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Elsie's Kith and Kin

Page 23

by Martha Finley


  "At Christmas play, and make good cheer,For Christmas comes but once a year."--TUSSER.

  The morning of the twenty-fourth found Grace almost too ill, with aheavy cold, to be out of bed; and it was quite evident that she wouldnot be able to go to the Christmas-eve party at Ion, or the dinner onChristmas Day.

  The captain was just finishing his morning toilet when Lulu knocked athis dressing-room door. She had come with the news of Grace's illness,and he followed her at once to the bedside of the sick child.

  "My poor darling," he said, bending over her in tender concern, "youseem quite feverish. I think you must stay in bed, and we will send foryour doctor."

  "And can't I go to-night, papa?" she asked, the tears starting to hereyes.

  "I'm afraid not, darling; but don't fret; papa will try to find some wayto make it up to you."

  "I'll stay with her, papa, and read her stories, and do every thing Ican to help her enjoy herself," cried Lulu eagerly. "I may, mayn't I?"

  "You may, if you choose," he said; "but I thought you were very anxiousto go."

  "I was, but I'm not now," she said. "I'd rather stay with Gracie. Ishouldn't be one bit happy there without her."

  "O Lu! I'd love to have you! but I don't want you to lose all that funjust for me," Grace said, with a wistful, loving look into her sister'seyes.

  "It wouldn't be fun without you, my Gracie," was the quick rejoinder.

  "I am glad indeed that my little daughters love each other so dearly,"the captain said, kissing first one and then the other. "Well, we willsee what can be done. If it were not for the disappointment to yourmamma, I should stay at home with you, my darlings; as it is, I shallspend at least a part of the evening with you."

  He left them, and sought Violet in her dressing-room.

  "My dear, what has happened? I am sure you look anxious and troubled!"she exclaimed, the instant she caught sight of his face.

  "I confess that I am a little troubled about Gracie," he replied: "sheseems to have taken a very heavy cold. I shall send at once for thedoctor. And, of course, she has to be disappointed in her expectationsfor this evening."

  "Then, let us all stay at home," returned Violet promptly. "I could notenjoy myself, leaving the poor darling at home, sick. Besides," glancingfrom the window, "do you see? it is snowing fast, and I should not liketo expose baby to the storm. So I propose that we change our plansentirely, and have a private Christmas of our own," she went on in alively tone. "What do you say to it, my dear?"

  They discussed the idea for some minutes, presently growing quiteenthusiastic over it.

  Their plans were nearly matured when the breakfast-bell rang; and,shortly after leaving the table, they began carrying them out.

  Max was taken into their confidence, and allowed to assist; and a proudand happy boy was he, going about with an air of mystery, as one to whomsecret and important business is intrusted.

  The little girls, shut up in their own apartments,--Grace reclining on acouch, Lulu with her as constant companion, and making every exertionfor her entertainment, while papa, mamma, and Maxie came running in nowand then to ask how she was,--knew nothing of messages sent back andforth through the telephone, of packages of various shapes and sizesbrought into the house, of mysterious goings and comings, and much timespent by papa, mamma, Maxie, Christine, and others in a certain largeroom, hitherto but little used.

  Grace frequently fell asleep: then Lulu would darken the room, go intothe adjoining one, leaving the door ajar, so that she could hear theslightest movement her little sick sister might make on waking, andamuse herself with a book or her own thoughts.

  Their meals were brought to them, and set out in their sitting-room upona little round table, covered with a snowy damask cloth, whereon werearranged a set of dainty china dishes of a size just suited to theoccasion, and toothsome viands such as "papa" deemed they might eat andenjoy without danger to health.

  It was very nice, they thought; almost nicer, just for a change, thangoing to the larger table down-stairs with the rest of the family.

  Soon after they had had their supper, their father came in, bringing thedoctor with him, for his second visit that day.

  "Ah! she is a good deal better," Dr. Conly said, when he had examinedhis little patient. "Hardly well enough yet to go to Ion," he added witha humorous look and smile; "but I think, if well wrapped up, she mayventure a trip down-stairs in papa's arms, and even stay a little while,if she finds the change to the parlor a pleasant one."

  "Should you like it, papa's dear pet?" the captain asked, leaning overher.

  "Yes, sir, if you and my doctor think it will be good for me," was thereply, in a submissive and rather languid tone, "and if my Lulu is tocome too," she added, with a loving look at her sister.

  "Oh, yes, indeed! we would not think of going without Lulu!" theirfather said, smiling affectionately upon her also.

  So a large shawl was brought, and carefully wrapped about Gracie'slittle slender figure; and she made the short journey in her father'sstrong arms, the doctor and Lulu going on before, hand in hand,chatting and laughing merrily.

  Max heard them, and threw open the parlor-door just as they reached it.

  Then what a surprise for the little girls! A large, handsomeChristmas-tree, loaded with beautiful things, burst upon theirastonished sight, and was greeted by them with exclamations of wonderand delight.

