Touchdown Desires

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Touchdown Desires Page 10

by Jenna Payne

  “Oh I never thought…oh this is so amazing…ah don’t stop!” Samantha heard herself say with a husky, sexy voice that surprised yet pleased her.

  She wrapped one arm around Joey’s neck and the other hand went to her equally eager opening. She tickled and teased her as she was being touched, and Joey was equally responsive.

  She groaned when Jacks fingers slid just briefly into her rear, while in front of her Joey cried out in pleasure. Samantha felt Joey’s arm go around her to pull her as tight as Samantha slid her fingers down and entered Joey’s opening to love. She felt Joey’s fingers reach for her deepest reaches of desire and was only vaguely aware of Jack coming up behind Joey on his knees.

  Joey was on her knees leaning forward, penetrating Samantha with her fingers, moving them until Samantha screamed with the most spectacular rush of pleasure she had ever felt. Joey cried out as Jack entered her deepest place of lust from behind. Soon all three of them were crying out in pure pleasure. It was the strongest climax that Samantha had ever felt leaving her with a feeling of joy and togetherness.

  Every entry from Jack caused Joey to move forward probing Samantha deeper. Their combined cries scaled upward until, with one final blast of joyous release, they all gasped and relaxed into each other desperately trying to catch their breath. Samantha was not sure how all of it had happened but she vowed to never forget it. She had never felt anything like it before.

  “Oh ladies, thank you. I think we all needed that. I will go make sure the food will be ready when you are,” Jack told them. He kissed them both on the cheek and climbed out of the tub.

  Samantha and Joey embraced. As Samantha held her, she was surprised at the depths of her feelings for Joey. She realized she was in love with her, and any trepidation that thought might have brought her a year earlier did not even arise. She was just happy.

  “That was so amazing honey. I can’t believe how wonderful you are,” she whispered in her lover’s ear.

  Joey hugged her tighter. “I feel the same my Sammy. If you think that was fun, wait until I get you alone!” she told her.

  They both giggled softly and continued to hold each other, happy and at peace until both of their stomachs rumbled at the same time. They laughed and broke their embrace with embarrassed grins.

  “I guess it’s dinner time. Wow, these robes look so soft,” Joey said as they got out of the tub.

  They dried off and put on the thick soft robes. Due to her height Samantha’s came to her calves and she didn’t mind a bit. She felt coddled and comfortable in the warm cloth.

  When they went back into the house they could hear Jack’s voice and followed it down the hallway into a big open family room area off of a huge kitchen. There were sandwich fixings and chips with dip laid out on the kitchen counter. Jack was wearing flannel pants and a t-shirt while talking on the phone. He pointed to the food and gave them a thumbs up.

  “Yes detective, I understand. I am glad I got a hold of you,” he said into the phone.

  “What?” He queried. “Oh, well the snow has stopped, so once I get the all clear from you I will get a car out here and I we will be back,” he told the detective.

  “Uh huh, well I appreciate your efforts and that you believed in me. I will call you in the morning and see where we are at then,” he said.

  “Ok, will do. Thanks again,” he finished and hung up.

  “I knew having a landline out here was a good idea,” he told them smiling. Samantha and Joey looked at each other and back at Jack.

  “So what did he say Jack?” Joey asked as both women moved to the food and began loading up plates.

  “He believed me and now has other proof that what I told him was true. He said the thumb drive I gave him had everything they needed to take the investigation further and that everything came together. Tom is definitely involved as well as a gang in Jersey. He is hoping to round everyone up tonight. If he does, we can go back tomorrow,” he said with pleasure.

  Samantha and Joey gave a cheer and took their heavy plates to the table. They were both very hungry. Jack joined them, filling them in as they ate.

  “The gang Tom got involved with runs everything from steroids to cocaine. Apparently they recently branched out into pain killers of the pharmaceutical kind. Detective Johnson believes the drugs they are selling are from a hospital robbery that took place last month. I can’t believe Tom got wrapped up in it and I want to kick his ass. I know it wouldn’t do any good in the long run but, damn it! I trusted that guy,” he said with force. Shaking his head, he picked up his sandwich and took a bite.

