Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC

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Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC Page 21

by Marie, Jordan

“From what I hear, your scratcher has been around so much, it’s liable to cause an itch a girl needs medicine for.”

  “Didn’t realize I was dealing with Queen Elizabeth,” he replies confusing me.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Crusher?” She asks.

  “The virgin queen?”

  Asshole. Suddenly this little conversation doesn’t feel like an inside joke. It hurts, because in every way that should count Zander had my virginity. So, I decide to hit him with my new found knowledge of his extracurricular activities. “Long way from a virgin baby, I just don’t happen to want Nikki and Lips’ sloppy seconds.”

  “I could make sure you liked it.”

  “Bigger men than you have tried and failed—and I do mean bigger,” I tell him before walking away.

  “See? Pussy with claws. Hellcat,” Crusher yells back and I flip him off, then continue walking away.

  Chapter 32


  She’s slipping away from me. I’m in a fucked up mess, I’ve yet to tell Dragon shit about Michael. Freak is pissed off at me, I’m doing everything I can to try and figure out how Michael and Dani are connected and where the fucker might strike and all I can think is, she’s slipping away from me. I know it—I can feel it. On the surface you would think I am getting everything I want. Dani’s not hiding the fact that she’s sleeping with me anymore. She’s on me like white on rice lately. I’ve fucked her everywhere imaginable and every way imaginable. We’ve fucked against walls, on my bike, in the car, in the movies, I’ve got her off in the club while we watched the others dance or play cards—seriously you name it and we have done it. Hell, I even fucked her on the table in the church room the other night.

  So you would think I’d be a happy motherfucker, with sore balls and a worn out dick. Well two of those are true, but I am far from happy, because Dani is preparing to run. I can’t allow that and it’s making me crazy. I need her to trust me, to be open with me. Of course she was doing that and I jumped the gun and fucked it all up, obviously I’m an idiot.

  We’re all at the beach now at Twin Rocks picnic shelter. Dragon had this idea that the club needed to spend some time together. I agreed because I get my woman in a bathing suit and I’m not a fool. She’s in my arms and we’re playing in the water while Drag and Dance grill and the other girls are taking in the sun. Bull is off talking to the other brothers and Freak is shooting me looks. I feel a tinge of guilt every time he does. I’m going to have to deal with shit and soon. Not today though. Today I need to make sure that I give Dani every reason to hang on to us.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful you make me hurt,” I tell her. We’re sitting in the water, just on the edge. It splashes against my sides as the waves push into the bank. Dani is in my lap her arms hanging loosely behind my neck, her eyes looking down at me and her legs wrapped around my waist. Her hair is wet and pulled from her face and she’s smiling…at me. If I could have this for the rest of my life, I’d be a happy motherfucker. How often have I thought this lately? It just keeps getting truer every day.

  She tilts her head to the side and looks at me, like she’s trying to figure out life’s biggest mystery.

  “Beauty fades, Zander. It can be changed or altered, it can even be fixed. You should have seen my stomach before Dr. Bradens got a hold of me.”

  I bend down and place a small kiss on her stomach. “It wouldn’t matter to me what you look like. You’d still be beautiful, never forget that, Hellcat.”

  She takes a deep breath and then looks over the beach, before her eyes come back to mine. “I’m thinking the fact that we’re fucking is no longer a secret.”

  “Thank, fuck. I want the world to know.”

  She leans down and places a light kiss on my lips, but I can’t let it stop at that. I slide my tongue into her mouth and deepen the kiss. It’s long, it’s slow and it’s sweet. “I love you, Hellcat,” I whisper against her lips.

  “I love you too, Zander.”

  Our foreheads touch and we stay like that and I wish I could freeze the moment forever, because it is that perfect.

  Then…all hell breaks loose.

  Gunfire rings out repeatedly. The sand around us pings with either the casings or the real fucking bullets, I have no way of knowing and I’m not about to stop and look. I instantly flip Dani and me over, so I can lay on top of her. I don’t have a fucking thing for cover, but me and I’m glad that I’m so much bigger than her so I can hide her body. She’s whimpering underneath me and I kiss her ear, keeping my head down and trying not to move.

