Touchdown Desires

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Touchdown Desires Page 132

by Jenna Payne

  “Honestly it is going to be tough to find that stuff. At least the cash. The rest might be dumped in some trash can somewhere though. Did you cancel your cards?” Lizzy nodded.

  “Good. I had a question I want to you to think about if you would. Who do you know who would want to hurt you? Because being involved in three robberies in one week is a bit much even for New York,” she said. Lizzy began shaking her head and then stopped.

  “Wait a minute, three robberies?” She asked, confused.

  “That is why I am here Miss Storm. We had a call your home has been broken into. That is why I came here. I will give you a ride over,” she said. Lizzy cursed and struggled to her feet. In the ride over she remembered something from the first robbery.

  “Shit, shit! I am an idiot Detective. I just remembered something from the jewelry robbery. Damn!” She finished angry at herself and horrified where her thoughts were leading.

  “What, tell me,” the detective said.

  “My parents are especially angry with me. I managed to find a way to keep my trust fund and move away at the same time. Between you and me they have been abusive my whole life so it has been a relief. Now I am wondering if they are behind this,” she said. Her voice shook a little as she said it. It was amazing that her parents could reach out from the mid-west and still hurt here.

  “Your parents, why?” was her reasonable question.

  “I spoke to my Mom at the beginning of the week. I informed her about the no contact order I had sent to her, and the restraining order. They were not happy about it and I also told her I was recording the conversation. At the time it did not seem to bother her, but maybe Dad decided it was a risky thing to leave hanging out there. Especially since I think they were behind the attacks on me. It would be right up their alley to try and scare me into running home. Not that I would, but still,” she said angrily and frightened now. Not only could they hurt her from a distance but they could still frighten her. Damn them!

  “What happened at the jewelry story Lizzy?” the Detective asked quietly as they pulled up to her building.

  “The guy beating on me had a North Kansas accent. It happens that is where I am from and my parents still live. I knew they would never leave Kansas, so I thought that made me safe. But they sent someone, the guy at the store yelled that I needed to learn how to keep my place. I thought at the time it was because I was trying to help Reginald, the store owner. Now though, I am sure it was something my Dad told him. It is something my Dad used to say to me just before he got violent,” she told her. The woman snarled disgustedly.

  “Okay, it does kind of fit. You can’t think of anyone else who might be angry with you?”

  Lizzy shook her head.

  “We will find who is doing this Lizzy, trust me. I have a reputation to uphold and someone organizing multiple assaults on a woman is not a case I am going to fail!” She said determined. Lizzy could feel her determination and confidence and it made her feel better. Detective Linton helped her out of the car and walked with her into the building and to the elevator.

  “You will need to let us know if anything is stolen,” she was told.

  When Lizzy entered her home she was furious and even more scared. The place was trashed. Her wonderful home, her first after leaving her parents’ house. She felt violated and was absolutely positive her folks had something to do with everything happening to her. She felt herself begging to tremble and Katy took her arm.

  “Here sit down for a minute,” she said leading her to one of her chairs so she could sit.

  “It is just, just that I thought I had everything finally settled and I could live my life. I loved this place,” she said in a quavering voice. She lowered her head and hugged herself quietly rocking herself forward and back, trying not to cry. It didn’t work. She did not see that Detective Linton was herding everyone out. Finally, she wiped her eyes and looked up, surprised that only the detective remained. She was sitting in the chair next to hers. She handed her a glass of water and she drank it gratefully.

  “I am sorry, detective; I must seem like a fool. A little rich girl crying about her problems,” she said in apology. The officer frowned.

  “Rich or poor you are being assaulted and robbed. How much money you have is not going to affect how you feel inside. You can call me Kate if you like. Let me know when you are ready and we can look around your apartment and see if anything is missing. Oh, they did not get into your safe. It looks like they tried but ran out of time when your neighbors noticed something was wrong,” she told her. Lizzy immediately wanted to check her safe. When she opened it she reached in.

