Elsie's Kith and Kin

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Elsie's Kith and Kin Page 22

by Martha Finley



  Lulu's temper was not conquered, but she was more successful thanformerly in combating it. The terrible lesson she had had in the injuryto her baby sister, consequent upon her outburst of passion, could noteasily be forgotten: the bitter recollection was often a great restraintupon her, and her father's loving watchfulness saved her many a time,when, without it, she would have fallen; he kept her with him almostconstantly when at home,--and he was rarely absent,--scarcely allowedher to go anywhere off the estate without him, and seemed never for amoment to forget her and her special temptation: the slightest elevationin the tones of her voice was sure to catch his ear; and a warning lookgenerally proved sufficient to put her on her guard, and check therising storm of anger.

  There were several reasons why it was--as she often asserted--easier tobe good with him than with Mr. Dinsmore: he was more patient andsympathizing, less ready to speak with stern authority, though he couldbe stern enough when he deemed it necessary. Besides, he was her father,whom she greatly reverenced and dearly loved, and who had, as sheexpressed it, a right to rule her and to punish her when she deservedit.

  One morning, after several very happy weeks at Woodburn, the quiet ofthe schoolroom, which had been profound for many minutes, was broken bya slight exclamation of impatience from Lulu.

  Her father, glancing up from the letter he was writing, saw an ominousfrown on her brow, as she bent over her slate, setting down figures uponit, and quickly erasing them again, with a sort of feverish haste,shrugging her shoulders fretfully, and pushing her arithmetic peevishlyaside with the free hand.

  "Lulu, my daughter," he said, in a quiet tone, "put on your hat andcoat, and take a five-minutes' run on the driveway."

  "Just now, papa?" she asked, looking up in surprise.

  "Yes, just now. When you think you have been out the specified number ofminutes, you may come back; but I shall not find fault with you if youare not quite punctual, as you will not have a timepiece with you."

  "Thank you, sir," she said, obeying with alacrity.

  She came in again presently, with cheeks glowing and eyes sparkling, nota cloud on her brow.

  "Ah! I see you feel better," her father remarked, smiling kindly uponher; "and I have finished my letter, so have time to talk with you. Maxand Gracie, you may take your turn at a run in the fresh air now."

  Donning their outdoor garments, while Lulu took hers off, and put themin their proper place, they hurried away.

  "Bring your slate and book here, daughter," was the next order, in thekindest of tones, "and let me see what was troubling you so."

  "It's these vulgar fractions, papa," she said, giving herself animpatient shake. "I don't wonder they call them vulgar, for they're sohateful! I can't understand the rule, and I can't get the examplesright. I wish you wouldn't make me learn them."

  "Daughter, daughter!" he said, in grave, reproving accents, "don't giveway to an impatient temper. It will only make matters worse."

  "But, papa," she said, bringing the book and slate as directed, "won'tyou please let me skip these vulgar fractions?"

  "I thought," he said, "that my Lulu was a brave, persevering littlegirl, not ready to be overcome by a slight difficulty."

  "Oh! but it isn't a slight one, papa: it's big and hard," she pleaded.

  "I will go over the rule with you, and try to make it clear," hereturned, still speaking in a pleasant tone; "and then we will see whatwe can do with these troublesome examples."

  She sighed almost hopelessly, but gave her attention fully to hisexplanation, and presently cried out joyfully, "Oh, I do understand itnow, papa! and I believe I can get the sums right."

  "I think you can," he said. "Stand here by my side, and let me see youtry."

  She succeeded, and was full of joy.

  "There is nothing like trying, my little girl," he said, smiling at herexultation and delight.

  She came to him again after lessons were done, and Max and Grace hadleft the room once more.

  "May I talk a little to you, papa?" she asked.

  "Yes, more than a little, if you wish," he replied, laying aside thebook he had taken up. "What is it?"

  "Papa, I want to thank you for sending me out to take that run, and thenhelping me so nicely and kindly with my arithmetic."

  "You are very welcome, my darling," he said, drawing her to a seat uponhis knee.