  “Well he screwed himself, so none of it is your fault Jack. Keep that in mind dude, 0therwise it can start messing with your head. You know how that goes,” Joey advised him and he nodded thoughtfully. “You are as innocent in this as we are. You did not know what was going down. Right Samantha?”

  Samantha nodded having just taken a big bite of her sandwich.

  “I know; I just feel stupid. I promise you this though. I will keep a very close eye on my business from now on. Actually, you know it just came to me. How would you like a new client Samantha? I am not going to use anyone that Tom was associated with, and the accountant I was using may get indicted over this as well. According to Detective Johnson that was a pretty smart catch, finding those inconsistencies. I could use a smart accountant right now,” he told her with raised brows.

  “That’s my girl,” Joey said fondly.

  Samantha thought about it and nodded. “I think I could do that Jack. I would want to wait until it all blows over and the lawyers and the cops are done going over everything though,” she told him.

  “Of course Sam. I understand that. No pressure. Whenever you are comfortable starting. Until then, eat and be merry. Although I am thinking about just eating and going to bed,” he said jokingly.

  The ladies agreed whole heartedly. They finished stuffing themselves and each drank a beer sitting on the couch in the family room. Samantha and Joey held hands relaxing completely, and it was nice. Knowing the cops were on it, and that it could be over the next day was freeing.

  “I am surprised you have a land line out here. Do you have cable too?” Joey asked humorously. To Samantha’s surprise he grinned and nodded.

  “There is a rich person’s house about every five miles in this neck of the woods. They are all set up for any amenities you could want. Very few people use landlines anymore, but I wanted some contact with the outside world if I ever needed it. I have a hardline internet connection as well if either of you need to get online for anything,” he offered.

  Samantha smiled, glad to know it was there but not really caring at that moment. It wasn’t long after that they all decided it was time for bed.

  Jack showed them a suite with an attached bathroom. Seeing a king-sized bed and pillow top mattress, Samantha knew she was about to be in heaven. Jack left them and Samantha decided she wanted a shower as she had not had one all day. More hot water couldn’t hurt as she was trying to erase the memory of how cold she had been.

  “Would you mind some company darling? I could use a hot shower too,” Joey said.

  Samantha grinned and blushed at the same time. She had never had a shower with another person before. Then again, before that night, she had never had sex in a hot tub or made love with two other people either.

  “Sure Joey. You are always welcome wherever I am,” she could not help saying.

  Joey blushed a little and they went and took a shower together. Samantha had never felt so pampered as Joey washed her hair. She was gentle and attentive to Samantha as no one had ever been before. They dried each other off and went into the bedroom and climbed up on the big bed. Joey turned off all the lights, except a small salt lamp in the corner. From where the bed was positioned they could look out a big window to the snowy trees. It was like a fairy tale and Samantha did not want it to end. They were both exhausted however, and they lay side by side looking out at the snow. As Samantha became sleepier she
remembered her dream from the night before.

  “I dreamed this Joey, did I tell you?” she asked.

  “No sweetheart. Us in bed?” Joey asked sleepily in return.

  “I dreamed last night of us getting a cabin in the woods and we got to spend days together. Just the two of us,” she told her.

  “Well, I think that when this is all over with, Jack would let us come up here and use this one as long as we want. How does that sound?” Joey asked.

  “I should have known you would make my dreams come true Joey. I think I love you,” she told her as Joey snuggled up closer and they lay with their naked bodies curled together.

  “I think I love you too Samantha. I promise to always do my best to make your dreams come true. Just doing that would make my dreams come true you know,” she whispered in Samantha’s ear.

  They did not speak after that and slowly fell into a deep sleep, holding each other.


