"Fortune is merry, And in this mood will give us any thing."
There was a sound of small, hurrying feet in the hall without, a tap atthe door; and Max's voice asked, "May we come in?"
"Yes," said his father; and instantly the door was thrown wide. Evelyncame in with a quiet, lady-like step, and Max and Grace moreboisterously.
The captain rose, shook hands with Eva, set her a chair, and sat downagain, drawing Gracie to his arms, while Max stood at his side.
"Oh! what are those for?" he asked, catching sight of the blank-books.
"This is for you, this for Grace," the captain answered, bestowing themas he spoke, then went on to repeat substantially what he had just beensaying to Lulu, and to replenish their purses as he had hers.
They were both delighted, both grateful.
Evelyn looked on, well pleased. "Now your allowance is just the same asmine, and I am so glad," she said to Lulu. "I have never kept anaccount; but I think it must be a good plan, and I mean to after this."
"There is another thing, children," said the captain: "any money that wehave, is only lent to us by our heavenly Father; and it is our duty toset aside a certain portion for giving to his cause."
"How much, papa?" asked Max.
"People have different ideas about that," was the reply. "InOld-Testament times, the rule was one-tenth of all; and I think mostpeople should not give less now: many are able to give a great dealmore. I hope each of you will be glad to give as much as that."
He opened Lulu's Bible, lying on the table, and read aloud, "'He whosoweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly; and he who sowethbountifully, shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as hepurposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or ofnecessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver.'"
"I'll give a tenth of all," said Lulu. "I mean to buy a little purse onpurpose to keep my tenth in, and I'll put two of these dimes in it. Thatwill be the tenth of the two dollars you've given me, won't it, papa?"
"Yes," he said.
"And I'll do the same," said Max.
"I too," added Gracie.
"It is just what my papa taught me to do," remarked Evelyn modestly.
"Would you children all like to take a drive with me this afternoon?"asked the captain.
There was a simultaneous and joyful assent from his own three: thenEvelyn said, "Thank you, sir. I should like it extremely, if I can getpermission. Aunt Elsie expects me home to dinner; but I will go now tothe telephone, and ask if I may stay and accept your invitation."
"And while you are doing that, I will go to my wife, and try to persuadeher to join our party," the captain said, leaving the room.
Evelyn had no difficulty in gaining permission to stay at Ion for therest of the day, or go anywhere Capt. Raymond might propose to take her;and he found but little difficulty in persuading Violet to accompany himin a drive that would take her from her baby for an hour or two, thelittle one being so much better that she did not fear to leave it incharge of her mother and the nurse, thinking it might die before herreturn.
"The carriage will be at the door in ten or fifteen minutes after weleave the dinner-table," the captain told them all; and each onepromised to be ready to start at once.
The children all came down the stairs and out upon the veranda together,and only a little in advance of the captain and Violet.
There was a simultaneous exclamation of surprise as they saw, not theIon family carriage, but a new and very handsome one, with a pair offine match-horses, which none of them had ever seen before, drawn up atthe foot of the veranda-steps, while, a few feet beyond, a servant heldthe bridle of a beautiful, spirited pony, whose long mane, gracefullyarched neck, and glossy coat, struck them all with admiration.
The carriage-horses were no less handsome or spirited: they were tossingtheir manes, and pawing the ground, with impatience to be off.
Violet turned a bright, inquiring look upon her husband, while all threeof his children were asking in eager, excited tones, "Papa, papa, whosecarriage and horses are these?"
"Ours," he said, handing Violet to a seat in the vehicle; then, as hehelped Evelyn in, "Max, my son, if you will ride that pony, there willbe more room here for the rest of us."
"O papa! may I?" cried the boy in tones of delight. "Did you hire it forme?"
"No: I only bought it for you. Mount, and let me see how well you canmanage him--how well you have improved your opportunities for learningto ride."
Max needed no second invitation, but had vaulted into the saddle beforehis father was done speaking.
"Now put him through his paces," was the next order.
Max wheeled about, dashed down the avenue at a rapid gallop, turned, andcame back at an easy canter; his father and sisters, Violet also,watching him in proud delight, he was so handsome, and sat his pony sowell.
"Ah! that will do," his father said when the lad was within easyhearing-distance: "these fellows," glancing at the horses attached tothe carriage, "are getting too restless to stand any longer; so you mayfinish your exhibition at another time. I have seen enough to feel thatyou are quite equal to the management of your pony."
"O papa! he's just splendid!" Max burst out, bending down to pat andstroke the neck of his steed; "and I can never thank you enough for sucha gift."