  "If you hadn't done it, papa, or if you had spoken sternly to me, asgrandpa Dinsmore would have done in your place, I'd have been in a greatpassion in a minute. I was feeling like just picking up my slate, anddashing it to pieces against the corner of the desk."

  "How grieved I should have been had you done so!" he said; "very, verysorry for your wrong-doing, and that I should have to keep my word inregard to the punishment to be meted out for such conduct."

  "Yes, papa," she murmured, hanging her head, and blushing deeply.

  "Would breaking the slate have helped you?" he asked with graveseriousness.

  "Oh, no, papa! you cannot suppose I'm so foolish as to think it would."

  "Was it the fault of the slate that you had such difficulty with yourexamples?"

  "Why, no, papa, of course not."

  "Then, was it not extremely foolish, as well as wrong, to want to breakit just because of your want of success with your ciphering?"

  "Yes, sir," she reluctantly admitted.

  He went on, "Anger is great folly. The Bible says, 'Be not hasty in thyspirit to be angry; for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.' It seemsto be the sort of foolishness that, more than any other, is bound in theheart of this child of mine. It seems, too, that nothing but 'the rod ofcorrection' will drive it out."

  She gave him a frightened look.

  "No," he said, "you need not be alarmed: as you did not indulge yourpassionate impulse, I have no punishment to inflict.

  "My dear, dear child, try, _try_ to conquer the propensity! Watch andpray against this besetting sin."

  "I will, papa," she murmured with a half despairing sigh.

  Some weeks later--it was on an afternoon early in December--Lulu andGrace were in their own little sitting-room, busied in the manufactureof some small gifts for "papa and Maxie," who were, of course, to bekept in profound ignorance on the subject till the time forpresentation; therefore, the young workers sat with locked doors; andwhen presently Maxie's boyish footsteps were heard rapidly approaching,their materials were hastily gathered up, thrust into a closet close athand, and the key turned upon them. Then Lulu ran and opened the door.

  "Hollo!" cried Max, in a perfectly good-humored tone, "what do you locka fellow out for? It looks as if you're up to some mischief. I just cameto tell you there's company in the parlor, and they've asked for you,both of you."

  "Who are they?" asked Lulu, glancing at her reflection in a pier-glassopposite, to make sure that dress and hair were in order.

  She was neat and orderly by nature, and her father very particular aboutthe appearance of his children; not caring to have them expensivelyattired, but always neat and tidy.

  "The Oaks young folks," replied Max,--"Horace and Frank and their twosisters, Maud and Sydney."

  "Come, Gracie," said Lulu, turning to her little sister: "we both looknice, and we'll go right down."

  The children all felt rather flattered by the call, because the Oaksyoung people were older than themselves. Horace, Frank, and Maud wereall older than Max, and Sydney was between him and Lulu in age.

  With the Dinsmore girls, the Raymonds were quite well acquainted, havingseen them frequently at Ion, and sometimes met them elsewhere; but theboys, who had been away at school, were comparative strangers.

  Violet was in the parlor chatting pleasantly with her young cousins, thecall being intended for her also; and her cheerful presence set herlittle step-daughters more at their ease than they would otherwise havebeen.

  They had not been long in the room ere they learned that the specialobject of the visit w
as to invite them and Max to the Oaks, to spend thegreater part of Christmas week.

  "It is to be a young people's party, you must all understand," saidMaud, who seemed to be the chief speaker, "and so the captain and cousinVi are not invited: not that cousin Vi is not young, you know, for sheis that; but there are to be no married folks asked.

  "There is to be the usual Christmas-eve party at Ion for all the familyconnection, Christmas-tree and all that, and the grand dinner-party onChristmas Day; then all the boys and girls of the connection are invitedto the Oaks to stay till the next Saturday evening.

  "We hope, cousin Vi, that Max and his sisters may come?"

  "If it depended upon me," returned Violet pleasantly, "I presume Ishould say yes; but of course it will have to be as their father says."

  "Oh, yes! certainly. Is he in?"

  "No, and I fear he will not be for an hour or two; but if you will stayto tea, you will be pretty sure to see him."

