Bryce Evans

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Bryce Evans Page 11

by Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2]

“Well of course he will, Alpha. We are on great terms and finally working together so we don’t want to mess that up.”

  Malcolm heard Felix say. Malcolm couldn’t believe how Felix was acting. For God’s sake, man, he is a filthy animal.

  “We must go now so Malcolm can get settled in. His wife is coming in today to get things set up at the house. It is a pleasure to see you again, Alpha, and Selena, you look great,” said Felix.

  Selena smiled back at Felix knowing he was telling the truth, but Malcolm was scum of the earth and a bigot, too. She could care less if he fell off a mountain. That’s how bad she disliked him, and his wife, Patricia Holliday, was just as bad. A snobby stuck-up bitch that acted like the world owed her something. Patricia was a true blood witch. Her parents and seven generations before were also witches and wizards. Her family had money just like Malcolm’s family did. They were all bigots and felt like the wolves and vampires should serve them. If they had their way, they would. Selena knew Malcolm was up to something. She could feel it. She knew if Malcolm could show that Felix had screwed up then he would be next in line to be the leader of the council. However, the Trinity could easily take the Council over. Adrianna would need to be brought up to speed on Malcolm and Patricia Holliday. No one mentioned their son, Cain. Hmm, I wonder where is Cain?

  Selena knew about Cain Holliday, how he did terrible things to Lexy Redden, and others. He was just like his father and felt the world needed to be ruled by the Twisters Council. Mainly he thought his father, Malcolm, and himself should rule the Council. He was a bad kid, but Malcolm had made a deal with Felix and the Reddens that Cain would never bother Lexy again if charges were not brought against Cain for his actions. Why the Reddens agreed to that, she would never know.

  Afton pulled Selena closer, smelling her hair. “I love the way you smell.”

  Selena giggled because Afton was always saying things like that to her. “He needs to be watched, Afton,” Selena whispered in her mate’s ear before she nipped the bottom of it.

  “He is being watched as we speak.”

  Selena looked up at her mate. “You never stop surprising me, my love.”

  Afton reached over and grabbed Selena by her ass making her wrap her legs around him. “I need you now, woman. You make me hot, Selena.” Afton didn’t even stop as he walked back to the office and their private bedroom. Selena placed little kisses all over her mate’s face as Afton carried her into their bedroom. Everybody that worked at the hotel was used to Afton and Selena. They made love at least twice a day. Sometimes more. They knew that when true mates bonded, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They were happy to see their Alphas still in love.

  Chapter Ten

  Damen didn’t talk to Lexy on the way back to Adrianna’s house. He wanted her to relax before he asked about Malcolm Holliday. He continued to hold Lexy’s hand as they drove back and glanced at her as she looked out the window.

  “What are you thinking about?” Damen asked Lexy.

  Lexy didn’t turn to look at Damen as she spoke. “I thought I could get as far away from them as I could, but they seem to just keep coming back to me. They’re like cockroaches and you can spray them and spray them with poison, but they get immune to it, then keep coming back stronger than ever.”

  Damen looked over at Lexy now more concerned than ever. He wanted to know what these people did to her.

  “Lexy!” Damen asked with concern. Lexy finally turned and looked at him.

  “You know we are friends, but we are much stronger than friends. We are pack and when you are in my pack, we are family. We protect our family. The Supreme Alpha is pack, Declan is pack, Mace is pack, and Lexy, most of all, you are pack.” Lexy smiled back at Damen with tears in her eyes. Lexy gave him a squeeze to his hand and continued to look out the window as they drove toward the house.


  While Mace paced in the living room looking out the window to see if Lexy and Damen had pulled up yet, Adrianna sat Samson down in the kitchen and did something she never had. She asked Samson about Lexy and her life before she moved here. She never liked to pry into anyone’s private life, but Adrianna knew something was going on with Lexy. Adrianna had done background checks before, but they were missing something and she knew that Samson and his family had known the Reddens for a long time. They were like family to them.

  “Why do you want to know, baby? You know I don’t betray trusts,” Samson asked as he caressed the side of Adrianna’s face.

