Purple Panties

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Purple Panties Page 6

by Zane

  Her eyes flash when they see my bulging clit. I look at her, begging for a signal, a sign that it’s okay to rub it. Her tongue flicks briefly between her lips, and I know she wants to see the finale. I move my sticky fingers to my clit and pinch it between two fingers while I press it hard.

  Oh, God, that feels good. Oh, Reggie, I need to come. I’m going to come for you. Are you ready? She’s ready. I know she is. The rock inside my stomach begins to melt, slowly…slowly…until it erupts, shooting white heat to all my extremities. I arch my back and slip my fingers back inside, fucking myself through the orgasm.

  Once it subsides, I relax back onto my bed and close my eyes to savor the moment. It’s only later, when my soul returns to my body, that I realize she’s not there. Not this time. Maybe someday.

  The next morning, I arrived at work at seven-thirty, as usual. A few desks were occupied on the first floor, but most people wouldn’t get there for another half hour or so. Clutching my oversized handbag against me, I ducked my head and hoped no one would speak to me. If I could get to the IT department, I could climb into my technical world and forget that people exist. Well, most people.

  My workspace is actually the server room. They tried to give me my own office, but I found that people were more intimidated by the machinery in the server room, and if I spent enough time in there, they would leave me alone. Eventually, I made it my office. No one complained. It’s as painful for others to talk to me as it is for me to talk to them. Or close.

  I turned on my coffeemaker while my computer booted up. My morning routine never varied. Once my computer was on, I checked my company email. The usual messages from Linux telling me about scheduled conference calls to help us with updates. I sneered. I could teach those people a few things. I didn’t need them. I could have worked for any programmer, but I chose to work for the number one communications company in the world. I made sure that people from Singapore to Seattle, from Bangkok to Boston had telephones and broadband and any other forms of communication they might need.

  I also had an email from another employee. Specifically a project manager in New York who was transferring to our office in Chicago and setting up a new department. She had detailed needs of what she wanted in her department as a whole and her office in particular. I’d heard of her. She was technologically savvy and I looked forward to working with her.

  “Hey, Keisha?” A voice intruded on my space. My heart raced, my muscles clenched. I told myself to breathe.

  Looking up, I saw her. Reggie Campbell. The head of our maintenance department. All five feet ten inches of her leaning casually against my doorframe. Why was she there? Speak, Keisha. Say something.

  “Did you see the email from Gibbons?”

  Gibbons. I know that name. Who is Gibbons?

  “Is this a bad time? Look, if it is, I’ll come back. I just want to set up a timeframe to get Gibbons’s department set up. You’ll see the email.”

  Speak! Say something!

  “I’ll contact you telephonically.”

  Her eyes grew wide, then narrowed as she nodded.

  “You do that,” she said, pushing off from the wall and sauntering down the hall.

  I dropped my head into my hands. I don’t care that I can’t talk to people. Except her. She was so handsome and so nice and I got so tongue-tied around her. My whole system short-circuited. My motherboard shut down. My surge protector malfunctioned. I had just read the freakin’ email from Gibbons. As excited as I had been to set up her new department, I hadn’t even considered I’d be working with Reggie to do that.

  When my heart rate returned to a normal level, I wiped my sweaty palms on my thighs. I immediately wondered what it would be like to run my hands up Reggie’s thighs. I was sure they were solid—muscular yet all woman. I felt moisture between my legs. I closed my eyes and imagined Reggie kneeling between my legs, her tongue tasting the milky wetness she caused. I could feel her tongue pressed into my clit, licking the length of me, sucking me into her mouth.

  With a start, I realized that my hand was rubbing my pussy. I knew I should stop, but I couldn’t. I needed Reggie to get me off. I closed and locked the office door. With one ear on the hallway, I rummaged through my handbag and found my pocket rocket. I slid my hand under my nylons and pressed it into my hardened clit and began to shake immediately as I climaxed hard and fast. For Reggie.

