Touchdown Desires

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Touchdown Desires Page 73

by Jenna Payne

  By ten o’clock she was bored. She had slept through much of the day, so she was not tired. She had eaten half a pie with whipped cream, plus a few brownies and felt stuffed. She grabbed the little cooler and took it out to her back porch with the beer. She sighed sitting back in the recliner. She looked up at the stars and smiled as she sipped a beer. She was relaxing, not just after the assault on her home, but also from her realization that she wanted to stay here. Whatever happens to me, she thought, is going to happen here.

  She had drunk four beers and was feeling a happy buzz when she heard the screen door open at Bret’s house. A small light came shone on his patio and she heard him sigh.

  “Hey Bret, is that you?” she asked getting up. He came to the fence and smiled.

  “You okay, Blossom?” he seemed concerned.

  “I am fine, just couldn’t sleep. Want a beer?” she asked him cheerfully. He smiled and held one up.

  “Great, I have an idea, stay there,” she told him and went to the back of her house where she kept her lawn tools. She grabbed a step stool and carried it over to the fence and then climbed to the top rung. She was pleased at how good her feet felt too.

  “Here we go. Your yard is higher up than mine. This way I won’t get a crick in my neck. Thanks for everything you have done for me. We just met and you are going out of your way. It is appreciated,” she told him sincerely. He shrugged.

  “Well, I think you are able to tell I like you. I also like being able to be of use. After this damn injury I haven’t felt quite myself. I am glad to help,” he said and seemed a little embarrassed. He was a soldier; she understood.

  “Well I hope you can tell I like you too. I am glad to get a neighbor that I get along with. Not that I haven’t before, it is just you never know, you know?” she said clumsily. Good job Blossom, she told herself sarcastically. He just smiled and accepted it.

  They stood at the fence awhile and he leaned against it with one arm. She leaned on both elbows, knowing it would frame her breasts in her tank top and he could not miss them. She did not care right then. Being near him was starting all sorts of feelings in her that she had not had in a long time, and she was grateful as well as frustrated too. She was not sure what to do. Soon they were holding hands and talking softly with their faces close. He leaned forward to kiss her. She did not see it coming and smiled against his lips. They stayed that way for a while tangling their tongue in a delicious way. When they broke apart they were both breathing a little heavily.

  “So where do we go from here Blossom?” he asked her.

  “Well if I hadn’t had four beers I might try climbing the fence so we can see if the recliner would fit, oh—” Her words were cut off when he reached over the fence and grabbed her. He picked her up and she tucked her legs in so she didn’t bang the fence. He set her down next to him.

  “Or that will work,” she told him and giggled. They kept hushing each other as they went to his patio and got comfortable on the wide recliner.

  “This seems comfortable enough, what do you think, my beautiful neighbor?” he asked in a husky, incredibly sexy voice.

  “It works for me, and so do you,” she answered in a low sultry tone that surprised her. Her body was sending her all kinds of signals and she was not going to argue about it, not now. They began kissing again only this time they could reach each other. They began exploring each other’s bodies while taking off each other’s clothes, layer by layer. She gasped when he palmed one of her breasts and kissed the other one. Her hand found his warm, firm member and it grew in her hand. One of his hands found its way between her legs and when her clitoris was teased she arched her back with a gasp and soft moan. She had not felt anything like this ever. She wrapped both arms around his body and kissed his neck and chest, rolling over so she was lying with him over her. She could feel his hard member against her and their sweat was mingling. She was craving to go further. His teases between her legs had her gasping for more and he lifted his hips as he lowered his head to her chest. When he entered her he sucked on one of her breasts and she felt an explosion of desire merging into a roaring pleasure. Their hips moved in perfect time and his wonderful shaft penetrated to her deepest places. He pushed into her and touched her in a way no one had before, either physically or emotionally, not even her husband. She needed this, and him, so badly. Receiving his lust and passion, finding it matched hers, was a great gift. Her orgasm was something that shook both of them for a long time.

