Stunning in Stilettos: A Stunning Contemporary Romance

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Stunning in Stilettos: A Stunning Contemporary Romance Page 7

by Nana Malone

  “Great. We should be done just after lunch, so I’ll meet you in the war room with the team.”

  When he sauntered away, she told herself she had to stop staring at his ass. Because ... reasons. But she couldn't make herself do it. Apparently neither could Megan because she muttered under her breath, “Damn that man is pretty from the front and the back.”

  Kyra smacked her arm and Megan dragged her through the conference room so they could eat breakfast outside at a lone table where no one would hear.

  “Okay, we're alone, now spill.”

  Kyra laughed. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

  “Dude, you must have magic snatch because that man has done a complete 180.”

  Kyra sputtered her orange juice, part of it going up her nose. Damn it. With a tissue pressed to her face, she said. “You are ridiculous. We—”

  But Megan was having none of it.

  Finally, Kyra sighed. She could use a woman's perspective anyway. And they'd be up here for the next few days and she wouldn't have some Ricca girl time for a while. “Okay, fine, but this goes into a steel and lead lined vault.”

  Megan held fingers up. “Scouts honor.”

  “I doubt you were ever a scout, but whatever.” As she spilled the beans of their email exchanges before she took the job and then what she'd seen up on the roof last night, Megan stared at her, with her mouth open. When Kyra was done, she leaned back and said to her friend. “Well, do you have any sage words for me, or are you going to stare at me for the rest of the night?”

  It took Megan three tries before she muttered a word. “Hoooooooly fucking shitball, Batman. That is just—”

  “Concerning, worrying, unsettling?” Kyra offered.

  “Try sexy, hot, battery-operated-boyfriend worthy.”

  Been there, done that. “Dude, this is the part where you tell me what to do.”

  “I don't even ... ” Megan's voice trailed as she shook her head. “Okay, so he's totally into you.”

  “He's not. And I can't date my boss.”

  “Maybe it’s a little complicated, but it might be okay.”

  Kyra sighed. “Look, I left a shitty situation back home. The guy I was dating became my boss and it turned out he was already engaged. I didn't find out until it was too late and well, then it was all kinds of awkward. I was stuck at that job until I could afford to move out here. Besides, maybe it’ll just go away. If I ignore it, we won’t have to deal with it … ”

  “Kyra, you're the dumbest smart girl I know. You can't hide from this. You'll have to deal with it at some point or you both are going to spontaneously combust.”

  “Right now, I'm trying to get away from the close quarters situation, then I can deal. Or maybe I'll get lucky and it'll all just go away.”

  “Okay, and when that plan fails?”

  Kyra prayed it didn't fail, because right now, she had no plan C.


  The music thumped out of the base speakers and Kyra surveyed the crowd. As a treat for everyone working so hard, Bryan had pretty much rented out a lounge spot for everyone to enjoy themselves.

  The ambiance was decidedly romantic. All soft light and dark corners. Luxurious seating. The dance floors were on the top floor and the lights were even dimmer there. Kyra didn't even want to think about what people were doing to release the tension. The same thing you want to get up to.

  Bryan had kept his word. Kyra could hardly believe it as she monitored the cleanup of the war room they'd been using for the week. For the last two days, he had worked his ass off right along with the team. Some of them had been a little worried about his hands-on involvement and had spoken to her about it, but she'd assured them that she was in their corner and if they had any problems to talk to her.

  The first thing she'd learned about Bryan was that he was good. Very, very good. I wonder what else he's good at. The other thing she'd learned about Bryan was that he was fast. With every task she'd assigned him, he'd focused and gotten it done. She understood how he'd started this business in his dorm room and in a matter of months had a product and prototype. He was that good.

  Even though he'd been separated from that side of the business for a long time, he was still good enough to run laps around his engineers. In fact, no one had needed to mediate a thing.

  She hadn't needed to step in once, until they all got discussing the latest Sci-fi movie and then she'd had to remind them that they were on a timeline that Bryan had set.

