Loving Eden

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Loving Eden Page 17

by T. A. Foster

  “How ‘bout this, darlin’? You keep the change, and I’ll take two baskets of peaches.” He placed the bill next to the register.

  “Oh, I can’t take that.” The pitch in her voice climbed an octave.

  Evan didn’t give her a second chance to argue. He grabbed another basket, dumped the fruit into the paper bag, and strolled back to the Jeep. He cranked the ignition and maneuvered onto the highway, giving the produce lady a wave.

  The Jeep was headed east. Now that Sullen’s Grove was in his rearview mirror, Evan wasn’t sure where the road would take him. Eventually, he would run out of road—the ocean was just hours in front of him. He reached into the paper sack and seized the first peach. As he bit into the soft, fuzzy fruit, a trickle of juice ran down his chin. He wiped the nectar from his face with the back of his hand. Settling his athletic frame into his seat, he felt the resemblance of a smile creeping across his lips. Something about not having a destination felt better than having one.

  The night’s darkness wrapped the air and sank into every open space. Other than a few blinking lots on the horizon, it was dark. Evan rolled his shoulders up and back. All the muscles in his arms were tight from twelve hours of driving. The ferry ride was advertised as fifty-five minutes long, so he stepped from the Jeep and strolled to the side of the vessel loaded with cars.

  He had made the last voyage of the night. The ferry service stopped at midnight. He intended to stay in the last coastal village he found at the southern tip of the Outer Banks, but when the road ran out, the waterway could take him one more leg. The extra distance was like the last drink he couldn’t turn down. He needed it.

  The salt air whipped past him as he leaned against the railing. How had his life come to this? He was running. Running from everyone, everything. He shoved his hands in his front pockets and rocked back on his heels. There had to be a way to get back in control.

  It had never been this bad before. The hoop kept moving. He had convinced himself that eventually the novelty of Evan Carlson would wear off. Following the once college quarterback now movie star would become boring and mundane as soon as the next big star was discovered. But five years later, it still hadn’t happened. He glanced over his shoulder, a regular habit whenever he was in public. The couple in the adjacent car was trying to soothe a fussy baby. They hadn’t reached for their phones, yet.

  In the beginning, it was fun, even exciting when he made the cover of a magazine. It was the same kind of rush when he threw a winning touchdown. He didn’t want to admit to anyone now that at the time he got a kick out of being named the World’s Sexiest Bachelor. All of that seemed stupid, ridiculous, and shallow. He kicked the side of railing with his boot.

  The captain pulled the horn on the ferry as it approached the dock. The sound echoed over the water. Evan retraced his steps to his vehicle, and waited for the crew to motion him onto the shore. Maybe he had read too many scripts or played too many roles, but as the ramp lowered and he pressed his foot on the gas, he had the strange sensation that a new movie had begun.

  There were six miles between the ferry dock and the main village of Perry Island. Evan couldn’t see anything except sand dunes as he followed the cars in front of him.

  It was now one in the morning, and he had managed almost sixteen hours without talking to his agent, publicist, stylist, trainer, or assistant. That was a record first. The music on the radio had turned to static. He searched for a station that could spread its waves this far into the outer edges of North Carolina. His eyes burned, but the cool air from the open window felt soothing as he drove.

  Evan slowed the Jeep as he rolled into the village. Nothing was open, or at least from the street, he couldn’t see any lights. The car in front of him turned into the gravel parking lot of the Windsheer Inn. He pulled to the side and watched as the driver walked to the door, grabbed an envelope from a drop box, and retrieve a pair of keys. That was how that guy had a room. Dammit. He hadn’t thought to call ahead to make reservations. He snorted. He hadn’t thought ahead about any of this.

  Somewhere in the middle of the drive from the ferry dock, he remembered passing a campground. He pulled hard on the steering wheel until he had performed a U-turn, sending him back on the beach road.

  Along the ocean side of the island was a campground. Just like everywhere else, it was thrown into utter darkness. Evan pulled to an open spot and cut the engine on the Jeep. His lungs filled with a deep inhale of salty air as the waves pounded on the shore in front of him.

  He reached for the lever on his seat and reclined it as far as it would go. There was barely enough room, but he propped his feet on the dash before pulling his hat over his eyes.

