Waterfall Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 8)

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Waterfall Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 8) Page 3

by Krista Lakes

  How many thirteen-year-olds got to go to college anyway? Or at least, got to visit their older brother in college and play pretend for the weekend.

  I checked my watch. I still had another fifteen minutes before Bastian would come back from his “project.” I rolled my eyes. Project- yeah right. It was obvious he was doing some cool college-y thing that he didn't want his little sister participating in. He just told me he had a group assignment he had to work on. Sure, Bastian. Sure.

  The room was a small square with two twin beds on opposite sides, two desks and a small TV perched on a mini-fridge in the center. Per Bastian's instructions, I had the door open and the resident assistant had already checked on me twice.

  Bastian's roommate and childhood best friend, Gabe, was going home for the weekend so I was going to use his bed. Gabe promised me that he would put clean sheets on the bed, but I had still brought my own.

  I giggled at the thought of Gabe coming back to see the bright pink floral sheets now adorning his bed. He'd hate it. And deserve it. I'd known Gabe since he and his little sister, Chloe, moved in next door to my foster parent's house.

  Chloe and I were best friends. Where Gabe and Bastian were always outside throwing footballs at each other, Chloe and I were busy getting ready to take over the world. I looked over at the girl-ified bed and decided I should take a picture to show Chloe. She'd love it.

  I dug around in my backpack until I found the digital camera Bastian got me for my birthday last year and snapped a couple of pictures. After my weekend here on campus with Bastian, I would go home and share them with Chloe and we'd plan and dream what college would be like for us.

  I hoped my real college experience would be more than just sitting around in a dorm room. I sighed. College was more boring than I had imagined.

  And then he ran into the room.

  Now, I liked boys. I no longer thought they had cooties and I had even kissed one. But the man standing in front of me blew that kid out of the water.

  Plus, he was naked.

  “Who are you?” the man sputtered, trying his best to hide himself behind his hands as he realized there was a thirteen-year-old girl in front of him. It was too late, I had already seen everything. “This is Bastian's room!”

  I stared at him for a moment, not sure what was going on. This was more like what I thought college was going to be about, but now that it was happening, I didn't know what to do.

  “Uh, I'm Bastian's sister,” I informed him, throwing him Bastian's pillow, and shielding my eyes. “Who are you?”

  The man's cheeks were a deep crimson as he pressed the pillow to his groin and stared at me for a second. He seemed to be evaluating his options. He sighed, shrugged, and clutching the pillow with one hand, reached out the other in greeting.

  “I'm Leo,” he said, sounding for all the world like this was an ordinary meeting and that he wasn't standing there butt naked with a pillow on his junk. “I live across the hall, and I'm locked out of my room.”

  “It's nice to meet you.” I was impressed that this was how he was going to handle this. Personally, I'd be hiding in the closet, dying of shame, but he was owning it. I tentatively shook his hand, trying to ignore the very strange sensations it gave me. It was as if a fire was starting in the pit of my stomach and it made me feel all woozy and giggly. “You know Bastian, then?”

  “Yup. We have English 101 together.” Leo took his hand back and put it back on the pillow, looking cool as a cucumber. Bastian was going to be pissed when he found out where his pillow had been.

  “Oh.” I didn't know what else to say. What was I supposed to say to a naked man in standing in my brother's room?

  Leo glanced around the room, looking everywhere but at me. He was obviously incredibly embarrassed, but was trying desperately to stay polite and calm. “Would you mind seeing if your brother has a shirt and maybe a pair of shorts I could borrow? You know, until I can get back in my room?”

  I looked down at the pillow without thinking and felt the blood rush to my face. I shouldn't look there. “Sure,” I said quickly, standing up and trying not to look at him, even though I wanted to.

  I went to Bastian's closet and thankfully found a t-shirt and gym shorts without having to dig through any drawers or laundry. For what was probably the first time in my life, I was glad Bastian was a little bit of a neat freak. The last thing I wanted was to come across his porn stash. That would have just been the cherry on an embarrassment sundae.