"Enjoy him, and use him kindly: that is all I ask," the captain said,entering the carriage, where he had already placed his two little girls."Drive on, Scipio. Max, you may ride along-side."
"I 'spect I know where we're going," remarked Grace gleefully, and withan arch smile up into her father's face, as she noticed the directionthey were taking on turning out of the avenue into the high-road.
"Do you?" he said. "Well, wait a little, and you will find out how gooda guess you have made."
"To Woodburn, papa?" queried Lulu eagerly.
"Have patience, and you will see presently," he answered with a smile.
"Mamma Vi, do you know?" she asked.
"It is your father's secret," said Violet. "I should not presume to tellyou when he declines doing so."
"We shall know in a very few minutes, Lu," said Evelyn: "it is only ashort drive to Woodburn."
"I was thinking about that name," said Grace. "Papa, why do they call itWoodburn? There's woods,--do they burn them sometimes? They don't lookas if they'd ever been burned."
"I don't think they have," he said, "except such parts of them as drytwigs and fallen branches, that could be picked up from the ground, ornow and then a tree that it was thought best to cut down, or that fellof itself. But you know, there is a pretty little brook running acrossthe estate, and in Scotland such a stream is called a burn; so, having awood and a burn, Woodburn is a very appropriate name."
"Yes, papa, I think it is, and a pretty name too. Thank you forexplaining it, and not laughing at my mistake."
"Even papa doesn't know nearly every thing, little daughter," he said,stroking and patting the small hand she had laid on his knee, "so itwould be quite out of place for him to laugh at you for asking asensible question. We should never be ashamed to ask for informationthat we need. It is much wiser than to remain in ignorance for fear ofbeing laughed at."
"And her father always gives information so kindly and patiently,"remarked Violet.
"And I think he knows '_most_ every thing," said Grace. "Oh, I did guessright! for here we are at Woodburn."
They drove and walked about the grounds, admiring, criticising, planningimprovements; then called on Miss Elliott, and, with her readilyaccorded permission, went over the house.
Violet and the captain selected a suite of rooms for their ownoccupation, and he decided which the children should use.
A bedroom opening from their own was selected for Grace, the adjoiningroom beyond for Lulu; and another, into which both these latter opened,they were told should be their own little sitting-room.
Besides these, a tiny apartment in a tower, communicating with Lulu'sbedroom, was giv
en to her. The sitting-room opened into the hall also,so that it was not necessary to pass through one bedroom to reach theother.
They were all bright, cheerful rooms, with a pleasant outlook from everywindow: in the sitting-room there were French windows opening upon abalcony.
The little girls were almost speechless with delight when told by theirfather that these four apartments were to be appropriated solely totheir use.
Lulu caught his hand, and kissed it, tears of mingled joy and penitencespringing to her eyes.
He smiled down at her, and laid his other hand tenderly on her head foran instant.
Then turning to Max, "Now, my boy," he said, "we must settle where youare to lodge. Have you any choice?"
"Is it to be more than one room for me, papa?" he asked, with an archsmile. "I believe boys don't usually fare quite so well as girls insuch things."
"My boy does," returned his father: "you shall have two or three roomsif you want them, and quite as well furnished as those of your sisters."
"Then, if you please, papa, I'll take those over Lu's, and thank youvery much. But as you have already given me several things that mysisters haven't got,--a gun, a watch, and that splendid pony,--I thinkit would be quite fair that they should have better and prettierfurniture in their rooms than I in mine."
"That makes no difference, Max," his father answered with a pleasedlaugh. "I should hardly want the girls to have guns, but watches andponies they shall have by the time they are as old as you are now."
At that the two little girls, standing near, exchanged glances ofdelight. They had been unselfishly glad for Max, and now they rejoicedeach for herself and for the other.
Though, in common with all the rest, deeply interested in the new home,Max was not sorry when his father and Violet decided that it was time toreturn to Ion; for he was eager to show his pony to grandma Elsie, Zoe,and Rosie, who had not yet seen it.
"Papa, do you require me to keep along-side of the carriage?" he asked,as he remounted.
"No: if you wish, you may act as our _avant-courier_," was the smilingreply. "I quite understand that you are in haste to display your newtreasure."
"Yes, sir: that was why I asked. Thank you, sir;" and away the lad flew,urging his pony to a rapid gallop.
He reached Ion some minutes in advance of the carriage, found nearly allof the family who had remained at home on the veranda, and greatlyenjoyed their exclamations of surprise and admiration at sight of hissteed.
As he drew rein at the foot of the steps, and lifted his hat to theladies, Zoe and Rosie came hurriedly forward to get a nearer view. Thefirst exclaimed,--
"What a beautiful pony! Where did he come from, Max?"
