Touchdown Desires

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Touchdown Desires Page 64

by Jenna Payne

“H-Hello,” she said shakily.

  “You are one who wasss filled with doubt,” Jormungand said. “Do you believe my father now?”

  “I...I do,” Alexis said.

  “Goood....” Jormungand bowed his head to her slightly so she might touch him. Loki nodded his approval. She reached out slowly and lightly touched the serpent’s head. He was still wet from the ocean, but not slimy by any means. The great snake seemed to smile. His tongue flicked out and licked her arm. Loki giggled as Alexis pulled away.

  “I think he rather likes you,” she said, coming forward and lovingly petting all over the snake’s head.

  “That’s… good,” said Alexis.

  “How I missed you my son,” Loki said, turning to the snake. “Some day we will all be together again.”

  Alexis felt saddened for this family of monsters. All separated like this, it wasn’t fair, but according to the legends, if they were to be reunited it would be Ragnarok, and the end of both Midgard and Asgard.

  “Loki...” Alexis said softly. “What do you think about... Ragnarok?”

  Loki seemed to freeze.

  “Why do you ask?” she asked her.

  “According to legend, the reunion you just mentioned won’t turn out very well for Earth.” she said.

  “Ragnarok is a cycle, it’s happened before and it will happen again,” Loki said with a sigh. “And each time my children are imprisoned the Asgardians seal their fate.”

  “So it really is you who starts it all... You’ll end this world because of this?” Alexis asked.

  “Wouldn’t you end a world for the sake of your children?” Loki asked. He kissed Jormungand’s giant head.

  “I mussst go father, before I am ssseen,” Jormungand said sadly before disappearing back beneath the water. Loki watched her son go sadly. There were tears in her eyes.

  “You have no idea what it’s like to have your own children torn from you and imprisoned,” she said. “I try not to let them see how deeply it hurts me, but I hate them for it. I hate them so much!”

  Alexis wrapped her arms around Loki.

  “I can’t imagine it,” she admitted. “But that doesn’t mean you should destroy Earth. We haven’t done anything to you.”

  “It is not me who destroys your earth. It is the Asgardians who bring the battle here. It’s not my fault.” Loki said, rubbing her eyes.

  “C’mon, we should get home,” Alexis said. She got Loki back into the car and gave her the container of trail mix to cheer her up. Loki enjoyed the nuts and dried fruit, but the sadness did not go away. The drive home was relatively quiet. The traffic hadn’t really started yet, so it went pretty fast. She was fortunately not teaching today so they both could sleep. She was drenched in ocean water. She wanted a hot shower and a nice rest. Loki pulled off her dress once they were inside, also rather drenched.

  “I wish to bathe,” Loki said.

  “You and me both,” Alexis said.

  “Wonderful, shall we bathe together?” Loki asked. Alexis blushed.

  Loki moved closer, completely naked and pressed herself up against Alexis.

  “The truth is... I’m so grateful to you. For believing in me, even though it seemed impossible. You humored me and took me all the way to the ocean to see my serpent son. Thank you so much. The truth is I’m beginning to like you very much.”

  “What do you mean you ‘like’ me? Like a friend?” Alexis asked, beginning to sweat from nerves as Loki pressed her bosom against her own.

  “I know you are not a fool Alexis,” Loki said. “I told my son you are my lover and that is what you are to me... if you will have me be the same to you?”

  Loki looked at her with her bright green eyes full of hope.

  “This is happening so fast,” Alexis admitted. “It’s making me a little dizzy...”

  “I do not require your immediate answer... though it would be enjoyable to bathe your smooth body. You have such a beautiful body, but you hide it in these baggy tunics. You must have a dress somewhere, I should like to see you in it. But first, shall we bathe or not my love?”

  Alexis stared at Loki, unsure of how to respond. When she was with Loki... she felt different than she had ever felt with anyone. Sure she could be annoying and make ridiculous demands, but deep down she was rather sweet. She had seen that too.

  “Let’s take a bath,” she consented. “I’ll get it ready. Do you like lavender or rose?”

