Loving Eden

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Loving Eden Page 10

by T. A. Foster

  “Yes, ma’am.” I giggled as I retraced my steps to Grey.

  “What was that about?” He looked up at me.

  “Marin asked me to be a bridesmaid in the wedding.”

  “Uh oh.” His voice was playful.

  I sat next to him, hoping to recreate the energy we had started. “What? Are you against bridesmaids?”

  “No, but that means you’ll have to do all the girl stuff. Showers, bachelorette party, and whatever else goes with that job. You are going to be busy between now and the wedding.”

  I hadn’t thought about that part when Marin asked me. “Do you need me at home?”

  He laughed. “No, darlin’. I know it’s a big deal for you and Marin. I can handle a few lonely nights.” He twirled a lock of hair over my shoulder, causing me to lean closer to him.

  I looked to see if his cup was empty. “Want me to get another one for you?”

  “No. I have to get up early for work. I should probably head back anyway. My leg is starting to take over.”

  My heart sank. We were having fun, and the flirting was just heating up. “I can’t leave without making sure Taylor is ok.”

  If he meant to wipe the scowl from his face, he did a poor job of it. “She’s a big girl. I think she can take care of herself. Swim with sharks and—”

  “Mason isn’t going to hurt her. He’s not like that.” I helped him stand.

  “I’m not saying that, but you can’t try to tell me he’s one of the good guys.”

  I sighed. “I don’t know what he is. But maybe I should stay to make sure Taylor’s ok.” I didn’t want to stay behind, but Taylor and I did have a girl code. I couldn’t leave her on the beach at night with a group of strangers, even if I knew half of them.

  “Darlin’, suit yourself.” He leaned to kiss me on the cheek. “I’ll probably be asleep when you get in.”

  I refrained from pouting. “Ok. I’ll see you in the morning.” I watched as he weaved through coolers and dancers. Taylor owed me one.

  This could not be happening. I watched from the office window as my best friend locked lips with Mason, and it wasn’t some kind of innocent kiss. It was a primal, I-might-rip-your-clothes-off-in-the-parking-lot, hot, heavy, and slow kiss. It might go on for days the way they were lost in each other. I turned several times, but every time I swiveled in my chair, I caught a peek of Mason’s arms wrapped around her, the edge of her T-shirt sneaking up her hip. They were all over each other. I hung my head. Well, this explained why there wasn’t Mason’s usual to-do list under the door this morning when I walked in the office.

  The party started to wind down last night not long after Grey left. I waited dutifully for my friend. She and Mason returned before the last partiers left. Taylor assured me he could walk her back to the Palm. I wasn’t about to get in the middle of that, so I picked up my sandals and trudged home alone, hoping I might catch Grey before he drifted off to sleep.

  I clutched my coffee in my hand as Taylor tore herself off Mason. He hopped in the convertible, honked twice as he passed the office, and sped down Gulf Boulevard.

  Thirty minutes later, Taylor appeared in the office, glowing. I couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly. Her skin, her eyes, the smile that wouldn’t fade.

  “Eden, that was the best night of my entire life.” She fell into the open chair.

  “I’m glad you had fun at the bonfire.” I stood to pour a cup of coffee for her.

  “I’m not talking about the bonfire.”

  I spun on my heels. “Tell me you did not sleep with him the first night.”

  “I did!” She squealed.

  I stared at her in disbelief. “But that’s Mason. The Mason.” It wasn’t her first one-night stand; that part didn’t bother me. This had more to do with the complicated drama Mason had dropped in our laps.

  “I know who he is and now I know all about what he can do.” She giggled. “You told me he was good-looking, but I think you really downplayed it.”

  I shrugged. “I wasn’t trying to grade his hotness.”

  Taylor pretended to fan herself. “I have never had a night like that.”

  “Ok, ok. I don’t need details.” Imagining my best friend with Mason was weird. Grey was going to flip.

  “I think it’s serious.” She crossed the room to retrieve the cup of coffee I had for her.

