To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming)

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To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming) Page 11

by Terry, Kimberly Kaye

  “What we do, on a personal level, is simply between me—” he bent to capture the rim of her lip and tugged it deeply into his mouth before releasing it “—and you.” As he lowered his head to kiss her, the sound of a door banging open had them springing apart, and Patricia walked inside.

  Her glance fell back and forth between the two, a sly smile crossing her face as she caught the look of wary guilt cross Sonia’s face.

  “I, uh...didn’t know you were otherwise occupied, Sonia. I’ll come back at a more...convenient time, hmm?”

  Wishing for a timely hole to open up so she could fall in to it, Sonia smiled weakly at her assistant, wildly thinking of something, anything, to say about what she’d just seen.

  She came up with nothing.

  Keanu glanced at Patricia, his handsome face devoid of any telling expression. “You might want to knock next time, Ms. Haynes,” he said before turning to Sonia, pulling her into his arms and kissing her fully on her surprised mouth.

  “I’ll see you after quitting time. Come to the house for dinner,” he said, and turned on his booted heel and strode from the room, leaving an openmouthed Patricia staring after him and a ridiculous, happy grin on Sonia’s face.

  Chapter 16

  “Beautiful out here, isn’t it?”

  Startled, Sonia turned when she heard a voice behind her.

  She had not expected anyone to be out so late, and neither did she really want anyone to connect the dots and realize that if she was out here at this time of the night...correction, morning, then odds were that she hadn’t gone back to her hotel last night.


  Not that Keanu was trying to keep it some deep dark secret, she thought with a grin.

  When she saw that it was Ailani, she relaxed and forced a smile of what she hoped was welcome to her face.

  “Yeah, it is. Beautiful, that is,” she replied softly.

  Sonia turned back around to face the orchard, raising her face up to the moon and allowing the slight breeze to blow across face. The smell of hibiscus and fruit in various stages of bloom from the orchard hit her senses as it blew with the wind.

  “I love it out here, too. It’s where I come to think,” the other woman disclosed, coming to stand next to Sonia.

  Sonia’s head turned enough so that she could make eye contact with her.

  In all the time she’d been at the ranch, the few occasions she’d actually spoken to the foreman...or forewoman, as the case was, had been few and far between. When the crew had first come to the ranch they’d interviewed many of those who worked the Kealoha. The young woman who was newly promoted to the rank of ranch foreman was an angle Sonia and the director had wanted to really explore, as they both agreed it was yet another twist to an already unique situation.

  Yet after the initial interview it was clear that Ailani Mowry wanted nothing to do with either the show or Sonia.

  When the director had approached the Kealohas about her, they’d been told in no uncertain terms that anyone who worked the ranch did not have to agree to be on the show.

  Although Sonia knew there was a story behind the reserved woman’s refusal to be on the show, even in passing, they’d had no choice but to respect her decision, as well as her privacy.

  The only thing she had learned about the foreman was that her father had once held the same position and that she had both worked and lived at the Kealoha from the time she could walk.

  “You know, when you all first came to the ranch, I was really pissed off.”

  “Excuse me?” Sonia said, her eyes widening at the woman’s choice of words. She hadn’t been sure what to expect from her early morning visitor...but that certainly hadn’t been it. “ to explain that?” she asked, at a loss what to say.

  Something of what Sonia was feeling must have shown on her face, because she laughed outright.

  “Oh, God, that came out pretty rough, huh?” she said, and began to chuckle. “I’m so sorry. Being around guys as much as I am has a habit of wearing off on a girl. Blunt is the only way they do it around here!” she replied. “Please, forgive me!

  “Okay, let me start all over again. Hi, my name is Ailani Mowry and I have a tendency to blurt things when I’m uncomfortable.”

  With a remnant of the smile still on her lips, she struck out a hand for Sonia to shake. An answering smile on her face, Sonia replied, “Hello, Ailani, my name is Sonia Brandon and I sometimes talk to myself when no one is around,” she replied, deadpan, and both women laughed.

  The tension dissolved and the ice was broken. Both women leaned against the fence, sharing a companionable silence for long moments. Deciding to go out on a limb, Sonia faced the other woman.

  “You know, when I first saw you interact with Nick and Key, I was...jealous,” she said, forcing the words out.

  “Oh, yeah? Why?” the beautiful woman asked, arching a brow. “Or are you just getting back at me for my earlier faux pas?” she asked skeptically, and Sonia smiled, shaking her head.

  “No, I’m serious,” she replied, and turned back to look at the orchard.

  She reached out to pick one of the abundant hibiscus flowers from the overhanging branch. She brought it to her face and inhaled, thinking.

  “I thought you had a...thing going on with one of them.”

  Ailani laughed out loud, her beautiful white teeth gleaming in the night. “Oh, Lord, everyone thinks that at one time or other about me and the twins, I swear!” She realized how that sounded and held up a hand. “Not me and both at the same time!” Again, she groaned when that sounded even worse.