  “I find lavender to be a relaxing scent,” Loki told her. She watched Alexis drop a chalky ball into the water. It immediately began to fizz and bubble, and the scent of lavender filled the room. When it stopped bubbling and the water had filled the tub sufficiently, Alexis took off her drenched clothing, baring her body. She was a little embarrassed as Loki watched her. The god was so comfortable being naked, but she supposed with a body like that anyone could be more comfortable.

  “I wish to bathe you,” Loki said, and stepped into the tub, leading Alexis in as well. Alexis had inherited the bath tub and it was very out of place in her tiny apartment. It was a big claw-footed tub that made it much easier to fit two. The god moved close and kissed Alexis without hesitation. She swiped her tongue inside the smaller woman’s mouth and ran her hands over her breasts, getting them very soapy.

  “These bubbles smell splendidly,” Loki whispered as she moved down to her neck, hearing Alexis’ breath hitch in her throat.

  “Don’t be shy my love, let me hear your appreciation,” Loki said as he nipped her ear.

  “Ah! Loki!” she gasped. Hesitantly she reached up and grabbed Loki’s breasts. They were big and firm in her hands and felt good as she squeezed them, making Loki moan softly as she ground up against her.

  “I thought we were going to bathe...” Alexis half-panted. Her body jumped nervously as Loki’s hand trailed down her tightly muscled abdomen. She slid her hand down between her legs and pressed a finger inside carefully. Alexis opened like a flower, her legs spread wide for her as she moaned softly.

  “Isn’t this more fun?” Loki asked. “And we will bathe, but we might as well get a little dirtier first.”

  Loki thrust her finger in and out, soon adding a second finger, curling them upward and making Alexis cry out in pleasure.

  “Oh yes!” Alexis moaned, gripping Loki’s messy red hair. “Feels... feels so good... please... a little harder...”

  She was silenced with a kiss as Loki thrust up harder with her fingers. Alexis screamed behind the kiss, her body trembling and her hands pulling at Loki’s hair. Loki groaned, rubbing against Alexis’ thigh, wishing so much she could take her male form. Then they would have some real fun. But then again, this had been very fun as well, and that magical toy that Alexis had used was amazing. Loki began to lovingly wash her lover with a cloth.

  “That feels... soo good...” Alexis said, a little out of it after her orgasm. She was so relaxed and ready for bed. Loki cleansed herself and then wrapped Alexis in a towel and carried her to bed.

  “You’re a lot stronger than you look,” Alexis mumbled, leaning into her. Loki smiled and lay her down before crawling up beside her to rest.

  They didn’t wake until almost noon. Loki was very surprised to see Thor there.

  “I see your female form have not deterred your sexual appetite,” Thor said.

  “Shh....” Loki hushed him and carefully got out of bed.

  “What are you doing here?” Loki asked.

  “I’ve come to apologize. I overreacted. You should not have been punished this harshly,” Thor said. “As such you may come home and receive your powers at the end of this week”

  “That’s in two days,” Loki said.

  “Yes,” Thor said. “And?”

  “I... nothing... of course. See you then,” Loki said with a pretty smile, but inside she was torn. She was falling deeply for Alexis, and to leave so soon? What would Alexis think? Would she hate her? Loki bit her lower lip as Thor left. She belonged in Asgard, but she was starting to enjoy the pleasures
of Midgard, like the magical bath they had taken earlier... and Alexis. Loki was indeed fond of her, and did not like to contemplate life without her. The Midgardian woman had done so much for her. It would be so cruel to just leave her now. Especially now that she knew the absolute truth that Loki really was the Loki of legends, the god of mischief and lies. She felt so torn.

  Alexis was awake when Loki returned to the room, rummaging through her drawers. She found a purple sundress. She pulled it on over her head and turned around. She squeaked when she saw Loki and blushed.

  “You look beautiful...” Loki said, moving closer. She tilted her head up easily and kissed her. She didn’t want to leave Alexis, not ever.

  “You were right, I did have a dress,” Alexis said. “It took a while to find though. Do you like it?”

  “It’s a little short, but I like it very much,” she said.

  “I thought we could go back to Walmart and buy you some clothes. Your dress is getting a little dirty after being washed in sea water. Luckily I washed it and dried it, but you still could use some new clothes.”