  “Thanks,” Leo said as I handed him the clothing. He waited for a moment, holding the clothes in one hand and the pillow in the other before raising his eyebrows. “You mind turning around?”

  My blush went straight down to my toes. “Sorry!” I spun around quickly, pressing my hands to my flaming cheeks and wishing I could be just a little bit more suave.

  “Okay, all done. You can turn around now,” he said a much more relaxed voice.

  I slowly turned. Leo was about the same height as my brother, so the clothes fit decently well. Even though I wasn't distracted by his naked muscles anymore, I was still trying not to stare. He was possibly the most handsome man I'd even seen.

  His brown hair was messy and spiked up as if he had been running his hands through it. His shoulders were broad and his body was smoking. He had an easy-going smile now, but it was his eyes that captured me. They were blue, blue like the sky after a summer rain and full of a kindness and humor that I'd never seen anywhere else.

  He was perfect.

  I knew then that I was in love with him. Not for the fact that he had six-pack abs and an impressive package (or what I assumed was one, since I hadn't seen any before), but for those eyes. There was so much kindness and humor in them that I instantly loved him. I couldn't help it.

  “Thanks for the clothes. I should go to the front desk and go get my keys so I can give these back to Bastian as soon as possible.” He held out the pillow out to me. I nearly dropped it I was so awestruck. He grinned at me. “I don't think I caught your name.”

  “Charlotte,” I whispered, my voice cracking and coming out with a squeak. I blushed harder. “My name's Charlotte.”

  “It's nice to meet you, Charlotte.” He smiled wider and somehow got even more gorgeous. “I've always liked that name.”

  I giggled, suddenly nervous. Here was a handsome, college guy telling me he liked my name. I wanted him to like me so much it was hard to think of anything else. I was pretty sure Chloe would never believe me. “Thanks.”

  “I'll see you around, Charlotte,” Leo said with a smile, heading toward the door. He paused, turning to look back at me. “Don't tell your brother I used his pillow. At least not until tomorrow.”

  He winked and I nearly melted into a puddle.

  Handsome and funny.

  I watched as he sauntered confidently down the hall.

  College was awesome.

  Chapter Four

  I stood in front of the mirror, holding my dress up to see how the ensemble would come together. My dark hair was curled and pulled back in a half-up style that was soft and feminine. I loved my makeup- not too much, but enough that my brown eyes looked big and my lashes could start a small windstorm. I felt pretty, and with my hair and makeup done, I just needed to get dressed, but I wanted a sneak peek of the final product.

  “Not too shabby, Char,” I said quietly. “Not too shabby.”

  Even on the hanger, the dress was beautiful. It was an off-the shoulder gown of royal blue and cut to hug the top half of my body before ending in a subtle mermaid tail at the bottom. The color was my favorite part, as well as the secret pocket where I could keep my phone without having to carry a purse all evening.

  Ava's dress was perfect for her and this one was perfect for me.

  I stared at the woman looking back at me for a moment. Sure, she had the same dark hair and dark eyes, short stature and same curves, but she didn't look like me. I'd done a thousand fancy galas, yet every time I looked in the mirror, I still saw the
scrawny, terrified little girl with a runny nose.

  Who would have thought that little girl would grow up to work with billionaires? I thought. Let alone own enough company stock to be set for life herself. It was a long way from the past she had left behind.

  I was stronger now.

  I smiled at the mirror, imagining tonight. The blue glinted in the light and shimmered, bringing out the highlights in my hair. I would look stunning in this dress. Maybe even stunning enough for Leo to finally notice and give me a chance.

  Leo would take me in his arms, guiding me around the dance floor as if we were the only two people there.

  “Why, Charlotte, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen,” Leo would say, his eyes darkening with desire. “I can't keep my feelings for you hidden any longer. I must have you.”

  “Finally, Leo,” I would whisper, breathless and happy.

  He'd tuck his hand behind my neck, dipping me as the song ends and then leaning down, bringing his lips closer to mine until they finally...

  A knock on the door shook me from my daydream.