  “Serious? You just met him last night.” Granted sex had a way of escalating things, but this was nuts. It couldn’t be serious in less than twenty-four hours. Could it?

  “I have this feeling about him.” She settled into the chair again. “We just had this immediate connection. Like we were supposed to meet. Isn’t that how it happened for you and Grey?”

  “Yes, but he wasn’t trying to ruin anyone’s life.” I was annoyed she didn’t see the problem with this relationship. Mason and Grey were not alike.

  “You’re the one who invited Mason to stay here. You know he’s not all that bad.”

  My shoulders tensed. “I invited him so he wouldn’t tear the place down. I was hoping he would change his mind on the lawsuit and the demolition.” My plan had failed miserably. Taylor knew all of the short Mason history.

  “We didn’t talk about any of that stuff.”

  “Of course you didn’t. He wasn’t interested in that.” My voice rose louder than I meant it to. Taylor stared at me. “Sorry. I just wish you could see how awkward it’s going to be if you end up in a relationship with someone who is trying to sue my boyfriend and subsequently put me out of work. It’s a nightmare. You have to see that, Taylor.”

  She stood from the chair. “I don’t know what I think right now. I was hoping my best friend would be happy I found an amazing guy the same way she did. That’s what I wanted to see.”

  She quietly closed the door behind her and walked to room twenty-four.

  Taylor turned down my lunch invitation. She said she wasn’t feeling well, but I knew it had nothing to do with her stomach and everything to do with our disagreement. Her flight to North Carolina was tomorrow night. I couldn’t let her leave like this. I tried to think of how I could patch things up on our last night together. Knowing she thought she had just met the love of her life, I realized she was going to want to spend her Saturday night with Mason. After all, it was her fall break.

  It was one o’clock in the afternoon, but I hadn’t had a single phone call at the Palm. I decided to close the office. Grey was somewhere in the motel working on a room. I started at the end and checked each room until I found him replacing lightbulbs in a double room.

  “There you are.” I smiled.

  “Hey, darlin’.” He tossed the old bulb on the bed. “You closing up for the day? Where’s Taylor? You two have plans today?”

  I shifted uncomfortably in the doorway. “She’s not happy with me.”

  “Really? Why?” He opened a new pack of bulbs and moved to the next lamp.

  “She thinks she’s in love with Mason.”

  He stopped and looked at me. “What in the hell? Is she crazy or something?”

  “No, but she’s crazy about him. They have some kind of connection.” I walked into the room and sat on the bed. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “And she knows about the lawsuit? You told her everything about him?” Grey was acting calmer than I expected.

  “Mmm-hmm. She thinks I should put that aside and be happy for her.”

  “What do you think?” He eased himself on the bed across from me.

  His question surprised me. “I told her it was a ridiculous idea. How can I be friends with someone who is dating the man who is trying to take everything away from you?” It sounded absurd.

  Grey nodded his head. “Ridiculous, huh?”

  My eyes lowered to the floor. “I guess that’s how you felt when I let Mason stay here, but I was trying to convince him to drop the suit. It was different.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Hurt the same way.” Grey’s eyes softened. “You always want to help, Eden. Th
at’s what you do.”

  “What am I supposed to do this time? Let her ruin our friendship? Get her heart broken when she finds out Mason is just using her?” I felt defeated by the whole thing. I couldn’t lose Taylor to Mason.

  “She’s leaving tomorrow, right?”

  “Yes. Tonight’s her last night.” My stomach kept flipping with nausea. This sucked. “I don’t know when I’ll see her again.”

  “I’m sure you’ll come up with a way to make everybody happy. It’s one of your many talents.” He winked and stood, then hopped on one foot to the dresser. Another bulb needed changing.

  It was ludicrous, but I did have one idea that would bring both my plans together. It would involve convincing Grey, calming rocky waters, and playing peacemaker.

  “Grey, before you say ‘no,’ think about this. What if we have Taylor and Mason over for dinner tonight?”

