Not with the case with Meredith pending.”

  Heat snaked up his body, making him flush. “I don't date my employees, Tom.”

  “I know you didn't date Meredith. She was a cold-hearted bitch who thought she'd get herself a free meal ticket. But this. I saw you two. It's like you weren't aware there was anyone in the room. She gets under your skin. If I can see it, someone else will see it. And we don't want to give Meredith any ammunition. She might not be here anymore but assume she has spies. You need to be careful.”

  Bryan swallowed hard. As X2’s former VP of Technology, Meredith Stills was all kinds of his type. Stunning, beautiful, smart, and aloof. But he'd always had a rule. He didn't shit where he ate. Problem was when he'd told Meredith that, she hadn't been so keen on his rejection. She'd tried again and again. He'd finally fired her.

  He wasn't stupid; he'd made sure to document her performance too. She was decent, but not great due to missed deadlines and mistakes. He'd fired her with cause. Though, technically, California was an at-will state, so he didn't have to give her a reason. But he'd covered his bases. He had his suspicions that she worked for Brennan, but he didn't have the proof he needed to really go after her.

  She’d turned around and sued him for wrongful termination. She wanted a payout. He had proof that she was lying. But she was hoping that she could get a payout because he wanted to avoid a scandal. That's what the board wanted and that's what his lawyer was pressuring him with, but he'd never touched her. And he wasn't paying her. Not a single dime. He'd never touched her or anyone else he worked with.

  He'd screwed himself though. The company had grown quickly and they hadn't really had a dating or fraternization policy. They had a sexual harassment one for sure. But her claim was that they dated. And then he'd let her go after dumping her. He'd implemented the policy right after that. But then they’d found her connection to Brennan.

  “I'm not an idiot, Tom.”

  His friend nodded. “I personally could give a shit, but it's not a good look so figure it out.”

  “Fuck, okay. I hear you.”

  “Then what are you going to do about Kyra Benson?”

  “I'm going to get her to do this project and stay far the fuck away from her.” How hard could that be?


  Stay calm, cool, collected. That's all Kyra had to do. The only problem was, Bryan made her feel anything but calm. Try edgy and out of control. It didn't help that he never fucking sat down. Since she'd come in to his office for their official first one-on-one meeting, he'd been moving the whole time. Like a caged lion stalking around in his enclosure.

  “Again. Mr. Ross, I will apologize for this morning. I understand you said that you were looking for someone who could fit into the environment, who wasn't afraid to be open. I suppose I misspoke.”

  She tried not to say that through clenched teeth, but that was hard as hell. She wanted this job. She could do this job. She'd chosen this job because of her interaction with him. She had to make it work. She didn't fucking quit. She could mea culpa it up if she had to. She could work with him. They just needed to reestablish a common ground. She'd dealt with more than her fair share of difficult bosses; she just needed to manage him.

  He stopped and sat on the edge of his desk. “How much did that hurt to say just now?”

  An unexpected laugh bubbled out. “Only a little.”

  A lopsided smile tugged at his lips and he looked even more handsome than before. The vulnerability showing in his eyes. The arrogance, the bluster. It was an act. Maybe. She hoped. Because if it was, her gut had been right to choose this job.

  He rolled his shoulders. “I'm sorry too.” He cleared his throat. “For this morning.”

  She laughed again. “That looks like it hurt you more than me.”

  “Entirely possible.” He shrugged. “What do you say we start again?” He put his hand out. “Kyra Benson, I'm Bryan Ross. Nice to meet you even if you don't love Deep Space Nine.”

  She forced a smile. “Nice to meet you. Even though you love such an inferior show, I'll try not to hold it against you.” She took his hand. His grasp was firm and warm and, oh hell, sent a shiver though her. In the interest of self-preservation, she snatched her hand back.

  He glowered at his hand for a moment, and then he crossed his arms and continued. “You just haven't given it enough consideration. I might assign that as homework.”

  The lighter mood had evaporated but he was trying. And so could she. “Please, I'm begging you. I’m even willing to watch Star Trek Ne
mesis more than once. Anything but that.”

  His smile was fleeting and he stopped trying to regain the levity. “Look, I heard your concerns in the meeting. But this is where we are: we've committed to a demo by summertime, so we're going to have to figure out a way to make it happen.”

  “But you hired me for my expertise right? So please let me use it. You haven't given me any of the tools to do this, so instead, it feels like I'm being set up for failure here.”

  His brows dropped down. “You think I want you to fail?”

  “Well, I think maybe it's easier to fail and blame me than to admit that you shouldn't have gone down this rabbit hole in the first place. Why don't you let me have a look at the specs and see what we're dealing with?”

  His scowl deepened. Fantastic, this wasn't going any better. “Rabbit hole? This project is vetted and the ROI will be doubled, providing we get it out on time.”

  “Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we have a company retreat in a couple of weeks? You're going to send a brand new team away when they should be working together, gelling and at least figuring out the spec? Can I at least talk to the rest of the product team?”

  “I am the product team.”

  “You've got to be kidding me. I know you conceptualized this, but you can’t be the whole team. Other people had to have had some input. You can't have everything in your head.”

  He stood. “We're not arguing about this. We're all going to be at the retreat. I’ll get you the spec and you're going to deliver on time. Everyone says you're the second coming, but so far I have my doubts.”

  Her gut clenched into a tight little ball. Fuck that hurt. After all, wasn't that the main reason she'd left Mylec? A chance to prove how good she was? To prove that she could do this? And already off to a stellar start.


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