Waterfall Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 8)

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Waterfall Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 8) Page 12

by Krista Lakes

  His hands gripped the top of the chair as we made love. I watched as his expression became focused, his eyes squinting and his jaw flexing. He began to thrust into me rhythmically, using his entire body to pleasure me. It was a like a dance, a perfect dance. I brought my hands to my chest, drawing circles over the sensitive parts of my breasts as Leo continued his pace.

  Suddenly, a light breeze blew across the boat, tossing my hair across my face. The boat rocked a bit as well as a small wave rose underneath us. It did nothing to stop Leo's passionate thrusts, though. In fact, he began to increase his pace, causing me to squirm in delight on the hot leather seat.

  Our bodies became intertwined. My hands moved up and down his back and my legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. His chest hovered over mine and the heat from his skin radiated downward, covering my body. My breasts bounced in cadence with his movements, the points of pleasure on top dragging along his pectorals, sending pleasurable shivers into me that only added to the elixir of sensation.

  I relaxed back into the seat, closing my eyes and letting Leo take me as he pleased. I could feel his breathing, as his exhalations cooled my sweat-covered skin. The moment felt so perfect, that I didn't really want it to ever end. The beautiful scenery, both in and out of the boat, combined with the intimate connection that Leo and I were sharing. It was perfect.

  After a moment, I opened my eyes and brought my hands to Leo's forearms, feeling the muscles ripple underneath my fingertips as he took me completely. A look of lust was on his face, with his eyes half-opened and his lips parted. He looked like he was experiencing the same heavenly bliss that I was.

  After a few more seconds, he slowed his pace down. There was a look in his eyes that told me that he wanted more, something else from me. I knew exactly what it was and I was happy to give it to him.

  “You want me from behind?” I asked, innocently.

  Leo smiled as he caught his breath, his chest heaving. He was so lost in pleasure, though, that he couldn’t even speak. He simply nodded in agreement and took a step back, immediately creating a void inside of me that he had been filling. So I quickly stood up from the chair and stepped over to the metal railing on the side of the boat. Then I bent over in front of him.

  He didn’t hesitate for a second. He positioned himself behind me and placed his hands on my hips. Then he plunged back in, causing me to gasp in pleasure. I held onto the railing as he took me from behind, pounding me even harder than before.

  In the far distance, I could see the shoreline and I instantly smiled at the thought of someone standing out there with a pair of binoculars. I knew it was so naughty, but the idea definitely continued to turn me on. We didn't want anyone to know that we were together, yet here we were, making love for all to see. I loved it.

  With his hands firmly gripping my hips, he pulled my body into his, causing him to slide in deeper and harder. The increased pressure pumped more waves of ecstasy into me and an uncontrollable squeal of pleasure escaped my lips. Our bodies rocked against each other’s and our moist skin created a soft slapping noise that bounced along the water.

  I could tell by his change in pace that he was nearing climax. His movements became even more focused and quick, slipping deeper which each thrust. My moans became louder, and I knew that just spurred him on to the finish. A moment later, Leo pressed against mine and let out a loud groan. He climaxed hard and deep, releasing himself into me just the way that I wanted him to.

  He kept his hands my hips for a second longer and then slowly released me. Then he took a step back, causing his manhood to fall away. I immediately turned around to face him. He was panting hard, as he recovered. I stepped close and placed my hands on to his chest, feeling his heart beat underneath my fingertips.

  “That was amazing,” I said, as I drew circles over his pecks with my fingers.

  Leo took a few more breaths and then wrapped his arms around me, gently kissing me on the lips. When he pulled away, he flashed his boyish smile and responded, “I’d say the merman got the show that he was hoping for.”

  I playfully slapped him on the shoulder.

  “Come on,” I said. “Let’s go skinny dipping now. I need to cool off.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “We should probably head back,” I murmured, not wanting to move. The sun was hot and the boat was rocking me back to sleep, but it was Leo that I was enjoying. Cuddled up together in the back of his boat, I was getting to touch every inch of him. I had him all to myself and I didn't want this to end.