  It wasn’t a penthouse, a yacht, or a decked out guesthouse, but Evan smiled as his tired eyes gave in to the sleep that had invaded his body. It might only last one night, but he slept satisfied knowing there was no way anyone in the world would find this movie star tonight.

  The alarm chirped cricket sounds for the fourth time. Haven threw the sheet off her chest and kicked the quilt to the end of the bed. 5 a.m. Who in their right mind woke up at 5 a.m.? She tapped the screen on her phone to cease the joyous insects from a repeat performance. This wasn’t the first time she had cursed the early wakeup call as she stumbled to the shower and turned the water on.

  There were water restrictions this time of year on the island. So many tourists, so little rain, and only seven minutes a shower. It was her mother’s idea to use a kitchen timer. Haven twisted the dial to the right and placed the timer on the counter before stepping into the steady stream of hot water. If she had to take a quick shower, it was going to be a good one.

  She closed her eyes and lathered a handful of shampoo through long strands of auburn hair.

  He shouldn’t be stealing my heart and my breath

  We said good-bye with one very last kiss

  But no matter what, every corner I turn

  I see his face, his eyes, and it burns, it burns

  Haven raced to stop the water and hopped over the side of the tub. There had to be paper in here somewhere. She tore through the first cabinet drawer and then the other.

  “Ugh!” She exhaled, and then wrapped a towel around her chest before scurrying into her room. Her writing notebook was still in her bag, and that was in the front seat of her car. She repeated the words in her head faster this time, hoping they didn’t slip away as quickly as they had appeared.

  “Ah-ha!” She triumphantly pulled an envelope from a stack of unopened mail. Pens were easier to find. She grabbed a ballpoint next to her bed and frantically jotted down the lyrics on the back of the envelope. She read them again aloud and hummed a few bars in a minor key. She smiled.

  A shampoo trail slid along her temple. “Crap.” She touched the foamy mess still in her hair and hesitantly left the envelope on her bed, walking back to the shower with one eye on the envelope. Maybe if she stared hard enough, the rest of the song would come.

  Not knowing how much time she had actually spent in the shower before her burst of lyrical genius, she reset the timer for five minutes and rinsed her hair.

  The lyrics came at the strangest moments. Sometimes it happened when there was a guitar on her knee and her writing journal within arm’s reach, but usually it was completely inconvenient and random like this morning—the words hit her like an unexpected burst of energy, needing to be expended in that moment or she would spontaneously combust—at least it always felt that way.

  Haven twisted her hair between her palms and squeezed the water from her hair. She didn’t want to go to work before the song had hit her like a blast of cold air from the freezer hitting her in the face, but now the thought of standing in the store all day made her grit her teeth. She needed to finish it. She had to. If she called in sick, her mother would stop by, setting off a chain reaction from her aunts that would last all day. If she tried to take the day off, her father would never cease with the lectures on responsibility and setting a good exampl
e for the other employees.

  Good example, she huffed. Her father’s every move was a bad example. It annoyed her to her core how self-righteous he was when she knew how he spent his nights and sometimes his afternoons. Just being in the same room with him made her sick.

  He gave her one more reason to leave Perry Island. She wasn’t finished chasing her dream, and the longer she stayed, the more she had to put it on hold. Just like the lyrics on the back of that envelope.

  She grabbed a towel and dried herself before stepping into a pair of khaki shorts and a fitted T-shirt donning the logo for the island store where she worked.

  It was dark as she walked to the side of the cottage. It was an oversized beach house that had been divided into four apartments. Haven had one of the lower corner units. There was a view of the cove from the deck. Luckily, the last renter had left a hammock, and it was her favorite spot to summon the lyrics in her head.

  It had been a battle with her parents to have her own place for the summer. They couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to live at home. She didn’t understand why they didn’t accept her adult status in life. Did everyone who graduated from college and was on the brink of turning twenty-three have to deal with this? It would have been completely unbearable living under the same roof as her dad. There was no backing down on her part; she fought until they both gave in.

  She pulled a turquoise beach cruiser from the bike stand. The island was small. Everything was within riding distance. Haven rode to most places, enjoying the snippets of freedom the bike gave her. She threw her leg over the bike and pushed down on the pedal.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” Travis beamed as Haven reached behind him for an apron.

