Mercenary Little Death Bringer

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Mercenary Little Death Bringer Page 15

by Banks, Catherine

  I rolled over and stared into his eyes. “I know, but it was incredibly dangerous for you to play one of them. If they’d seen your face they would have immediately known who you were. You put your life in danger and I have no way to repay you.”

  He smoothed back my hair and said, “You being alive is payment enough.”

  The tears I’d repressed the days before all escaped and Favian held me as I cried. “I’m sorry I threatened you,” I said once I was done crying.

  Favian laughed. “That was a very impressive threat. If I hadn’t known you couldn’t get out of the binds I would have been worried you would have killed me before you knew who I was.”

  I touched the sapphire bracelet and then settled against him. “Father must be furious right now.”

  Favian laughed. “Mother is probably threatening Macon and tearing apart the countryside in search of us.”

  “Macon didn’t know you came after me?”

  He shook his head. “No, they saw me get stabbed and then I disappeared into the crowd.”

  “Did you really get stabbed?” I asked him. He lifted his shirt and I cringed at the hastily sewn wound. “You need to get that looked at.”

  “I know. There’s a town half a day from here. I’ll go to the healer in that town. Now, go to sleep.”

  I closed my eyes and relaxed against him as he started singing softly again. Just before I fell asleep I heard him whisper, “I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

  I would have argued, but it was the best thing he’d said all day.

  The trip home seemed to take a month, but that was probably because it had felt like the time was shorter since I was knocked out a lot. We found the town and ate until I felt like I was going to pop and then stayed in a room with a large soft bed. We passed all of the unfamiliar trails and I vowed to travel this way again so that I would become familiar with it and know how to get home should it happen again.

  When we finally made it to the Academy we found the doors open and chaos inside. Everyone stopped moving as soon as they saw Favian and me ride in.

  “Is that…?”

  “Look at her face.”

  “Did he…?”

  Gossip began immediately and I really wished my face wasn’t so black and blue and beat up looking. Macon ran from his office to us and asked, “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Kidnapped, almost raped and almost murdered. Then saved by Favian and a long trip back here,” I answered.

  “I need you in my office now and I want a full detailed report,” Macon said.

  I tried to dismount, but my ribs were still sore. I patted my saddle horn and said, “Fire, lower please.” Fire laid down and Favian helped me out of the saddle.

  “What happened to you?” Micah asked.

  “I got punched in the face a few times and kicked in the ribs,” I replied. “I feel great though.”

  “I’m glad to see you’re alive.”

  “Someone send word to the elves for me,” Favian asked as he pushed me through the crowd that had gathered.

  “Three cheers for Favian and Marin!” Master Martin yelled.

  Everyone in the Academy yelled. “Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!”

  I smiled as best as I could with my hurting face and Favian and I walked inside Macon’s office. He immediately inspected me over and then Favian as well. “I have been worried out of my mind. What the hell happened? Why didn’t you use your call? And where the hell did you go Favian?”

  “It all started with a medallion,” I began.

  Two hours later we had covered every second of my journey with my black out moments filled in by Favian. I left out the parts of the conversation where Lawrence had tried to convince me that I wasn’t human. For some reason I didn’t think Macon needed to know that. Favian told him the medallion was spelled to hurt whoever touched it and that it had been lost during the fight, but we both knew that wasn’t exactly true.

  Macon sat in silence for a few moments as he absorbed everything that we’d told him. “Well you’ve surely been tested to your limit,” he commented, “I only wish things had gone according to plan.”

  “Nothing ever goes according to plan,” I said cheerfully.

  “You should go get checked out by the healer.”

  “I’m fine,” I started to say, but Macon gave me the look and I stood up. “Yes, Sir.”

  Favian and I headed slowly towards the healer’s quarters and I tried my best to ignore the stares of the other students. “Why are you embarrassed?” Favian asked me as we walked.

  “I just don’t like all the attention, especially when you’re the one who saved me. I would have died if I had been alone. Now everything must think I’m pathetic.”

  “They do not think you’re pathetic. On the contrary, they think you’re incredible,” he said, “Not everyone could face their kidnapper and survive to get out.”

  I gestured to my face. “I didn’t survive very well.”

  “You just need more practice,” he said.

  He stopped me just outside the healer’s door and turned me to face him. “I think you’re incredible Marin. You endured a lot and fought as hard as you could. I’m proud of you,” he said with a strange smile.

  “Now I’m even more embarrassed,” I muttered as I walked into the healer’s door.

  “Marin!” the healer said happily, “I’m so glad to see you alive. Sit on the table.”

  I sat down and he began examining me. “Well you seem to be healing well, but you really need a few days of bed rest.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He stared at me in shock. “You’re agreeing to bed rest?”

  “For the first time I don’t have any where I have to be or any training that needs to be done. I am looking forward to bed rest.”

  He clutched his heart. “Oh dear I think I’m going to have a heart attack.”

  Favian patted his shoulder. “She learned a little about herself on this adventure. I think she’s actually turning into an adult.”

  “Oh no! An adult? How awful!” the healer teased.