  “You're right,” Leo agreed, but didn't move either.

  My stomach grumbled and then Leo's answered.

  “Well, I can't have you going hungry,” Leo said, slowly untangling my limbs from his. I sighed, but enjoyed the view as he got up. The man had a very impressive ass, especially from this angle. “Where are my shorts?”

  “In the seat,” I informed him, slowly coming to standing myself. It took me a moment to locate my swim suit and pull the sundress back down over my body.

  “I really with we could just be nudists.” Leo grinned as he watched me dress. “But then, I'd never get anything done. Just you.”

  “I think I could handle being the only thing on your schedule,” I replied, doing my best to use a sultry voice. I wasn't sure I was pulling it off, but the way Leo's eyes heated told me I was doing a decent job.

  He took a step toward me and put his hand on my neck, pulling me into a kiss. “You come to my office, I'll certainly put you on my schedule. And my desk. And my chair...” his words faded as his lips met mine. He tasted like sunshine with just a hint of salt.

  Dirty jokes and kisses. This is what heaven looked like.

  My stomach rumbled again. Well, at least pretty close to heaven, I amended in my head.

  Leo released me from his kiss and it took me a moment to regain my balance. With any other person, I would have blamed the boat for making me lightheaded, but with Leo, I knew better. He made my heart sing and my body react in ways I'd never experienced before.

  The ride back to the docks was quick. The noise of the engine and the wind made it hard to hold a conversation, so we just held hands and watched the ocean disappear under our boat. The island quickly came back into view, and for a moment I let myself pretend we were on a deserted island. That there were no people, no jobs, no responsibilities to take us away from one another ever again.

  I'd never wished for anything so hard in my life.

  Leo pulled the Silver Lightning into the empty stall next to his racing boat. I glared at the red painted monstrosity next to me. The words, Speed Demon printed in bright yellow mocked all decent thoughts of safety. I hated that boat so much.

  “Mr. Westbrook.”

  I looked up to see Toby, Leo's personal assistant, waiting for us on the docks. I was so busy trying to sink the Speed Demon with my eyes that I hadn't even noticed him. It didn't help that Toby, with his short, pudgy stature, floppy brown hair, and unassuming posture was easy to overlook.

  “Toby? What are you doing here?” Leo asked, cutting power to the engine and tossing him a rope. I had gone on enough boat outings to know how to help tie up, so I grabbed a rope and assisted.

  “I'm very sorry, sir, but there's a matter that needs your attention.” Toby fidgeted slightly, pulling at his dress collar. He was wearing dark blue suit slacks and I could see the matching suit jacket hanging off a bench. Unfortunately, I could also see a very large white bird poop squarely on the arm of the dark jacket.

  “What do you mean, Toby?” Leo asked, confused. “Is this about the new phone app?”

  “No, sir,” Toby said slowly. His brown eyes skittered over to me and then back to his boss. “It's about the other thing.”

  Leo stilled, his hands stopped in mid knot. “I thought that was taken care of.” There was an edge to his voice that made me nervous.

  “I'm afraid not, Leo.” Toby shifted his feet. I wondered if he had a fear of the ocean. He was never nervous at the offi
ce or on the phone, but today he seemed out of sorts. Maybe it was just the heat of wearing a full dress suit in the Caribbean sun, maybe it was whatever thing he and Leo were talking about, but the man was off.

  Leo finished tying off the boat and sighed. “Charlotte, I hate to do this to you, but I need to take care of this.”

  “So no lunch?” I tried really hard not to pout. This was my day off and I didn't get many. I had been looking forward to spending the entire day with Leo.

  “I'm afraid not.” Leo's blue eyes held a shadow of fear that I'd never seen before, but then he blinked and it was gone. “I promise I'll make it up to you, though. Best lunch ever.”

  “All right,” I said reluctantly. “As long as you promise.”

