Pick of the Litter

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Pick of the Litter Page 13

by Wendy Stone

  Tears that she'd fought hard to suppress suddenly ran down her cheeks, dropping like rain onto the fabric of her tee shirt. “Can I stay here with you for a couple of days?” she managed to ask.

  "Of course, baby,” Terry said, pulling her into an embrace and slowly rubbing her back. “What's going on?"

  Somehow, through sobs of both pain and betrayal, she managed to get out enough of the story for Terry to understand. They'd moved to the couch in her living room by that time, Terry bringing out the big guns, Rocky Road ice cream and two spoons.

  "He told you he's a what?"

  "A were-panther, Terry. God, I thought he was so ... so..."

  "Gorgeous? Hot? Fantastic in bed?” Terry asked, managing to make Marissa give a short laugh.

  "Yeah, those, but so much more. I ... I think I fell in love with him, Ter.” She dropped her spoon into the now empty container, glancing at it in disgust. “It has to be love, otherwise I wouldn't hurt so badly. God, what's wrong with me? Am I a moron magnet?"

  "No, sweetie, never that.” She reached over and flipped on the switch of one of the lamps in her living room. It was getting dark. “Tell me more about this were-panther thing. He was going to change you into one too?"

  "He said that if we were to be mated, he'd have to bite into my neck while we were ... you know. Then I'd have to bite his wrist and drink his blood."

  "That's either the sickest thing I've ever heard or the hottest, considering what he looks like.” Terry took the pillow she was cradling in her lap and used it to fan her face. “Damn, why do the gorgeous ones have to be crazy?"

  "Terry,” Marissa began slowly, “I don't know if he was lying. I feel strange inside, like there's something in there that wants to get out.” She glanced up at her friend, seeing the expression of confusion on her face. “He told me that the position we were in would change me, but I wouldn't be able to hold the form unless we finished the ceremony."

  "With the blood drinking, right?"

  "Right.” Marissa fell silent, staring out the window at the darkening San Antonio skyline. There was a part of her that wanted to run back to Lukah, to finish the ceremony and be with him forever. But then the logical part of her raised its head, demanding that she realize that things like this just don't exist. Werewolves, panthers, vampires; they were all just figments of some demented imagination.

  But maybe, just maybe, they did exist. What if it was true? He'd always called his relatives a clan, not a family. He wasn't from here originally, and that accent, it was right out of a cheesy horror film.

  The touch of Terry's hand on her cheek brought her screeching back to reality. “Come on, sweetie. It's getting late. You can share my bed tonight."

  "Thanks, Terry. You don't know how much I appreciate this.” She got up from the couch and carried the now empty carton of ice cream into the kitchen and threw it away, rinsing off the spoons and her hands. “I didn't know what to do or where to go."

  Terry gave her a quick hug before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the bedroom.

  * * * *

  Noise, loud and clattering, woke her after only a couple hours of sleep. It was hard-earned sleep, since she couldn't seem to turn off her head, finding her thoughts whirling in circles. Now there was a noise.

  She sat up, shrugging off Terry's hands. Her friend was a cuddler in her sleep, curling up next to Marissa and wrapping her arm around her neck. “Terry, do you hear that?"

  "Hear what?” Terry groaned.

  The noise happened again, like someone not quite steady on their feet slamming into a sink full of dishes. “That noise, don't tell me you can't hear that."

  "Okay, I won't tell you. There's nothing there, Mar. You're just overly tired and jumping at shadows. Don't worry, no one knows where you are and I've got more locks that Fort Knox on my door. You're safe as houses, kid."

  "Then something's wrong with me, Terry, because I hear it.” She jumped as it happened again, this time as if it were right next to her. “God! I'm going crazy!"

  Terry glanced around the room. She couldn't hear anything, but she did have a neighbor that was notorious for coming in drunk and running into the walls, as well as trying to get in the wrong apartments. One momentous occasion she'd even managed to get into another apartment and got into bed with a married couple. It had been the talk of the complex for weeks.

