Touchdown Desires

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Touchdown Desires Page 126

by Jenna Payne

  “Mommy I like him,” Caleb said, his voice a little sleepy sounding. I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw Caleb start to doze off.

  “Yeah, I like him too baby.”



  “Miles come look at my room!” Caleb barely even said hi when I got to Christina’s house to pick her up. The babysitter had answered the door and the shock on her face was a little priceless. Then Caleb came running up in his pajamas and pulled me through the living room and down the hall. I passed by Christina’s room and saw her putting a finishing touch on her makeup. I kind of leaned back and saw that she was wearing a bangin’ form fitting skirt and killer heels that made both her legs and ass look amazing. The blouse she wore showed off a little cleavage and I almost forgot Caleb was trying to tug me towards his room.

  Christina glanced at me and smiled, “I’ll be right there promise!” she said and I nodded, kind of speechless like a teenage idiot or something.

  “Come look, I have a basketball hoop in my room!” Caleb said and then I stepped into his room and saw the little hoop set up at the top of his closet door and the mini basketball.

  “That’s awesome little man, do you know how to dunk?” I asked him and he shook his head and handed me the basketball. “Alright, I show you one dunk and then you can try it,” I said and he smiled at me eagerly and nodded. In slow motion I stepped towards the hoop and did a twist, then pulled an exaggerated Jordan pose and dunked the ball through the hoop which successfully got Caleb laughing.

  “Now you try,” I said and he pointed to the hoop.

  “It’s too high for me,” he said and I dismissed his concern.

  “Don’t worry about that, as long you believe you can do it we can make it happen,” I said and then handed him the ball, he imitated me, spinning in slow motion and when he got close to the closet door I picked him up so that he could dunk the ball.

  “I did it!” he exclaimed and then gave me a high five while I put him back down.

  “Alright, I’m ready,” Christina cut into our fun and Caleb pouted a little. “Don’t even Caleb, I told you we’re going over to Miles’s house this weekend, we’ll spend the whole day with him,” she said and Caleb sighed dramatically. The kid was funny.

  “Okay…” he said still a little glum and then Christina went to give him a hug and spoke softly to him before she gave him a kiss and told him to be nice to the babysitter. After that we were out and headed to the restaurant.

  “So how are you, how’s the job search goin’?” I asked her and she sighed.

  “Well it’s going, I’ve been applying and sending out everywhere I can think of, I haven’t gotten any calls for interviews yet, but I’m hoping to find something soon,” she said and then my next question kind of came out without me thinking about it.

  “So how are you on like bills and stuff? Is Caleb’s dad around?” Then I realized what I said and I glanced at her with an apologetic expression. “You don’t have to answer that if it’s too…personal,” I said and she waved away my concern.

  “Don’t worry about it…well currently my brothers help out a lot with bills and such, they are all successful doctors and one is an engineer. Just until I finally get a job at a law firm… And Caleb’s dad left us when Caleb was two. The crazy thing is that Caleb still remembers his dad. But Neal barely even calls Caleb on his birthday,” she said and instantly my chest got hot with anger at the fucking deadbeat that left Christina to raise a child all on her own.

  “Well for a single mom, you’re doing great with him. Caleb is an awesome kid,” I said and she smiled.

  “He is. Honestly he’s the little man of the house even at five years old,” she chuckled and I smiled.

  It was weird that I could already see myself stepping in and being the father figure Caleb needs, not to mention being with Christina who was an amazing woman.

  “So where are we going for dinner?” she asked me and I smirked.

  “Some place romantic and special,” I said and Christina oohed in anticipation. “Oh hey, do you want some tickets for Sunday’s game? If you aren’t doing anything I’d like for you and Caleb to be there. It’s a relatively early game, I know Caleb has school and all.”

  “We have a family dinner to go at my mom’s house, but maybe we can make a game next week,” she said and I nodded.