  “I know but I think Lexy is Mace’s true mate,” Adrianna said. Samson’s mouth fell open not knowing what to say.

  “Are you sure, baby?” Samson asked, astonished that this was happening.

  “Yes I am. I know they are,” Adrianna whispered as she tapped the side of her head.

  Samson sighed knowing he could trust his mate and he knew Adrianna wouldn’t go around telling about her past. Samson sighed then explained to his mate what had happened to Lexy.

  “When the Reddens arrived in Ashland, Mary Redden came to me in confidence. I don’t want to betray that trust, but if you are right about Mace being her mate, then you should know about her past.” Adrianna leaned back on the chair listening to her mate explain the terrible things that had happened to Lexy.

  When Samson was finished telling her, Adrianna had tears streaming down her face. “Don’t cry, angel. It makes me feel bad and I don’t want you getting upset with the babies.”

  Adrianna shook her head not believing what she was hearing. “That poor girl. They tormented her daily then at the end…” Adrianna couldn’t even finish what she was saying.

  “You can’t say anything to her, angel. She will know that I told you and I don’t want her to get mad or scared and run again. The last time she got scared like that, she just about burned down her house. She is a powerful witch, Adrianna, and we don’t know just how powerful she really is. If it hadn’t been for Felix putting watchers out there for her, then she would be dead today. They would have killed her. They deserve to die, but the Reddens didn’t want the father and mother coming after them. They made a deal, working through Felix, to let Cain and his little minions go free in return they are to never go near Lexy again,” Samson said.

  “How could they do that to that poor girl?” Adrianna said sniffling.

  “Well she is a woman now and finally, I think living here with all of us will bring her out of her shell and she will be able to start a new life. She has already started with making friends with Jacob and working with you. Plus if Mace is her mate then she will finally have the family she has always wanted,” Samson added as he picked up Adrianna’s hand, kissing her knuckles and the top of her hand.


  Mace walked back into the living room from using the bathroom, when he heard the front door open. He smiled when he saw Lexy walk into the living room. Then he saw her face and saw that she had been crying. Mace immediately went to her side. “What happened?” Mace growled out, scaring Lexy. She bolted behind Damen, wrapped her hands around his waist, hiding her head. Immediately Mace wanted to rip Damen’s head off.

  Lexy didn’t know how to handle anymore today. Her world had been shattered seeing Malcolm Holliday. Her nerves were so raw from the site of Malcolm Holliday being in town the slightest thing could set her off.

  “Dammit, Mace. Why did you have to scare the girl? She is scared enough and doesn’t need you growling at her,” growled Damen.

  Mace blinked, realizing Lexy was really scared.

  “Lexy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just concerned when I saw that you had been crying. Please don’t be afraid of me. Please,” pleaded Mace.

  Lexy released her arms from around Damen then looked up at Mace. “I’m sorry, Alpha. It has been a stressful day already. I’m sorry I’m so jumpy around you. I need to go cook since it is almost time for lunch.” Lexy practically ran out of the living room and into the kitchen.

  Mace walked over to Damen about to ask what was goi
ng on when he smelled Lexy’s scent all over Damen. “Why is her scent all over you?” Mace growled at Damen when his sister walked in.

  “I knew it,” Damen responded.

  “You knew what?” Adrianna asked as she looked at Mace, who had his fists clenched together. Mace’s face looked like his head was about to explode. He was red in the face and the blood vessels were pulsing in his neck. His nostrils were flaring, smelling her scent on Damen’s clothes.

  “Lexy is your mate,” Damen said quickly as he pointed at the kitchen where Lexy just ran to.

  Immediately Mace stopped moving and straightened up shaking his head no. “She is not my mate. I just don’t want to see her get hurt and I’m concerned about her. Just like I would be about any of my wolves. I’m concerned for her, that’s all, Damen.”

  Damen grinned as if he held the answer to who killed Kennedy. “Sure, buddy, if that’s what you want to believe then okay, but you won’t be able to stay away from her long. The mating pull has already started. I can tell, Mace. We both have seen it before.” Damen and Mace hesitantly looked over at Adrianna.