  He hadn't grumbled, just gone back to work like everyone else. She might just be able to survive him after all.

  Like this, he was more like the carefree guy she'd met at that interview. The one she'd chatted Battlestar with. She liked this Bryan.

  It surprised her to find that when they weren't sniping at each other, they worked well together. Their rhythm developed and she knew what he anticipated, what he needed. When he needed a drink, when he was getting antsy. Just like she did for all her guys. She managed to find a way to keep him on task when he was losing focus. Managed to redirect the frustrated energy. They were a good team. He'd become one of her guys. This was why she did what she did. The team work, the satisfaction of working on something together. It also helped that this whole concept was his idea, so when anyone needed clarification they could ask.

  And as bosses went, he was patient, fair. When he wasn't being a total ass. And he worked his ass off. She couldn't help but respect him. Or miss how cute he looked with his brows drawn down in frustration trying to work out a problem. Never mind that last part. She made a mental note to shove a dollar in the jar.

  Too bad the Bryan she'd been working so closely with the last couple of days and the one she surreptitiously watched now, were two different people. The sexy, confident arrogance was back as he leaned back against the bar looking good enough to lick all over. He spotted her and sauntered over with a smile.

  “Tell me you're not going to stand here all night and not dance? I hear the boss has spent a lot of money on free booze. I haven't even seen you drink one.”

  She couldn't help the way her hairs stood at attention as he spoke behind her. Any woman would respond to him. Hell. So many already did. “I had a drink, but I'm not really a big drinker. I'm more the fun facilitator. I make sure everyone has drinks.”

  He chuckled low and she tried to quell the little flip of her belly. “Let me get this right. You're trying to project manage everyone else's fun?”

  Yeah, she knew how that sounded. “It comes with the territory. Bossy by nature.”

  His grin flashed. “You could start your own old school rap cover group with that name.”

  “And our title song would be Hit Goal Hooray?”

  “See, you can be funny,” he chuckled. “Fun can be in your future.”

  “Oh, I'm hilarious,” she muttered. “But it's a dry wit.”

  He cocked his head. “So if I can't tempt you with free booze, then how about a dance?” Her gaze clicked with his and her skin buzzed.

  She licked her lips. “I uh ... ” Was there a way to decline the invitation? She liked to dance, but there was no way in hell she was dancing with him. All bodies pressed together, sexy parts aligned, trying to pretend that what they were doing wasn’t just dry humping to music. That would be just too much. Kinda like watching him get a blowjob.

  “C'mon, Kyra, I don't bite,” he whispered.

  Like hell he didn't. And why did that sound so damn hot? He might be a nerd extraordinaire, but she had a feeling he was also a very dirty boy. Man. Boy man. Hell. Whatever. He just looked like he knew how to do … things. “You know. I generally don't dance around co-workers. I don't think they can handle it so I save my best moves for a night out.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I'd like to see that. But the fact remains, it's my goal to make sure everyone is having a good time. And you look like you're trying to figure out when a good time to bolt is. So I want to change that. Where is your partner in crime?”

; “Megan?” She had no idea. Her friend had gotten a call from her boyfriend and had gone to answer it. From what little she knew of their relationship, Megan might be gone for a while. They'd been arguing a lot. “Uh, I think she's on her phone.”

  He nodded and put down his drink. “C'mon Kyra. A little fun won't kill you. Spontaneous fun.”

  “Is this sort of like when you introduce a new feature and want it implemented right away?” she muttered.

  “This will be far less painful.”

  Don't do this. Don't do this. This can't end well. She knew all the reasons it was a bad idea to dance with the boss. But her body didn't seem to give a shit. And maybe if she danced with him once she could finally get out of here. “Fine. But we stick to the edges. That way when I show you up on the dance floor, you won’t be embarrassed.”

  “That's a lot of trash talk for a woman who doesn't like fun.”

  “Oh, I like fun. I just don't need my teams to think I'm too fun. Then they won't listen to me.”