  Afterwards, they lay entangled together, getting their breath back.

  “Now that was backyard cooking,” she said softly. They both started laughing. She snuggled against him happily.

  “I want to think you Blossom. Since I was injured I have not felt right. I felt like I was missing something. I haven’t felt like I was of any use to anyone. Then when you needed help I was able to. It was my pleasure to help look out for your wellbeing. As you noticed last night, I was smitten when we first talked over the fence. I was not sure what to do about it. The fact that you responded, treated me like a man, not an invalid means so much to me. I feel like a man again and you are a big part of that,” he said and kissed her. She smiled.

  “You are very welcome. I would love to take credit but I did not know I was doing all of that. I am glad it worked though, because it worked for me too. I have not been with a man in six years. I have ignored flirting and just kept my head down. You were the first man I have seen since then that got me wanting to flirt again. I was not sure I knew how, or that I would remember how to do what we just did in a way that we would be pleased with. We have both been injured, Bret, and we are now able to heal. At least that is what my almost drunk mind is thinking,” she said, and kissed him in return.

  They held each other for a while and decided they better separate. They thought that once this whole thing was over they could date in plain sight. Until then it would just confuse matters. He helped her back over the fence and they kissed one last time. Now she could sleep.


  Markus Strikes

  Blossom got up around ten in the morning and felt amazing. She took a shower. She made some coffee, and ate a casserole dish with tuna in it. She went out and as she was going down the walkway to her mail box, the police pulled up. She stood waiting for them. The officer got out and was looking grim. ‘

  “Hey Blossom, fancy meeting you here!” Blossom turned and saw Lisa walking towards her. She was wearing the silvery sparkly dress she had borrowed.

  “I thought you had a thing,” Blossom told her.

  “I do, I just wanted to come down here for a minute before I go,” said Lisa. Blossom found that suspicious as the officer walked around his car.

  “Good morning Mrs. Talon. How are you today, no problems?” he asked.

  “None. Have you found anything out yet?” she asked.

  “We have, could we go inside please?” she did not like the way the officer said that, and she glanced at Lisa.

  “It might be a good idea, honey,” Lisa told her.

  “Okay, sure come on. I have some coffee made,” said Blossom. Lisa walked with them up to Blossom’s house.

  “So you coming down here was not a coincidence was it,” Blossom said to Lisa.

  “Sorry, no it wasn’t. Officer Blakely here asked if I could be here when he spoke to you,” Lisa answered.

  Blossom got them all coffee with a growing feeling of fear in her belly. She smoothed her purple summer dress and sat on the couch.

  “Okay, tell me what is going on please,” said Blossom. The officer nodded and Lisa sat next to her.

  “I am all but positive that the young man you stopped from harming that child, Markus Hallow, is to blame for your house. Unfortunately we cannot tie him to it yet. His mother is alibiing him up one side and down the other; it barely holds. His two friends repeat only the same things he does. I am sure he told them what to say, and they are scared kids. They are more scared of him than me,” he said. Blossom frowned.
/>   “Now we have looked into Markus further and there are little things, dating back to his earlier childhood. Five years or better. School reports about incidents where he could not quite get caught, but the teachers knew, or believed, he was behind them. These are not nice things he is suspected of doing,” she interrupted.

  “Why are you telling me all this Officer Blakely?” Blossom asked.

  “Because of what was found this morning,” he began. Lisa took her hand.

  “A scarecrow, clothes stuffed with paper were found hanging on the swing, the same swing, where he was tormenting little Bella. It was wearing woman’s clothing and had a picture of your face. It was wearing a wig with hair approximating the color of your hair. This kid Mrs. Talon, does not have any remorse or feelings towards anyone. I know he went through a rough time as a young kid. That does not cover this, and I have been a cop long enough to know that some people are just born bad. I think he is one of them,” Lisa was squeezing her hand and she remembered facing off with the kid. She had stopped him from scaring the little ones, so obviously he was mad at her. Then Kelly had showed up and gave him hell, not to mention, he never got to finish what he started with Bella.