  “Here is the conversation I told you about. If you can keep it safe I would rather you have it. I thought originally that my parents would try to sue to get the money back and proof of their abuse would come in handy. Now I think it might be more important,” she said. Detective Linton agreed.

  They went over the rest of the place and could not find anything else missing. By then the rest of the cops were going over everything and Lizzy was beginning to wonder where she was going to stay for the night. She felt creeped out by her own home now. Her phone rang and she jumped. Everyone looked at her as she checked her phone.

  “It is my lawyer’s office,” she told them answering it.

  “Hi, Miss Storm. This is Mr. Manster’s legal aid Donna. Remember I took your information when you first came to us,” she said.

  “Hello Donna, is something wrong? Did my parents call?” She asked.

  “Good heavens no. I was just letting you know we received confirmation that the certified mail was delivered to the house in Kansas. Everything is going through as you planned,” she said. Lizzy bit her lip. Knowing she was about to ruin the woman’s day.

  “I was robbed again Donna, twice. I am beginning to think my parents are behind it. The police agree with my theory. My apartment is a mess and to be honest this isn’t a good time,” she told her.

  “Oh dear, I am so sorry. Mr. Manster is going to be in court for the next few days. I will let him know, though and I am sure he will get in contact with you, or the police when he can. Do you have somewhere safe to go?” she asked.

  “I will let you know Donna. Thank you for calling, it makes me feel better that you guys are checking in on me. Tell Mr. Manster to call when he can,” she asked and Donna agreed before hanging up.

  “Then knowing I am checking in on you must make you feel worlds better,” she turned at the sound of Randy’s voice and she felt a surge of relief. He was scanning the room from the door where a cop blocked his path,

  “You can let him in Officer,” Katy told her sergeant.

  “Oh man, it does make me feel better. It is not Friday is it?” She asked startled at his appearance.

  “Nope, just checking in. I was worried and thought you might not mind company. I am glad I did. Robbed twice?” He asked.

  “She was assaulted and robbed again as well as her apartment ransacked,” Katy told him coming over. “Fortunately, I have no worry about you Randy. You guys have very obviously been elsewhere when this second attack took place. I saw the press conference. Besides, in this town you would be noticed if you were behind anything, so you are safe,” she said with a grin.

  “Not to mention I had a gun to my head at the store where she was attacked,” he replied.


  Before she knew it Lizzy was in her friend’s corvette and driving across the city. The detective had allowed him to take her someplace safe. He was taking her to Jack's place.

  “I would have you at mine but it is pretty well known I was at the jewelry store robbery. Not so much Jack. Besides, the security is better at his building. No one gets in. I had a problem once and they know me,” he said and she laughed. She was feeling better since he had appeared on the scene and was very glad for his company.

  “So we only tell Detective Linton, right?” He asked.

  “I have to let my lawyer know. I had him checked out fairly closel
y, he is good and Kate agreed,” she told him. He nodded and she began filling him in on what happened and their theory. She was holding his hand by the end and it helped her immensely.

  “Well I may not have been able to help you before but I am not going to let anything happen to you now, we will keep you secret and safe, I promise,” he said. Lizzy leaned back and closed her eyes. It was begging to get dark out and she wondered at how much stuff happened in such a short time. Then her stomach rumbled hungrily and they both laughed.

  “Don’t worry, Jack will have some food when we get there. Knowing him, take out Chinese and a lot of it,” he told her.

  “I love Chinese food so I am glad he is getting a lot. Since I am off my diet for the foreseeable future, bring it on.” she told him with a sigh. As they pulled into an underground garage her phone rang. She answered hesitantly.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Hi, Lizzy, it is Detective Linton. I don’t mean to bother you but I wanted to update you on some things,” Kate told her.

  “Sure, we are just getting to Jack's place,” she said and gave her the address.