Rosie asking, "Whose is he?"
"Mine; a present from papa," replied Max, sitting proudly erect, andpatting the pony's neck; "but I don't know where he came from, aunt Zoe.You'll have to ask papa if you want to know."
"You're in luck, Maxie," she said lightly.
"Yes, indeed. I was born in luck when I was born my father's son."
"Of course you were," she returned, laughing. "Where are the others? Oh,here they come!" as she caught sight of the captain's new carriage justturning in at the avenue-gates.
Those who were in it were a gay and happy party, who, all the way asthey came, had been discussing plans for making the new home moreconvenient, comfortable, and beautiful, and for the life they were tolive in it.
Woodburn was the principal theme of conversation in the evening also,the entire family being gathered together in the parlor, and no visitorspresent.
"Tell us about your nursery, Vi," said her mother: "where is it to be?"
"Next to our sleeping-room, mamma, on the other side from Gracie's: youmay be sure we want our little ones near us."
"But is it a pleasant room?"
"None brighter or cheerier in the house, mamma; it is of good size too;and we mean to have it furnished with every comfort, and in a way tomake it as attractive as possible."
"Pleasantly suggestive pictures among other things?"
"Yes, mamma. I know, from my own happy experience, that they have agreat deal to do with educating a child."
"In both morals and art?" said the captain, looking smilingly at her. "Ishould think so, judging from what my wife is; and surely, it isreasonable to expect a child to be, to some extent, a reflection of itssurroundings; refined or vulgar, according to the style of faces--livingor pictured--it is constantly gazing upon, etc. But, however that maybe, we will try to keep upon the safe side, furnishing only what musthave a good influence, so far as it has any at all."
Lulu was there, sitting as close to her father as she could well get.She had a feeling that it was the only safe place for her.
"Shall I have some pictures on my walls, papa?" she asked in a lowaside.
"Yes: we will go some day soon to the city, and choose some fineengravings for your rooms, Max's and Gracie's; furniture, too, carpets,curtains, and new paper for the walls."
"Oh, but that will be delightful!" she exclaimed. "Papa, you are justtoo good and kind for any thing."
Max, who was near at hand, had overheard. "That's so!" he said. "Isuppose you mean that I am to go too, papa?"
"Yes; Gracie also. My dear," to Violet, "when will it suit you toaccompany us?--to-morrow?"
"To-morrow is Saturday," she said reflectively. "Suppose we say Monday?I hope baby will be so much better by that time, that I shall feel easyin leaving her for a long day's shopping."
"Very well," he said: "we will go Monday morning if nothing happens toprevent."
"Lulu looks as if she did not know how to wait so long," Violet said,smiling kindly on the little girl. "Can't you take her and Max andGracie to-morrow, and again on Monday? Surely, they can select somethings for their own rooms, with you to help them."
"No. I want your taste as well as my own and theirs, and Lulu must learnto wait: it is a lesson she needs," he added, looking down at her withgrave kindliness, and pressing affectionately the hand she had slippedinto his.
She flushed, and cast down her eyes.
"Yes, papa," she murmured, "I will try to be good and patient. I'm sureI ought to be when you are so very good to me."
"Now, captain, if my taste and judgment were considered equal to Vi's,and Lulu might be spared that lesson," remarked Zoe laughingly, "I'doffer to go in her place,--Vi's, I mean. I think it would be great funto help choose pictures, carpets, and furniture."
"Thank you, Zoe; that is a kind offer," said Violet: "and if mammathinks it an enjoyable errand, and will consent to supplement your tasteand judgment with hers, they will be a good deal more than equal tomine," she concluded, with a smiling glance at her mother.
"I am quite of Zoe's opinion as to the pleasantness of the object of theexpedition, Vi," Elsie said, "and quite at the service of the captainand yourself, to go, or to take your place in watching over baby whileyou go; and I think you will find it necessary to spend more than oneor two days in the work of selecting what you will want for thefurnishing of your home."
"I dare say you are right about that, mother," said the captain; "and asit seems to be the desire of all parties that the work should be begunto-morrow, I think I will take the children and as many of you ladies asmay like to accompany us."
"Papa, mayn't we drive to the city in the new carriage?" pleaded Lulu."I'd like it ever so much better than going in the cars; and then we candrive from one store to another, without having to take the street-carsor a hack."
"It shall be as the ladies who decide to go with us may wish," he said.
"I think Lulu's plan a very good one," said grandma Elsie, kindlydesirous to see the child gratified.
"And I would greatly prefer it, if I should be one of the party," addedZoe.