  “Yeah, the guys have been ridin’ me about whether or not we’re actually goin’ out. They think I’m a player and can’t be serious about one girl.” Christina quirked her eyebrow at me and I laughed. “Which for the right girl I can be…I know it’s kind of early in our relationship and all, but already you’re making me a better person. You and Caleb…I kinda want to be there for you guys,” I said and Christina bit her lip.

  “A few guys I’ve dated have said that Miles, and usually when the relationship actually starts to get serious…” she shrugged and I shook my head.

  “You’ve dated the wrong guys. You haven’t dated me. I mean…I think we have a connection, from the moment I met you, you’ve…floored me,” I admitted and then looked at her when I pulled up to the valet at the restaurant.

  “Are you serious?” she asked me quietly and I nodded.

  “I have feelings for you. This isn’t just a fling for me and I’m not just trying to get on Caleb’s good side to get to you, I actually like the little man,” I said and Christina smiled. “Come on, let’s go eat some of the best sushi you’ll ever have in your life.”



  I really couldn’t believe Miles was so open about his feelings for me. But honestly it made me feel a lot better about having feelings for him. I felt the connection between us, it was there. It was like we were always meant to be together and the fact that he got along so well with Caleb attested to that.

  “You were right, those sushi rolls were amazing,” I said just before the valet brought Miles’s car back around. The kid handed him his keys and complimented Miles about being one of the greatest basketball players.

  “So am I takin’ you back home?” Miles asked me and I looked at him with a smirk.

  “Where else would you take me?” I asked, and he gave me a grin that told me exactly what he wanted to do next.

  “I’d take you back to my place no doubt. Only if you want to though,” he said and I chuckled.

  “I think last time we were playing video games at your house…I’m up for some video games,” I grinned and then Miles practically sped to his house in the sleek jaguar.

  As soon as the front door was closed and locked behind us Miles picked me up and carried me all the way up to his bedroom. Meanwhile I was in a fit of giggles at Miles’s eager expression. He set me down on the bed and then practically ripped off his top and then climbed over me. I slid my hands against the warm skin of his defined chest and abdomen as he slid kisses along my jaw and just under my ear, causing me to shiver. He pulled on my earlobe with his teeth as his hand slid underneath my blouse and lightly caressed my belly. I shivered delicately and then he sat up, pulling me with him, so that he could slip my blouse off and undo my bra.

  “My god you’re perfect,” he said hoarsely and then palmed both of my breasts before he simply devoured them. He kissed, sucked, and nibbled all over my breasts. The sensations were electric and honestly, he could have brought me to climax just by doing that alone. But I was impatient and I reached for the clasp in his jeans to undo it. Miles didn’t need any more incentive. He quickly got rid of his pants and boxers and then peeled off my skirt and thong in one languorous motion. I was already breathing hard, just as he was, and was impatient for him to fill me up. But then the sight of his cock enticed me and I reached down to grip the thick length. Miles moaned when I began to stroke him with my hand, but then he groaned when I pushed him to his back and took his sex into my mouth.

  Miles was gentle with me and didn’t push me for anything. Then his hands gripped my shoulders and pulled me up so that he could roll onto me. He
gently pushed my legs apart and then I guided him inside. The feeling was exquisite, his thrusts were slow but deep and left my toes curling. Soon we both grew more feverish until our climaxes left us spent. We didn’t end there though, Miles and I continued over and over again until neither of us could move.

  “I think I owe my babysitter a fortune by now…” I mumbled as I watched Miles through heavy lidded eyes. He was pulling the covers up from the floor and unearthed my clothing.

  “Don’t worry, as long as she’s still there…but damn I just realized, you kind of have to go home,” Miles said and I nodded sadly. “Would it be weird if Caleb woke up and saw that I was home with you guys…cookin’ breakfast?” he asked and I giggled.

  “He’d be confused as to where you slept, but otherwise he’d be thrilled I think. Though getting him ready for school in the morning would probably be even more of a hassle than it usually is,” I sighed and Miles smiled eagerly.