  Sonia laughed out loud, too, unable to hold back the humor.

  “Seriously, Nick and Key are like brothers to me. There may have been a time a while back when Nick and I might have had a thing going, but...” She shook her head, shrugging a ghost of a grin on her full mouth. “Nah, but that was a long time ago. These days the only thing I have time for is the Kealoha. Never leaves me lonely, always there when I need her. She’s the best friend and lover I’ll ever need,” she quipped, but behind the pleasant facade, Sonia caught a glimpse of something more, something the woman kept hidden.

  She smiled across at Sonia, and Sonia returned the smile, choosing not to dig into the hidden glimpse she spotted beneath the surface. Maybe one day the two of them would become close enough friends that the other woman would feel comfortable disclosing more.

  Even as she thought that, Sonia realized that her time at the ranch would end soon, and she and Ailani would probably never be afforded the chance to form a lasting friendship.

  The thought was depressing. Soon, her time with Key would be over. She sighed and pushed the gloomy thoughts away.

  “What about you? Apparently more than the Kealoha...ranch that is, brought you out at this time of morning. I’m guessing you stayed last night,” the other woman said bluntly.

  Sonia laughed. Well, so much for not digging into each other’s business.

  As soon as the words escaped, Ailani’s lighter brown face flushed a dull red.

  “God, I’m so sorry. Remember my introduction?” Ailani said on a groan. “I swear ‘the one who blurts things’ should be my new moniker,” she said, and closed her eyes, both hands covering them in her embarrassment.

  Sonia laughed out loud, the slight tension completely evaporating again.

  She could really learn to like this woman, she thought.

  “Girl, it’s okay! Really,” she began, and stopped before she laughed again. “Hey, it’s not like it’s that big of a secret, what with me wearing the jeans I had on yesterday and Key’s shirt,” she said. Surprisingly Sonia felt none of the self-consciousness that she would normally feel given the situation.

  “In answer to your question, yes, I did spend the night here,” she said, and although s
he didn’t say the obvious, that she and Key had spent the night together, she knew the other woman was fully aware of that.

  While she didn’t exactly flaunt their relationship, Key had never made it a secret that the two of them were involved.

  “And, like you, I came out here just to think. Key brought me here a couple of days ago to show the orchard to me,” she said, bringing the flower to her nose to inhale.

  The other woman leaned over the wrought-iron railing to snag a flower, as well.

  She toyed with one of the petals, her features thoughtful. “When we were kids we used to hang out here a lot. Whenever one of us got in trouble, or just needed a place to hang for a while, cool off or think things over, this is where we came.” A half smile lifted the corner of her generous mouth. “This became the safe haven. Stemmed from playing hide-and-seek here when we were kids. Remember when you were a kid and you’d run and play hide-and-seek, and you’d try your hardest to reach base before you got tagged?” she asked Sonia who nodded her head in agreement.

  Although there were times when she traveled with her parents that Sonia had been in countries outside the United States, hide-and-seek seemed to be a universal game all kids knew and loved.

  “It was one of my favorites,” she replied in remembrance.

  “Yeah. That was always one of my favorite games as a kid, too. This was where we all used to play the game. Somehow it’s always been the place to draw me as an adult. My safe place.” She turned around, her gaze encompassing the ranch as far as they could see.

  “The Kealoha has been my safe haven. When my father retired, and I went to school, I always knew I would return to the ranch.”

  “Did you do so right away?” Sonia asked. “Come back to the ranch?” she clarified, and Ailani shook her head.

  “Not at first. It took me a while to come back. Did a bit of traveling, finished working on my master’s,” she said, and must have caught Sonia’s surprise as she laughed. “Does that surprise you that I have a master’s degree and I’m a rancher?” she asked, one brow raised, hand on hip.

  “No, not at all! Key has one, as does Nick,” Sonia replied. “I just didn’t realize you had, too. But it doesn’t surprise me. The people, as well as this amazing ranch, stopped surprising me a long time ago,” Sonia said, and the other woman grinned.

  “Most people thought the reason I left was because of the relationship Nick and I once had. But it wasn’t. I always knew I would return. No other place felt...right,” she said, and for a moment Sonia envied her, the sense of home the other woman felt at the ranch.

  Sonia had never felt like that about any place. She wondered if she ever would.

  Ailani continued to speak, unaware of Sonia’s disquiet. “I came back because here...I feel like I have a real home here. A real family. The Kealohas are really special folks. It was just my dad and I for a long time. I never really knew my mom. She died before I was old enough to even walk,” she said with a shrug. “And the boys...their parents, always made us feel at home here. The fact that I was...different,” she said, alluding to her dual heritage of African-American and Hawaiian, “didn’t matter. Family is family, was what their parents always said.” She paused, her glance taking in the horizon, hugging her arms around her waist as she gazed out over the west pasture where the rising sun was coming into view.

  “That has now become a motto of sorts at the Kealoha,” she said, and both women were silent for long moments before Ailani spoke again.

