Love Waits

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Love Waits Page 15

by Gerri Hill

  All it took was Gina’s hands slipping lower, the light pressure there causing Ashleigh’s hips to move, however slight. She moaned, feeling her body betray her as it simply melted in Gina’s arms. It was she—not Gina—who pulled back, just enough to lift her head, just enough to find Gina’s mouth. She gave up trying to pretend it was a goodbye hug as soon as their lips met. Memories crashed around her as their mouths opened to each other, tongues brushing together for the first time in twenty years.

  She let herself go, her fingers tangling in Gina’s hair, holding her close, their moans turning to groans as their kisses deepened. She felt Gina’s hands cup her buttocks, squeezing hard, pulling Ashleigh’s hips intimately against her.

  Ashleigh pulled her mouth away, gasping for breath, but Gina’s lips found hers again, drawing her back. Without thinking, Ashleigh parted her legs, allowing Gina’s thigh inside. She pressed down hard against her, feeling what she hadn’t felt in twenty years—desire and arousal so acute she was afraid she’d climax right then and there. The certainty that she was about to do exactly that pulled her out of her stupor.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered as she pulled out of Gina’s arms, her chest heaving as she breathed. She covered her mouth, shocked by what had just occurred. Shocked that she’d allowed herself to lose control so easily.

  Gina’s face was flushed, her breathing as labored as Ashleigh’s. She slowly shook her head. “I’m...I’m sorry.”

  Ashleigh backed away, her eyes never leaving Gina’s. “I have to go,” she said in a rush, then quickly fled the room.

  She didn’t bother with the elevator, instead running to the stairs and pushing the door open. She was surprised that she didn’t stumble as she blindly took the stairs down, her mind still reeling. She hurried out, ignoring the receptionist as she passed by. Once inside her car, she leaned back, taking deep breaths, trying to calm down.

  “I can’t believe I just did that,” she murmured.

  She avoided her eyes in the mirror as she backed up and pulled away from the hotel. The short ten-minute drive to her parents’ house passed far too quickly. She wondered if she could sneak up the stairs and into her room without being seen. Even if she could, she knew it would do no good. Courtney would find her.

  The house was quiet and she assumed they were still out on the patio. She paused to collect herself, taking a deep breath, hoping she appeared normal as she stepped outside, but only Courtney remained. There was no sign of her parents.

  “That was quick.”

  “Uh-huh,” Ashleigh said, eyeing the nearly full bottle of wine. Courtney slid over a glass for her and Ashleigh filled it. “Where are they?” she asked, motioning to the empty chairs.

  “Having sex.”

  Ashleigh nearly choked on her wine. “Gross. Must you?”

  “What? You think Mom and Dad don’t have sex?”

  “I don’t want to think about it. And I certainly don’t want to talk about it,” she added.

  Courtney laughed. “Mom told me they bought some sex toys.”

  Ashleigh sprayed wine on the table as it spewed from her mouth, coughing as some went up her nose. She stared at her sister, then they both broke into a fit of giggles.

  “Oh my God,” she gasped. “I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that.”

  “I know. But now I’m dying to find out what they have.”

  Ashleigh refilled their glasses. “Why don’t you just ask? Knowing Mom, she’d show them to you.”

  Courtney shuddered and shook her head. “No. I think I’m going to draw the line there when it comes to their sex life. But I think it’s great that they’re still active.”

  “Yeah. Great. I mean, it’s fabulous to know your parents are having sex and you’re not.”

  Courtney leaned closer. “So what happened with Gina? Did you talk?”

  “We said goodbye.” She paused. “In her hotel room.”

  Courtney grinned. “Oh? And?”

  “And our goodbye hug turned into a goodbye kiss.”

  Courtney clapped her hands. “So you told her about Faith?”

  “If I’d told her about Faith, I’d be in her bed right now.”

  “I swear. Isn’t that where you want to be?”

  Was it? Ashleigh wasn’t sure. Yes, she was still attracted to Gina. There was no doubt there. But did she want to sleep with her? Gina was willing, that much was obvious. But what purpose would that serve? She was heading back to Houston, back to her life. Gina would go back to Corpus and do...well, whatever it was she did and whoever it was she did it with. They would still say goodbye.



  “Earlier, you said you were afraid.”

  Ashleigh nodded. “Yes. I’m afraid if I sleep with her, I’ll fall for her all over again.”

  “Ashleigh, you’re not a teenager anymore. You’re a grown woman. You’re allowed to have casual sex and not feel like it has to mean something.”

  “I know that. But it’s different with Gina. It wouldn’t be casual.”

  “How so?”

  “For one thing, we have far too much history between us for it to be casual.” She took a deep breath and leaned her head back, looking up at the stars. “And I’m way too attracted to her.” She rolled her head to the side, smiling at Courtney. “We were fully clothed and standing, and I nearly had an orgasm just from kissing.”

  Courtney laughed. “Well, yeah, it’s been years, right?”

  She slapped her sister playfully on the arm. “What I’m trying to say is, one time with her isn’t going to be enough. So why torture myself?”