  “I could help him get ready,” he said and I had to laugh as I visualized it.

  “You can try,” I said and then Miles actually pouted.

  “I just, I want to be in the same bed with you tonight,” he said sincerely and that was another little piece of my heart he stole.

  “Okay then, come on,” I said, and then forced myself off of the bed to get dressed. I felt all languid and like I just received the best internal massage ever…which I did. Miles and I hurried to get back to my house so that I could relieve the babysitter. It wasn’t too late when we got back, only a few hours past the time I said I would home. Caleb was fast asleep thankfully, Miles insisted he pay the babysitter since he was at fault for her ‘overtime.’ I pretty much lost the debate as soon as he handed her the money and sent her on her way.

  “Now we get to go and cuddle,” Miles said after she left and I laughed as I followed him back to the bedroom.



  Early the next morning both Christina and I were woken up by knocking on the front door. She looked at the window in her room in confusion and then looked at the clock that read five a.m.

  “Who would be here so early?”

  “Maybe the…babysitter left something important?” her voice was just as groggy and confused as mine.

  “I’ll go see,” I said and then got out of bed before she could, I didn’t bother looking for my shirt, as long as I had pants on. I walked out to the front of the house to answer the door before whoever it was could wake up Caleb. When I opened it I found the guy standing there to be familiar looking and it took me a minute to make the connection. He had the same color hair as Caleb, same facial features too, of course more matured and angular, but the same. Neal was tall too and broad shouldered, he was probably an athlete at the college he and Christina went to together. He was dressed in designer everything and well…I would know. From his Armani jeans and top, to his fancy ass Gucci loafers.

  “You…you’re Miles Anderson,” was the first thing he said, his clear eyes wide with shock. He had a slight English accent, which was weird.

  “You have to be Caleb’s dad…Neal?” I asked and he nodded.

  “Who is…it…” Christina emerged from the bedroom in her fuzzy robe and slippers. She looked like she was staring at a ghost and Neal became understandably uncomfortable. He shifted his weight a few times before he even said anything. Maybe it was because I was standing in between them, shirtless and all…but whatever.

  “Christina…it’s—um, it’s good to see you,” he finally said something after a long silence and as soon as he did Christina crossed her arms over her chest.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were off in England somewhere?” she said. I could see she was getting angry really quick.

  “I came back…I know this is abrupt and completely out of the blue, but can we talk?” he asked in earnest and Christina began to shake her head in frustration.

  “I have nothing to say to you Neal and I don’t know if I even want to hear anything you have to say. I think you wasted a trip,” she said and I took that as a cue to begin shutting the door. But Neal stepped forward so that I couldn’t shut the door in his face, like I wanted.

  “Look I know I haven’t been here for you or for Caleb, but I want to change that, I want to make things right and…at least be in his life again.” The tone in Neal’s voice conveyed remorse and he seemed to be saying the right things, but none of that reached the guy’s eyes. It’s like he was calculating her expression to see which words would at least get him past the door. He didn’t seem sincere at all.

  “Neal you had years to do that…why now? What’s the big break through?” she asked him and he exhaled heavily.

  “I came to the realization that…I don’t want Caleb growing up without a dad…without his dad,” he added after glancing at me. “Can you at least hear me out please?” he asked her again and she sighed heavily.

  “Fine, I’ll hear you out.” She said and then motioned outside. I was about to follow them out, but Christina glanced at me and motioned for me to stay. I gave Neal a long hard look and he gave me a confused one before I quietly closed the door. When I turned around though, Caleb was standing right there in the middle of the living room.

  “Who is mommy talking to?” he asked me, though I could tell from looking at him that he knew. He knew his dad was outside. I walked over to Caleb and picked him up. He hugged me around the neck and let me walk him to the kitchen.

  “Don’t worry about that just yet. We’ll see what your mom has to say when she comes back,” I said and he simply nodded. When I set him down at the breakfast bar in the kitchen he looked up at me curiously.