  “It’s the only place I’ve ever felt like that. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Couldn’t imagine any place else feeling like home. Do you know what I mean, Sonia?”

  Even though she smiled and nodded her head, Sonia didn’t know the feeling. She never had experienced that feeling.

  And deep down she knew she had always been searching for that feeling of home Ailani spoke of.

  “Keanu is special, Sonia. He loves this ranch, family, and those he calls family mean more to him than anything or anyone. He would do anything to protect both. I would hate to see him hurt. He’s a good man,” she said, and even though she spoke softly, the words rang as a warning.

  Sonia turned to face her. “I would never hurt the Kealoha Ranch...or Key. They both mean more to me than I can say. I know I’ve just been here, in his world, in your home,” she said, acknowledging what the ranch meant for Ailani, “for a short while, but both Key and his ranch...his family, mean a lot to me.” Sonia made the admission freely, and although she wanted to look away, to hide the vulnerability she felt must be showing in her eyes, she held the other woman’s gaze.

  Ailani must have seen whatever she was looking for in Sonia’s gaze. Her face softened, again, and a genuine smile graced her face.

  She turned, as did Sonia, and together they watched the sun rise, bringing in the new day.

  Chapter 17

  Key walked inside Sonia’s office trailer, closing and locking the door behind him. After the last time they were in the trailer together, he didn’t want a repeat of the interruption.

  His glance raked the small space, a grin on his face as he remembered what he and Sonia had done.

  If he had his way, they’d be doing the same thing again, this time with a more satisfying ending, he thought.

  Not that they hadn’t made up for the interruption.

  Over the past few weeks the pair had been inseparable, and although no one said anything directly to him about it, no one was in the dark about their relationship.

  The only person who seemed to be sour about it was her assistant, and for the life of him, Key couldn’t understand what in hell he’d done to the woman to make her hate him so.

  He searched Sonia out and found her inside the smaller cubicle in the trailer that served as her office.

  She was on the phone, the small tortoiseshell-framed glasses perched on the end of her pert nose, so absorbed in her work she hadn’t heard him enter and didn’t know he was in her trailer. She spun around at her desk, turning her back to him, and stood, staring out of the small window, pulling at a curl at the back of her head, a sign he knew that meant she was thinking, hard.

  “Well, with the new angle, I think it’ll be even more exciting!” she exclaimed, and he grinned at her enthusiasm.

  “Awesome! I’ll put it together for you and send it to you. I think the new angle will produce results you’ll be pleased with.”

  He paused, leaning against the door frame, arms folded across his chest as he waited and listened.

  He didn’t in the least find that intimidating or off-putting. Her focus was one of the things he loved about her.

  As soon as he thought it, he paused, his footsteps coming to a halt before he could walk toward her office.

  He was falling for her, hard.

  The feeling he got simply from looking at her mocked his earlier belief that it was only sex. It was more than just sex between them. Yeah, the sex was off the chain, incomparable. She did things to and for him no other woman could, but it was so much more.

  He leaned against the door frame, the grin on his face still in place.

  * * *

  “Now back to work.” Sonia sighed, disconnecting the call from one of her friends currently working on a project that Sonia was helping her to develop. Dee Dee had been given the project after a failed pilot. The network hadn’t wanted to give the series another shot but, after revamping it, the show was given a new chance. Sonia had confidence that her friend could produce the results needed to see the show become a hit. She smiled, grateful to be in a position to help those few people she truly called friends.

  She and Dee Dee had gone to film school together, and she knew her friend’s work ethic matched her own. Lately an idea had been forming in the back of Sonia’s mind as she contemplated another project with her friend and taking a s
tab at script writing for film. She shelved the thought as it was time to get back to work.

  She spun around and returned to the document she’d been working on before her friend’s interruption.

  Back to her own show.

  She smiled hugely. Now that she had Key and his family’s approval—and signatures—on the dotted line, so to speak, the show could go on. She was beyond happy.

  Everything was flowing right in her life, and she’d never been happier. The show was a success and, with the projections of the ratings, would be an even greater success for the upcoming season. And with the upcoming show she’d agreed to produce, her career was doing better than she could ever have imagined.

  With the new show, she had been given full rein, and would relocate to Hawaii temporarily, flying out to L.A. when needed. And she had a man in her life she was absolutely crazy about.

  Or cray cray, as Dee Dee would say, she thought, her friend’s earlier description of her feelings for Keanu.

  She giggled out loud, shrugging. The fact that she had entertained the idea of staying in Hawaii to produce both shows was her own self-indicator that she was committed to Key, enough to see if what they had was special, and something that could be more long-term.

  Before, the thought of that would have sent her running for the hills. The smile on her face blossomed.

  Not anymore.

  Sonia was so busy at her desk, keying into the document the upcoming film schedule, that it took a long time before she realized she wasn’t alone.

  “Could life get any better?” she asked, and jumped in her chair when she got an answer.

  “I think I know the answer to that.”

  The deep familiar baritone had her startled gaze flying to the source.


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