  “Okay, let me get this straight. He obviously is mad at me,” said Blossom, gesturing at her windows. “I am assuming because I stopped his fun, right?” The officer nodded.

  “Okay, now if he has done the things you suspect him of he is smart and he is going to do whatever he wants until he is caught, or stopped. Right?” The officer nodded again.

  Blossom felt a sudden coldness in her stomach. She had figured something out and she hoped she was in time. She jumped up.

  “We have to protect Kelly and Bella, is anyone at their house?” she asked moving towards the door.

  “Wait, Blossom what are you talking about?” Lisa shouted, but Blossom did not want to wait. So she yelled back as she took off down her walk.

  “Don’t you see? He never got to finish what he started with Bella and Kelly yelled at him in front of his friends. If he is mad at me then how mad is he at them?”

  She turned and began sprinting down the street with Lisa shouting for her to stop. She heard other neighbors asking what was going on but she was focused on running now, and she was good at it. Kelly lived just a couple blocks down so it was not far but her still-healing feet were hurting by the time she got close. She looked around shouting Kelly and Bella’s name. She could not see them anywhere. As she came to the little picket fence she jumped it into their yard and they rushed out on the porch as she got there. Blossom had never been so relieved.

  “Oh thank god you are alright! We need to—”

  Suddenly, a loud engine roared to life. A black, beat up old Firebird spun its tires causing a cloud of black smoke as it spun itself around in a circle, coming to a brief rest in front of Kelly’s house. They could see right in the window. It was Markus. He grinned and smoked his tires tearing off down the road. Then another engine got her attention and she looked back down the way she had come to see and gray pickup come racing down the street. It was Bret, following the kid, and after him Mack in his Camaro. By then the Officer Blakely had made it back to his car and was taking off after the others. Kelly was asking what the hell was going on as Lisa came up panting. She didn’t run much.

  After explaining to Kelly their suspicions, she was scared. As she should be Blossom thought. Blossom was not that scared for herself. It was only her and no children relying on her. But Kelly had Bella, who was much more vulnerable.

  Kelly also wanted to know about Bella’s friends, so she called their houses to check on them. By then Officer Blakely was back.

  “Your neighbors followed him out to the canyon road where he lost control of his car and rolled down and embankment. He was lucky it was only that. Unfortunately by the time we got down to the car, he was gone,” he reported.

  “And you haven’t found him?” Kelly asked in a shaky voice.

  “No, but he can’t have gone far,” he said.

  “Will Kelly, her daughter and her daughter’s friends and family get protective custody? Because it seems to me this little prick is not going to stop, pardon my French,” Said Blossom.

  “All of you will get it,” he said firmly.

  “I don’t need it. If that little psycho wants me he can come and find me. He knows where I live,” she said and turned walking out the door. Other cops had shown up and were coming up the drive.

  “He needs you inside,” she told them and they rushed past her as she kept going. Lisa caught up with her.

  “Are you nuts Blossom! What do you mean you don’t need it?” she said furiously. She did not take Lisa’s anger badly, though. Blossom knew Lisa was worried for her.

  “Look, Kelly and her friends have families and they need the protection more than I do. This Markus is going to keep coming no matter what we do, right. So let him come. I have half of an army for neighbors, not to mention Bret and Mack. Let him come for me. He won’t even get close and we can end this thing. I am serious Lisa. I am pissed and not going to put up with it any more. That fucking punk was just sitting there outside Kelly’s house and no one knew it! Everyone is in danger until he is caught, not just me. In fact aren’t you supposed to be at your sister’s?” Lisa narrowed her eyes at her. Just then a truck pulled up next to them as they walked. It was Bret.