  “Isn’t it too early for breakfast?”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

  “Actually it just might be. When do you usually wake up for school?”

  “At eight o’clock,” he answered matter-of-factly.

  “Well shoot, you’re going to be tired today, do you want to try and take a nap until eight?” I asked and he shook his head.

  “I want to see my daddy,” he said in a more vulnerable tone and I took a deep breath. The whole situation was fucked up. Neal should have been there for his kid or never have come back.

  “Oh honey…you’re awake?” Christina startled us both and Caleb turned in his seat and reached for his mom. I was less than thrilled to see Neal slowly walk in behind Christina. Caleb held on to her while he silently appraised his dad, Neal looked uncomfortable, like he was trying to greet some random kid off of the street and not his own son. Even that screamed that there was something up with the guy.

  “Hey Caleb…look at you, you’ve gotten so big,” Neal said gently and Caleb nodded.

  “I grew up a lot,” he said it simply as any other five-year-old would confuse grammar, but there was a lot said in Caleb’s words.

  “I bet you did…” was all Neal said and then everyone spent an awkward moment in silence until Christina said something.

  “Well I’m going to try and get him to take a nap…Miles put a shirt on,” she said, but I caught her small smile as she walked away with Caleb. Then I was left alone with Neal.

  “So uh…I catch a few Red’s games on the telly every once in a while. You’ve got crazy skills man,” he said conversationally and I simply shrugged.

  “You’re from Chicago right? Why do you call it a telly?” I asked him and he laughed a bit nervously.

  “It’s just little common words like that you pick up when living in England.”

  I simply nodded and then stepped towards the hallway.

  “Well I’m gonna go and put on a shirt like she told me,” I said with a sarcastic grin. While I walked back to Christina’s bedroom I wondered how I would make sure Christina knew Neal wasn’t genuine.



  Getting Caleb back to bed took forever, mostly because he had a million and one questions. ‘Is daddy staying?’ ‘Is he gonna live with us?’ ‘Are we gonna live with him?�
� ‘Will he spend time with us like Miles?’ and the list went on. I tried to answer them as best I could, but honestly I just wasn’t sure. Neal claimed he just wanted to make things right so that he could be in Caleb’s life…and Neal should be in Caleb’s life. Who was I to keep a child’s father away from him? But why the sudden appearance? Especially after the way he up and left before, who was to say he wouldn’t just up and leave again when things got difficult?

  One thing I was certain of was that Caleb wanted to spend time with his dad, and missed Neal. I couldn’t keep that from him, it would be wrong. I sighed deeply after I closed Caleb’s door, it simply meant that I had to suck it up for Caleb and keep a close eye on Neal.

  “Hey can we talk for a sec?” Miles took my hand and pulled me to my bedroom to close us in.

  “What’s up?” I was uncertain what he would say, hopefully he didn’t decide that being with me had gotten that much more complicated and therefore wanted out. I really, really liked Miles. I didn’t want him to just leave.

  “I have a bad feeling about that Neal guy. I know he’s Caleb’s dad and all…but I don’t think he’s genuine,” Miles said earnestly and I sighed.

  “Well I’m on the fence about that too, but Caleb already saw him and it’s not like I have much of a choice right now,” I said. I was already tired of the situation and Neal was still in my house.

  “Okay, so we should make sure that his intentions aren’t fucked up you know?” Miles said and I wondered for the first time how I could have ended up with such an amazing guy, who was a famous basketball player no less.

  “Miles, I love you,” I said fondly and without thinking at all.

  “I know, I love you too, that’s why we have to get to the bottom of this guy whether or not he’s Caleb’s father…” Miles trailed off in his haste as he realized what was just said between the two of us and his eyes widened just as my jaw dropped.

  “Did we mean that?” I asked him and Miles became utterly serious of an entirely different variety.

  “Well I really wouldn’t have said it so automatically if I didn’t feel it…” he said and my entire chest felt like it was too full, but in a really good way.


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