Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC

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Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC Page 7

by Marie, Jordan

  “We have to hit the hills. We’ll circle around and come back out on the main road by Dragon’s compound!” She says.

  I don’t agree but I can’t keep arguing, so we run. I don’t know how long we go. I know it’s been awhile, but it feels like forever. We’re walking in circles and mostly in silence now. Nic is pissed. I feel horrible about the mess I created. It’s just another sign of how fucked up I am. Maybe Michael is right and I am nothing but a worthless waste of air? How many times did he tell me the world would be a better place if I would fucking end myself? Maybe I should listen to him?

  I’ve tried to defend myself with Nic. I’ve tried warning her further about Dragon. She’s not listening. She said they were taking revenge for what was done to that girl who was beaten. I find it hard to believe. Why would they care? They were so callous about her that night at the house. In my experience men don’t care about anything if it doesn’t pertain to them. I’m so tired. I thought escaping Michael would give me a life, a chance to be…normal. That hasn’t worked out. I’ve only managed to hold on because of Nic and Ray and now Nic is so upset with me. If I lose her…

  “I’m sorry, Nic,” I say again, because without Nic, I don’t think I could go on.

  “Forget it. I understand, but you’ve got to trust me when I tell you Dragon is nothing like Michael,” she responds.

  I hope she’s right. I really do.

  “Should we try getting off the trail and sliding down the mountain to see if it might end up near the road?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady, knowing we’re so high up, sliding might be more dangerous than facing Tiny and whatever goons he’s called for help. I think of Beast and the betrayal I feel in my gut…it hurts. Why did I trust him?

  “Hell if I know at this point, Dani. You know my parent’s. Our trips to Lexington and Louisville were their idea of hiking. I don’t know shit about climbing hills—or directions apparently.”

  “Did you hear that?” I ask. Someone is following us and they’re closer than they’ve ever been. I stare at Nicole. I can’t panic. I can’t. I show Nicole a big rock behind me, we’ll have to hide behind there. It’s not much, but it’s better than being out in the open. We crouch down behind it and I grab her hand hard. God never hears me pray, but I pray that he makes sure Nicole makes it through this.

  “Alright bitch it’s time for you two to come out. I know you’re here, Irish tells me I don’t have time to watch you squirm anymore. It’s time we finish the game,” a strange voice calls from in front of the rock.

  As further proof God hates me, my prayers are not only unanswered—my boss, the man who offered us an escape to London, Kentucky, is now standing behind us while the other guy had us distracted. He’s pointing a gun at us. Shit.

  “Irish?” Nicole questions.

  “Sorry Nic, just business. You got caught up in it. It’s time Dragon is brought down and sadly girl, you are a sure way to keep him so wrapped up in his head he has no idea what’s going on.” He says, pulling her away from me.

  He grabs me by my hair at the same time, pointing the gun at my temple walking us around the rock and making sure Nicole leads the way. I don’t fight or scream. I’m trying to figure out a way to save Nicole.

  “How can you betray Dragon like this? He thinks of you as his brother?” Nic asks. In a lot of ways she’s naïve. Men don’t need a reason to be cruel. They just are. The two of them go back and forth and I tune them out. I need to find a way out of this.

  “Fucking shut it. What are you doing telling this whore our business?” The first voice we heard yells. I had forgot about him.

  I swing around to look at who it is and see….evil. I see the same anger and hate in him that has been in Michael’s eyes every time he hit me. Irish is a dumbass, he won’t survive this. This guy will kill him, easily.

  “What does it matter anyway? She’ll be dead and we’ll be long gone by the time Dragon finds her or her friend,” Irish maintains.

  They argue back and forth a little longer and I can hear Nicole’s voice but I can’t concentrate. They’re discussing mine and Nicole’s death. I can’t let her die. I need to get them focused on me and give her a chance to get away. If they aim their anger at me she might have a little more time to get away. I fucked up so bad. Nicole would never be in this situation if not for me. I was trying to save her and instead…I’ve killed both of us.