  The invitation was declined with thanks; "they had other calls to make,and must be going presently:" but they sat for some minutes longer, thewhole four joining in an animated description of various diversionsplanned for the entertainment of their expected guests, and repeatingagain and again that they hoped Max and his sisters would be permittedto come.

  "I do wish papa may let us go!" cried Lulu, the moment the visitors haddeparted. "I'm sure it will be perfectly delightful!"

  "So do I," said Max. "Mamma Vi, do you think papa will consent?"

  "I really cannot say, Max," she answered doubtfully. "Do you want to go,too, Gracie?" drawing the child to her side, and softly smoothing herhair.

  "Yes, mamma, if--if I could have you or papa there with me. I don't wantto go very much 'less one of you goes too."

  "And you are such a delicate little darling, that I hardly think yourpapa will feel willing to have you go, without either of us along totake care of you."

  "I can take perfectly good care of Gracie, mamma Vi," asserted Luluwith dignity.

  "Here comes papa," cried Max, as a step was heard in the hall.

  Then the door opened, and the captain came in.

  "We've had an invitation, papa, and hope you will let us accept it," Maxsaid, coming eagerly forward.

  "O papa! please, please do!" cried Lulu, running to him, and taking holdof his hand.

  "Let me hear about it," he said, sitting down, and allowing Lulu to takepossession of one knee, Gracie of the other; "but speak one at a time.Max, you are the eldest: we will let you have the first turn."

  Violet sat quietly listening, and watching her husband's face, while theeager children told their tale, and expressed their wishes.

  He looked grave and thoughtful; and before he spoke, she had a tolerablycorrect idea what he was about to say.

  "I am glad my little Gracie does not care to go," he said, caressing thechild as he spoke, "because she is too feeble and too young to be solong among comparative strangers, without papa or mamma to take care ofher. I am sorry Lulu does want to accept the invitation, as there is aninsuperable objection to letting her do so."

  Lulu's countenance had assumed an expression of woful disappointment notunmingled with anger and wilfulness.

  "I want to go, papa, and I do think you might let me," she said with anominous frown. "I'm not sickly, and I'm a good deal older than Gracie."

  "You cannot go, Lucilla," he said gravely, and with some sternness oftone. "Max," in answer to the eagerly questioning look in the lad'seyes, "if you are particularly desirous to go, you have my permission."

  "Thank you, sir," said the boy heartily.

  "Papa, why can't I go?" grumbled Lulu.

  "I think a moment's reflection will tell you why," he answered. "I willtalk with you about it at another time. And now not another word on thesubject till I mention it to you first."

  Lulu was silenced for the time; but after tea, going into the library,and finding her father sitting there alone, she went up to him, and inher most coaxing tones said, "O papa! won't you _please_ let me go? I'llbe"--

  "Lulu," he interrupted sternly, "go immediately to your room and yourbed."

  "Papa, it isn't my bedtime for two hours yet," she said, in a halfpleading tone, "and I want to read this new 'Companion' that has justcome."

  "Don't let me have to repeat my order," was the stern rejoinder; and sheobeyed, trembling and in haste.

  She felt sorely disappointed, angry, and rebellious; but, as her fatherhad said, a few moments' reflection showed her the reason of his refusalto allow her to accept the invitation to the Oaks: and, as she glancedround her rooms at the many pretty things his indulgent kindness hadsupplied, her anger changed to penitence and love.

  "Of course, papa was right," she sighed to herself, as she moved about,getting ready for bed; "and it wasn't because he doesn't love to see mehappy; and I wish, oh, _how_ I wish, I'd been good about it!"

  She was not at all drowsy; and it seemed a long, long time that she hadbeen lying there awake, when at last she heard her father's step in thehall: then he opened the door, and came in.

  He had a lighted lamp in his hand. He set it on the mantel, and drewnear the bed.

  "You are awake, I see," he said.

  "Yes, papa; and I'm sorry I was naughty."

  "You understand why I sent you to bed? and why I refused to grant yourrequest?"