  “My memories of being with her in high school are vivid enough. Why add new, fresher memories to the pile?”

  “I think you’re taking the wrong approach. She’s single. You’re single.”

  “What are you suggesting? That we start dating again?”

  “Why not?”

  “It would be weird. That’s been too many years ago. Besides, we live in completely different cities.”

  “You could always—”

  “No. We couldn’t.” She shrugged. “And who’s to say these feelings aren’t just conjured up memories from the past? I mean, just being back here, together, talking about old times, it’s bound to have an effect on us, right?”

  “I suppose. I just would hate to think that you’re letting an opportunity slip away, that’s all.”

  An opportunity, perhaps. But an opportunity for what, Ashleigh didn’t know, and she supposed she would never know. She was going back to Houston in the morning.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Present Day

  Ashleigh woke from a fitful sleep, the sun sneaking in through the half-closed miniblinds flickering across her face. She rolled onto her back, away from the sun and stared at the ceiling, her mind still on Gina Granbury and that damn kiss, just as it had been each time she’d awakened during the night. She clenched her fists, trying to rid herself of the memory, knowing she never would. How could one kiss have that effect on her? Well, it wasn’t really just one kiss, was it? No, it was a heated make-out session, much like those that occurred when they were younger. One kiss always led to so much more. Which is exactly where they were headed last night until Ashleigh came to her senses, thankfully.

  Thankfully? Was she really thankful? Instead of waking up alone in her parents’ house, she could be in bed with a naked woman. A naked woman whose mouth would be moving across her breasts, waking her slowly. No matter how sated she was, Gina could always arouse her to a state where she was begging for more. Would that be how it could have been this morning? After a night of lovemaking, after they’d fallen into an exhausted slumber, would Gina wake her, wanting more?

  “Stop it,” she whispered. “Stop it, stop it.”

  But she couldn’t stop it. She wanted to be that woman, that woman in Gina’s bed, that woman who would scream with pleasure as Gina made love to her.
She remembered it like it was yesterday. The taste of Gina’s skin, the feel of those soft hands as they caressed her body, finding all the secret places that only Gina knew. She remembered how it felt to lie on top of Gina, snuggled tight between her legs. She remembered the sounds Gina made when Ashleigh slipped inside her, her fingers finding the spot that would drive Gina wild. And she remembered her own body writhing beneath Gina as she teased her, her mouth getting closer and closer to her center, her tongue finally moving into her wetness, making her climax so hard they would rock the bed.

  “Oh, dear Lord,” she groaned, unable to chase the memories away. They replayed themselves over and over, flashing through her mind with lightning speed. She pushed the covers off and got up, knowing she couldn’t just leave and go back to Houston, not like this.

  She took a quick shower and dressed, then knocked lightly on Courtney’s bedroom door. She smiled as she heard the mumbled “go away,” then pushed the door open.

  “It’s time for you to get up anyway,” she said as she sat on the edge of the bed.

  Courtney sat up, shoving her hair away from her eyes. “What time is it?”


  “You leaving already?”

  Ashleigh looked away nervously. “Actually, I’m not leaving.”

  “Oh? Why?”

  “I’m going to see Gina.”

  Courtney’s sleepy eyes opened wider. “You are?”

  “Yes. You were right. We need to talk.”

  “Talk is cheap. You need to have sex.”

  Ashleigh blushed. “Yes. That too.”

  “Oh, my God,” Courtney shrieked. “Are you?”

  Ashleigh stood up and smiled at her sister. “Well, if I’m not back by the time you leave, then you’ll know how I spent my day.”

  “You call me,” she said as Ashleigh turned away. “I mean it. You call me tonight with details.”

  Ashleigh laughed. “Have a safe trip, sis. We’ll talk soon.”

  “Tonight,” Courtney yelled as Ashleigh shut the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Present Day

  Gina had just slipped her T-shirt over her head when she heard knocking on her door. She ran her fingers through her damp hair to straighten it, not yet dry from her earlier shower. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath. Her nerves told her that Ashleigh would be on the other side of the door when she opened it. Was she coming so that they could try their goodbye again in the light of day? No, she doubted that was the case. The way Ashleigh ran from the room last night, she wasn’t coming back for another goodbye. Most likely, Ashleigh was angry with her for what happened last night and was here to tell her that. Or maybe she was coming by, thinking Gina owed her an apology.

  She paused at the door a second or two, then pulled it open. As she expected, Ashleigh stood there. What was unexpected was the nervousness in Ashleigh’s eyes. What? Did she think Gina would throw all etiquette aside and try to resume their rather heated goodbye kiss?

  “Good morning,” she said, stepping aside so that Ashleigh could enter if she chose.

  Ashleigh stuck her hands into the pockets of her shorts, but Gina could still see them fidgeting. “Good morning.”

  Gina raised her eyebrows, waiting.

  Ashleigh offered a slight smile. “I’m kidnapping you for the day.”

  Gina let the door swing shut as Ashleigh walked past her. “I thought you were leaving today.”

  “I changed my mind.”