  “Mace.” Adrianna looked at her brother who had turned pale.

  “She isn’t my mate, Adrianna.”

  Adrianna knew that Mace meant business when he used her first name. He always called her Sissy.

  “Mace, listen to me. If she is your mate and you continue to deny each other, well, let’s just say it can get very dangerous. Your wolf will take over and mate with her. She isn’t a wolf, Mace. Lexy is a witch. Remember? I just about killed everyone. I didn’t even think about it either. You can’t fight this,” said Adrianna.

  “I told you two that she is one of my wolves and I care about her—that is all. She isn’t my mate and just as you said, Damen, Lexy is a witch. Go change shirts, Damen. We don’t want to give anybody the wrong idea about you two.”

  Damen laughed. “Yeah and who would care if I was. It’s not like she has a mate or anything,” Damen stated then walked out of the room because he knew he had gotten Mace’s attention. Damen used the house phone and called his old pal Declan. “Hey, buddy, you need to come to Adrianna’s for lunch. Here is what I need for you to do.”


  Reece decided to do a little digging of his own. He was still plugged in to the SEAL Unit’s database. Reece wanted to know if anything was in there on Lexy and Mace. As he pulled up Lexy Reddens name, a pop up window came up from his “CO” Jackie Bennett.

  “Reece, how is it going buddy? Did you get moved in?”

  Reece liked his CO and he was always fair and good to his men.

  “We are still working on the house, Jack, but this place is unbelievable. I know you said Mace McDonald was a good guy, but he has been great to Star and me. The pack has been great, too, and very generous. We love it here already. I have some questions about some of the people here, Jack, if you could answer them,” Reece wrote then waited for Jack’s response.

  “I’ll try, Reece, just fire away.”

  Reece smiled as he typed the questions he needed answered.

  “I have met a girl here and her name is Lexy Redden. She is a witch. Lexy and her mother are members of the Ashland Pack and Ward Clan. I need any information on her.”

  Reece waited for a response so he sat back in his chair looking at the Ashland Pack Directory. This pack is like a well-oiled machine. Everyone’s number is listed with his or her picture and address. Reece didn’t know of any other pack that did this. He thought it was great, but it showed how well this pack was run. Reece flipped through the pages when Jack responded.

  “Lexy Redden only has the following information: when she entered into the Twisters Council registry, mother and father, DOB, and the usual BS stuff.”

  Reece was about to start typing when Jack responded again.

  “Reece, there is something funny about her file. She has a file that I can’t read or get into. It apparently happened when she was in high school. I don’t have the clearance to get into it.”

  Reece sat back in his chair thinking about the secret file that involved Lexy.

  “Hey, buddy, how are you really doing?” Jack asked.

  “Well it is a lot to take in, Jack, but it seems to be going good so far. Star seems to be happy here and that is what matters. I’ve been offered a Beta position.”

  Reece smiled, knowing that Jack would have something to say about that news.

  “Beta, who the hell did you kill to get that job?”

  Reece laughed aloud as he typed his response back to Jack.

  “Well, nobody actually. The Ashland Pack is growing by leaps and bounds and they needed another Beta to help Damen. You wouldn’t believe these people, Jack. They remind me of the military on how they are so organized and help each other out.”

  “I’m happy for you, buddy. The guys say hello and we hope to see you soon,” Jack typed out.

  “Thanks, Jack, for all your help and come see us when you can. Out.”

  Reece turned the computer off wondering about Lexy now more than ever. He needed to find out more about her and now Mace. He needed to know what and who he was getting involved with.


  Damen walked into the kitchen and found Lexy stirring a pot of sauce that smelled wonderful. “Wow, what did you do, because that smells wonderful. Does it taste as good as it smells?”

  Lexy smiled then cut a piece of Italian bread and stuck it into the pot. She blew on the piece of bread and then handed it to Damen. Lexy watched as Damen popped the bread into his mouth, chewing it then closing his eyes as the different flavors melted into his mouth. Damen couldn’t help the moan that came out of his mouth.

  “Listen, I already ate spaghetti last night, but Nancy’s sauce tastes different and this has to be the best damn sauce I have ever had. Damn, girl, you can cook,” Damen asked as Jacob walked into the kitchen.