  “Can I come in?” Bastian's voice came through the door. Leave it to my older brother to ruin my fantasies about boys.

  “Come on in,” I called out, hanging the dress back up on a hook on the wall.

  The door pushed open and my brother stepped into the room. He was already wearing his tux for the evening and looking handsome. I smiled. We weren't actually brother and sister, but as far as I was concerned we were.

  Bastian and I were both foster children. When I came into the system, Bastian was the one who took care of me. My foster family had done their best to make us both feel welcome and loved, but it was Bastian who was my real family. We may not have shared genetic material, but I couldn't think of Bastian as anything but related to me.

  “Can you fix my tie? I can't get the damned thing to do what it's supposed to do,” Bastian growled, holding out the tie in frustration.

  I chuckled. I knew he could tie his own tie, but it was now a ritual. Whenever Bastian had a formal event, he would have me tie his tie. I wrapped the silk tie around the back of his neck and went about knotting it.

  “Do you have a jacket or something you can wear with that?” Bastian asked, his voice low and dangerous.

  I looked up and followed his gaze to the dress hanging on the wall. “We're in the Caribbean, Bastian. I don't need a jacket.”

  “There's no way you're going out in that,” he said gruffly, frowning as I slid the tie over and under itself. He put his hands on my shoulders, looking down sternly at me. “It's too revealing. No.”

  I rolled my shoulders, trying to loosen his grip. He didn't relax and his blue-gray eyes were serious. I knew he meant well, but I wasn't a little girl needing his protection any more either. Besides, this wasn't prom or a date. It was a billionaire's gala and the dress was perfectly acceptable. He was just projecting his heartbreak over his fight with Ava onto everything else.

  “Sorry, Grump-face. This is my dress. Deal with it.” I finished knotting and pulled the tie up tight, choking him a little. The gold threads in his tie would complement Ava's dress nicely.

  Bastian glared at me, pulling down on the tie knot so he could breathe. His shoulders were tensing and I could already hear the big-brother lecture coming. “Charlotte-”

  “I don't want to hear it, Bastian,” I warned as he opened his mouth. “As much as you'd like to, you do not control everything. I'm a big girl and this is my dress. And put a smile on your face. You have investors here tonight.”

  Bastian's frown deepened, darkening the scar that ran along the top of his eyes. I knew there were other, deeper scars, but that one was almost as good as a mood ring with him. Right now, it was telling me that he was far too wrapped up in his emotions.

  “I do not try to control everything,” he replied sullenly after a moment.

  “Just keep telling yourself that,” I told him. I stepped back and nodded at my work on his tie. He looked ready for Ava. “Now, unless you want to help me with my dress, you should get downstairs. The guests should be arriving and you're the main event.”

  Bastian sighed and turned for the door. His hand paused on the doorknob. “Have you heard from Ava?”

  There was a quiet desperation in his voice that almost made me tell him she was here. But, that would ruin the surprise, so instead I simply asked, “What do you think?”

  “Of course not.” Bastian's shoulders slumped slightly. “She has someone else now.

  “Bastian?” I asked, taking a step toward him. “Ava doesn't have someone else.”

  He looked back at me, his gray eyes clear yet broken. His face was calm, but there was a soft heartbreak in his voice. “It's not important.”

  “Bastian, she doesn't have someone else,” I repeated. I was about to tell him that she was here, that she had come for him, but then he put on his business smile, the one he only wore for meetings that betrayed none of his true feelings.

  “You sure you can't at least wear a scarf or something?”

  “No, Bastian,” I replied, shaking my head. He smiled, a hint of his usual humor shining through. I grinned back at him. He'd be with Ava in just a little bit. “I need to get dressed now.”

  He opened the door and closed it firmly behind him.

  “Good lord, that man needs to get laid,” I said under my breath. I thought about Bastian's “someone else” comment and shook my head. If that auctioneer had said anything, there were some hungry sharks that would get a free meal tonight.