  “Well since you’re doing the world a favor and ridding it of morons, maybe you could turn the gun on yourself,” I say, trying to sound cocky. I need to draw them away from Nic. I have to.

  The man doesn’t react like I thought he would though. In my experience men enjoy hitting and beating up their trophies first. Apparently not this guy, because he shoots me. I feel the sharp pain in my leg in unison with the sound of the gun going off. Nic is screaming as I go down, again I want to focus, but I can’t. All I can feel is the white-hot agony of Nic pushing at my wound and the warm liquid pouring against my skin. I want to look and see the wound, but everything is going black.

  Chapter 6


  How do you know when your ass is sewn up over a woman? You see her lying in a pool of blood. That’s it. That’s all there is to it. My world stops for the space of a minute and my heart actually hurts. I’m in deep and I haven’t even had my goddamned tongue in her mouth.

  When I got to the top of the mountain to find Irish, an original member of our club, had shot not only Dani, but Nicole too, I thought it was a nightmare. I was afraid the club had a traitor but a brother who helped create the Savage MC? Never. A brother who fought with us overseas betraying the club cut so fucking deep, there just wasn’t words. It still hasn’t fully sunk in. I haven’t had time to think about it, because we had to rush both women to the hospital.

  One of the bullets that lodged in Dani’s leg, nicked an artery. If not for Nicole trying to stall the blood and having a compress wedged against it, I would have lost her. She’s undergoing emergency surgery. I stayed close, waiting for word that she’ll be okay. The other brothers are with Dragon, because Nicole is in bad shape. I’m worried about her too, don’t get me wrong. Still, it just didn’t seem right that everyone turned their backs on Dani and left her alone. I get the feeling the girl has been left alone a lot in her life.

  “Mr. Dawson?” A nurse asks, coming out of the surgical room door.

  “Yes, Ma’am?”

  “Ms. Smith did fine with everything…but…”

  “But?” I question, trying to ignore the way my heart kicks against my chest.

  “I’m afraid she’s disoriented. She had a panic attack and the doctor ordered a sedative, but first we were hoping if she saw you, it might help. We hate to give her more medicine so soon after coming out of the recovery ward. However, we can’t allow her to hurt herself.”

  “Take me to her.”

  I follow the nurse down the hall, more anxious than I can ever remember.

  “Ms. Smith? Look we told you it would be okay. See who I’ve got with me? It’s your step-brother.”

  I had to tell the staff that I was Dani’s step-brother before they would give me information on her, or let me near her in general. I was afraid she would ruin the set up by denying our involvement. She doesn’t and I’m glad, but I think it has more to do with the fact that the girl is in the middle of a full blown hissy-fit.

  She is holding one of those big huge thermal cups and aiming it at an orderly. I take in the mess on the floor, a couple boxes of Kleenex, a plastic pan like they give you to wash in, toothpaste, generic deodorant, a phone… Hell, she must have thrown everything at them she could get her hands on. Just as I’m about to speak to her, the cup she was holding comes sailing at my head. I duck, but it hits me in the chest and ice scatters over me, the nurse, and the floor.

  “I told you I don’t want to talk to anyone but Nicole! Take me to Nicole!”

  She looks brave, lying in the bed in a faded blue hospital gown and her hair a tangled mess aro
und her head. She’s pale though, too pale. Her lips which are normally adorned in bright red lipstick are a pale pink and dry. The black circles under her eyes are so dark, it gives her a haunted look. I can also see the shaking in her hands. She may be fighting like an alley-cat but she’s scared shitless.

  “Nicole is in surgery, Hellcat, and you’re in no shape to go see her. I can take you down there when she comes through.” I don’t add that she might not, it’s not something that Dani needs to hear right now. It’d take a fool not to tell that she’s close to a nervous breakdown.

  She looks at me like she just now realizes it’s me.

  “Crusher…it’s me…I mean, my fault….”

  “Leave the room!” I growl. The nurses and doctors stare at me like I’m insane. I cross my hands over my chest and wait. They look back at Dani and then to me, before finally leaving.