  “Great, thanks. I will have officers patrolling the area as a precaution. I wanted to let you know that the guy you clocked with your crutch showed up in an emergency room. You cracked his head pretty good. The cabby rushed over and identified him since they were not wearing masks this time. He hasn’t said anything yet but he will. His accent is Brooklyn and that makes sense,” she said.

  “Why,” Lizzy questioned.

  “Because if your parents sent someone out they would hire locals with a promise of big money. It would be easiest in my view. Oh, and it turns out that whoever broke into your place had a key. Probably from your purse. They must have headed straight there after assaulting you. I am guessing they wanted to scare you but also look for the recording. Taking care of two things at once. We are getting closer so hold on, Lizzy, okay?” She asked.

  “Okay, Kate, thank you for all your help,”

  “Anytime, talk to you soon,” she finished.

  While talking Randy had parked the car near an elevator and there were two men in suits waiting by the doors. She filled him in on what Kate had told her and he was encouraged. She squeezed his hand.

  “Thank you Randy, you and Jack are being very nice to me and I have to say I am growing quite fond of you both in a short time,” she said to him shyly. He smiled and squeezed her hand back.

  “You are very welcome. We were both smitten with you when we chatted behind the ambulance at the jewelry store. We will keep you safe as we can, hungry?” He said as her stomach rumbled again. They got out and he grabbed her bag, and she her crutches. The security nodded to them as they got on the elevator and they went up.

  Lizzy got a hug from Jack and he informed them that the food was on its way (Chinese). She begged a shower from him and hobbled into the bathroom to get cleaned up, it had been another rough and tumble day.

  She spent some time in the shower despite her hunger and it felt decadent. It had multiple shower heads and spray so she reveled in it. Her knee was still bruised and did not look good and she was really beginning to get worried about it. If she did not get some downtime she really could do some serious damage to it. The third time her tummy rumbled in the shower convinced her it was time to get out. She toweled off and dressed from the clothes in her bag. She had been in a hurry and just thrown some things in. She put on some underthings and then a V-neck, white t-shirt and red spandex exercise shorts. Her shirt was long but snug and she thought she looked okay considering her day. She quick dried her hair with a towel and brushed it out before hobbling back to the big living room. The food had arrived.

  If anyone had told her two hours earlier she would have been spending the evening with two handsome men coddling her she would not have believed them. They had set up the couch with pillows and an ottoman to put her leg up on and served her while sitting on either side of her. Randy had heard her complain about pain pills so there was beer to help her discomfort. In no time she was stuffed with excellent food and drinking her second dark beer. Jack broke out some cigars and she found smoking them relaxing somehow. Then again, she thought, it could be the import beer too.

  “So, Lizzy, what are you going to do about your apartment? I know I would be pissed about it and wanting to make a change,” he said. She glanced at him and saw his curious expression. His brown eyes were sparkling as usual, with compassion along with his curiosity.

  “I don’t know. I loved my place but now I don’t know if I can stay there. How is this building to live in? I like what I saw of the security,” she said. She felt violated with the ransacking of her apartment and trembled a little with upset. She took a long pull on her beer and a drag on the cigar. Releasing a big exhalation of smoke. She tried to force herself to relax again. They noticed her change of mood and became even more attentive and cheerful.

  “Don’t worry, Liz, you are going to be fine. This building would be great for you too. It has a lot of amenities and as you say, great security. I think I have Randyman convinced to move to the building too,” Jacks nickname for Randy made her giggle and she looked to her right at him.

  “Yeah, I am thinking about it. Another floor though, this guy is to flipping loud,” he said with a grin and his green eyes danced with good cheer. Lizzy finished her beer and cigar, accepting another beer from Jack. Just relax, she told herself. This is not helping.

  “I am not worried about you Lizzy; you want to know why?” Jack said and then belched. She giggled.

  “Why Jack?” She asked turning to him with a smile.