  He spun on his good heel then grimaced as his knee banged into the dresser. “Dammit.” He steadied himself to face me. “You can’t be serious. Mason in our house?”

  I nodded. “I know it will be awkward, but it’s a peace offering I can extend to Taylor, and it’s one more chance we have to try to talk him out of the lawsuit. You’ve never had a civil conversation with him. Maybe you two could talk without throwing punches and come to a resolution.”

  Grey shook his head. “Only you would come up with something like this.”

  “I’ll do the cooking. I’ll take care of everything. All you have to do is be nice and promise not to knock him out.” I waited for an answer. The new lightbulbs might burn out before Grey answered.

  Finally, he spoke. “All right.”

  “All right?” I couldn’t believe my ears. Was he back on his pain meds?

  “Yes, but the minute he starts his asshole tricks, he’s out. Agreed? And I get to toss him out.”

  I nodded. “Agreed.” I jumped from the bed ready to tackle Grey. I stopped short of the crutches and pecked him on the lips. “Ok, I’m going to go ask Taylor right now. Thank you.” I ran out of the room.

  It wasn’t easy for me to drag the kitchen table on the deck, but I refused to let Grey help me with a single thing. Besides this dinner tonight, my number one priority was getting his leg back to normal status. I wasn’t about to let him reinjure it because I wanted to dine al fresco.

  I admired the table I had set. It was going to be a beautiful sunset. I shuffled the forks again.

  “Darlin’, I think it looks fine. Quit messin’ with it.” Grey poked his head out of our bedroom door. He had just showered.

  “I just want it to be perfect.” Not only was this a peace summit dinner, but also our first official dinner party as a couple. There was a lot riding on this dinner.

  “Come here.” He motioned me toward the bedroom.

  I nestled into his chest as his arm wrapped around my shoulder. Everything felt calmer and safer like this with Grey. I inhaled his aftershave.

  “Thank you for trying to work something out for the Palm, but I don’t want you to be disappointed tonight if Mason shows his true colors.”

  I looked at him. “You don’t think there’s anything redeeming about him do you?”

  “Not a damn thing.” He closed the door behind him and hobbled onto the deck.

  “I hope you’re wrong.” I scurried into the living room. Now that we had guests on the way, I really wish we had gone couch shopping. As soon as Grey was off the crutches, we would do it. The living room had been empty for too long.

  I had prepared a pitcher of mojitos, the guacamole dip Grey liked so much, and had shrimp ready to go into a shrimp boil. I thought it was a great combination of Texas and North Carolina specialties. I checked the clock. Only five more minutes until showtime.

  I carried the mojito pitcher and the snacks to the deck. Grey was sprawled in one of the two lounge chairs.

  “Maybe I should go ahead and have one of those.” He looked at the glasses.

  He wasn’t the only one. I was nervous. I poured two drinks and handed him one. “Here you go.”

  Two minutes later, I heard Taylor’s laughter from the beach. I looked over the railing to see her tucked under Mason’s arm. He whispered something in her ear. My chest tightened as they took the steps.

  “Hey, y’all.” I waved.

  Mason grinned. “Thanks for the dinner invitation, Eden.” He handed me a bottle of wine. “This is for you.”

  “Aww, thank you.” I plastered on a smile. “I’ll put this in the fridge and be right back.”

  When I returned from the kitchen, Taylor was pouring drinks for her and Mason. If I didn’t know they had only met last night, I would have guessed they had been a couple for a while. They moved in sync with each other. Maybe there was something to the connection she proclaimed they had.

  Mason crunched on a chip. “This guacamole is delicious.”

  “Thanks, I made it today. It’s Grey’s favorite.”

  “How’s the knee?” Mason pointed to the leg still in a brace.

  I could tell Grey was reluctant to enter a conversation with him. “Getting better.”

  Taylor threaded an arm through Mason’s. “Mason was telling me today about a trip he might take to North Carolina.”

  I knew I looked stunned. I quickly tried to rearrange my face. “Oh, wow. What kind of trip?”