  “Let me up, Zander. God don’t do this, you need to go take cover,” she cries and I move just enough so I can kiss one of her eyes. There’s sand on her eyelid, but her salty tears mingle and hurt me.

  “Shhh…sweetheart. My brothers have this. It’s going to be okay. Just hold still a few more minutes.”

  Just like that it ends. The ringing of the shots stop and the sound of a vehicle peeling out from the parking lot above can be heard. I get up and pull Dani up carefully. I rake the excess sand off her body, and check her over for marks. Satisfied that she’s okay, I pull her close to me and walk towards Dragon. He’s checking over his woman and issuing orders at the same time. He looks at me and Dance and orders us to go with him. I want to scream, fuck no. I need to be close to my woman. I can’t.

  “Freak. You keep close to Dani for me?”

  Freak is mad, I see it all over his face, but he agrees. I think I’ve run out of time to come clean to my brothers. I look down at Dani and kiss her again, but quickly and with just a small taste of her mouth.

  “I’ll be back Hellcat, stay safe.”

  “Don’t get hurt, Zander. Please? I couldn’t handle it if something happened to you.”

  “I’ll be fine. You just be waiting when I get back. I love you Melly.”

  I thought she would kiss me again, she doesn’t she pulls away from me and turns toward Gunner and Freak. I know she’s blaming herself for this. It pisses me off. I can’t get into it right now though. I have to go with my brothers.


  It’s late by the time we get back and my ass is dragging. Drag and I managed to capture one of the motherfuckers and he sang like a fucking canary. Which was good and bad. I had to tell Dragon I knew about Dani and Michael and parts of what I already knew. To say my brother was unhappy was a freaking understatement. All I want is to crawl into bed, hold my woman and grab a couple of hours sleep before I face tomorrow. That’s the only plan I have. Until I open the door to Dani’s room and see she’s not there. We’ve been sleeping in her room most every night, but maybe tonight she wanted to wait for me in mine. I take off to my room and I start to feel fear when it is empty too, but that’s not what causes the feeling to bloom into a full blown panic. No, that would be the envelope on my pillow. The name Zander, written on the outside of it in Dani’s handwriting.

  I sit down on the side of the bed, my body feeling like lead. My fucking hands shake when I rip it open and pull the two page folded note out.


  I figure if you’re reading this you already know I’m gone. I wanted to stay. Today at the beach, I actually thought about it. I can’t though, that’s a dream and I definitely don’t live in a dream world.

  I asked you not to contact Michael, because I know him in ways you never could understand. I’ve been married to him for over six years now as Melinda Marinetti. Though we only stayed together one year, Michael won’t ever willingly let me go. I only escaped the first time by changing my name and hiding. If he gets a hold of me again, he’ll kill me this time. I’m actually okay with that. If I was brave perhaps I would actually beat him to the punch. I find I can’t though.

  As odd as it sounds I want to live. I want to take the memories of you and the love you’ve shown me and live. You made me truly feel like Dani, a woman who could handle life and anything thrown at her. I will always be Dani now and that makes me happy. This way a part of me will always belo
ng to you.

  What you need to understand, is this is not your fault. This was set into motion before you even knew who I was and I can’t let my mistakes, my past hurt you in anyway. I’m no longer a scared seventeen year old child. I’m an adult. It’s time I stop hiding and leaning on Ray and Nicole for help and live whatever life I have, for however long I have left.

  I love you, Zander and I know you’ll be upset by this. Please understand, I wanted to stay and I really thought about it. Then today when you called me Melly, I realized, I can’t. I’m not the woman for you. Memories of you will help me survive my past, but you have to be free to find the woman who will make you put your past behind—make you put Melly in the past where she belongs.