  "Yes, sir; you can't trust me to pay that visit, because of my badtemper; and you sent me to bed for disobeying you, by asking again,after you had told me to say no more about it."

  "Yes: you must learn to be more obedient, less wilful. Did you obey meabout going immediately to bed?" he asked, drawing up a chair, andseating himself close beside her.

  "Yes, papa,--just as quickly as I could get ready."

  "I hope you did not neglect to kneel down and ask forgiveness of God?"he said inquiringly, in a gentle, tender tone, bending over her, andsmoothing her hair as he spoke. "You do not need to be told, that, whenyou are rebellious and disobedient to your earthly father, you are sotoward your heavenly Father also; because he bids you 'honor thy fatherand thy mother.'"

  "Yes, papa, I know; I did ask him; and won't you forgive me too?"

  "Yes," he said, giving her a kiss. "I am sorry to have to deprive you ofthe pleasure of accepting that invitation, but I cannot yet trust youanywhere away from me; and it was to spare your feelings that I did notstate my reason before your mamma and brother and sister."

  "Oh! I'm sorry I was naughty about it, papa," he said, again putting herhand into his.

  He held it in a kindly pressure, while he went on talking to her.

  "I intend you shall go to Ion to the Christmas-eve party, and thedinner-party the next day, as I shall be there too."

  "Thank you, dear papa: I'd like to go ever so much, but I don't deserveto," she said humbly, "or to have any Christmas gifts. If I were you,and had such a bad child, I wouldn't give her a single thing."

  "I hope she is going to be a better girl, in future," he said, kissingher good-night.

  It was a joyful surprise to Lulu when, at the breakfast-table the nextmorning, her father said, "Children, your mamma and I are going to driveinto the city, and will take you all along: and, as I suppose you wouldlike to do some Christmas shopping, I shall advance your next week'sallowance,--perhaps furnish something over," he added, with a kindlysmile.

  All three young faces had grown very bright, and there was a chorus ofthanks.

  "We expect to start in a few minutes after prayers," the captain wenton, "and so there will be no school to-day."

  "We like school, papa," said Grace. "I never liked it half so wellbefore."

  "Nor I." "Nor I," cried the other two.

  "But you are glad of a holiday once in a while, nevertheless?" theirfather said, with a pleased look.

  "Oh, yes, indeed, papa! 'specially when it is to go somewhere with you,"replied Grace; and again the others gave a hearty assent.

  When family worship was over, the captain handed a little roll
ofbank-notes to each, saying, "Now run away, and get yourselves ready foryour ride. Put on your warmest clothing, for the wind is sharp."

  They flurried out into the hall; then Lulu hesitated, turned about, andran back.

  "Papa," she said, rushing up to him, where he sat beside a table, withsome papers before him, and throwing her arm round his neck, "dear papa!you are just too good and kind to me! Oh, I don't mean to bedisobedient, wilful, or passionate ever again!"

  "I am rejoiced to hear you say that, my dear little daughter," hereplied, putting his arm round her, hugging her close, and kissing hertenderly; "and I do not think I shall ever regret any thing I have donefor you or either of the others. It is, to me, the greatest pleasure inlife to do whatever I can to make my children happy."

  "I am so, _so_ sorry I was naughty and disobedient last night," shemurmured, laying her cheek to his.

  "Dear child," he said, "it is fully and freely forgiven. Now run up toyour room and dress."

  Grace called to Lulu as she came up the stairs, "O Lu! come in here aminute, into my room. Look, look, on the bed! see how many papa hasgiven me,--ten nice new one dollars."

  Lulu counted them as they lay spread out in a row.

  "Yes, ten," she said. "O Gracie! isn't it nice? isn't papa kind?"

  "'Course he is; kindest man ever was made," said Grace. "Now see howmany you have."

  Lulu hastily spread out her roll, and counted the bills. "Nine ones, andone two," she announced.

  "Just as many as mine," said Grace; "and I've got this besides," holdingup a bright new silver half-dollar. "So mine's the most this time, isn'tit?"

  "No, because one of my bills counts two: that makes mine fifty cents themost. Papa has given us each ten dollars besides our regular allowance."


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