  “Don’t talk about this shit in public, Hellcat,” I caution her.

  She looks down at the covers she’s holding in her lap. She’s gripped the edges so tight that her fingers are white from her hold. Before I can stop myself I walk over to her bedside and sit down putting my hand over hers.

  “I thought I was saving her… I was scared…there were pictures. Dragon was…he was torturing…”

  “Ours is a world of its own, Hellcat. We play by a different set of rules. What Twist and Irish did…that can’t go unpunished.”

  “When a man is that dark it spills over, Crusher.”

  “My name is Alexander,” I say before I can stop myself. I want her to use my name. I want her to say it often.

  She doesn’t give me what I want. She continues just looking at me, I finally give up and answer her as honestly as I can.

  “Doesn’t matter how dark the man or the world, a real man doesn’t hurt a woman, Hellcat.”

  “And Dragon?”

  “He’d die for your girl. I have no doubt about that and I know for a fact he’d never hurt her. Hell, if my guess is right he’ll spend his life making sure she has everything she could ever want.”

  Dani’s dark eyes are opened wide and she looks at me with so much concentration, it unnerves me. It’s almost like she’s trying to see straight through me. I stare back at her calmly. I got nothing to hide and everything to gain if Dani can trust me, even a little bit.

  “If you’re lying to me Zander, I’ll hunt you down and cut off your balls with a dull potato peeler.”

  I laugh. Just when I start thinking she looked helpless there in that bed, with that gown swallowing her small, frail body she shocks the hell out of me. What is it about this woman that keeps my head spinning? I wish I knew.

  “Point taken, Hellcat, and since I’m partial to my balls, I’ll make sure not to lie to you.”

  “You will. Men always lie. It’s what they do.” She says looking out the window this time instead of at me. I find I don’t like that. I want her attention on me. I put my index finger under her chin and pull her face back around to me.

  “I will never lie to you, Dani. You may not always like what I tell you, but I will make a vow to you right now, to never lie.”

  “Will Nicole be okay?” She asks quickly, and damn I should have seen that one coming.

  I take a breath and look down at the floor.

  “That’s what I thought,” she whispers brokenly.

  “Hey Hellcat, I didn’t say she wouldn’t. She’s in surgery. That’s about all I know right now.”

  “I need to go be with her,” she says and there are tears in her eyes, but somehow she keeps them from falling. I don’t know why, because I don’t like women crying, but the fact that she is trying to hide her tears, hurts me.

  “Hellcat, I’m not sure of everything that’s going on, but I’ve heard things…”


  “Sweetheart, I don’t think Dragon would want you there right now,” I say honestly.

  Her face has been pale as a ghost and it still is, but I can see the hint of color that enters her cheeks at my words. I hate it, this can’t be a shock to her. Right?

  “I thought…I was…it doesn’t matter.”

  We sit there in silence for a little while longer. It’s not awkward, but it is strained. I feel like I should be finding words to make her feel better. Hell, other than sticking my dick in a woman, I’ve not had many dealings with them. Unless you count Melly, but then again, Melly was special.

  “Zander, will you go sit with them…and find out about Nicole for me? Please?”

  “Everyone calls me Crusher or Alex,” I respond, watching those big dark eyes of hers.

  “I’m not them. I like Zander, it suits you.”

  “What’s a Zander look like?”

  “Like someone who does what a friend asks him to, when she can’t do it on her own.”

  The girl is determined, you have to give her that. I stare at her for a few more minutes. She doesn’t dodge my eyes, but I notice the longer I stare at her, the tighter she grips the bedsheet. It wouldn’t surprise me if it rips any moment.

  “She has plenty of company, Hellcat,” I answer, thinking she was the one who was all alone here.

  “Nic is all I have in the world besides Ray. I want…I need to know she’s okay.”

  “Are we friends, Hellcat?” I ask. I get up to head to the surgery waiting room.

  “Time will tell I guess. I’m not exactly bosom buddy material these days,” she answers holding her head down. She looks kind of defeated and I hate it.

