Elsie's Kith and Kin

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Elsie's Kith and Kin Page 16

by Martha Finley


  "'Tis easier for the generous to forgiveThan for offence to ask it."

  In passing through the hall on his way from Lulu's room to the nursery,Capt. Raymond met "grandma Elsie."

  She stopped him, and asked, in a tone of kindly concern, if Lulu wasill, adding, that something she had accidentally overheard him saying tothe doctor had made her fear the child was not well.

  "Thank you, mother," he said: "you are very kind to take any interest inLulu after what has occurred. No, she is not quite well: the mentaldistress of the last two days has been very great, and has exhausted herphysically. It could not, of course, be otherwise, unless she were quiteheartless. She is full of remorse for her passion and its consequences,and my only consolation is the hope that this terrible lesson may provea lasting one to her."

  "I hope so, indeed," Elsie said, with emotion. "Yes, she must havesuffered greatly; for she is a warm-hearted, affectionate child, andwould not, I am sure, have intentionally done her baby sister aninjury."

  "No, it was not intentional; yet, as the result of allowing herself toget into a passion, she is responsible for it, as she feels andacknowledges.

  "And so deeply ashamed is she, that she knows not how to face thefamily, or any one of them, and therefore entreats me to allow her toseclude herself in her own room till I can take her to the home I hopeto make for my wife and children ere long."

  "Poor child!" sighed Elsie. "Tell her, Levis, that she need not shrinkfrom us as if we were not sinners, as well as herself. Shall I go into-morrow morning, and have a talk with her before breakfast?"

  "It will be a great kindness," he said, flushing with pleasure, "andmake it much easier for her to show herself afterwards at the table. ButI ought to ask if you are willing to see her there in her accustomedseat?"

  "I shall be glad to do so," Elsie answered, with earnest kindliness oflook and tone. "She was not banished by any edict of mine or papa's."

  "No: I forbade her to leave her room while the baby was in a criticalcondition. Yet I think she had no disposition to leave it,--shame andremorse causing a desire to hide herself from everybody."

  "It strikes me as a hopeful sign," Elsie said; "and I do not despair ofone day seeing Lulu a noble woman, the joy and pride of her father'sheart."

  She held out her hand as she spoke.

  The captain grasped it warmly. "Thank you, mother, for those kind andhopeful words," he said with emotion. "For the last year or two, she hasbeen alternately my joy and my despair; and I am resolved to leave noeffort untried to rescue her from the dominion of her fierce temper.

  "The task would doubtless have been far easier could I have undertakenit years ago, in her early infancy. But I trust it is not yet too lateto accomplish it, with the help and the wisdom I may have in answer toprayer.

  "No, I am sure it is by no means a hopeless undertaking, looking whereyou do for needed strength and wisdom; and I rejoice almost as much forLulu's sake as for Vi's, that you have now come among us to stay. I willtry to see her in the morning, and do what I can to make it easy for herto join the family circle again.

  "And now good-night. I must not keep you longer from the wife whogrudges every moment that you are absent from her side," she concluded,with a smile as sweet and beautiful as that of her girlhood's days.

  While the captain and his mother-in-law held this little conversation inthe upper hall, Zoe and Rosie were promenading the veranda, arm in arm.They had been talking of Violet and her baby, rejoicing together overits improved condition.

  "How dreadful the last two days have been to poor Vi!" exclaimed Rosie,"even in spite of the home-coming of her husband, which has alwaysbefore this made her so happy. In fact, it has been a dreadful time toall of us; and nobody to blame except that bad-tempered Lulu.

  "At least, so _I_ think," she added, conscience giving her a twinge;"though mamma says I ought to have let her have my pony, and taken myown ride later in the day, if I wanted one."

  "It would have been more polite and unselfish, wouldn't it?" queriedZoe, in a teasing tone. "I dare say it is what mamma herself would havedone under the same circumstances."

  "I have no doubt of that," returned Rosie; "but mamma and I are two verydifferent people. I can never hope to be as good and unselfish as sheis, and always has been so far as I can learn."

  "Ah! but there's nothing like trying," laughed Zoe.

  "Suppose you tell Lulu that, advising her to undertake the task ofcontrolling her temper."

  "She was quite a good while without an outbreak," said Zoe; "and really,Rosie, that dog of yours is extremely trying at times."

  "It's quite trying to me, that I've had to send him away, and can't havehim about any more till Lulu's gone. I'll be sorry to have Vi leave Ion,but rejoiced to be rid of Lulu. I wonder if the captain still intends tosend her away? I sincerely hope so, for Vi's sake. Poor little Elsie maybe killed outright the next time Lulu has an opportunity to vent herspite upon her."

  "O Rosie! how can you talk so?" exclaimed Zoe. "haven't you heard thatLulu says she thought it was your dog she was kicking at? and that shehas been really sick with distress about the baby? As to sending heraway to be trained and taught by strangers--her father has no idea ofdoing it: in fact,--so Vi told Ned,--the conviction that Lulu needed hisconstant oversight and control had a great deal to do in leading him toresign from the service and come home to live."

  "Then, he's a very good father,--a great deal better one than shedeserves. But I'm sorry for Vi and her baby."