  “I doubt that. They worship you.”

  “That’s because I have boobs and know my way around a Marvel reference.”

  His lips parted. “Believe me. I've noticed.”

  This might be a bad idea, but it was too late to worry about it now. She wasn't the same person that had run from Florida. She could be this new person. This freer person. And a tiny part of her could admit she wanted to flirt with him. Wanted to indulge that reckless part of her. Even as she led the way she tried to tell herself it was only a harmless fantasy. It was all about the lies she could tell herself.

  If she had thought dancing with him was a mistake when they weren't surrounded by sweaty bodies grinding and sliding against each other, her opinion didn't improve once he had her on the fringes of the dance floor. As promised, he kept to the dark. Anyone looking over wouldn't really see them.

  But even the anonymity didn't let her relax and really enjoy herself. She was too aware of him. To cognizant of the way he smelled. Like ocean breeze and musk with an undertone of spice. It made her want to lean in and inhale. But she didn't do that of course, because that would be ... well, all kinds of cray cray. Do not sniff your boss.

  “I meant what I said. I won't bite you know. You can relax.”

  “Said the wolf to the lamb.”

  His lips tipped into that lopsided smile and his eyes crinkled at the corners. It was a good smile. Her favorite smile. “You are hardly a lamb. More like the wolf said to the lioness, hoping not to get eaten.”

  “Well, the lioness doesn't snap unless provoked, so … ” The sounds of the latest rap hit infused with sounds of dance underlying the base beat, thumped around them. When he'd said to let loose, so many of his employees took that to heart. What was that he always said? “Work hard, play hard.”

  The business team was definitely playing hard. Just like high school, they took the drinking and ruckus behavior to the dance floor. Several of the girls would probably regret their dirty dancing antics in the harsh light of Monday morning.

  Kyra kept a nice healthy distance from his body but still let hers move to the music. Her muscles knew what to do. But she didn't need to show off tonight. That sloppy hanging on the guy thing while gyrating her hips into him was a mess, and so college. And just so basic. And well, he was her boss, so yeah, obviously not a good look.

  He leaned toward her again and she followed suit to hear better, but they both miscalculated and their heads knocked.

  Ow. She adjusted her feet to compensate and his hand whipped around her waist to steady her.

  “Sorry. You okay?”

  Kyra rubbed her head. “Yeah. I'm good. We need directional signs.”

  He nodded. “I was just going to say. I owe you an apology. I've been a dick for the last couple of weeks.”

  She pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. That was a hell of an understatement. “Uh, you want to tell me the real reason why?” She looked down at her feet for a moment. Trying to shake off the tingles of warmth from where he still held her waist. “I was really looking forward to this job. I'd started to think I'd made a mistake.”

  He ran his free hand through his hair. A few of the Marketing girls took to the stage to sing along with the track. As Elle King sang her version of Khia's song, My Neck, my back, Kyra flushed as they belted out the lyrics. Lick my pussy and my — Oh God. Thankfully, he couldn't see her flush in the dim light. How had that song even made it into the Karaoke playlist. That was all kinds of inappropriate for a work party.

  “Look, I was looking forward to you coming to work here. A lot actually.”

  The girls sang on, telling some fictional player to get on his knees.

  She did her best to ignore them. “Why didn’t you just tell me? I felt played.”

  “I wanted to, but if I’m being real, I liked you. I liked that you liked me for me and not for my bank account or the name or the reputation. After spending time with you, I didn't want to shatter that illusion.”

  “You could have told me. I would have still given you shit over DS9.”

  On stage, the girls shouted about what to lick and when to lick it. At the top of their lungs. So not helpful.

  His gaze slid to the stage then back to her. Her lips to be exact. “You caught me off guard. I thought you were cool. In email you were this fun, nerdy girl who had horrible taste in Sci-fi movies, but in person, you were this badass woman. I both looked forward to and dreaded your first day. There was a huge disconnect in my head and you were busting my chops. So in defense mode, I acted like a dick.”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  On stage, still with the singing. The girls jumped up and down with their arms around each other. Kyra noticed several of the guys filming the on stage spectacle and felt bad for the girls. Drinking and singing suggestive songs worked best when not at a work function.