  I laughed and then groaned in pain. “Okay, no laughing.”

  The healer mixed up a tea of herbs and medicines and forced me to drink the disgusting drink. “This will help with your internal issues and will ease your pain. Now, go on and…”

  “We’re being attacked!” Micah yelled as he burst inside.

  “By who?” Favian asked as he drew his sword.

  “Ogres,” Micah said, “Hundreds of them.”

  I jumped down from the table and patted the healer. “Looks like bed rest will have to wait.”

  “There’s the Marin I know,” he said with a wide smile, “Go kick some ogre butt.”

  “You are in no shape to fight,” Favian argued.

  I pointed to the healer. “He just told me to go fight.”

  “Only because he knows you won’t listen.”

  “So then why are you arguing?” I asked as I pushed open the door and ran outside.

  The archers were lined up along the top of the gate and firing arrows as quickly as they could. I felt excitement and reached down for the power that lived within me. “Please, god and goddess assist me in killing these ogres.”

  “Your wish was fulfilled at your birth.” A male voice said inside my head.

  “Oh no,” I whispered, “Now I’m going crazy.”

  “What?” Favian asked.

  I shook my head. “Nothing, um, let’s go.” I charged forward and ran right passed Macon and the Masters and out the gate.

  “Marin! You’re going to get killed!” Master Sean yelled.

  Favian ran out with me and yelled back, “Just watch.”

  I took a deep breath and faced the ogres who had all stopped and turned to stare at me. “You are trespassing and attacking a school. If you do not turn around and leave this instant I will be forced to kill you all.”

  “Leave some for me, okay?” Favian asked. />
  I smiled. “Just try and keep up.”

  The strange fire filled me and I felt like a new person. An ogre charged at me and I ducked his fist and punched him in the stomach. He grunted and then growled angrily. Favian had kept hold of my swords and belt while I was kidnapped so I had them on now. I pulled my sword from my sheath and smiled. “I love my job.” I sliced the ogre’s left arm off and then sliced open his belly.

  The remaining ogres bellowed in rage and I ran into the swarm of them, slicing, dicing and decapitating ogres around me. My blood churned with energy and excitement as I killed again and again. I could see Favian near me having as much fun as I was, but killing a third as fast as me. Was Lawrence right? Was I something other than human?

  I didn’t have time to think about it as the three hundred ogres continued to advance towards me. I killed and killed and killed and the wounds I had never bothered me. I felt so good and it felt so right to be killing these ogres. After an hour the ogres were all finally dead and I was able to stop and relax a moment and observe my carnage.

  Ogre bodies and pieces of ogre littered the field in front of the gate. It was incredible and I almost didn’t believe that I was the one that had done it. Favian walked towards me and I took a step back from him. “I think he was right,” I whispered, “I think Lawrence was right.”

  I had told Favian every word of my conversation with Lawrence so he knew exactly what I was talking about. “He only said that stuff to you to get you riled up. Come on, let’s get inside.”

  “I can feel it inside me. I can feel this other part, this incredibly strong and fierce side just waiting to get freed. Killing these ogres opened it.”

  “You’re talking gibberish now,” he said softly as he moved closer to me.

  “I need to figure out my destiny. I need to find out why I’m here,” I whispered.

  He grabbed my arms softly and said, “We will figure it out together. Okay?” I nodded my head and he wrapped his arms around me. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Favian,” I whispered.


  “I’m going to faint again.”

  He caught me as I started to fall and then the world went black.



  Falling unconscious was extremely irritating. I had fainted more times in the past month than I ever wanted to again in my life.

  “Food,” I muttered as I woke up and opened my eyes.

  Favian leaned over me and said. “It’s about time you woke up sleepyhead.” He was trying to be teasing, but I could hear the concern in his voice.

  “How long have I been asleep?” I asked as I sat up.

  “Three days.”

  I looked around and realized I was in my dorm and a second bed had been brought in and was right next to mine. “Have you been sleeping in here?” I asked in shock.

  “Of course. I couldn’t let you wake up alone,” he said as he mixed something in a cup and then handed it to me. “Mother said to have you drink this as soon as you woke up.”

  I took the cup and gulped it down. “Are they here?” I asked.

  He nodded his head. “They’re in the food hall right now. It’s breakfast time.”

  “Where’s the medallion?” I asked him.

  “I gave it to Father who promised to have it locked up in our most secure area so that none will ever be able to use it against you again.”

  I sighed in relief. At least that was one thing I didn’t need to worry about anymore. My stomach growled loudly and I rubbed it softly. “I need food.”

  He stood up and held out his hand to help me up. I started to get up and then I met his eyes. “I remember killing the ogres,” I told him. “I also remember hearing a man’s voice before the fight.”

  He sat back down and asked, “What did he say?”

  “I had asked the god and goddess to assist me in killing the ogres and a man’s voice said, ‘your wish was fulfilled at your birth’. What the hell does that mean?”

  He frowned in concentration and then shrugged. “I’m not sure, but let’s keep the fact that you heard a voice in your head quiet for now.”

  I laughed. “Right.”

  He stood back up and held out his hand again. “Let’s go eat.”

