Killer Among Us

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Killer Among Us Page 5

by Adriana Hunter

  Sophie had hurt for her, and missed her even then. She had missed the beautiful blonde girl with the big grin and the fuck you attitude that had walked into her life and befriended her when she had needed someone the most.

  Sitting at the kitchen table, her needle tracked arms showing all too clearly in the bar of sunlight that had poured through the window behind her, Susan had asked, “Do you think you will unfreeze long enough to realize that love happens, even if you don’t want it to?”

  The question had come because Sophie had broken up with the guy she had been seeing and Susan thought it was because Sophie was afraid to let anyone in. At the time she had thought that Susan was wrong, but at that moment she wondered if she had been right after all.

  She had left her old life behind, she had moved to New York City and yet she was doing the very same things she had done in her former apartment, hiding away and reading about love and life instead of getting out and trying to find those things.

  She went into the bedroom and picked up her purse, pulling out the card. Her heart beat painfully and she slid it back into her wallet, then she yanked it out again with an almost convulsive gesture.

  The things she had seen at the club burned through her shyness, burned through her fears. She didn’t know why but she needed to be there, needed to see those things again. She dressed hurriedly, putting on a pretty dress and thin sandals, remembering the doorman’s growled words about her clothing when she had run in the last time, she had a feeling if it had not been for Kane she would have been turned away. Her heartbeat accelerated, wondering if she would see him there.

  That thought shook her, and she realized that she wanted to see him. In fact, she had never wanted to see anyone so badly before in her life. She put on a little eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara and surveyed her face critically. Susan had given her a tube of glossy scarlet lip stain and she put some on, then she rubbed it off, embarrassed.

  She put on a second coat and stared at her reflection, torn between self-doubt and a small sense of bravado. The makeup made her look different, older and bolder. She looked at her hair hanging in soft black waves to her shoulders and then went back to the closet, trading the modest little pastel colored dress for a green sheath that glowed like an emerald against her pale skin.

  “Oh that is ridiculous,” she said, then took the dress off and threw it on the floor. Three seconds later she picked it up and put it back on, scolding herself for being a coward. She changed the shoes out for higher heeled ones and then took her car keys and went out the door.

  She rarely drove the car anymore, the city had great transportation and parking fees were outrageous. The street outside her apartment had parking but she was afraid if she moved someone would take her spot and she would have to pay those high rates. On that night though she was terrified that someone would look at her and make her feel afraid, make her run back home again and more than anything else she did not want to go back to her apartment and hide.


  Kane gave up on trying to work. The FBI was coming in the next day, the Captain had given up hope that he could handle the serial killer in house, and Kane already knew he was going to have to deal with his past in a major way when the Feds came in.

  He paced his living room, fighting hard against the urge to go to the club but he could not hold off any longer. He dressed in solid black: black jeans, black silk button down shirt, heavy boots that gleamed with polish and then he packed his toy bag. He was not sure why he did; he didn’t really want to play with anyone.

  “Oh yes you do, you want to play with Sophie,” he jeered at himself. “Admit it, she touched something in you. And you would like very much to touch her back.”

  He packed the violet wand on a whim, it was not really his favorite implement but he took it anyway and then he jumped in a cab, heading for the club.


  Sophie rang the bell and waited, trepidation setting in as the camera swiveled its one blank eye toward her face. She almost left, sure that some disembodied voice would tell her no but instead the door clicked open.

  The man behind the counter barely gave her a glance, she stood there for a second, unsure of what to do, and he barked out, “Your membership and ID card, please,” startling her. She fumbled for those items, passed them over and he gave them a glance than added, “Twenty dollars.”

  She paid the twenty; he stamped her hand and waved her on. The music was so loud behind the doors that when she put her hands out to push them open they vibrated like living things under her fingertips.

  She stepped inside the club, her eyes adjusting to its dimness, and a rush of something expected hit her. It had been a long time since she had felt that feeling but not so long that it was so alien she could not name it. When she stepped inside the long room, she felt like she had just come home. It was an odd feeling, and an unsettling one. She glanced around and her eyes stopped on a woman wearing a long black coat, fishnets and pumps with heels sharp enough to double as an ice pick. The woman knelt at the feet of a man whose hand rested lightly on her bowed head. When he stroked her hair and spoke softly she looked up, a smile lighting up her entire face.

  “I want that,” Sophie thought, and her face went warm as she noticed several people eyeing her appreciatively.

  Kane walked in and the first thing he saw was the woman in the backless green dress. Her back was to him, he stared at it, at the long and clearly delineated column of her spine, the creamy white skin, the delicate slope of her shoulders, the black hair that brushed against those shoulders and the curves that were her hips. The dress could have been poured over her; it clung without being tight, lying against her skin.

  She turned slightly, ruby red lips parted to reveal small and even white teeth and he smiled back.

  “Hi,” Sophie said shyly. Between her legs her pussy felt heavy, full and warm. Her mouth was dry and she could not help but notice the way Kane’s shirt emphasized his broad chest and flat belly, the way his jeans clung to his lean hips and long legs. The top buttons of his shirt were undone, showing a triangle of golden skin, skin she wanted to put her nose up against and sniff. She wanted to inhale the rich manly scent of him.