  “I'm sorry.” The words were soft.

  And because he seemed to be able to tune out the spectacle on stage and his eyes were so sincere it almost broke her heart, she muttered, “Thank you. I'll probably make you pay in vacation days or something.”

  The quick grin was back. “Somehow, I expect nothing less.”

  The DJ changed the song to something slow and the girls thankfully stepped off stage, however drunkenly. They stood for a moment and his hand tightened on her waist for a second and before she knew what she was doing, she slipped into his arms easily. Her hands slid up his biceps to land on his shoulders. As if by tacit agreement, he tugged her deeper into the shadows all the while never taking his eyes off of her.

  She could sniff him all she wanted like this, as his scent wrapped her in a cocoon of longing and need and throbbing, pulsing heat.

  He bit his bottom lip and Kyra stared at it, trapped by straight, even white teeth. Her imagination filled in the rest. How he would look nipping at her bottom lip, nipping the skin of her belly. Maybe her inner thigh. God. The pulsing intensified between her thighs and she pressed them together. He was going to kiss her. If she took a half step forward, she'd feel the ridge of his erection against her belly and—

  With a choked breath, she shoved against his shoulders. “I, uh ... Thanks for the dance. I'm gonna head back.”

  It took him a second, but his eyes focused. “Kyra, wait—”

  “I'll see you in the morning.” She stumbled away from him and forced herself to walk away. If she stayed even a second longer, she would have done something they both regretted.


  Kyra didn't run away exactly. Not really. More like she walked quickly. Because ... temptation and her boss. She liked this job. And she had made that pact to herself about not dating. Or making stupid decisions. She made her way through the throngs of people on the lounge floor and found Megan buying her QA team a free round.

  “Hey, listen, I'm taking off. I'll catch you on the train tomorrow.”

  Her friend frowned. “Are you okay? Why don't you hang out more?”

  “I've got
a rager of a headache so I'm just gonna turn in. It's been a long week and it's a lot of people.”

  “Okay, I hear you, my antisocial butterfly. But do me a solid and text me when you get back to the hotel. Actually, I can get one of the guys to walk you back.”

  Kyra shook her head. “No, I'm good.” One of the guys would undoubtedly walk her back, but they were perhaps more antisocial than she was. If they'd already made it out, there was no way she was going to cut down on their fun. Plus she had her mace in her bag. “It's two blocks. I'll walk on the side of the bars.”

  “Fine, but text me okay?”

  It was nice to have a friend who gave a shit. “Okay, I will do.”

  Once she was out in the cool night air, she breathed a sigh of relief. She liked to be out and she could be fun. But it was maybe a little too much togetherness. She'd been with these people for nearly a week. She was far overdue for some alone time. Maybe she'd crawl into the bath.

  The street was lined with bars on the left and right. All spilling out with the Los Angeles glitterati and the occasional hipster. But when she turned the corner, things quieted down with closed cafes and boutiques. The hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention and she clamped her hand around the little bottle of mace clipped to her bag.

  “Where's the rush beautiful?”

  She ignored the guy smoking his cigarette in one of the alcoves that was probably the back entrance of one of the bars. Instead, she picked up her pace. When he followed, every instinct went on alert.

  “What's the matter, you too good to talk to me?”

  Fuck. She'd lied when she said the hotel was two blocks. It was more like four. Four very long blocks. But it was okay, there were cars. Her gaze slid around looking for a car. Okay, maybe not now, but if she could get around the corner, there was a restaurant that would still be open. She could duck in and —

  Smoking douche clamped an hand around her upper arm and swung her around. “Where's the fire? I just want to talk to you.”

  “I don't want to talk to you. So let me go.” She knew the deal. Look him right in the eye. Make him aware that she could clearly report him and describe him.


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