  Gun told me about Melly, I know how it must haunt you, but everyone has a road to follow in this life. You can’t be responsible for all the wrong turns others take. It’s enough you made me grateful for my wrong turns because I got to love you, if only for a little while.

  Be happy, Cowboy.


  Your Hellcat.

  Melly…My mind goes back to when I told Dani goodbye.

  “I’ll be fine. You just be waiting when I get back. I love you, Melly.”

  Fuck! I called her Melly! Why? I don’t think of her as Melly. I never have. Melly was from a different time. Melly was a time when I was a boy trying to be a man. It was puppy love and nothing like what I feel for Dani. Was it because of the danger? Or because I knew Dani was thinking of leaving? I can’t be sure and I’m not even sure it matters now. I caused her to leave. Tears sting my eyes as I bring her letter up to my face and breathe in the scent of her from it. When I think of my woman out there alone with a maniac I set on her heels after her, my heart stops. When I imagine how she must have felt to be called another woman’s name…

  Fuck. I let the tears fall. There’s no shame in them. I did this. I caused this. Now I just have to figure out some fucking way to fix it all.

  Chapter 33


  I sit back against the leather in my limo watching the small screen before me as Melinda comes out of the Savage Clubhouse. She’s got a travel bag over her shoulder and holding a jacket in one hand. I suppose she really does think she’s getting away from me. It never ceases to amaze me how stupid women are. Does she really think I’m about to let her get away?

  I knew having those stupid hillbillies fire on her friends, would cause her to run. If there is one thing I can always count on with Melinda it’s that she always sacrifices for the people she cares about. It’s how I got her to say I do, after all. She would have never agreed to it even after trapping her, if I hadn’t threatened her precious Nicole. I’ll get them both this time though. I’ve decided it’s time I play with Nicole’s life much like she has played with mine. We’ll see how she likes it. I never did like the bitch, but she’ll be fun to torture in front of Melinda.

  I watch as Melinda gets into the ugliest car I’ve ever seen in my life. With all the money she stole from me you would think the least she would do is drive something decent. That is her problem though, she is short-sighted. She never sees the bigger picture. To this day she still believes her father was broke, and I saved him. She has no idea his money was what I needed to stay solvent. It’s also the reason Melinda must die in Kentucky. I am getting married soon and my new intended comes complete with political reach and bank accounts that will do quite nicely. It’s a good thing too, because the woman is so horribly homely. Of course that’s good in one way. I can do anything I want with her and she’s just thankful.

  I watch until Melinda pulls out of the compound, and then I turn off the screen. Donald had men splice into the camera feed at the compound so I can monitor things. Melinda, who apparently now prefers to be called Dani, is much too stupid to realize that Donald will be tailing her every move. Too bad time is short, if not I would let her run for a day. It’d be so fun to let her think she got away, only to watch the hope drain from her eyes when she realizes she hasn’t.

  I pick up a discarded manila folder Donald handed me earlier. In it are all the bios of the members of the Savage Brother’s MC as well as their allies and women. I thumb through it till I find a picture of Melinda—now apparently known as Dani Smith. Not much in there other than her best friend Nicole Wentworth. She grew up in the small town of Blade, Kentucky apparently. Ironic since I shall kill her with a blade. She strips for a living and has a lousy credit rating. It’s such a far cry from the person she was born as, the person I married…I could almost applaud at how deep she went undercover. She’s wasted too much of my time though. I need to wrap this up and head back to New York and pretend to be the happy, doting fiancé of one Miss Rebecca Barters, heir to Barters Industries and Holdings, which includes the billion dollar coffee product shipped straight out of Columbia. I have plans for that business.

  I pick up Melinda’s picture and frown. She really is quite beautiful. I must ruin that before I am finished with her too. I pick up a letter opener off the small console in front of my seat. I use it to stab the picture and pin it to the seat beside me. The sharp file stabs through the picture and coincidentally right between the eyes of Melinda’s likeness.

  I pick up my cell with a cold smile, already anticipating my revenge.

  “Donald, intercept my runaway wife before she can leave the city. Bring her to the building we’ve purchased. I shall deal with her further from there.”