  Lexy giggled as she watched Damen take another piece of bread and stick it into the pot.

  “What’s so funny in here?” Jacob’s nostrils flared as he smelled the aroma of the sauce. “What is that smell?” Jacob asked as he automatically walked toward the pot on the stove. Lexy cut another piece of bread and dipped it into the pot then blowing on it, handed the piece of bread to Jacob. Lexy and Damen watched as Jacob closed his eyes moaning.

  “I told you, girl, it is fantastic,” Damen commented. Lexy smiled again as Jacob grabbed Lexy, swinging her around, smiling.

  Mace walked into the kitchen frowning as he watched Jacob twirl Lexy around. Lexy stopped laughing when she saw Mace walk into the room.

  “Mace, come here and taste this girl’s cooking,” said Damen.

  Lexy watched as Mace walked closer to her. She cut a piece of bread then stuck it in the sauce, blowing on it before she handed it to Mace.

  Mace knew he was in trouble as he watched her blowing on the piece of bread before handing it to him. Damn the woman blows on a piece of bread and it makes me hot. Mace placed the piece of bread in his mouth, tasting the different flavors, some he knew and some he couldn’t figure out what they were. Mace couldn’t help close his eyes in ecstasy, moaning as he chewed the bread.

  “I told you. This girl can cook,” Damen bellowed out.

  Mace opened his eyes as Lexy’s eyes burned into him. He could see the hunger in them and was going to say something when Adrianna came into the room.

  “What is that wonderful smell?” asked Adrianna.

  Lexy blinked then turned her eyes to Adrianna, who had her nose up in the air, smelling the sauce that was cooking.

  “Adrianna, you have to taste this sauce. It is wonderful,” Damen said.

  Lexy cut a piece of bread, dipping it into the sauce then before she blew on it, she looked up through her hooded eyes making eye contact with Mace, then she blew on the bread and handed it to Adrianna. Lexy watched as Mace’s nostrils flared. She could tell he wanted her. Lexy tore her eyes away and looked at Adrianna as she groaned loudly from the wonderful flavors bursting in
side her mouth.

  “Let’s eat. I can’t wait to eat more of that. Lexy, you can cook all the time if you make other dishes like that,” Adrianna commented.

  Lexy smiled then turned around to stir the pot of sauce. She picked up a big bowl and was going to pick the big pot up so she could pour the sauce into the bowl but Mace grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb across her hand before taking the pot out of her hands then poured the sauce onto the lasagna. Lexy smiled then lowered her eyes. “Thanks, Alpha,” Lexy whispered.

  Mace smiled then nodded. He knew Lexy arrived upset. He decided to wait to talk later with Damen. He picked up the lasagna, took it outside with him, and sat it on the table. Jacob brought out the bread and Damen carried the silverware and plates to the table. Lexy walked out with a pitcher and glasses as Declan and Cade walked out the door along with Sleepy and Percy. Samson walked out and kissed Adrianna on the cheek before he sat down. Mace tried to sit close to Lexy but not close enough that he would constantly breathe in her scent.

  Lexy watched as the wolves and vampires sitting at the table took their first bite of her lasagna. It was so funny to watch them close their eyes and moan aloud as they tasted her sauce.

  Lexy grinned, as she knew it had to be the quietest these people have ever been as they continued to eat. She was ecstatic that everyone seemed to love her lasagna. Damen looked over at Declan who seemed to be making love to his lunch.

  “Hey, Declan, are you coming Friday night to the Pub. Its margarita night?” asked Damen.

  Declan’s eyes opened as he chewed and swallowed. He looked over at Mace to make sure he was paying attention. Mace was watching Lexy eat her food. “Lexy, I know this is short notice, and I know you haven’t been in town long, but you need to meet some of the pack, so how about me and you go out Friday, drink some margarita’s and meet some of your pack and mine, too?” asked Declan.

  Mace stopped eating and stared at Declan. His fork hit his plate silencing the whole room.

  Sleepy was sitting beside Mace and could feel the tension burning off the big bad Alpha.


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