  He moved closer so that her arm grazed the firm muscles in his shoulder. The pair was almost eye level, and when he was this close, Haven could see deep flecks of amber in his dark eyes.

  “Hey.” She stepped back, slipped the straps over her neck, and tied the strings tightly around her waist. Nothing was more unflattering than these canvas aprons her father made everyone who worked at Owen’s General Store wear.

  “I’ve had better greetings,” the store clerk teased. He had stopped sweeping. He leaned against the broom handle with one arm while his free hand roamed Haven’s hip, resting on the curve of her waist. His palm felt warm through the thinness of her T-shirt.

  Haven rolled her eyes. “I’m not a morning person. You know this.” She tugged at his wrist, working herself free.

  “I wouldn’t forget something like that.” He smiled. She noticed he was overdue for a haircut. However, most surfers let their hair grow long in the summer. Travis wasn’t any different.

  “Just stop with the chipper-chipperness.” Her cheeks flushed pink with the memory of waking up under Travis’s tanned arms. That had been two days ago. She glanced over his shoulder and read the clock above the register. 5:45. Even with rushing around, she was still fifteen minutes late. God, she had to get out of here.

  Travis gripped the handle and turned his attention to the strokes of the broom across the store’s hardwood floors. “Got it.”

  She hadn’t meant to snap at him. He was just being Travis, and she was doing what she always did—lashing out at him when he was only being nice. But, it was too familiar, too intimate. True, things had taken an awkward turn since they had made out after Ben Jordan’s bonfire party, but somehow Haven had convinced herself they could do those things to each other in the dark under the influence of too many red cups, and it would magically disappear when they worked together at the store. It didn’t go as planned. It never did.

  “Trav, I’m—” Before she could complete the apology, her father barged through the back hallway. She bristled when he appeared.

  “Haven? You late again?” The white-haired man avoided his daughter’s eyes and looked at Travis.

  Unbelievable. This happened almost every morning and every morning Travis covered for her, but this time she didn’t deserve her ass to be saved. Her eyes darted toward the dark-haired boy as if to say, “It’s ok. I know I’m toast.”

  “Haven was here, sir. Right on time.” Travis circled around, concentrating on the dust pile and not Haven’s wide eyes.

  “Good. Travis, would you mind giving me a hand? There’s a delivery out back on the docks. Bait shrimp’s in.”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Owen.” Travis winked as he handed his broom to Haven. “Maybe you could finish this for me.”

  “Uh. Sure.” She took the handle and watched as the two men disappeared into the hallway’s delivery entrance.

  Travis would certainly give her a hard time about the whole exchange; he always did. If he thought covering for her would lead to more alone time, he had the wrong idea about what happened between them. Haven couldn’t deny they had chemistry and the night at the beach was hot—hotter than it should have been.

  Things had gradually escalated in the past month since she arrived home from college graduation. It started with an accidental kiss in the shadows of the employee parking lot after work, and then one night the kiss moved to the backseat of the car when Haven thought they had technically rounded second base. It was as if Travis had transformed into the hot new guy when she was gone last semester. Everything about his body was new to her.

  She secretly admitted she liked getting to know this side of him, but the there was one thing about him that hadn’t changed. He wasn’t interested in stepping one toe off the island, and Haven didn’t want to keep one toe on it. No amount of flirting or hot kisses could change that.

  Finding Haven Available NOW!

  Read other books by T.A. Foster

  Thank you to all those readers who discovered Kissing Eden and encouraged me to write this sequel. Grey and Eden thank you too. Sometimes all it takes is a little nudge.

  To my amazing family, thank you for being there for me through the late nights, early mornings, and all the crazy times in between. You make this all worthwhile.

  Mary-Kathryn, my writing partner, your feedback is invaluable on every book.

  A special thank you to the bloggers who supported Kissing Eden. Loving Eden wouldn’t exist without all the encouragement. Thank you!

  T.A. Foster once spent a monthlong spring break on South Padre Island, where she soaked in the Texas sun, beach, and learned what real Texas country music is. Sometimes fiction does spring from reality.

  She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children, and two canine kiddos.

  T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University. When she’s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing, or planning her next beach trip.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Notice

  Books by T.A. Foster

























  Finding Haven


  About the Author

  About the Book Designer




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