  “You look a little pissed, Mrs. Talon,” he said. She half snarled and held up her hand with her forefinger and thumb a centimeter apart.

  “Want to go for some ice cream?” he asked out of nowhere. She stopped facing his truck as he stopped. She put her hands on her hips looking at him in his truck.

  “Are you kidding?” she asked startled. Her anger had slowed with this new strangeness.

  “Ice cream. It makes everybody feel better. Didn’t you know?” he asked with a devastatingly charming smile.

  “Good idea Mrs. Talon. You should go for ice cream,” said a woman’s voice behind them. Blossom turned. A black-haired lady was standing there.

  “Huh?” said Blossom.

  “Really, you need to calm down and ice cream will work. I have a car that will follow you and your neighbor. I also like your other idea,” she said.

  “Which one?” Blossom asked. Lisa was just looking back and forth between them in confusion.

  “I am Detective Granger,” said the black-haired woman. “I have been assigned to your case. If everything I hear is right, then you putting yourself out there as bait is bound to work. I was right behind you both when you left the other house. I heard your whole plan. I tried to get your attention but you were busy arguing.”

  Now Lisa and Blossom looked at each other, then back at the detective. Blossom could see the badge on her belt.

  “You think my idea is good?” she asked, surprised.

  “Yep. While you are at the ice cream place I would like to go through your house and get acquainted with the exits and layout. That sort of thing. Do you mind?” Blossom shook her head and tuned back to Bret.

  “I guess we are going for ice cream, Mr. Nichols. See you in a little bit Lisa. Hang tight, I will be back.”

  Lisa grumbled as Blossom got in Bret’s truck. As they pulled out she heard Lisa.

  “Get me a shake!” she shouted. That was the final straw and Blossom began laughing, then Bret did. Right after he leaned over and kissed her. She leaned back and sighed. Life was weird, she thought.


  Blossom Strikes

  Everything was set as the sun went down. Detective Granger had come up with a great plan. At least Blossom thought so. Well, Blossom, Bret and Mack did. Granger’s bosses were not wild about it and neither were the other MPs, but since no one had been able to catch Markus, it was allowed to proceed. Lisa had been particularly upset about it until she got to play a part. Then she was all in. So Blossom was waiting in her own house with Detective Granger drinking coffee.

  “I have to say you are a brave woman Mrs. Talon,” the detect
ive told her.

  “No not really. I am just too angry to care anymore,” said Blossom.

  Granger smiled. “Same thing,” she said. “So your neighbor, Bret, is it? He seems fond of you.”

  Blossom was startled. Then again they could be waiting all night and they had to find something to talk about.

  “Maybe,” was her reply.

  “And you, are you fond of him?” she asked.

  “Maybe,” Blossom smiled.

  “I thought so. I am pretty good at reading people. He is a good-looking guy. He has an exemplary record. Something of a war hero. He could be a good catch,” she said. Blossom started laughing. After a second so did Granger.

  “Sorry, this one-on-one thing is not my field of expertise. I am better with bad guys,” she admitted.

  “Ok then, what do you think about this Markus punk?” Blossom asked her.

  “My personal opinion is that he is what you have been told except something worse,” she said simply.


  Meaning that yes he is probably a sociopath, but he has gone down a dark road for his age. Did you hear about his school incidents?” Blossom shook her head.

  “Only that there were some. I think the officer was trying to spare me,” she told her.

  “Okay. I think you are tough enough to know, and you deserve to know. Dead animals turned up in places he liked to frequent. Class gerbils. Neighbors cats and other assorted pets. None of it could be laid directly on him, it seems likely that those dead animals were dead because of him. He likes to kill, Blossom. He fits the profile, and I fear he is on the edge of becoming a serial killer.

  “It is rare to catch them this young. It is the only reason I would put you in danger. This is not some angry kid out for revenge. This kid needs to be stopped now because if he is not, years down the road, he could start killing people and like now, he won’t stop.”


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