  Chapter Five

  After putting on my dress and shoes, I glanced in the mirror one last time and smiled at my reflection. This was definitely one of my favorite dresses so far and, as silly as it was, I hoped Leo thought so too. It irritated me how much his opinion mattered to me, especially considering that we weren't anywhere near being a couple. Someday, I would stop caring. Someday, I would find someone else to love and I would finally put these feelings for Leo aside. Someday, I would be smart and let him go. Just not today.

  As it was, I suspected he would just tell me to put on a jacket, too.

  With a shrug, I tossed my hair over my shoulder and went into the adjoining room to find Ava. She was standing in front of the mirror, mesmerized by her appearance.

  “Holy crap. I do good work,” I said, taking her in. Stunning didn't even come close to describing her. The dress was even better with her dark hair freshly curled and pulled back with a golden comb.

  “You look gorgeous, Charlotte,” Ava replied, her eyes barely leaving the mirror to look at me.

  “What? This old thing?” I teased, walking around to take a better look at her. “Sebastian's going to lose his mind when he sees you.”

  “You're sure he'll be happy to see me?” she asked, pressing her knuckles into the lace at her stomach. Her cheeks were flushed but the rest of her was pale. I hoped she wasn't going to throw up from nerves.

  “He's been the moodiest, most grumpy man I've ever had the misfortune of being around since you left. He hasn't even gone out paddle-boarding in the mornings. Just keeps talking about the dark.” I shook my head, not really understanding the man I called brother. Heartbreak was not an emotion Sebastian dealt well with.

  “I'm just nervous. I don't want to screw this up again.” Ava's voice was barely above a whisper as she stared at the princess in the mirror.

  I took her hands in mine. “He has been a mess without you. A broody, heartbroken, lovesick mess. He's going to be overjoyed to see you. I promise.”

  Ava stilled. “You know Bastian and I had a fight, right?” She hands shook slightly in mine.

  I reached up and fixed a stray strand of hair, pulling it from her eyes and tucking it back where it belonged. “Yes. I know.”

  “I said some terrible things...”

  “He loves you,” I assured her, taking her hands in mine again. “I know Sebastian. And I've never seen him the way he was with you. He was happy. And this past week...�
� I shook my head, remembering just how moody and grumpy he'd been without Ava around. The entire staff was on tiptoes and I was fairly certain his secretary was about to have a nervous breakdown. “This past week has been a nightmare without you.”

  “How could I have been so stupid?” Ava asked, her voice breaking and eyes starting to water. I hadn't meant to upset her, but apparently I had. I needed to work on my fairy god-mother skills.

  “Don't you dare cry,” I warned, knowing that in ten minutes the two of them would be happy lovebirds again. “It may be waterproof mascara, but I will not have you messing up all the work we just did.”

  “Sorry,” Ava apologized. She sniffed and looked up at the ceiling, blinking rapidly and waving at her eyes in an attempt to make the tears go away.

  “Sebastian Belrose loves you. I think he was smitten from the moment he saw you.” I smiled, remembering the way he lit up around her and how he softened whenever he said her name. I'd never seen him do that for anyone else. If that wasn't love, then I was a crazy person.

  “I don't think it was that fast. That first moment, I was kind of a jerk,” Ava said, trying to joke about how she had basically told him off.

  I laughed. The fact that she stood up to him was probably part of the attraction. Anyone who could stand up to Bastian and not give into his brooding dark eyes are charming words was rare. “This is going to work out. I promise you. Just come downstairs.” I smiled and checked the delicate silver watch on my wrist. “You ready?”

  I didn't even wait for her answer before pushing her out the door. It was time for magic.

  The hallway was quiet as we made our way to the top of the double staircase. The closer we came, the louder the murmur of voices and music became. Ava slowed and then tried to step back, but I wouldn't let her.

  She balked harder and I followed her gaze to a man in a tacky knock-off suit. Chad the Auctioneer. I really needed to put feeding him to sharks on my to-do list. Or at least talk to Eli, Bastian's head of security, about having an “accident” occur. Given Eli's impressive military history, I had a feeling he cold pull off something appropriately dark.


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