  I reviewed Gibbons’s email again, paying close attention to the details. I knew that if I had a solid grasp on what I needed to get done, it would be easier to communicate with Reggie. The more in control I was, the less stressful it would be. If I could keep it professional and distant, I could talk to her. I believed that. My confidence bolstered somewhat, I took the elevator to the twelfth floor, the east wing of which would be Gibbons’s new department.

  Walking down the hall that had been empty for three years, I visualized where the workstations would be and kept my eyes open for where the phone jacks and computer plugs would have to go. I scribbled some notes on my pad before continuing to the end of the hall, where an executive suite sat waiting for Gibbons’s arrival.

  Backtracking, I walked to the open area where I took my tape measure out of my handbag and started measuring and making notes. I got on my hands and knees and made some markings on the wall.

  “Great minds think alike, huh?”

  The sound of her voice made me jump. I looked over my shoulder and saw her looking at me. And there I was on all fours. And she was watching me. I felt my clit grow again and wondered if my juices would flow down my nylons. How embarrassing. Unless it aroused her. Maybe she’d peel my nylons off and clean me with her tongue.

  She cocked her head to the side. “You’re not much for talking, are you?”

  Coming to my senses, I made myself stand. I smoothed my skirt and tucked my long black hair behind my ears. I was fidgeting and told myself to stop.

  “You know, you don’t need to be nervous. I’m not gonna bite. Unless you want me to.” She flashed a dimpled smile and my heart skipped a beat. Her brown eyes were laughing, yet warm. Although we were separated by several feet, I felt like she was close enough to touch. To touch and be touched. Her short dark hair beckoned to me, tempting my fingers to run through it. I wanted to run my hand over her cheek, to trace her strong jaw line.

  “I was simply ascertaining the extent of linear space available—”

  “That’s twice now you’ve spoken to me.” Reggie leaned back against the wall with her arms crossed and her eyes gleaming, her mouth a cocky grin.

  I froze. I was fine until she interrupted me. I was being pulled into her eyes. They twinkled, hinting at a private joke. I looked out the window, where the view was safer.

  “Or maybe I imagined it?”

  Great. She was mocking me. I was alone with the woman of my dreams and she was making fun of me. She wouldn’t if she knew what I did for her and let her do to me every night. I wanted to rip my dress off and let her have her way with me. I needed her on me and inside of me.

  “I’m sorry. You were saying you were measuring?”

  My head snapped around to her. She understood me! It had to be a sign. I swallowed hard and willed myself to speak. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. I tried again.

  “I needed an enumeration of potential workstations, so I am able to requisite the appropriate amount of network interface cards.”

  Reggie pushed her lanky frame away from the wall and closed the distance between us. With her looming over me, any possible thought flew out of my brain. My gaze locked on her mouth. Her lips parted and her tongue slipped out, briefly moistening them.

  “Are you trying to intimidate me?” she asked.

  Barely able to breathe and completely unable to speak, I simply shook my head.

  “Because I understand geekspeak.” She stepped back. “I’ve seen you looking at me. I think you like what you see. But you think I’m just dumb muscle, don’t you?”

  I started to hyperventilate.
I was so embarrassed and so nervous that I thought I’d be sick. I didn’t know if she was dumb or not. I didn’t care. Not true. If she was smart, it would make her all the hotter. So she was smart, hot, and staring at me. I was feeling light-headed. Dear God, please don’t let me faint. Not here. Breathe, Keisha. Breathe.

  My peripheral vision got fuzzy; my legs turned to rubber.

  “Keisha!” I heard from a distance. “Keisha, talk to me. Say something, anything.”

  I opened my eyes and saw Reggie’s staring into mine. I realized with a start that my head was in her lap. I rolled over to get up but felt her strong hands on my shoulders.

  “I don’t think you need to be getting up just yet,” she said quietly, brushing her hand over my hair. “Just relax for a minute…if you can.”

  Relax? Was she kidding?

  “You’re tensing again, Keisha. Close your eyes. Let your nervousness go. Take deep breaths.”