  A Rude Awakening to Happy Endings

  Samantha awoke to a shrieking sound that jolted her up in bed. Joey sat up next to her and just as Samantha realized it was an alarm, it stopped. At the same time, the bedroom door crashed inward and Samantha screamed. There were two men pointing shot guns at them. She felt Joey stiffen next to her and one of the men leaned in a little, pointing his gun at her head.

  “Don’t you try it, you dumb bitch, or you die right here and now!” he said. He was a big, bulky man in cold weather gear. The guy next to him was a shorter, thinner man dressed the same. Their cheeks were red as if they just came in out of the cold. Joey continued staring at the man and after a moment she relaxed her muscles and leaned back.

  “That is better. Now both of you get dressed and come with us,” the big guy demanded. The little guy threw their robes at them and stepped back.

  Samantha was trembling with fear and felt tears streaming down her cheeks. She had never been so scared in her life. She shakily wrapped her robe around her naked body as she got out of bed, trying to not give these thugs a peep show. They both leered at them as they put on their robes and then marched them out to the family room. They sat on the couch and Samantha could hear voices from further back in the cabin.

  “Are you ok Samantha?” Joey asked her nervously.

  “Been better,” she said in a teary sounding voice that she could not help.

  Joey put her arm around her and glared at the two men. She was so tough, and Samantha was glad one of them could be. Her whole body was beginning to shake with her fear and Joey held her tighter in response to it.

  They heard a shout then a crash from the back of the cabin and she jumped. She was sure it was Jack she heard crying out in pain. The two men remained silent, keeping their weapons trained on the ladies.

  After a minute they heard footsteps and cursing, and soon Jack was shoved into the room and he fell to the floor in front of them. He looked up at them and Samantha gasped. His nose looked broken and one of his eyes was bruised and swelling up. The front of his t-shirt was covered in blood. Then a furious looking Tom Brody walked in with a gun in his hand.

  “I told you not to go to the cops, dumb ass. What did you think was going to happen? We have to leave town because of you three. A million dollar a year business down the drain. Really Jack, did you actually think we would let that go?” he asked rhetorically.

  Jack did not answer, he just lay on the floor, breathing heavy and looking at Samantha and Joey with regret. Samantha was too scared to speak. She could barely keep from crying, knowing that would only make things worse.

  “These two gentlemen have families they now must leave behind because of you Jack. You ladies were stupid enough to assist him, so you are in the same boat. By the time they find your bodies, we will be long gone. Although, I think I may have some fun with you ladies after Jack here is taken care of,” he said with a leer moving towards them.

  Both Jack and Joey growled as Samantha’s heart seemed to stop beating in her chest. The two men were watching Jack now as Tom approached the couch. Then there was a flurry of motion that astounded Samantha. Tom had gotten too close to Joey. Her foot had shot up and connected with his balls, hard.

  He screamed, dropped his gun and fell back into the little guy with the shot gun. Both men fell to the floor and Jack launched himself at the other gunman. Jack struggled with the him until he was shoved back.

  At the same time, Joey had propelled herself at the men on the floor. As they untangled themselves Joey kicked Tom in the face and he fell back on top of the little guy who then had Joey’s foot connect with his throat. He was left gasping and unable to get up.

  “Everyone stop or I will just shoot you all right now,” the big guy shouted.

  Samantha almost had a heart attack then.

  “That was my thought as well. Freeze police!” said a voice from behind everyone.

  Suddenly the police were coming in through every entrance with guns pointed at the bad guys. The big guy hesitated, then dropped his weapon on the floor.

  Samantha just sat in shock watching Jack trying to catch his breath as Joey moved over to her. Samantha was having a hard time tracking what just happened.


  Samantha stretched as she finished loading the dishwasher. Dinner had been fantastic and she was looking forward to dessert. Joey had been right. Jack would let them stay at his cabin for as long as they wanted, so they were going to. Her mind was still awhirl with how fast it was all settled.