  "You needn't be: surely the captain should be able to protect them fromLulu," laughed Zoe.

  Rosie laughed too, remarked that it must be getting late; and they wentinto the house.

  * * * * *

  "I do wish papa would come for me. I can't bear to go down alone tobreakfast," Lulu was saying to herself the next morning, when a lightstep in the hall without caught her ear: then there was a tap at thedoor; and, opening it, she found the lady of the house standing on thethreshold.

  "Good-morning, my child," she said in pleasant, cheery tones, andsmiling sweetly as she spoke; then, bending clown, she gave the littlegirl a kiss.

  "Good-morning, grandma Elsie," murmured Lulu, blushing deeply, andcasting down her eyes: "you are very kind to come to see me, and tokiss me too, when I have been so bad. Please take a chair," she added,drawing one forward.

  "Thank you, dear; but I would rather sit on the sofa yonder, with you bymy side," Elsie said, taking Lulu's hand, and leading her to it, then,when they had seated themselves, putting the other arm about the child'swaist, and drawing her close to her side. "I feel that I have beenneglecting you," she went on; "but my thoughts have been much taken upwith other things, and"--

  "O grandma Elsie!" cried Lulu, bursting into tears. "I didn't deservethat you should show me the least kindness, or think of me at all exceptas a very bad, disagreeable girl. I should think you'd want to turn meout of your house, and say I should never come into it again."

  "No, dear child, I have no such feeling toward you: if I had, should Inot be very much like that wicked servant to whom his lord had forgivena debt of ten thousand talents, yet who refused to have compassion onhis fellow-servant who owed him a hundred pence? I should, indeed; formy sins against God have been far greater, and more heinous, than yoursagainst me or mine."

  "But you were always such a good child when you were a little girl, andI am such a bad one."

  "No, my dear; that is quite a mistake; I was not always good as achild, and I am very far from being perfect as a woman."

  "You seem so to me, grandma Elsie: I never know of your doing and sayingany thing the least bit wrong."

  "But you, my child, see only the outward appearance, while God looks atthe heart; and he knows that, though I am truly his servant, tryingearnestly to do his will, I fall lamentably short of it."

  "Grandma Elsie, I didn't know it was the baby: I didn't mean to hurther."

  "No, my dear, I k
now you didn't."

  "But papa said he must punish me all the same, because it was being in apassion that made me do it. Grandma Elsie, if you had such a dreadfultemper as mine, wouldn't you be discouraged about ever conquering it?"

  "No, my child, not while I could find such words as these in the Bible:'O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself: but in Me is thine help.' 'Thoushalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from theirsins.' 'He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto Godby him.' 'God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted abovethat ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way toescape, that ye may be able to bear it.'"

  "'His people,'" repeated Lulu; then with a sigh, "But I am not one ofthem, grandma Elsie; so those promises are not for me."

  "He invites you to become one of his people, and then they will be foryou.

  "'Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden,' Jesus says, 'andI will give you rest.'

  "You feel yourself heavy laden with that unconquerable temper, do younot?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Then, that invitation is for you; and it will not be unconquerable withthe Lord to help you.

  "'The God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto hispeople.' 'And they that stumbled are girded with strength.' You cannotdoubt that you are included in the invitation, for it is, 'Whosoeverwill, let him take the water of life freely.' And the time to come isnow: 'Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.'"

  The breakfast-bell rang at that moment; and grandma Elsie, rising, tookLulu's hand, saying, "Come, my dear, you need not shrink from joining usat the table: no one will be disposed to treat you unkindly."

  As she spoke, the door opened, and Capt. Raymond and Violet came in.They exchanged morning greetings with their mother; while Lulu, witheyes cast down, and cheeks aflame, half shrank behind her, ashamed andafraid to meet Violet's gaze.

  But Violet bent down and kissed her affectionately, saying in a kindlytone, "I hope you are feeling better than you did yesterday?"

  "O mamma Vi!" Lulu cried, throwing her arm round her young step-mother'sneck, and bursting into tears, "is baby still getting better? and willyou forgive me? I am, oh, so sorry!"

  "Yes, dear, baby is improving fast; and it is all forgiven, so far as Iam concerned," was the gentle reply.

  Then the captain kissed his little girl good-morning, and they all wentdown to the breakfast-room together.

  The worst was over to Lulu in having seen Violet, yet it was quite anordeal to her to face the rest of the large family; but each one spokepleasantly to her. Rosie alone bestowed so much an unkind look upon her,and that was wasted; for Lulu, expecting it from that quarter more thanany other, constantly averted her gaze from Rosie, keeping her eyesdown, or turned in another direction.

  Dr. Conly had joined them as they sat down, and presently he addressedthe captain:--

  "I hear, Raymond, that you would like to buy in this neighborhood."

  "Yes, if I can find a suitable place,--one that will satisfy my wife aswell as myself," the captain answered with a smiling glance at Violet.

  "Well, Vi, how would Woodburn answer, so far as you are concerned?"queried Arthur.

  "Woodburn! is it for sale?" she cried delightedly. "O Levis!" turning toher husband, "it is a lovely old place! A visit there was always a greattreat to me as a child."

