Touchdown Desires

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Touchdown Desires Page 31

by Jenna Payne

  “Uhm, do you see what I see?” Rachel asked in a hush voice as she leaned over to Michelle, not taking her eyes off of the beautiful woman.

  Michelle’s eyes widened. She hoped to everything that she was mistaken in thinking it was Jackson’s car. Unfortunately, Michelle was correct in her initial assumption because the driver side door opened to reveal a tall, handsome and dark-haired man dressed in black jeans and a gray t-shirt. The man turned in slight confusion before making eye contact with Michelle. When he recognized her, a large smile graced his face.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Michelle said in a hushed tone as she instinctively grabbed onto Rachel’s arm.

  Michelle tore herself away from the brunette beauty to look at Jackson as he shut his door and began to walk her way. All sorts of questions ran through Michelle’s mind as Jackson approached her, the first and main one was: who was the brunette? And why in the world was she with Jackson to pick them up?


  Jackson came up to Michelle and without warning, picked her up off her feet and swung her around. Michelle let out a little scream as she held on to the tall, strong man who apparently had no problem swinging her around like a rag doll.

  “Jackson, put me down,” Michelle exclaimed as she felt herself getting dizzy. Jackson, who was grinning like an idiot the entire time, finally lowered her to the safety of the ground.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” he said with a smile as he gently moved stray strands of her hair from her face and pulled her into a tight hug. He released her from his hold and his eyes met hers, truly realizing how much he had missed her. Jackson then turned to Rachel who had been applying sunscreen on and off.

  “You must be Rachel,” he said with a warm smile as he took her hand and shook it.

  Rachel looked at Jackson in awe whether it was at his attractiveness or the fact that he was somewhat of a celebrity, Michelle didn’t know.

  “Yes, that’s me, I’m Rachel, nice to meet you,” Rachel replied awkwardly. Michelle did everything in her power not to laugh, Rachel, for the most part, was not a people person so watching the interaction was slightly entertaining.

  While Rachel was being awkward, Michelle set her sights on the brunette who was still with the car checking her make up in a compact mirror. She couldn’t help the ping of jealousy that radiated in her chest as she wondered who the woman was to Jackson.

  “Jackson, who is that woman who came with you?”

  Michelle looked over at Jackson, who was still chatting with Rachel. In turn, the nameless brunette eyed Michelle intently. Her glare told Michelle the brunette was not very pleased at her arrival.

  “Oh,” Jackson said in surprise as if he had forgotten she had ridden with him. “That’s just Nadia, she’s a friend who is staying at the house this weekend,” Jackson said as he took the two women’s bags with a grin and headed towards the car.

  Michelle and Rachel looked at one another before watching Jackson walk over to the car to put their luggage in the trunk.

  “I don’t know about this,” Michelle said as she looked back at Rachel. While Jackson said she was a friend, it didn’t seem as if it was as simple as that.

  “Well, it’s too late to turn back now, might as well enjoy ourselves right?” said Rachel. She shrugged and made her way to the car. Rachel had made it sound so easy. Michelle couldn’t blame her; after all she didn’t know of Michelle’s feelings for Jackson.

  Jackson waved Michelle over to the car, signaling they were all ready to depart. Nadia threw one more glare her way before re-entering the expensive vehicle, causing Michelle to question whether this trip would be as relaxing as she originally thought it would be.

  One thing was for sure though; it was too late to turn back now.


  The three sat in the car while Jackson spoke about how great of a weekend it was going to be. On the night of his actual birthday, there would be a masquerade party. Michelle sat in the back seat listening to Jackson but was a little annoyed that she wasn’t sitting in front, as childish as that sounded. She burned holes at the back of Nadia’s head as the model laughed and playfully rubbed Jackson’s knee.

  “Hey Chelle you okay back there? You’re a little quiet,” Jackson said as they reached a stop light and he physically turned his head to eye her. Michelle put on a smile and waved off the concern Jackson was showing.