  "Come on, Mar,” she whispered, reaching out and pulling her friend into her embrace. “You're not going crazy. It's late. We'll sort this whole thing out in the morning. You'll see, there is some kind of logical explanation for all of this.” She rubbed Marissa's back, trying to comfort her.

  "The only one that I can come up with is that I'm turning,” Marissa answered, leaning into Terry's embrace and taking the comfort she offered. Her hands grasped hold of the short tank that Terry was wearing, needing to hold onto something. She could feel the long length of her friend's legs, bare against her own under the soft pair of boxers she was wearing. “Thank you,” she murmured.

  "That's what friends are for,” Terry whispered, stroking Marissa's hair as she lay back against the pillow. “You stay right here and let Momma Terry take care of you."

  Marissa couldn't help the snort that escaped her. “Momma Terry? That's a good one."

  "See? I knew I could make you feel better. You're already up to insulting me.” She glanced down at Marissa's face, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

  Terry's hands were soft and gentle, stroking over her hair and down her back before coming back up to make the same circuitous trip again. Marissa felt like arching under them. Like a cat, she thought. Her fingers stretched, kneading against Terry's side, like a kitten kneading her mother's stomach as she nursed. A soft rumble left her throat, a purr that told of how good Terry felt against her.

  She sighed, opening her eyes in the dark room. Everything came sharply into focus. Too sharply, for she could make out the small crack in the wall where Terry had thrown a shoe. She could see it as if it were broad daylight. A tiny scrabbling sound caught her attention and she watched as a small mouse crept across the carpeted floor. Every detail was thrown in weird relief and she could count the whiskers on the tiny creature's nose.

  "Oh God,” she breathed. Inhaling sharply, she realized everything she smelled was different. It was as if she could smell things deeper, seeing in her mind the different pictures of what she scented. She could scent the mouse and the fish that someone down the hall had fried for dinner last night. She could make out the different herbs that had been used on the fish as well, knowing that the oil used was old and should be changed.

  Terry's perfume was almost overbearing. She pulled away, making a face at the horrendous scent.

  "What are you wearing?” she asked, her face screwed distastefully.

  "What do you mean, what am I wearing?” Terry asked, holding her arms away from her body.

  "Perfume, where did you get it? It smells terrible."

  "You bought it for me for Christmas, after I told you I liked how it smelled on you,” Terry said, staring at Marissa as if she were going crazy. “What's going on now?” She reached over and clicked on the bedside lamp, turning back and giving a tiny screech of surprise. “Oh my God, Mar, look in the mirror."

  * * * *

  Lukah lay in his bed, alone and hurting. He'd allowed the change to take him, finding that he hurt less in this state than in his human form. His eyes were dull and he'd been unable to eat all day. Though, with the emptiness he'd felt in his heart, the lack of food was the least of his problems.

  She'd left him. That thought circled in his mind over and over. She hadn't been able to accept him and she'd left. A grunting moan left the throat of his cat self and he lifted one huge paw, letting it fall across his face.

  "I can't believe I'm going to do this,” Lucinda said from the door of his room. “I really can't believe it, considering that I love you and want you for myself."

  Get out! He shouted at her in his mind, knowing she felt it
as well as heard it.

  "Lukah, for once, shut your mouth and listen to me.” She walked slowly toward the panther, who barely lifted his head to look at her. “I drove your friend back to town. She's a mess. I know what's she's feeling, Lukah. She loves you, she needs you in her life. You've got to find a way to get her to accept what you are, before it kills you."

  He slowly flashed back into his human form, unabashed at his nudity before her. “She couldn't even look at me,” he said, self loathing and pain apparent in his tone.

  "How would you feel if it were suddenly thrust upon you that the woman you loved wasn't what you thought she was?

  Lukah peered up at her, the weakness that was stealing his soul slowly and surely making his golden eyes a pale and insipid yellow. “Why do you care?” he growled.

  "Because,” she growled herself, throwing her arms up in the air. “Dammit Lukah, I'm selfish and stubborn and a little bitch sometimes, but I'm not a bad person. I saw the look in your eyes when you looked at her. You never looked at me that way. If you started the change, she's in more danger now then ever."