  “I’ve converted you.” He was hoping to sound like he was not happily surprised to see her but he failed. A huge grin had lifted the corners of his mouth and he knew, knew, that no matter what else happened during the night he wanted her.

  “I...” she wasn’t sure what to say. She was slightly afraid he would call her out as a fraud and she didn’t want to leave so she blurted out the first thing that came to mind, “You have a really big bag there.”

  Kane laughed. If it had been any other woman he would have known she were flirting and wanted to see what tools he had brought with him to the club, since it was Sophie he knew she was simply trying to make small talk. “You could say that. Are you planning to play?”

  She blinked. “Play…what?’

  “Play,” Kane said and his hand raised, waving around the dungeon,” that’s what we call it, play.”

  “Why play?”

  “It’s certainly not work.”

  The joke made her laugh. Her eyes went back to the people who were tied to the crosses and the woman on her knees, tethered to a small metal loop that resembled a croquet wicket whose ends were buried in the concrete floor. She had placed her head on the leg of the man who stroked her head from time to time and her eyes were closed in what looked like utter bliss.

  “Play is just a generic name.” Kane said. “Everyone has different ways of playing.” On one wall a man stood nude while a woman cracked a long and scary whip across his ass and back. “Some like it rougher than others.”

  “What if…what if you don’t know how you like it?”

  “You explore until you do.”

  A blush stained her cheeks and she ducked her head, he had to strain to hear her next question, “And, how do you know if someone is willing to play with you?”

  Kane fe
lt his breath catch in his throat. “You simply ask them.”

  She nodded. “Do you want to play with me?”

  “I would love to.”

  The constant mistrust she felt tried to rear its head and change her mind, but she fought back, refusing to allow the past to prevent her from taking a step forward, a step she wanted so badly to take. Kane saw the conflicted emotions on her face and he found himself wondering what damage she had suffered, what had happened to make her so afraid. He knew that most people coming into BDSM for the first time had trust and fear issues, hers ran deeper and it was obvious.

  “Okay,” she said finally.

  He took her hand and a small shock ran through him at the touch of her warm skin. He hadn’t been so excited in a long time and he could feel the envious stares aimed at his back when he led her into one of the semi-private rooms that lay scattered around the central room.

  “Why is everyone watching us?” she asked in a whisper.

  He had hoped she hadn’t noticed. He set the bag down on the chair, looking around at the small massage table and the spanking bench that occupied the room.

  “They don’t recognize you. Many people prefer newcomers, especially new subs. They call it the Dominant Dog Dance. They like the new ones because they don’t know how to say no.”

  “Why would someone say no?”

  He turned to face her, “Because sometimes you have to. If something hurts you, goes beyond your limits, or if something feels wrong, you have the right to stop it. If someone is doing something you didn’t agree to you have the right to stop it.”

  “How do you do that?”

  “Safe words. Red means stop, period. If someone keeps doing something after you have said red then they are not doing something you consented to anymore. You are always in full control of what happens.”

  “I see.”

  “Tell me what you are going to say if I do something you don’t like.”


  “Good girl.” His hand grazed her cheek and she smiled, the words had loosened something in her.

  He took a deep breath, “Would you like to take off your dress?”

  Sophie reached for the cleverly concealed zipper then paused, feeling awkward. “Are you planning on having sex with me?”

  “If we both think that’s a good idea we may, but if not, then no.”

  Sophie had to bite her lips shut to keep from blurting out she had never wanted sex so much in her whole life.

  Undressing was the hardest thing she had ever done. The dress puddled on the floor, sighing softly as it fell onto the tops of her shoes. She bent over and picked it up, laying it carefully across the back of the chair that sat in one corner. Kane eyed her body with real appreciation, her high firm breasts were capped with light pink nipples, her belly was concave and her waist narrow. The constant walking had built muscle into her flat lean thighs and the curve of her hips and outward thrust of her ass were covered by a pair of boy shorts so abbreviated pale crescent shaped slices of her ass showed below the lace bedecked hem.

  Her fingers trembled as she ran them across the top of her panties. She swallowed hard, wondering if she should leave them on. They were wet and sticky at the junction of her crotch and she felt the red flush on her face as she stood there, undecided.

  Kane saw her fear, “You may leave them on if you like.”

  The words, the permission to keep them if she needed them, allowed her to decide. She pulled them down and it hit her halfway through the process that she had no idea of how to do that in a sexy manner. She felt awkward and a little silly and a small giggle escaped her, dissolving her tension.

  She held the panties in her hand, weighing the small scrap of lace and fabric for a moment. She took a deep long breath and opened her hand, allowing them to fall to the floor as well.

  “I want you to lie on the table, on your back. I know you’re new to this so I want to go very slowly.”

  She lay on the table, her limbs trembled and her breath came in hard short gasps as he fiddled around in long metal case and then plugged a thick black electrical cord into the wall. A glowing purple light appeared and she stared at it.