  “I have some business with a boat builder in Charlotte. I was thinking I might make a detour through Chapel Hill while I’m there.”

  “That’s quite a detour.” I took a sip of the minty drink. I wished I had poured more rum in it.

  He grinned. “Isn’t life full of detours?”

  I wondered which one he was referring to. We were all on a massive detour as far as I was concerned.

  “Are you interested in boats, Mason?” I leaned against the railing.

  “The business side of it. There are a lot of directions you can go with a boat business. This guy I have a meeting with is interested in diversifying. Right now he’s in high-powered fiberglass vessels.”

  Taylor piped in. “Eden was a business major. She’s eventually going to get her MBA. Maybe you two could bounce some ideas around.”

  Grey’s poker face tonight was excellent. I was proud of him, but doubtful it would last.

  “Is that so?” Mason strolled next to me. “You’re into business and Grey’s into fixing things?” He hid his smile behind his glass. I didn’t like what he was implying.

  “Actually, Grey was in an advanced engineering program when his grandfather became sick.” My stomach knotted. Introduce awkward. I tried to skip over the fact I had added Pops to the conversation. “We have a long-term plan with the Palm Palace and one for Grey to finish his master’s degree.”

  Mason didn’t seem bothered by the fact I had mentioned his father. “Since you brought it up, what is that long-term plan? It obviously doesn’t involve raking in millions of dollars.”

  I hesitated long enough for Grey to take over. “Not everything’s about money. The Palm can be a self-sustaining business. With Eden’s help, it’s getting there.”

  Mason chuckled. “Considering your only guests right now are her best friend and your long-lost uncle, I’d say your prospects are dim.”

  “That’s not true.” I tightened my hold on the mojito. “I have a plan in place with a senior advertising company that’s going to appeal to the snowbirds. We’ll be booked all winter, and then of course there’s spring break. By summer, we’ll have families. It’s going to work.” I was defensive about the Palm. I noticed Grey was smiling. “It’s a landmark on the island, and there is more value in that than a development contract.”

  “Sweetheart, that might be true. Let’s say you and the nephew here can make a business out of the place. You would still take that over two million dollars? Do you know what you can do in life with two million dollars?”

  I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. Mason, I feel bad for you that you can’t see past all those dollar signs.” I p
laced my drink on the table. “I’m going to put the shrimp on. Dinner should be ready in ten minutes.”

  “Let me help you.” Grey struggled to stand from the lounge chair, not his most athletic moment.

  He followed me to the kitchen, sliding the door behind us. We left Mason and Taylor to enjoy the beginning beams of the sunset. I needed a minute away from them.

  “Eden, hold on.”

  I had one hand on a four-pound bag of shrimp in the refrigerator. “What?”

  He caught my chin with his hand and crashed his mouth into mine. My lips moved against his, and I lost the grip on the shrimp. I didn’t care that our dinner was all over the floor. Grey’s hands coasted over my hips and along my sides. His tongue sent fire through my nerves. I breathed in the taste of him, only fueling the need I had to consume every part of him. God, I missed this.

  “I have never wanted you like I do right now.” His voice was pained. “What you said out there.”

  I quieted him with another kiss. I wanted to forget my ankles were bathed in seafood and that we had company on the deck. Some things don’t matter. I tugged on Grey’s neck, ready to take the kiss to the next level, when he groaned and seized at his leg.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” I looked at him full of regret for getting carried away.

  He shook his head. “Don’t ever apologize for kissing me like that. Ever.” He kissed my forehead. “We have to figure out a way around this leg. You are driving me crazy.”

  I laughed. “That we do. But first, I better get these suckers in the pot.” I bent to scoop the shrimp in a colander and rinse them in the sink before dumping them in the boiling pot on the stove. I added a few slices of lemon, a beer, and an extra shake of bay seasoning. I set the timer for six minutes.

  “Dinner will be ready in a few.” I pulled down the only serving platter we had from the top of the cabinet.

  “Think that’s enough time for me to take a cold shower?” Grey tilted his head.


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