  “Yeah just tired is all,” Michelle lied; she was really worried about the tension that was accumulating in the car. She had to deal with it at work and now here? Michelle mentally asked the universe if this was some sort of karma at work.

  “We’re almost to the house and then you can rest up before dinner,” Jackson said with a sympathetic smile as he returned his attention to the road. He could sense something was wrong with Michelle but did not want to ask, with Nadia and Rachel in the car with them. He didn’t know what it was, but hoped it was nothing serious.

  Michelle gazed out of the window as the houses got bigger and bigger on their way to Jackson’s place. She was in genuine awe of how gorgeous the houses were. She couldn’t even imagine how Jackson’s house would look.

  “Must be nice to have money,” Rachel said quietly as she also gazed out of her window at the magnificent houses that they passed by.

  Michelle looked at the passenger side and noticed Nadia hadn’t said a word to her or Rachel the entire time. She had focused all her attention and energy on laughing at Jackson’s corny jokes and touching him unnecessarily. It was as though she and Rachel didn’t even exist to Nadia, which pissed Michelle off even further.

  Finally, Michelle noticed that their speed was slowing. She scooted to the middle of the seat to look out of the front window. Her jaw dropped. The house that they approached was bigger than anything she had ever seen. The hugeness of it was amazing in itself.

  “We’re here,” Jackson said with a grin as he pulled into what looked like a small parking lot all filled with foreign cars.

  “Jackson, you are really doing well for yourself,” Michelle said, still in shock as she slowly got out of the parked car and looked around.

  “Yeah, I have my financial team to thank for that,” he said with a chuckle as he went to pull out hers and Rachel’s luggage from the trunk. Rachel and Michelle walked around the large front grassy area still recovering from the fact that they were going to spend the weekend in such a massive place.

  “Come in, come in,” Jackson said with a proper tone as he rolled their things into the house with Nadia right at his heel. Michelle crossed her arms and watched as they walked into the house.

  “Do you think they’re, you know,” Rachel implied the obvious as she eyed Michelle with her eyebrow raised. She must have sensed the jealousy radiating off of Michelle because she waited for an answer. She supposed when it really came down to it Jackson was free to see whomever he wanted, not that she was happy about it. Michelle opted to look away in attempt to hide her true feelings about the matter.

  “I mean, the vibes I’m getting from that girl say they are, you know?” said Michelle.

  Rachel crossed her arm and nodded in agreement. “I guess we’ll have to stay out of her way huh?”

  Michelle rolled her eyes and began walking towards the house; she was fuming just a little bit. She had come here for a relaxing weekend and to spend time with Jackson; there was no way she was going to stay out of the way.

  As Michelle and Rachel walked into the house they were greeted by at least five other people. Michelle and Rachel did their best to put on friendly faces and be social for the moment. Michelle glanced at Jackson, signaling him that she and Rachel were ready to be shown to their rooms. The three said their brief goodbyes and promised to catch up with the group later.

  “Ok, I thought you guys would want to be in rooms next to each other so you guys will be down the hallway,” Jackson said as he led the girls down a long and narrow hallway.

  “How many bedrooms are in this place?”
  “10, it’s pretty much a party mansion for occasions like this so it works out” Jackson said as he fished out a key from his pocket and unlocked one of the rooms.

  “This will be your room Rachel,” he said as he allowed her to walk in past him.

  “This room is amazing,” Rachel exclaimed as she immediately gravitated towards the king-sized bed. The room was decorated in deep red and gold; and was fully furnished with a small couch, a plasma screen television, full bathroom and what seemed to be a walk-in closet.

  “Glad you love it, Chelle your room is similar just a different color scheme.”

  Michelle, agog at the décor in Rachel’s room, was beyond curious now to see what her own room looked like.

  “I’m going to take a well-deserved nap, Michelle. I’ll see you later. Thanks again Jackson,” Rachel said with a pleased look on her face as she dragged her suitcase into the room and shooed Jackson and Michelle out.