  Leo smiled, the sparkle coming back to his eyes. I took a step forward, wanting to kiss him, but he subtly shook his head. His eyes darted over toward Toby and he frowned.

  “Right.” I understood that. Not in front of Toby. I sighed. I wondered if we'd ever go public. I wanted to tell the world that Leo was finally mine, but he was being so damn careful not to tell a soul. Did he really want me- or was he just stringing me along as an easy thing?

  “I'm sorry, Charlotte,” Toby replied, not sounding sorry at all. I wanted to hit him. Not only was Toby taking my boyfriend away, but he was unwittingly denying me a goodbye kiss. I hoped that what ever the two of them had to deal with was worth it.

  “Do you need any help?” I asked, hoping that maybe we could spend some time together that way.

  “No!” Leo's response was almost too quick. “I mean, it's not business related. This is a personal thing. Just some purchases and such.”

  “Uh huh.” I didn't believe him, but I wasn't about to call him out for it. Both Leo and Toby looked far too glum and nervous for it not to be a serious problem. “Okay. Maybe I'll see you later?”

  “I'd like that,” Leo assured me. He paused, obviously wanting to kiss me goodbye, but still not wanting to show our relationship to Toby. He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I'll see you later, Charlotte.”

  I wasn't sure what to think of this whole situation. It felt off in a way I couldn't describe. Something was going on with Toby and Leo, and it stung a little that Leo didn't want to share with me. I sighed. Leo must have his reasons, I thought. I just wish I knew what they were. I'd just need to trust Leo. I'd trusted him most of my life, I could trust him on this.

  Even if it felt like something dark was going on.

  And with that, he turned and walked off the docks with Toby.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I stepped off of the Saunders' sailboat and then turned around and waved goodbye. Since Leo had ditched me to go take care of his problem, I had decided to take Robbie and Sam up on their offer to go sailing for the evening.

  It had turned out to be a wonderful way to spend the day. It would have been better if Leo had been there, but I was trying very hard not to complain. I'd lived without Leo in my every waking moment this long, I was sure I could handle it a little bit longer.

  So, I had done my best to be social. And really, being with Robbie, Sam, Emma, and Jack was a good way to spend the evening. We had sailed around the island, enjoying the sights and being out on the water using only the wind to power us. It was so different that powering across the water in a speed boat- more relaxed.

  The sky was slowly turning dark purple as the sun slid beneath her dark ocean blanket. The crickets were starting their noisy chorus and the temperature was now perfect. I took a deep breath of warm air and let it out slowly. A motion out of the corner of my eye caught my attention.

  “Hi, Elijah,” I greeted the man hiding in the shadows of a bush. He wasn't trying to be stealthy, just unobtrusive. I greatly appreciated that Eli always did his best to try and let Bastian and I have the illusion that we weren't always being followed. I knew of other bodyguards that loomed over their clients at all times, and while sometimes appropriate, I much preferred Eli's discrete practices.

  “Good evening, Charlotte,” Elijah said, stepping out of the shadows. He was a big man with dark features. He often reminded me of a hunting lion in the way that he moved, not to mention that he was just as deadly.

  “I'm going to walk home through town,” I told him. “Will you walk with me so I don't feel like I'm being stalked like a deer?”

  Elijah chuckled and nodded. “Of course. Why through town though? It's a longer walk.”

  “Because if you're here, then that means Bastian and Ava are safely tucked away at the mansion,” I said, starting to walk toward the main road through town. “And they should have a little privacy.”

  “Yes, it is hard to find a private space with only 14 bedrooms,” Elijah said, rolling his eyes.

  I let out a long frustrated sigh and considered telling him to just go back to stalking me.

  We walked in silence. I found that I enjoyed his company a lot more when we weren't talking. Night was falling and the street lamps and store lights lit the road through town. We passed Adele's restaurant and the bar and shops beside it, continuing to walk past a small grocery store. At the end of the block, before my turn to head home was the community center and church.