  “Because, like I said before, you are a tough chick. Randy told me who you think is behind it and that sort of thing is hard, but here you are, moving forward and tackling it. Lady you are going to kick your problem's ass and come out happy and beautiful. Believe it!” He said reaching out to rub her shoulders comfortingly. She laughed and leaned into his big hand.

  “Let’s go with that, Jack. I will beat this shit and be happy. Screw the world, it is my time!” She said and belched a small, little lady-like belch, that got approval from both guys, as well as a laugh. Jack continued massaging her shoulders and she could feel them loosening up. They were so tight she really needed it. She sighed followed by a groan of pleasure in his touch.

  “Hm, maybe this will help too,” Randy said and he began massaging her leg around her knee. His huge powerful hands were gentle over her skin. She had forgotten the brace so there was nothing impeding his touch. She thought she could actually feel her tight, damaged muscles loosening and some of the throbbing faded.

  “Oh guys I don’t know why you are so good to me but I need this, thank you so much,” she told them finishing her beer and closing her eyes. Her empty was removed from her hand and she agreed to another one. The cold, dark beer was acting like a restorative as well as something else. She was developing a feeling deep inside, a warming in her guts that was spreading outward with a tingling presence. Jacks hand moved down her back and Randy’s worked on her thigh and she realized what the feeling was.

  She was getting aroused.

  She thought about protesting. She knew they would stop, but it felt so good and it had been so long she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She felt a kiss on her cheek and opened her eyes. Randy’s face was right there and without thinking she kissed him on the lips. The kiss lingered and she felt a wonderful acceptance come over her. Jack really was right. She was going to beat her problems and take advantage of some human contact with some friends!

  Lizzy put an arm around both of them and they turned to face her more directly on both sides. She tried to turn herself, but was denied the trouble.

  “No sweetheart, let us do the work this time. We don’t want to hurt your knee,” Jack told her.

  Jack kept one hand on the small of her back and the other touched her face and moved down to her breasts. Randy had a hand on her shoulders now and his other hand was moving further up her t
highs. She softly gasped and felt herself become moist. When Randy’s hand slid up her shirt to the skin of her belly she groaned, arching her back, and his kiss left her trembling with her need. It had been far too long, she thought and could feel her pent up pressure needing release. She had a joyous feeling it was going to be taken care of and she desired it to be. She so needed the touch and feel of friends who cared.

  She removed her shirt and they repositioned her to lay back on the huge couch with her head in Jacks lap and Randy began working his way up her body starting at the calves. Every touch was an electric dance of feelings running up her spine. When he removed her bra and his lips touched her breasts she moaned out shaking as she had a small explosion deep inside.

  “That is it, Liz, let it go. We all need a release now and then, let us give you yours. Oh yeah, baby, feel it, enjoy it with us,” Jack said stroking her face and neck in a way that felt loving. She had not felt so taken care of, possibly ever and her revelry grew. As her breasts were kissed her panties were slid down and she felt the comforting weight of Randy on top of her, somehow avoiding her bad leg. She opened her eyes and his face was in front of her again. They both were smiling and panting. Jack slid back out from under her to get out of the way and soon Randy was lowering his hips and bending his head to kiss her as his throbbing shaft found her wet desire and entered her with an urgency that they both shared. Her arms went around him and she cried out in her pleasure as he moved his hips up and down. She felt one explosion of her lust and desire roar through her. He kept going until he exploded his passion into her causing another expansion of her pleasure. Gasping he rolled off of her and the couch. Panting herself she tilted her head back to see where Jack was behind her, naked. She raised her eyebrow and gave him a sultry look.

  “I don’t think you are done Jack, do you?” She asked him. He grinned and got on his knees above her head and leaned over her. She felt his lips on her belly and gasped as his eager lounge worked its way downward and her need grew again. She wanted him to touch her and kiss her more, and he did as she moaned her passion. She caressed his back and ran her nails slowly up and down, she felt him tremble in his own desire. Soon he was changing positions to keep her from moving too much and he straddled her. She could feel his growing member against her thigh and had a great desire to feel more of it.


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