  "She'll be fine in a few days,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her. “She doesn't want me."

  "She won't be fine, dammit. I ... I did something that I shouldn't have.” She turned her back, going to the window so she wouldn't have to look at him when she told him. But his reflection was there. She watched as he struggled to sit up, fighting the pain and weakness that was stealing away his life force, slowly but surely.

  "What did you do?"

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Ten

  Terry rose and went to the bathroom, grabbing her small hand mirror and bringing it back to the bed. “Look,” she said, holding it out to her friend.

  Marissa took it, though she didn't want to, feeling a dread she didn't quite understand. Lifting it with a shaking hand, she forced herself to peer into the mirror. “Oh God,” she hissed, staring at her eyes. They had changed, growing wider, the pupil changing shape, the iris growing darker, more gray than purple. Her lips had thinned, the outside flesh turning black while the inside was pinker. Her teeth were changing as well, fangs showing when she parted her lips.

  "You're changing.” Terry backed away slowly. “You need to call Lukah, Marissa. I think you should call him now."

  Tearing her eyes from the mirror she looked up at her friend. “You act like you're afraid of me, Terry. How can you be afraid of me?"

  "You're turning into a panther, Mar. Call him.” Terry reached out, snatching up a short robe to throw over her tank and shorts. Running out to the living room, she brought the phone back to Marissa.

  Marissa was staring into the mirror, seemingly fascinated by what was happening to her face. She looked up as Terry tossed the phone onto the bed next to her. “I can't call him,” she said slowly. Her voice sounded strange, husky; deeper than normal. “I don't have his number.” She started to get up, but doubled over instead. “Ahh!"

  A searing pain twisted inside of her, muscles straining against the agony. She gasped, falling backwards on the bed, hearing Terry scream in horror. Her fingers spread wide, a crackling sound starting in them as they changed into paws. Black hair sprouted upon her skin, thick and shiny. It spread quickly up her fingers and over her arms. The hair on her head receded, changing from her fiery curls to a black pelt.

  There was a sharp crack, like bones breaking and Marissa groaned as her arms changed to front legs. A pain started at the base of her back bone, a pain that grew, the pressure unbearable until she reached back and tore off the shorts and panties she wore. Then a tail appeared, long and thick. It flicked at the tip, slashing wildly like an exclamation point to her pain.

  It seemed to take forever for it to finish as Terry watched, but in reality it was only a few moments. She was horrified, her hand to her chest as she slid toward the bedroom door, waiting for the big, black cat that used to be her friend to attack her. “Marissa?” she asked softly.

  The cat rose, shaking free of the material that had once clothed its human half. It padded down from the bed, coming toward Terry slowly, as if unsure of its welcome. Stopping within reach of Terry, it sat on its haunches, staring up at her.

  "Are you still in there, Marissa?"

  The cat let out a rumbling purr, butting its ... her head on Terry's hand.

  "I'll take that as a yes,” Terry said, laughing rather shakily. “Are you all right?” She felt that same bump and, unable to stop herself, slid her fingers through the silky soft blackness of Marissa's pelt. “You're so soft."

  Marissa turned her head, grabbing Terry's hand in her mouth and giving it a tug. After her original start of fear at having her fragile fingers in the cat's big mouth, so near the gleaming white fangs, Terry followed her. She sank down on her haunches next to the bed, staring from Terry then back to the bed.

  "I don't understand, Mar,” Terry said, watching the cat. Marissa picked up her big paw, batting at the phone that had been dropped onto the mattress. “What? You want me to call someone?"

  The rumbling purr sounded again along with a sound deep in the cat's throat, a grunt.

  "Who do you want me to call?"

  Frustration seemed to emanate from the black panther and she paced the floor in front of the bed, tail twitching angrily. Every few feet, she would stop and look at Terry as if to say she should understand her, she was her friend, wasn't she?

  "Do you want me to call Lukah?” Terry finally asked, picking up the phone. “I could try calling Abstract, maybe they know how to reach him."