  “That is very kind of you,” Loki said with a small smile.

  “Well, tomorrow I have to teach so we better get you anything you need today,” Alexis said and smiled once again at the red-head. Loki pulled her cleaned dress on. It was warm and felt good on her skin, but a little bit tight.

  “I think I may have shrunk it a little.” Alexis said awkwardly. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you some new clothes, at least one or two outfits. Oh! And don’t forget your motion sickness pill.”

  Loki nodded. She found the little bottle but couldn’t figure out how to open it. She twisted the cap over and over again but it was useless. Alexis laughed when she saw her. She walked over and opened the bottle with ease.

  “It’s called child-proof, not Norse god proof,” she teased. She made her swallow a pill and grabbed two breakfast biscuits out of the microwave, handing one to Loki before heading out the door, biting into her own.

  “Hot!” she gasped, and awkwardly tried to avoid the hot food in her mouth until it had cooled. She went out to the car with Loki in tow. Loki could catch little flashes of Alexis’ undergarments, which she still found impractical. Still, Alexis was radiant today. She was so cheerful and so lovely in the dress.

  They drove to Walmart and parked in the parking lot. Loki hopped out of the vehicle with ease this time. She smiled at her and took her by the hand, kissing the back of her hand lightly.

  “I love you,” she said softly, surprising even herself.

  “You... you don’t mean that,” Alexis said nervously.

  “I think I do, and that’s what scares me most,” Loki whispered. “I... Thor came and saw me earlier... they want to let me return to Asgard in two days. They overreacted to my prank, he said. But... I don’t know if I want to go now...”

  “Because... of me?” Alexis looked unsure. Loki nodded her head.

  “But you have to go back to Asgard... that’s your home, you can’t give that up for me...” Alexis nearly stammered. Loki immediately looked wounded.

  “Do you not wish me to be near you?” Loki asked.

  “Of...Of course I do... I just thought... I mean... you were so eager to go home... isn’t that what you want?” Alexis asked.

  “I don’t know,” Loki admitted. Her heart hurt when she thought about it.

  “Well, I’ll still get you a new dress so you have a change of clothes while you’re here,” Alexis offered and they walked into the store together.

  “Can we get more of those cakes?” Loki asked hopefully.

  “Yeah, sure,” Alexis said. Her cheery attitude had deflated considerably.

  “Please don’t be sad my love,” Loki said. “I have made no decision yet.”

  Loki couldn’t help but begin to fill with sorrow as well. It was just as she feared. Alexis was going to be unhappy no matter what her decision.

  They bought Loki a beautiful dress in a dark green color that matched her eyes. She spun around in it and it twirled around her, her hair flowing out as well. Alexis was enchanted. How could someone so beautiful have feelings for her in the first place? She was plain, even boyish. Loki picked up a shiny, silver necklace. She smiled.

  “I haven’t any money, but I think this would look beautiful on you,” she said, holding it up to Alexis who blushed a little. It wasn’t expensive so she decided to buy it. She also bought various foods for Loki to try, including six boxes of snack cakes. They checked out and drove back home. Loki looked stunning in her new dress that she wore out of the store.

  “Loki, why do you like me?” Alexis asked curiously.

  “Why?” Loki asked as she opened a pack of snack cakes. “You’re beautiful, you’ve got spirit, you believed me, you helped me, and you like me. Yes, I like you very much, Alexis.”

  “But now you have to leave...” Alexis said with a soft sigh.

  “Not necessarily. I could choose to stay, if I wished, but I would face much ridicule from my peers.” Loki sighed as well. “On Asgard we say that Midgardians are for playing, not for loving... and that’s what I thought too, before you.”

  “And I changed your mind?” Alexis asked.

  “You did,” Loki’s hand trailed up along Alexis’ thigh.

  “Loki, I’m driving,” she said, shivering at the touch, but Loki persisted. Her hand pushed the dress up and began to rub the front of her panties. Alexis’ face flushed red. She tried not to let it get to her. They were in the middle of traffic. This was so embarrassing. Alexis began to awkwardly grind her hips. Her panties were all wet as Loki rubbed her clit through the cotton underwear. Loki could practically smell her arousal. It didn’t take long for them to reach the parking garage. By this point, Alexis was whimpering softly as Loki’s skilled fingers worked her over. It was maddening. She put the seat back and grabbed Loki by the hair, kissing her strongly.