  Tom had suspected Jack was getting suspicious and he had been keeping a close eye on him. He knew Jack had bought the cabin and knew that if he ran, that was where he would go. It turned out he had been aware of Joey and Samantha visiting Jack’s office during the party and guessed why. When Jack didn’t cooperate by following his advice, he tried to hush it up, only Jack had gone to the cops right away, without hesitation.

  That had created a big problem for Tom Brody. He knew that Samantha must have found the discrepancies in the paperwork, and that Jack would not tolerate that. He had miscalculated by not expecting Jack to move so fast.

  Samantha did not think that Jack was the smartest knife in the drawer, but once he made his mind up he moved on it. There was something to be said for that.

  None of them expected the cops to show up when they did. Jack had told Detective Johnson where the cabin was. Detective Johnson had also found that Tom and his guys had disappeared. Just in case of trouble, the Detective had taken a few officers with him and staked out the cabin.

  They saw when Tom and his men arrived and followed them in. Samantha had said thank you so many times she had a feeling the Detective had got annoyed. Due to her financial investigation Tom and his guys were caught dead to rights, so of course they were all ratting out the other. There was no chance they could get out of a long stretch in jail.

  “So what do you think my love?” came Joey’s question to her ears. She turned, smiling, wondering what she meant, and caught her breath. Her girlfriend was gorgeous.

  Joey was wearing a long slinky evening gown with a slit up the side. It was a deep red and sparkled as she shifted where she stood at the archway to the kitchen. She was wearing heels that changed the shape of her legs and rear end, not that Samantha hadn’t already been a fan of her butt.

  “Good lord Joey, I have never seen you in a dress,” she told her honestly, moving towards her.

  “I know, that’s why I put it on.”

  Samantha reached out and put her arms around her. They kissed and when they broke apart Samantha could not help grinning.

  “You do know what those heels will do to your back, don’t you?” she asked.


  Bonus Story 3 of 40

  His Lucky Charm

  It’s too early for this. That’s all I can think as I stand at the tiny window of the mobile breakfast taco truck where I’ve worked for the past two years.

  It’s not a bad job, really. My boss, Gabe, is really flexible when it comes to my hours. With a
full schedule at college, that’s important.

  And to tell the truth, I like cooking breakfast tacos. Always have. Ever since I was a little girl peeking over my mom’s kitchen counter in San Antonio, Texas, I’ve been fascinated by the foods she made.

  When I close my eyes, the scent of freshly cooked chorizo and eggs fills my nostrils and reminds me of home. When we’re busy, the sounds of people laughing, talking, and ordering all at once reminds me of home too.

  I grew up with three brothers and numerous cousins. Our house was always filled to the brim. Especially on Saturday mornings.

  That’s what’s different about working the truck. Early Saturday morning is our slowest time.

  It's seven thirty in the morning. I’ve made the chorizo, the eggs, and the beans for tacos. The tortillas are packed and ready to be heated. But there’s not a soul in sight.

  When I peer out the window of our truck and look around, I see nothing but other food trucks dark and boarded up. None of the other trucks in the center open half as early as we do on Saturdays. Not even the ones that serve breakfast food.

  Everyone knows that normal people go out on Friday nights. Therefore, it follows, that normal people would stay in bed on Saturday morning. No one’s going to be out looking for breakfast tacos at seven thirty.

  I’ve tried to tell Gabe that. I don’t know how many times I’ve suggested opening just a couple hours later on Saturdays. The way the other food trucks do.

  “We’ve got to stay consistent, Gloria,” he always tells me. “It’s what our customers like about us.”

  It’s easy for him to say, I think bitterly. He doesn’t have to get up at six in the morning.

  Gabe comes to work at nine am on Saturdays. Even though he doesn’t want to change our hours, he realizes that Saturdays are too slow for two people to open.

  So, that leaves me here all on my own.

  I stand for a few more minutes carrying the hope that someone, anyone, might pass by and have a desperate urge to indulge in a breakfast taco.


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