  If I kept my head in her lap much longer, she’d be hearing some heavy breathing. I closed my eyes as instructed, which helped. At first. With my eyes closed, my other senses were heightened. The feel of her fingers lightly combing through my hair made my nipples as hard as my clit. More intense was my sense of smell. My head was inches from her cunt and I could smell her musky scent. It was strong, yet muted. My mouth watered with each breath as her aroma tickled my nose.

  “Why are you so uptight? Man, you fainted rather than have a conversation. Much as I’d like that to stroke my ego, I know it’s not just me. You’re intelligent, successful, and attractive. Do you really not see that?”

  I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. I closed my eyes and reveled in the feeling of her fingers in my hair. Combining that with the heat radiating from her crotch, I wondered if I could come lying there.

  “You’re starting to relax,” she continued. “I can tell you’re a special lady, you know. I sure wish we could have a regular conversation.”

  A regular conversation? Like what? Wanna fuck? Do me? I wished I could talk to her. My mind was racing, searching for a suitable statement.

  “You’re tensing again. What’s wrong? Look, Keisha, I would like to talk to you sometime, but it’s not worth you fainting again. Settle down.”

  I knew this was my chance. If I didn’t act then, I’d never forgive myself. If I told her how I felt, would I scare her off? There had to be something else to say. To start things off. If I said nothing, she’d think I was an idiot. I was in a veritable quandary.

  My whole body tightened. I felt nauseated, frozen with fear. But I knew I had to do it.

  “How is it that you understand geekspeak?” I inquired.

  She laughed. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it? To answer your question, I’m a closet technofreak. I love computers, electronics, anything like that. I happened to minor in computer science at DePaul.”

  “You did?” I sat up and turned to look at her, finding her more attractive than ever.

  “You wonder why I’m working in maintenance, don’t you?”

  But I wasn’t. I was thinking she was even more perfect than I could have imagined. Every hot fantasy I’d had—every time I’d come for her—at no point had I ever been that turned on. Fuck conversation.

  Leaning forward, I placed my hands on her solid, broad shoulders and pressed her to the ground, quickly pressing my lips to hers. She resisted slightly and I panicked. I was about to pull away when I felt her relax and kiss me back. It was better than I’d dreamed. Her lips were soft, yet firm. When her tongue pressed against my lips, begging for entry, my mouth welcomed her gladly. My pussy clenched, and I knew I needed to come and soon.

  Our tongues caressed each other, teasing, pleasing. I spread my legs and tried to straddle Reggie, but my skirt was too confining. I started to hike it up, but she stopped me.

  “Hey. We’re kinda in a public place,” she pointed out. “Maybe we should continue this a little later. When we have some privacy.”

  Was she kidding? I grabbed her hand and put it on my cunt. Even through the nylons, I knew she’d feel how wet I was. I heard her groan and joined her when she pressed the crotch into me.

  “Why wait?” I managed to ask.

  Her mouth claimed mine again, this time with an intensity beyond my wildest fantasies. Her lips moved against mine possessively while her hand continued to rub my pussy.

  Reggie broke the kiss again. “Someone could walk in.”

  “Who? Nobody’s going to walk in. Please, Reggie. Please. I’ve wanted you for so long. Please don’t make me wait any longer.”

  I stood up and quickly undressed, throwing my clothes on the floor.

  “Take me, Reggie,” I said, lying back on top of her.

  She rolled me onto my back, then propped herself on an elbow and just looked at me. Her eyes bore into mine before glancing down to my breasts. Being the object of her attention made my nipples harden painfully. I felt them pucker, begging for her mouth.

  “I really like what you say when you finally talk,” she teased.

  Her free hand lazily traced the path of her gaze. Her mahogany fingertips brushed over my chest—slipping over my right breast, around my areola, making small circles around my taut tawny nipples.

  “You’re driving me crazy, Reggie.”

  “Yeah?” She grinned.

  “Are you enjoying teasing me?”

  “I’m enjoying interfacing with you.” Her eyes twinkled.

  “But my microprocessor is about to overheat,” I panted.