  “P-please... please Loki... you’ve made me so hot... please do it to me...” she begged. Loki smirked and leaned over her, tugging her panties down and looking down at her sweet little pussy, glistening with wetness. She bent over and began to lap up the wetness on her skin. Alexis let out a shuddering breath. It felt so dirty to do this in her car where they could be caught. It made her even hornier. Her hips rose up as Loki’s tongue delved inside of her, wiggling in.

  Alexis clamped a hand over her mouth. Loki’s tongue felt so good, hot and slippery inside of her.

  “Ah...Silvertongue...” she whimpered. “Please... more... give me more!”

  Loki smirked at her nickname. She spread the smaller woman’s pussy with her thumbs before she snatched her little clit with her teeth and sucked on it. Alexis let out a little scream of surprise. It was the most intense thing she’d ever felt. A gush of sexual fluid rushed from her body, dripping down onto the car seat and over Loki’s eager tongue. Alexis was shaking like a leaf, her body convulsing slightly from the intensity of the pleasure she felt. Alexis reached over, her hand going up under Loki’s dress where she still remained panty-less. She began to rub, making the older woman moan softly, and pant.

  “My love... I... I want to stay with you,” Loki said, biting her lower lip. It felt so good. She loved her so dearly by now, she never wanted to part from her if she could help it.

  “What will you tell Thor and Odin?” Alexis asked before she kissed Loki softly. Loki kissed back for a moment, thinking about the question. What would she tell Thor and Odin? Mortals were playthings. They weren’t meant to be life partners. Loki already had a wife. Two, actually, one in Asgard, and another in Jotunheim. His giantess wife would not be at all pleased that Loki chose to stay with this woman, and she imagined the hurt look on his Asgardian wife’s face when she heard that rather than returning home she had chosen to dally with a mortal for the next however many years.

  “I don’t know what I’ll tell them.... I’ll think of something...” Loki said. She bit her lip when she felt fingers slip inside her, rocking back and forth and
hitting just the right spot.

  “Ah... little more... little more.... she whined until at last she reached her peak.

  The two days practically flew by. Thor had come to bring Loki home. Alexis stared at Thor. He looked nothing like his comic book version, other than that he was very well muscled.

  “Loki, have you said your goodbyes?” Thor asked, looking down at Alexis with a look of slight disgust.

  “I have not, my friend,” Loki said. “For I have chosen to remain on Midgard for a time.”

  “You cannot be serious Loki,” Thor said. “You are sorely missed, and you would stay here on Midgard with this disgrace of a woman?”

  “Be mindful of your words Thor, this woman is my lover,” Loki said firmly, anger brewing in her voice.

  “What will you do to me in this form Loki? Cook my dinner?” Thor asked with a mighty roar of laughter.

  “I warn you,” Loki said. “Recall that my son lives in this realm. Do you wish to face the Midgard Serpent, Thor?”

  Thor frowned deeply.

  “Very well. Stay here with this mortal. In twenty years the little beauty she has will fade and you will come to your senses my friend,” Thor said.

  “I don’t love Alexis for her beauty, though beautiful she is,” Loki said. “Alexis... she is so much more than that to me. I fell from the sky, with no powers, and in this form. No one would believe that I was Loki, lord of lies. But... even though this woman—Alexis—didn’t believe me at first, she stayed by my side. She helped me, and gave me food and shelter. She humored me and took me to see my son. She believed in me when there was no one in the world who would. That is why I love her Thor.”

  Alexis looked at Loki with stars in her eyes. No one had ever said anything like that about her before. She had never been appreciated before. Here Loki was saying everything that she loved and appreciated and it made Alexis’ heart swell with love and tenderness. She stood up and ran over to her and kissed her. Thor rolled his eyes.

  “Stay with her until she dies for all I care Loki. Come home when you’re ready,” he said and left them in peace.

  “Did you mean all of that?” Alexis asked her, blushing deeply.


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