  "And it is really for sale?" exclaimed several voices in chorus, alleyes turning inquiringly upon Dr. Conly.

  "Yes, so Miss Elliott told me yesterday," replied Arthur. "She wasslightly indisposed, and sent for me, and, while telling of herailments, remarked that she was very lonely since her sister Margarethad married and gone, leaving her sole occupant--not taking servantsinto account--of that large house, with its extensive grounds. So shehad at last decided, she said, to comply with her sister's urgentrequest to sell the place, and take up her abode with them.

  "She had thought of advertising, and asked my advice about it. Ofcourse, I thought at once of you and Vi, captain, told her I knew of agentleman who might like to become a purchaser, and that I would promiseher a call from him to-day to look at the place. Will you redeem mypromise?"

  "Gladly," responded the captain, "especially as Vi expresses so strong aliking for the place. Will you go with me, my dear?"

  "I hardly like to leave my baby yet," she answered dubiously. "But ifyou should feel entirely satisfied with the house, the grounds, and theprice asked for them, you could not please me better than by making thepurchase."

  "There! if Miss Elliott only knew it, she might consider the estate asgood as sold," remarked Zoe.

  "If she is willing to take a reasonable price, I presume she might,"said Arthur. "Captain, I will go there directly from here: will youdrive over with me, and take a look at the place?"

  "Yes, thank you; and have a talk with the lady, if you will give me anintroduction."

  Max and Lulu, sitting side by side at the table, exchangedglances,--Lulu's full of delight, Max's only interested. He shook hishead in response to her's.

  "What do you mean? wouldn't you like it?" she asked in an undertone.

  "Yes, indeed! but I'm pretty sure papa couldn't afford such a place asthat: it must be worth a good many thousands."

  Lulu's look lost much of its brightness; still, she did not quite giveup hope, as the conversation went on among their elders, Woodburn andthe Elliotts continuing to be the theme.

  "Will it be near enough to Ion?" Capt. Raymond asked, addressing Violetmore particularly. "What is the distance?"

  "Something over a mile, they call it," said Mr. Dinsmore.

  "That is as near as we can expect to be, I suppose," said Violet.

  "And with carriages and horses, bicycles, tricycles, and telephones, wemay feel ourselves very near neighbors indeed," remarked Edward. "Whenthe weather is too inclement for mamma or Vi to venture out, they cantalk together by the hour through the telephone, if they wish."

  "And it won't often be too inclement to go back and forth," said Zoe;"almost always good enough for a close carriage, if for nothing else."

  "We are talking as if the place were already secured," remarked Violet,with a smiling glance at her husband.

  "I think you may feel pretty sure of it if you want it, love; unlessMiss Elliott should change her mind about selling," he responded, in atone too low to reach any ear but hers.

  She gave him a bright, glad look, that quite settled the matter so faras he was concerned; he would, if necessary, give even an exorbitantprice for the place, to please her.

  "Have you never seen Woodburn, captain?" asked Mrs. Dinsmore.

  "I have some recollection of driving past it," he replied meditatively;"but--is not the house nearly concealed from view from the road, by athick growth of trees and shrubbery?"

  "Yes: you will thin them out a little, I hope, for the mansion is wellworth looking at; it is a very aristocratic-looking dwelling,--large,substantial, and handsome architecturally."

  "Papa, are you going to buy it?" asked Grace.

  "It is too soon to answer that question, daughter," he said pleasantly;and Max and Lulu again exchanged glances, which said this time, "Maybehe will, after all."

  Both ardently wished their father would propose taking them along; hedid not: but when Dr. Conly said, with a kindly glance at Grace, "Therewill be room in my carriage for a little friend of mine, if papa iswilling to let her go with us," he at once said,--

  "Certainly, Gracie may go, if she will be ready in season, and not keepthe doctor waiting."

  "Indeed I will, papa," she cried delightedly, and ran away to don hatand coat; for the meal was concluded, and everybody leaving the table.

  Lulu followed her father, till, in the hall, she found an opportunity tospeak to him without being overheard.

  "Papa," she asked, "what am I to do with myself to-day?"

  "Stay in your room, and learn your lessons, beginning just where youleft off the other day. You will recite to m
e after I come back; then wewill consider what you shall do for the rest of the day."

  "Yes, sir: may I see Evelyn when she comes?"

  "If she chooses to go to you in your room."

  "Must I stay in my room all the time?" she asked dejectedly.

  "While I am away. I will take you out after I return." Then, noticingher downcast look, "You shall have more liberty when we get into our ownhome," he said kindly.

  At that she looked up with a bright, glad smile. "Papa, it will be _sonice_!"

  Max had drawn near.

  "Papa," he said, "won't you let Lu take a walk with me? Mayn't we runover to Fairview, and bring Evelyn back with us? I know she'd be glad tohave company coming over to school."

  "Yes, you may go, both of you, if you like. But, Lulu, when you gethome, go at once to your room: don't stop in the grounds or on theveranda."

  "I won't, papa," she said: "I'll go straight to my room, and, oh, thankyou for letting me go!"


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