  "Oh! oh! oh! it's the very prettiest Christmas-tree we ever saw! And wedidn't know we were to have any at all! And how many, _many_ lovelythings are on it! Papa, papa, how good and kind you are to us!"

  He looked as if he enjoyed their surprise and delight quite as much asthey did the tree.

  "Other folks have been kind to you, too, my darlings," he said, seatinghimself, with Gracie still in his arms, "as you will see presently, whenthe gifts are distributed."

  "Who, papa?" asked Gracie, laying her head on his shoulder, and gazingwith delighted eyes, beginning to single out one beautiful object fromanother as she sent her glances up and down, here and there.

  "Grandma Elsie, and everybody else in the Ion family, I believe; theOaks and Laurels and Fairview friends; and Roselands people too; to saynothing of mamma and Maxie."

  "They're ever so good and kind! they always are," she said in gratefultones. "Oh!" for the first time perceiving that Violet stood near herwith the baby in her arms, "mamma and baby too! and how pleased babylooks at the tree!" for the little one was stretching her arms towardit, and cooing and smiling, her pretty blue eyes shining with delight.

  When all, children and servants,--for the latter had been called in toenjoy the sight also,--had looked to their full, the gifts weredistributed.

  They were very numerous,--nearly everybody having given to nearlyeverybody else,--and many of those received by the parents and childrenwere very handsome. But their father's gift--a tiny watch to each, tohelp them to be punctual with all their duties, he said--was what gavethe greatest amount of pleasure to Lulu and Grace.

  Both they and their brother went to bed that night, and woke the nextmorning, very happy children.

  The weather being still too severe for the little ones to be taken out,the captain and Violet went to Ion only for a call, and returned earlyin the day, bringing a portion of the party that usually gathered there,to dine with them at Woodburn.

  Among these, to Lulu's extreme satisfaction, was Evelyn. She staid tillafter tea; and all the afternoon, there was much passing to and fro ofthe different members of the large family connection.

  Evelyn was to be at the Oaks for the next few days, with the other youngpeople, and regretted greatly that Lulu was not to go too.

  But Lulu's rebellious feeling about it was a thing of the past. She toldEvelyn frankly her father's reason for refusing his consent, adding thatshe felt that he was right, and that he was so dear, so kind andindulgent in every thing that he thought best to allow, that she was nowentirely satisfied to stay at home; particularly as G
racie was not well,and needed her nursing.

  Grace went early to bed and to sleep. Max and Evelyn had gone to theOaks: there were only grown people in the parlors now; and Lulu did notcare to be there, even if she had not wanted to be near her sleepingsister.

  There was an open, glowing fire in their little sitting-room, a highfender of polished brass obviating all danger from it to the children'sskirts. Lulu seated herself in an easy-chair beside it, and fell into areverie, unusually deep and prolonged for her.

  She called to mind all the Christmases she could remember,--not verymany,--the last two spent very pleasantly with her new mamma'srelatives; the two previous ones passed not half so agreeably, in thepoor apology for a home that had been hers and Grade's before theirfather's second marriage.

  But what a change for the better that had brought! What forlorn littlethings she and Gracie were then! and what favored children now! What asweet, sweet home of their very own, with their father in it!--as shehad said to Eva that afternoon, "such a dear, kind father; interested inevery thing that concerned his children; so thoughtful about providingpleasures for them, as well as needful food, shelter, and clothing;about their health, too, and the improvement of their minds; readingwith them, even in other than school-hours; talking with them of whatthey read, and explaining so clearly and patiently any thing they didnot quite understand; but, above all, striving to lead them to Christ,and train them for his service in this world and the next."

  He had read with them that morning the story of our Saviour's birth, andspoken feelingly to them of God's wonderful love shown in the"unspeakable gift" of his dear Son.

  "Certainly, there could not be in all the world a better, dearer father,than theirs. How strange that she could ever grieve him by beingnaughty, rebellious, passionate! Oh, if she could only be good! always acomfort and blessing to him! she would try, she _would_, with all hermight!"

  Just then the door opened softly; and he came in, came noiselessly toher side, lifted her in his arms, and sat down with her on his knee.

  "What has my little girl been thinking of sitting here all by herself?"he asked, pressing his lips to her cheek.

  She told him in a few words, finishing with her longing desire to be tohim a better child, a comfort and blessing.

  "Indeed I ought to be, papa," she said; "and you are such a dear, kindfather! you have given me--and all of us--such a lovely home, and such ahappy, happy Christmas,--the very happiest we have ever known!"

  "And it is God our heavenly Father who has put it in my power to do allthat I have done for you, and for all my darlings," he said withemotion, drawing her closer, and holding her tenderly to his heart;"and, O my dear child! if I could know that you had begun this day totruly love and serve him, it would be to _me_ the happiest Christmasthat _I_ have ever known."


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