  The open door of the church was a bright light against the surrounding darkness. It made a pretty picture to look at before turning. The door to the community center was open as well with people exiting and hurrying to their cars. I was about to keep walking, but one of the people leaving caught my eye. It was a form that I had spent much of my life looking for. Leo.

  I stopped on the path, still too far from the community center to be seen. Elijah took an extra step before turning to look at me like I was crazy for stopping. I stared over at the community center, trying to figure out what Leo was doing there. I knew that it couldn't be for business, not with that many people and no mention of it on Bastian's schedule.

  Then, Toby came out of the building and joined Leo. They waved to a man heading into the church before heading to the parking lot themselves.

  “Do you know what's going on at the community center?” I asked Elijah, thinking maybe there was some sort of town hall meeting or something. Something that would be important enough for Leo to not call me.

  “What am I? A social calendar?” Elijah's sarcasm was not what I needed.

  I recognized Murdoch, Leo's incredibly scary bodyguard, driving the car that Leo and Toby were getting in to. Murdoch revved the engine and the three of them drove off into the night. I stared after them for a moment.

  What in the world were they doing here? What were they doing that was so important? Did it have anything to do with Leo's departure this afternoon?

  I set my shoulders and hurried across the street. I trusted Leo, but I needed to know what was going on. I was sure he had a good reason for everything that had happened today, but I still felt a little left out.

  “Where are you going?” Elijah asked, jogging to catch up with my sudden departure. “What are you doing?”

  “There's a sign on the door,” I said, waving him off. “I'll be right back.”

  Elijah made a frustrated noise but fell back slightly as I approached the door to the community center. I took a deep breath and stepped close enough to read the paper.

  “Gamblers Anon Meeting- Room 103

  All are welcome.”

  I had to laugh at myself. I was worried over nothing. He wasn't being strange or leaving me out of his life. He was making sure that he didn't gamble. That he stayed true to himself. If anything, I should be proud of him.

  That Toby was there at the meeting as well told me that Toby was probably a gambler. I felt a little guilty, discovering a secret that wasn't mine to know. I didn't know Toby all that well. I had helped train him when Leo first hired him, and I helped him out from time to time, but I wouldn't call us friends. I would barely call us co-workers, to be honest. Knowing something this personal about him without his consent was slightly uncomfortable.

  I supposed that it was possibl
e for Toby to just be there as support for Leo, but I doubted it. If Leo wanted someone for support, he could have just brought me. I knew his secret now. No, it made more sense that they were both members.

  I let out a long breath. There was no way for me to unlearn that information, so the best thing I could do is just keep it a secret. I was the assistant to a billionaire, it wasn't like keeping secrets was hard for me. Besides, Leo obviously knew Toby's past and that would be my only concern anyway.

  If anything, it made me love Leo a little bit more.

  I took out my phone and texted him.

  You still busy? Up for a drink? I promise not to throw up on you this time :D

  I turned from the door and headed back to the sidewalk where Elijah was waiting for me with his arms crossed.

  “Figure it all out?” Elijah asked.

  I nodded as my phone buzzed with a reply from Leo.

  Come to my place.

  “Change of plans, Eli- I'm going to Leo's,” I said with a grin, putting my phone in my pocket.


  The walk to Leo's from the community center wasn't far. He was staying at a big place on the water that actually belonged to a friend of his. Owen Parker was a good friend to both Leo and Jack Saunders, and let any of his billionaire friends use the beautiful seaside mansion whenever they were on the island.

  I loved the big, white, marble columns and old British colony look of the place. A security guard called out a greeting to us, recognizing Elijah as we approached.

  “So, are you two a thing now?” Elijah asked as we walked toward the house. “I mean, officially?”

  I nearly tripped on the smooth walkway. “Maybe...”

  “So you are,” he said with a grin. I gave him a dirty look and he just smiled bigger. “Murdoch owes me twenty bucks.”


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