  “She’s already making herself at home,” Michelle said as she shook her head causing Jackson to chuckle.

  Next stop was Michelle’s room. The two walked in silence for the short trip to the next room over. The air between them was odd and Michelle wondered if it was because they hadn’t seen each other in a while. Jackson pulled out a key and unlocked the door, allowing Michelle to walk in. Michelle’s reaction was just as Rachel’s; astonished by the grand space and excellent décor of the room.

  Michelle placed her luggage by the door. She looked in the bathroom and closet, before coming to sit on the plush bed. She sat with a smile and ran her finger against the soft, navy blue sheets before noticing that Jackson was in the room, the door closed behind him.

  Michelle looked up at him, confused, as he took just a few short steps before stopping right in front of her. She watched as his hand slowly rose and gently grasped her slender jaw. Michelle felt the heat rise to her face and her heart was pounding out of her chest at the sudden closeness. She looked up at met his green eyes looking for some sign of what he was thinking.


  Instead of answering her, Jackson placed his other hand on her cheek and began leaning down to her level. Michelle’s eyes immediately went to the plush lips that were coming towards her in that instant. In her mind she began questioning whether this was a dream; her question was quickly answered when Jackson’s soft lips made contact with hers.

  Michelle’s eyes widened in shock momentarily but she felt her body relax as she melted into the kiss. Jackson’s tongue urged her lips open which she obliged with no hesitation. Their tongues danced and Michelle grabbed onto Jackson’s shoulders pulling him closer to her. Jackson’s hand snaked around to Michelle’s back and laid her down on the bed with his body hovering over hers. Michelle felt the kiss become more urgent and desperate as their tongues wrestled and Jackson’s body began to grind against hers.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as his went to her waist. Their bodies wrapped in each other tightly. Michele’s head was swimming as the passion and heat rose between them. If they were going to go all the way, Michelle wouldn’t be the one stop it. However, it seemed she wouldn’t get the chance because a sudden and forceful knock against the door sounded throughout the room.

  The two broke from their kiss, catching their breath as they eyed each other. The knocking continued and Jackson hung his head in disappointment.

  “We should probably see who that is huh?”

  Michelle gave him a small smile, equally disappointed that they were interrupted. Jackson climbed off Michelle’s heated body helping her off her back as he did so. The two straightened their clothing before they walked over to the door to calm the incessant pounding.

  Michelle walked over first, her face clearly painted with irritation. She prepared to bite whoever’s head off it was that was on the other side of that door.

  “Oh shut up, I’m coming.”

  Michelle grabbed the door knob and swung it open. In that instant her irritation grew to new heights as she faced the person on the other side.

  Nadia stood in front of Michelle with her arms crossed and an equally annoyed look on her face. The two women stared each other down for what seemed to be like forever.

  “Can I help you?” said Michelle, her eyebrow raised. She leaned against the door sill and brought the door to a slight close, so the nosey brunette couldn’t peak inside.

  “Where is Jackson?” Nadia probed as she tried to look past Michelle into her room. “I was told he’s in here, and I need him.”

  Michelle could detect the tone of irritation in Nadia’s voice.

  “Well he’s busy at the moment so you might want to check back in later,” Michelle said, not budging from her position.

  “Listen you—”

  “Okay, okay, ladies, let’s calm it down,” Jackson said as he widened the door and faced Nadia. “What’s the matter?”

  “I have a problem with my room and I need you to check it out.”

  Bullshit, Michelle immediately thought as she did everything in her power to contain herself, and not tell the brunette off. Michelle looked over to Jackson who was rubbing his temple. She couldn’t tell if he believed the story or not, but either way he took the damn bait.

  “Ok Nadia I’ll go check it out.”

  Jackson looked back at Michelle and leaned down to peck her cheek before looking to Nadia.

  “Play nice.”