  “Excellent. I shall see you soon. I’m about to board my plane.”

  I hang up my cell, sticking it in my pocket and slide out of my limo, leaving Melinda’s picture behind me. This will be the last time I chase after that fucking bitch. In fact this will be the last time anyone chases after her.

  That thought cheers me as I board my private jet headed for some Podunk town in Kentucky.

  Chapter 34


  I’ve torn the place apart looking for Dani. She’s gone. My heart hurts and I’m running around like a crazy man. I’ve asked everyone I can find if they’ve seen her. It’s driving me crazy. I know she’s not been real popular at the club, but Jesus Christ! We’ve just been fired at in our own territory! We’re on lockdown here! I’m pissed, no I’m beyond fucking pissed.

  “What the fuck do you mean you don’t know where she is?” I growl as Bull delivers the news.

  “Just that. I brought her home, she said she was tired and was going to lay down. So, I let her.”

  “Jesus you didn’t think watching over the women meant you needed to put guards at the fucking doors? Or hell, the gate itself?”

  “You know what, Crush? If you got a problem I guess you should take it up with Freak, since he’s the one Dragon put in charge of security and shit.”

  “Fuck you. Dragon told you to take care of the women.”

  “And I did, I brought them to the fucking compound and that’s where the security comes into place. I’m fucking tired of you and the other brothers coming to me when shit hits the fan, like I have a damned thing to do with it. I haven’t been in control of security or knowing what the fuck is going on here, since my accident.”

  “You’re the fucking Enforcer here! You know to watch over the women!”

  Bull stands up and leans in on me and gives me a hateful look, “I did what I fucking was told to do. I told the women to stay in until you guys got back. It’s not my fault you can’t keep the pussy you’re banging in line. It’s also not my fault if there weren’t guards posted out front, or at the door because, and this is the last fucking time I’m saying it, I wasn’t the one told to do that fucking shit. So I’m sitting here watching a woman I care about and women who actually listen when I tell them do something. You got a problem take it up with Dragon, or that fucking cunt you’re sticking your dick in every night, or better yet, why don’t you take it up with Freak, since you and him seem to be able to keep shit to yourselves! So what if it puts the rest of us in danger!”

  I don’t even think, I plow my fi
st hard into his face. The club has been going easy with Bull since his injury. Fuck that shit. I’ve had it. He falls back on the table it turns on its side and dumps him on the floor. He lays there wiping the blood off his lip, staring up at me. The club members around us were already pretty quiet watching us, but now you can hear a pin drop.

  “Fuck you motherfucker, you lay off my woman. She’s mine and by God you will give her the respect she deserves in this fucking club.”

  “You need to start thinking with your head and I’m not talking about the one on your dick,” he responds, making no move to get up.

  “And you need to stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself and get your head out of your ass and help your brothers. We fucking helped you when you needed us,” I growl and stomp off, time to find Dragon.

  “Does your woman know where Dani is?” I ask right outside of Dragon’s door—my anger still at a head from dealing with Bull. Not to mention, every minute that Dani is gone my gut clenches. I am feeling like she’s playing into Michael’s hands and I’m blaming myself.

  “Nicole is sleeping fucker, step back into the main room and we’ll talk,” Dragon tells me as he closes the door to his room.

  “Fuck, that. I need to find Dani. Does your woman know where she is or not?”

  “You need to step the fuck back, man. I told you Nicole is sleeping. She cried herself to sleep and by God she’s going to rest. You feel me?”

  I rake my hands through my hair, and follow Dragon back the way I just come. “You don’t understand Drag, this bastard will hurt her.”

  “You knew about this shit?”

  “I knew she was running. Didn’t know what from, until all this shit went down. She left me a note, a fucking note!” That’s kind of a lie, but I need Dragon to help me here, the rest of the fucking shit I’ll deal with after I get my woman back.

  We walk past Bull who is standing now and gives me a fuck you look, as we pass.


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