  “Don’t you want to be sure that our systems are compatible?”

  “I’m certain that your hardware will be able to operate my software with ease.”

  “You’re sure about that?”

  “I believe the configuration will run flawlessly.”

  Her fingers closed on my nipple. “You’ve got some nice hardware goin’ on yourself.”

  “My system responds well to your commands.”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  “You need help finding the insertion point?”

  “I think I’ll find it. When I’m ready,” she whispered before she bent and took a nipple between her teeth, sucking hard while she continued to knead my breast.

  I closed my eyes and lost myself in the feeling. I didn’t want to miss a thing. Every touch, every nibble had to be recorded in my memory to be enjoyed again later. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  Reggie released my breast and slid her hand down my flat belly. I arched my hips, every muscle in my legs taut as I awaited her entry. She ran her fingers along either side of me, teasing. Just when I thought I couldn’t get any wetter…

  “Reggie. Please.”

  I felt her teeth close harder on my nipple while her fingers finally entered me. Her tongue flicked my tit while her fingers moved in and out of my slick pussy. I bucked my hips and met every thrust. Her mouth released my nipple and she kissed me hard, her tongue driving into my mouth in time with her fingers. My hands framed her face before sliding over her short curly hair, meeting behind her head to hold her mouth to mine.

  She slid her fingers out of my cunt and pressed them into my turgid clit. As she made little circles on me, I felt the pressure building in my very center. I writhed beneath her touch, working with her, searching for the nirvana I knew she was guiding me toward.

  “Oh, God, Reggie. You feel so good.”

  She plunged her fingers deep inside of me again and pressed her palm into my hardness. My breathing became shallow as I let consciousness go and felt the prelude to the explosion.

  “Oh, God,” she breathed against me, her voice raw. “Let it go, Keisha.”

  “Oh, yes!” I cried, throwing my head back as I felt the molten core break loose, sending waves of heat throughout my body. I rode wave after wave until the spasms stopped and I floated back to Earth.

  I lay there completely sated, eyes closed in orgasmic bliss. When I dared to open them, I saw hers looking into mine. It was real. She was there. She was still inside me an
d I closed my legs around her. Now that I’d had her, I was never letting go.

  MJ Williamz grew up on California’s central coast but now calls Portland, Oregon, home. Regardless of where she hangs her hat, she’s always traveling to some far-off exotic land and coming home with plenty to write about. She is proud of her dirty baker’s dozen—the thirteen short stories she’s had published—and is working on more, with a novel currently being considered.


  Rachel Merriweather

  I was sitting at home all alone; stressed out and lonely because she had left me. How could I give three years of my heart, body, and soul to someone only for them to leave me in shattered broken pieces? I lay in the middle of my floor, my almond-hazel eyes looking up in the ceiling; my long black curly hair hanging loosely on the gray carpet. I lay in a wifebeater with no bra, and a pair of black booty shorts. My honey-brown skin was so pale from stress and tears. I lay on the floor with a bottle of Lemon Vodka in my hand and the CD player remote in the other. Shareefa’s Point of No Return CD was on repeat playing “Cry No More” until the tears finally fuckin’ stopped.

  I love hard and give up easy but I never thought it would have come to this. I finally got up when I heard a knock at my door. For three days I didn’t answer but, for some reason, my body told me to get up. When I opened the door, she was standing there with the same expression on her face as mine: a mixture of pain, sorrow, and loneliness.

  Five feet two, sexy chocolate-brown skin, light-brown tight eyes, and long dark-black braids that fell to the middle of her back. In a bomber jacket, a white tee, and some jeans, looking so petite but still a sexy stud and the friend of my ex. I let her in.

  “How you holding up?” she asked me as she brushed past me.

  “Just great. Can’t you tell?” I answered as I shut my door.

  I sat back on the floor as she got situated on the couch. KC and I had been friends for only a short period of time, but she had needed me when her ex had left her for another man. Damnit, I needed her advice and guidance to get through this tough time. Funny how this was the first time she had come to visit me alone; without all our friends.


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