  Marissa jumped on the bed, a strange sensation gripping her stomach. She growled, low and deep in her throat, twisting upon the mattress, staring at Terry with a helpless expression.

  "Okay, okay, I'm going to call. You hang on, Mar. Don't ... do anything like wet my bed or something.” She turned her back on the cat, missing the look of disbelief that Marissa threw at her.

  Going to the phone book, she popped it quickly open to the R's in the yellow pages, her fingers slipping over the page before finding the number she needed. “Please God let someone be there this late,” she prayed as she punched in the numbers. It rang, and rang, and rang, Terry closing her eyes in frustration. She was just about to hang up the phone when a male voice picked up the other end.

  "Abstract, how may I help you?” The words were polite, but the tone behind them was anything but.

  "Uh, yes, hi, I need to get a hold of your boss,” Terry said, stumbling under the onslaught of that voice.

  "I'm boss of Abstract,” the voice said, still with that same ‘fuck you’ tone.

  "You're Lukah Alexandros?"

  "No. Who is this and what do you want with Lukah?"

  "Who's this?” Terry snapped, tired of this man trying to intimidate her, whoever he was. It would take a hell of a lot more chutzpah than this to make her back down.

  "What do you care about my name?” She heard a huge sigh from the other end. “Listen, Lukah isn't here. He's off somewhere with his new lady friend. If this is another one of his women, you'll have to take that up with him."

  "I'm a friend of Marissa's. She needs him, badly.” Terry felt the words spill from her lips and growled in her own frustration. This creep wouldn't help her, she should just hang up.

  "Where are you?"


  "Where are you? How hard is that to understand? Give me your address and I'll make sure Lukah knows."

  "Whoa, wait a minute. I don't know you, why should I give you my addres?."

  "I'm betting you have a problem with Marissa right now, a kind of feline problem, am I right?” There was a tiny bit of humor in his voice, hidden poorly behind his pique.

  "Yeah, but how did you ... Shit, you're one of them too, aren't you?"

  "My name is Nashe Wolfe. I'm not one of anybody. Give me the address."

  Terry was tempted to toss down the phone and flash it the bird, but hearing the thrashing from her bedroom changed her mind. “Fine, bu
t if you end up killing me, I will come back and haunt your ass for the rest of your natural life and all your unnatural, got me?” She gave him her address, breathing a sigh of relief when it was done and she was off the phone.


  She jumped, hearing Marissa's voice garbled with pain. She took a tentative step toward the bedroom, wishing she could turn the other way. “Never pick up a guy on the wrong side of town, Terry,” she whispered to herself. “It could end up turning you into something supernatural. Ick."

  Hearing her name called again, she hurried into the room, proud of herself for only pausing a second before opening the door. Marissa lay upon the bed, her naked body now twisting in pain, but back in her human form. All except the tail that twisted around her body, the tip still flicking madly.

  "Mar?” she whispered softly.

  "Did you find him, Terry?” she moaned, wrapping her arms around her waist and curling into a ball on the bed.

  "I got a hold of Nashe Wolfe. He's going to get Lukah, Mar. He'll take care of it. Can I get you anything? Aspirin? A glass of water? Catnip?” Terry backed off a bit as Marissa threw her an aggravated stare. “Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I don't know what to do when my best friend turns into a panther."

  "You might try not pissing me off,” Mar growled, grabbing onto one of the pillows to press against her stomach. “It feels like it's trying to get out again."

  "Shit! Hold it in, Mar."

  "I'm trying, but it's hard.” She held her hand up, watching as it went from human form to a huge black paw then back to human. “It hurts."

  "I'm going to go get you a wet washcloth,” Terry said, quickly scurrying from the room. Call her a coward, but she couldn't stay and watch that again. Just hearing the bones creaking as they changed shape was enough to make her stomach flip. She couldn't imagine the pain it must entail. If there was one thing that bothered Terry, it was pain, any kind of pain. A trip to the dentist put her is such a tizzy she had to be sedated. No one knew this about her. It was her bane to carry.


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