  Jackson exited the scene leaving the two feuding women to themselves. Michelle rolled her eyes deciding she wasn’t going to waste any more time on such a silly matter, and stepped back to close the door. Suddenly Nadia gripped her hand on the edge of the door to stop Michelle from closing it.

  “I know what you’re doing and guess what sweetheart it’s not going to work, he’s mine,” said Nadia.

  Michelle couldn’t help the surprise that crossed her face but that surprise quickly turned to amusement. Michelle let out a laugh, which confused Nadia. But just as quickly as it came, the amusement on Michelle’s face was wiped off. Michelle’s face went blank then as she stepped toward Nadia, causing the model to step out of her room.

  “Dumb and delirious, that’s dangerous combination there,” said Michelle.

  Saying her piece, Michelle stepped back into her room grabbing the door knob and swinging it closed in the model’s face.


  “You’re joking,” Rachel said as she sat on Michelle’s bed with astonishment written all over her face. It was late in the afternoon and Rachel had come over to Michelle’s room after her nap.

  Michelle had told her about the incident with Nadia but left out the part where she and Jackson almost had sex on the very bed she was sitting on.

  “No I’m not joking, I thought she was going to fight me or something,” Michelle said as she leaned back on a decorative pillow and took in a breath.

  “I can’t believe you called her dumb and delirious though, I didn’t realize you were so sassy,” Rachel laughed as she rolled onto her back.

  Michelle shrugged not feeling any regrets for saying what she said to Nadia. Even so, the whole situation bothered her. The feelings she had for Jackson were making her crazy and making her feud with some broad? That was not how she was, and if it were any other guy she wouldn’t be giving this love triangle the time of day. But it wasn’t any other guy, it was Jackson.

  “So does this mean we’re skipping out on dinner?”

  Rachel’s voice broke through Michelle’s thoughts, bringing her back to the conversation.

  “I completely forgot about dinner,” Michelle said as she glanced at the clock on the wall. She knew that Nadia would be there and probably would be doing everything in her power to keep Jackson’s attention.

  “Is that a yes or a no?”

  Michelle rolled her eyes and grabbed her vibrating phone to check to see who was calling. She saw Jackson’s face flash onto the screen and stood up to go into the walk-in closet and shut the door behind her. She took a deep breath befo
re picking up the call.

  “Hi Chelle.”


  Michelle couldn’t help but feel a little bit mad at Jackson for the situation between Nadia and herself. He must have been telling her things to make her believe that they were in some sort of relationship. Either that or she was just psychotic. In either case, what was she even doing here? Jackson sensed the tension even over the line and sighed audibly.

  “Look, about Nadia, I’m sorry about that, I don’t want this trip to be ruined. You don’t realize how happy I am that you’re here” he began and then waited for her to respond. Michelle remained quiet, not really sure how to feel about his words.

  “Are you sleeping with her?” she asked.

  A paused followed her question and sadness began to sink in as the silence settled. Why had he kissed her like that if he was seeing someone else?

  “No, I’m not I promise.”

  Although he had denied the accusation, Michelle didn’t feel any sort of relief by it.

  “Are you coming to dinner?” he asked.

  Michelle leaned against the wall of the closet and rubbed the soreness from her eyes. She could hear him shifting uncomfortably on the other line.

  “Chelle? I want you there.”

  “Yes, Jackson, we are coming to dinner, see you soon.”

  Michelle hung up the phone and stared at it. She wished she could have avoided going, but she knew that it would cause more problems if she didn’t go. Michelle stood up and walked out of the closet, heading back to where Rachel lay on her bed.

  “I guess we’re going to dinner,” Michelle said as she chucked her phone onto the soft mattress.

  “You don’t sound excited about that,” Rachel said as she sat up on the bed and watched Michelle start looking for something to wear.

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  Michelle stopped what she was doing and looked up at her friend who was watching her intently. Had Rachel seen right through her?


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