  I took his hand and let him pull me up, but then kept hold of his hand and forced him to meet my eyes. “Was I frightening?” I asked.

  He gave me his serious face since he knew I was being serious and met my gaze with his own. “No, you were graceful and magnificent.”

  I was shocked by his answer and didn’t know what to say, but was saved when the door to my dorm opened and Father stepped inside. “Marin!” he said happily, “I am so glad that you’re awake! You had us worried sick.”

  I stepped away from Favian and let Father envelope me in a warm hug. “I’m sorry I worried you,” I whispered.

  “Do not apologize, daughter.”

  I pulled back and asked, “Father, what do you remember about when you found me?”

  He sat down and sighed. “I had hoped to avoid this subject for a long time and especially not right after you regained consciousness.”

  “Please, I must know.”

  “When we found you, your family was dead, killed by the ogres and yet there were five ogre bodies lying dead on the ground beside your family. Kato and I watched in shock as a little four year old girl used axes much too big for her to kill the remaining ogre and then sat down and wept. You were four years old and you had killed at least one ogre, but most likely more than that. It was impossible and yet we had witnessed it. After the ogre was dead you dropped the axes and started crying for your mother and father. I dismounted and walked towards you and you ran to me, wrapping your arms around my legs and asked for help. I fell in love with you immediately and picked you up and held you the entire ride back to the Elven Kingdom and ever since I have raised you as my own daughter.”

  “How could I kill an ogre at four years old?” I asked.

  “Humans do things every day that are seemingly impossible,” he said, but I could see he was hiding something.

  “Did you ever regret taking me in?” I asked him.

  He hugged me again and kissed the top of my head. “Never. Not even when you stole my horse or broke the one thousand year old vase.” He tilted my chin up and met my eyes. “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel great, but I am starving and very confused and nervous,” I answered him honestly.

  He released me and said, “Well then you two should be on your way. I’m off to talk with Macon.”

  I kissed his cheek and walked out of my dorm feeling slightly better now that I knew the truth of how he had found me. However, it raised even more questions than it answered. I had to be something other than human to have killed an ogre so young or wielded axes, didn’t I?

  Favian whispered something to Father and then caught up to me as we walked to the food hall. Favian opened the door and as soon as I stepped inside the mood in the hall shifted. Some looked at me fearfully and then most of the hall stood up and started clapping.

  Master Martin walked up to me and patted me on the back. “Well done.”

  “Why if it isn’t the Little Death Bringer herself,” Master Sean said.

  Master Martin tapped his chin a moment and then smiled. “That’s a perfect name for her. Everyone please show your appreciation to the Little Death Bringer for saving us from the ogres!”

  “Woo! Death Bringer!” The group began cheering.

  I walked passed them all and up to the food line. The chef handed me a plate piled high with meat and bread. “I figured you’d be really hungry after using that much energy and sleeping for so long.”

  “Thank you,” I said seriously.

  “Thank you,” he said, “You saved us all.”

  “I’m sure the others could have defeated the ogres,” I mumbled, feeling somewhat embarrassed by all of the attention.

  “Yes, but there would have been m
any injured and possibly some killed,” he said as I walked away.

  I walked to our table and sat down beside Mother who leaned over and kissed my cheek. “You look much better without the bruises.”

  “Thank you.” I started eating and Favian sat down across from me, giving me a smirk which meant he wanted to get in trouble by doing something we weren’t supposed to do soon. That made me smile since it had been a long time since we’d gotten in trouble for doing something fun. Macon sat down at the table and I asked him, “So, did I pass the final test?”

  He smiled. “With flying colors.” He looked at Favian. “You didn’t tell her?”

  “I was going to wait until after we finished eating,” he said.

  “Tell me what?” I asked.

  “The graduation ceremony is in two hours,” Macon said.

  I gaped at him in shock. “Two hours?!”

  “Where is she?” a familiar voice asked from the door of the food hall. I looked up to see Father’s guard looking around with a bit of a frantic light in his eyes. Kato finally spotted me and ran to me. He didn’t say a word until he had inspected me over thoroughly. “You aren’t injured anymore?” he asked. I shook my head. He slapped the back of it with enough force to move it forward and then glared at me. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again. I thought you were dead!” he said angrily.

  I stood up and wrapped my arms around the elf. “I missed you too, you old badger.”

  Kato hugged me back and then pet my hair like he used to do when I was a toddler and was frightened. “Little girl you are so much trouble.”

  “And you love every second of it,” I said as I pulled back to smile at him.

  He smiled and said, “So I heard you have a nickname now.”

  “Yes,” Mother said angrily, “Though it is hardly fitting of a lady.”

  “Which is why it is very fitting for me,” I said with a wink in her direction.

  She sighed. “I tried so hard to make you a proper lady. You are just too stubborn.”

  “I can be a proper lady,” I told her defensively, “When necessary.”

  “Really?” she asked unbelievingly, “Show me now then.”

  I stepped back from Kato and curtsied with my hands out like I was holding a dress. “I am honored by your visit, Kato. Would you like to join us for a cup of water?”


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