  “And this is okay with Faith? I mean, that you’re kidnapping me and all.” Gina stood in front of her. “Does she know about me? About us?”

  “Know what?”

  “Does she know about last night?” Gina watched as Ashleigh nervously bit her lower lip.

  “No. No, she doesn’t know anything.”

  “Okay. Then I’m not going to spend—”

  “Oh, so now you’re going to turn all chivalrous on me?”

  “Ashleigh, if we spend the day together—”

  “I know, Gina. After last night, I know.”

  Gina sighed. They were too old for games between them. “Tell me about Faith.”

  “Tell you what?”

  “Tell me why your mother didn’t know she existed. Tell me why both Crissy and Courtney say you’re single. Tell me the truth.”

  Ashleigh plunged both hands into her hair and turned away. “Oh, God.” She squared her shoulders and turned back around. “Okay. There is no Faith. I made her up.”


  “Why? Because I was dreading seeing you again, that’s why. I assumed you were with someone and I didn’t want to appear as some pathetic, lonely woman still pining for you.” She smiled slightly. “The fact that I made up a girlfriend in the first place makes me a pathetic, lonely woman, doesn’t it?”

  Gina was certain she’d never seen Ashleigh looking more vulnerable than she did at that moment. “Are you lonely?” she asked quietly.

  “I never thought I was. But after...well, after seeing you again and everything.” She nodded. “Yeah, I have been lonely.”

  Gina took a step closer. “I understand completely how you feel. Last night,” she paused, “last night I wanted you in the worst way. You ran. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

  “I wanted you too. That’s why I ran.”

  Gina took a deep breath. “Okay. So now what?”

  Ashleigh’s gaze held hers. “Remember how we used to put a picnic lunch together and sneak out to my grandparents’ place?”

  Gina smiled. “I remember vividly.”

  “I thought...well, I thought we could spend the day out there. Maybe hang out at the pool and...and visit.”

  “Visit, huh?” Gina arched an eyebrow. “Will I need a swimsuit?”

  Ashleigh slowly shook her head. “No. You won’t need a suit.” It was Ashleigh’s turn to pause. “So? You want to?”

  Gina nodded. “Yes. I want to.”

  Ashleigh had been blabbing nonstop about the remodeling done on her grandparents’ house, realizing she was just making nervous conversation. But really, here they were, heading out of town with the intention of having sex again after twenty years. She figured she was entitled to a little nervousness.



  “You never used to ramble on so much like this.”

  Ashleigh laughed. “I’m sorry. I’m not exactly used to premeditated sexual encounters.” She glanced at Gina. “Well, not since high school, anyway.”

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  “Of course.”

  “When’s the last time you were in a relationship?”

  “What constitutes a relationship? I mean, are we talking like together for months? Or years?”


  “It’s been...awhile,” she said evasively. Would she really consider anyone she’d dated in the last twenty years as being in a relationship? She went out with Sara for several months, but that was before she learned that Sara was also seeing three other women at the same time. That certainly wouldn’t classify as a relationship. She glanced at Gina again. “What about you?”


  “No what?”

  “No. I haven’t been in a relationship with anyone.”

  “Not ever?”

  “Not since you, no.”

  Ashleigh was surprised by her answer, but then again, maybe she shouldn’t be. Gina hopped around from girl to girl that first semester in college. Maybe that’s how she’d spent her life, never settling down with anyone long enough to have a relationship.

  Ashleigh slowed, turning onto the road to her grandparents’ property. She stopped at the gate, then leaned back in her seat, trying to fish the keys out of her pocket. She held them up and Gina took them. Just like in the old days, Gina grinning mischievously as she got out to open the gate.

  I can’t believe we’re about to have sex.

  “Believe it,” she w
hispered. She gripped the steering wheel tighter as she drove through, waiting for Gina to close and lock the gate once more.

  When they were young, the gate was never locked and Gina would bound out of the car before Ashleigh had even stopped, hurrying to open it. They would drive through, taking the first dirt path to the left, the road that would lead them to the pond. There, they would lay a blanket on the ground, going through the motions of having a picnic when all they really wanted was to be together and make love.

  “Is the old pond still there?” Gina asked when she got back inside.

  “Yes. They actually repaired that old deck and pier. Uncle Dave likes to fish so that was his doing.”

  They were both silent as Ashleigh drove down the winding road that would take them to the house. When it came into view, Ashleigh was still startled at the difference. It looked nothing like the old ranch house from her grandparents’ days.


  “I know.”

  “Did they tear the whole thing down and start over?” Gina asked.

  “Once you get inside, you can tell where the old house was. They just added four wings on each side. The modest two-bedroom, one bath is now four bedrooms and five baths. Almost the entire space of the original house is now kitchen and living areas. They sold more than half of the land to pay for the remodeling.” They got out, standing at the pristine picket fence surrounding the house. “All four of them now have their own master bedroom, my parents included,” Ashleigh explained.

  “So when everyone is together for Christmas, your parents stay here?”

  “Mostly. Unless all of my cousins come, then they’ll give up their room. I mean, it’s only thirty minutes from town.”


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