  “I don’t know Hellcat, I kind of like your bosom.”

  She doesn’t laugh, which is what I wanted, but she kind of half smiles before lying back against her pillow. She’s worn out. I leave without any further words and close the door quietly behind me.

  Chapter 7


  The Black Plague.

  Did you know another name for the Black Plague is death? I feel about as welcomed as that, so it fits. I understand it—I do. I don’t really like myself right now. I add it up as just another mistake in a long line of them. Everyone has given me the cold shoulder, and if looks could kill, then Dragon and Bull’s death glare would definitely have done me in.

  I’ve gone and seen Nicole, but she hasn’t regained consciousness. She developed an infection. When I first came through and the nurse told me Nic was shot too…it felt as if my world was ending. All I ever wanted was to protect Nicole and I’m the reason she’s clinging to life.

  I’m supposed to be getting out of the hospital today. Crusher says I need to come home to the club. The club isn’t home—especially with everyone hating me. I don’t want to leave Nicole either, I’d rather stay at the hospital until I know she’s going to be okay. I’ve said some prayers for her but it’s been well established that God doesn’t answer my prayers.

  I’m sitting on my hospital bed, wearing the bloody jeans and a hospital scrub shirt the nurse gave me. The jeans have been cut up on one side, but they’re all I have. One of the nurses offered pants too, but I declined. I’m just thankful they didn’t cut the pants off of me for some reason. I don’t want charity if I can get away from it. I’m used to having no one looking out for me. It’s less risky, and better not to depend on people.

  Still today, I’m feeling…lonely. I’m feeling…isolated. Part of it is the way the club is treating me, part of it is fear over Nic and still some is…being tired. Deep inside I’m disappointed I didn’t die. It would have been easier and better for everyone if it was me fighting for my life instead of Nicole. She has everything to live for. Me? Hell, I wouldn’t fight for life…not even a little bit.

  “Those look like deep thoughts, hummingbird.”

  My body jerks as I look up to see Beast standing there and I instantly want to scream for help. I don’t trust him, he sent Tiny to me… he…

  “Stop the looks, I had nothing to do with Tiny. When I woke up you were sleeping I went to find us breakfast, when I came back you were gone. I’d hoped that meant you felt like you could tackle
things now. I sure as hell didn’t expect you to go off with Tiny—never did like that asshole.”

  I’m not sure I believe him, but his words do have a ring of truth in them. Then again, what have I ever known about a man being truthful? There’s also the fact he’s holding a vase full of yellow daises. The flowers are big, but in his large hands they look small and awkward.

  I clear my throat, trying to tread slowly here.

  “He said you sent him. He mentioned things we talked about while I was there.”

  “Little weasel probably listened through the door. I’m sorry,” he says taking another step in.

  I keep my body from retreating further. I’ve been in the hospital for four days now and that’s four days without pills. I wanted to tell the doctor that I needed some sort of anxiety medicine, but it felt like a weakness. What if Crusher or one of the club members found out? Would they label me as Nicole’s unstable friend who is completely crazy that got her…almost got her killed?

  “Pretty flowers,” I say trying to sound tough, but I have a feeling it’s going to take a bit to find that voice again. It’ll at least be after I get out of here. Being in a hospital brings back memories. Memories I shouldn’t have. Memories that are slowly cutting holes inside of me, and that’s bad because I already have craters the size of football fields.

  “You look like a daisy kind of girl instead of roses,” Beast says as he puts the vase down beside my bed.

  I touch the petals slowly. They are beautiful. Bright, soft petals the color of sunshine with warm dark brown centers.

  “Why do I look like daisies?” I ask before I can stop myself.

  “Daises are strong. They can grow in the middle of a desert with little water. They bend and flow with the wind and still remain standing. Their stems are strong.”

  My finger moves over the stem thinking on his words.

  “The stem looks like a weed to me,” It’s probably not the nicest thing to say. They’re pretty, I don’t mean that. It’s just once…couldn’t I be like something beautiful…instead of something less…


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