  “It’s a violet wand. Just relax.” Kane ordered.

  She did, the words were an order despite being couched in a soft tone and for some reason her body responded to that by doing as he said. Her stiff muscles loosened and her crotch grew damper.

  A buzzing sound made her jerk sideways. Kane made a soft soothing sound and then lowered the wand to her shoulders, running it slowly down along her arms to her hands.

  The low charge made her skin tingle, she gasped as her nerve endings responded to the tool. Kane switched to the body contact, electrifying his entire body so that wherever he touched her a low tingle followed.

  He cupped her breasts, flicking his fingers across her nipples. They tightened until they were almost painful. When the wand touched her crotch she shrieked, then burst into giggles. Kane switched attachments, using a large glass comb to rake through her hair, sending odd and exciting prickles through her scalp.

  When the light from the wand shut off she was instantly bereft but Kane leaned close to her ear and asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She wriggled against the hard surface of the table. “I liked that very much.”

  He chuckled, “The violet wand is terrific. Would you like to try something a little more intense?”


  “Turn over.”

  She did. Her face lay against the table, her stomach tightened with anticipation as his hands ran down her back, her ass and legs. His nails scratched lightly at her should blades then he kneaded her ass cheeks. The massage was heavy, almost brutal. His hands were powerful and she lay there torn between pleasure and pain, low whimpers escaping her throat.

  The first slap took her by surprise and she screamed; a short sharp burst of sound. A second slap landed on the opposite ass cheek, leaving a warming and burning sensation behind that made slippery fluids pour out of her pussy.

  Confusion swirled in, did she really like being hit? She had hated it when her foster father had done it but right then it felt good, she wasn’t sure why. She was not even sure that she wanted to know why.

  She arched her ass upward, silently pleading for more and Kane smiled. He used the palm of his hand, varying the strikes so that he was hitting different areas, reddening the peach like halves of her ass.

  He could see the delicate seam of her asshole, the glistening threads of come that had slid down her inner thighs and the pink flesh that peeked at him from under the neatly trimmed thatch of coarse black curls. He wanted to run his fingers along that space, to feel that dampness and the heated flesh there but he wanted to know she wanted that first.

  Sophie was lost in a sea of endorphins and lust. Her hips bucked and jerked, her nipples scraped against the surface of the table and her ass quivered and jiggled under the blows. Small moans came from her mouth, a counterpoint to the sounds of flesh hitting flesh. A pulsing friction had begun in her walls, she did not know what it was but she wanted more of it.

  “I want to touch you.”

  The ragged pant made her realize that he was feeling the same things she was and she whispered, “I want you to touch me, too.”

  “Ask me for it.”

  She could not form the words for a few moments, asking for sex, wanting to ask for sex, was beyond her comprehension. When she could get the words to leave her tongue they were strangled and almost inaudible, “Will you touch me please?”

  Kane knew that was a major triumph and did not push her. He slid his fingers up, stroking the sensitive area between her ass and pussy, making her grind her mound against the table.

  “Turn over.”

  She did, not even thinking. He rubbed his fingers against the hardened bud of her clit, enjoying the expression of ecstasy on her face. “Is that all you want?”

  “No. I …I want…” She couldn’t finish the sentence
and she didn’t have to. Kane pulled her body lower and then he knelt between her legs. He parted the delicate flesh of her labia, opening her so that his tongue and fingers could pleasure her.

  He gently sucked on her clit, the slight pressure making sensation explode inside of her. His fingers stroked at the entrance to her tunnel, teasing her until she begged. Her voice cracked and broke as she pleaded with him to touch her, to put his fingers inside of her.

  He slid one into her walls, not surprised at the tightness of them. He had known she was not very experienced. He thrust gently into her, loosening her slightly as his tongue worked faster and harder. The rhythm became faster, her legs strained and ached, the muscles in her neck corded and sweat ran down her face.

  “Oh please, please, please,” she moaned, not sure what it was she was asking for, only that she needed it.

  “Come for me right now.” Kane could feel his own lust reaching a nearly unbearable peak. His prick strained at the zipper of his jeans and he had to resist the urge to stroke that hardness.

  Thick white come spurted from her coral folds, filling his mouth with salty sweetness. His fingers were gripped and released as she contracted and relaxed in the throes of her orgasm.

  He moved up, holding her close, dampening his desire in order to ensure that she was okay. Long moments passed, Sophie lay there in a golden languor, her face buried in his neck. The scent of his cologne and a richer, muskier scent filled her nostrils and she sighed contentedly.

  Eventually she became aware of the feeling of his cock pressed against her. She had never liked that weight, that stiffness but she liked his. She wriggled her hips closer experimentally and he growled out, “I’m human, if you keep doing that I am going to fuck you.”

  “Good.” The boldness of that one word shocked and excited her. “I want you to.”

  She watched as he stripped off his clothes. She let her eyes wander over his strong shoulders and muscled arms, flat belly and the thin strip of black hair that ran from his navel into the waistband of his jeans. When he tugged the zipper down his hard dick sprang forth, the head already swollen and purple.


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