"As I trust you will," returned the captain gallantly. "Gracie,daughter, it is time little ones like you were in their nests. Bidgood-night, and go."
The child obeyed instantly and cheerfully.
"And I must go back to my baby," Violet remarked, as she rose and leftthe room along with the little girl.
"You may go to your room, Lulu," the captain said, in a quiet aside;"but you need not say good-night to me now: I shall step in to look atyou before I go to mine."
"Yes, papa," she returned, with a glad look, and followed Grace'sexample.
"Max, what do you say to a promenade on the veranda with your father?"Capt. Raymond asked, with a smiling glance at his son.
Max jumped up with alacrity. "That I'd like nothing better, sir," hesaid; and they went out together.
"You are pleased with your pony, Max?" the captain said inquiringly,striking a match and lighting a cigar as he spoke.
"Yes, indeed, papa!" was the enthusiastic reply. "I feel very richowning him."
"And mean to be a kind master to him, I trust?"
"Yes, sir; oh, yes, indeed! I don't intend ever to speak a cross word tohim, much less give him a blow."
"He has always been used to kind treatment, I was told, and has nothingvicious in his disposition," the captain continued, puffing at hiscigar, and pacing the veranda with measured tread, Max keeping close athis side: "so I think he will always give you satisfaction, if you aregentle and kind, never ill-treating him in any way."
"I mean to make quite a pet of him, sir," Max said.
Then, with an arch look up into his father's face,--a full moon makingit light enough for each to see the other's countenance quitedistinctly,--"Papa, you are very generous to me, but you never offer mea cigar."
The captain stopped short in his walk, and faced his son with somesternness of look and tone. "Max, you haven't learned to smoke? tell me:have you ever smoked a cigar? or tobacco in any shape?"
"Yes, sir; but"--
"Don't do it again: I utterly and positively forbid it."
"Yes, sir: I'll obey; and, in fact, I have no desire to smoke again: itwas just one cigar I tried; and it made me so deathly sick, that I'venever wanted another. I wouldn't have done it, papa, if you had everforbidden me; but--but you had never said any thing to me on thesubject, and I'd seen"--Max hesitated, and left his sentence unfinished.
"You had seen your father smoke, and naturally thought you might followhis example?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, my son, I can hardly blame you for that; but there are somethings a man may do with impunity, that a boy may not. Tobacco is saidto be far more injurious to one who has not attained his growth, than toan adult. But it is not seldom injurious to the latter also: some seemto use it with no bad effect, but it has wrought horrible suffering formany. I am sorry I ever formed the habit, and I would save you from thesame regret, or something worse: indeed, so anxious am I to do so, thatI would much rather hand you a thousand dollars than a cigar, if Ithought you would smoke it."
"Papa, I promise you I will never try the thing again; never touchtobacco in any shape," Max said earnestly.
"Thank you, my son; and I will give up the habit for your sake,"returned his father, grasping the lad's hand with one of his, and, withthe other, flinging his cigar far down the avenue.
"Oh, no, papa! don't do it for my sake," said Max. "Cousin Arthur toldme that when a man had smoked for years, it cost him a good deal ofsuffering to give it up; and I couldn't bear to see you suffer so. I'llrefrain all the same, without your stopping."
"I don't doubt that you would, my dear boy; and I fully appreciate theaffection for me that prompts you to talk in that way," the captainsaid: "but I have set a bad example quite long enough, not to my own sonalone, but to other people's; and whatever I may have to endure inbreaking off from the bad habit, will be no more than I deserve forcontracting it. I should be very sorry, Max, to have you feel that youhave a coward for a father,--a man who would shrink from the course hefelt to be right, rather than endure pain, mental or physical."
"A coward! O papa! I could never think that of you!" cried the boy,flushing hotly; "and if ever any fellow should dare to hint such a thingin my hearing, I'd knock him down as quick as a flash."
The corners of the captain's lips twitched; but his tones were graveenough as he said, "I don't want you to do any fighting on my account,Max; and if anybody slanders me, I shall try to live it down.
"There is another thing I want to talk to you about," he went onpresently, "and that is the danger of tampering with intoxicatingdrinks. The only safe plan is to let them entirely alone. I am thankfulto be able to say that I have not set you a bad example in thatdirection. My good mother taught me to 'touch not, taste not, handlenot;' and I have never taken so much as a glass of wine; though therehave been times, my boy, when it required some moral courage to standout against the persuasions, and especially the ridicule, of mycompanions."
Max's eyes sparkled. "I know it must, papa," he said; "and when I amtried in the same way, I'll remember my father's example, and try to actas bravely as he did."
Elsie's Kith and Kin Page 18