Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5)

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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5) Page 11

by Erin Osborne

  “We’re almost to the entrance,” Slim tells us, moving us as fast as he thinks I can move.

  Blade and Joker don’t try to make me move any faster than I am while Killer is watching our backs to make sure that no one sneaks up behind us. I know that Blade is scared as hell right now and he’s trying not to let anyone see. But, I feel the death grip he has on my hand and he’s constantly asking me if I’m okay.

  “Kitten are you ready to meet our son and daughter?” he asks, just as Slim opens a secret doorway.

  “Uh huh. I want the pain to stop and I know it’s only going to get worse before it gets better,” I grit out as another contraction hits.

  Blade tries to stop moving while I’m having the contraction, but I want to keep going. I slow down to a turtle’s pace even though I just want to curl up into a ball on the floor. Every time he tries to get us to stop moving, I tug on his arm and don’t let my feet stop moving. Honestly, I think the only reason I’m not stopping right now is because of the threat that’s happening outside the clubhouse. I know it’s Jason that’s behind it and it just makes me realize even more that he’s not going to stop until he gets what he wants. Me.

  “I think we need to talk after I have the babies,” I grit out to Blade.

  “About what?”

  “I’m letting him take me when the babies are born. Our son and daughter are not going to know what’s going on and be put in the line of fire because this asshole wants me.”

  “The fuck you are!” Blade yells out. “We’re gonna handle it and you’re goin’ nowhere but home to Clifton Falls when you all can leave the hospital.”

  Instead of saying anything in response, I just feel tears start to stream down my face. I know what I have to do to protect everyone. The guys will do what they can to get me back and I know in my heart that they will get me back. I just hope that it’s before I’m too broken to be a mother to Kenyon and Cory.

  I know the other guys have heard what I’ve said and I can feel the tension ratchet up so much more. I’m not going to argue my point or let anyone talk me out of doing what I gotta do though. It’s not just Blade or myself that I have to look out for anymore. We’re gonna have two little ones that need to be protected and guided to grow into strong, loving, loyal people. Blade and the rest of the club will make sure that happens.

  “About fifty more feet and we’ll be at the car. Playboy is waitin’ for us already. I called him since he was the only one that was out of the clubhouse when this started,” Slim tells us all.

  By this point, I don’t know how I’m going to make it another ten feet, let alone fifty feet. I think Blade and Joker can sense this as I feel myself being picked up on each side. The two men carry me the rest of the way and all I can do is hold on.


  We’ve been at the hospital for an hour or so now and Keira is definitely going to be giving birth to our children today. Dr. Sanchez has been here and they’re keeping a close eye on the babies. She’s already had to move around once so that one of their heart rates would pick back up. That was scary as hell, hearing the monitors going off and not knowing what was going on.

  One of the nurses taught me how to read the paper printing out of the monitor so I can help let my girl know where in the contraction she is. I know when one is going to hit now and I can tell her when she’s at the peak of her contraction. Now we’re just waiting for the doctor to come back in to let us know what the next step is. I know my girl didn’t want to have a cesarean section, but she might not have a choice in the matter. At this point, it’s a matter of getting the babies out before anything happens to them.

  “Almost done, kitten,” I tell her, as her latest contraction reaches the peak and starts to go away.

  Before it’s fully over with, Dr. Sanchez comes back in and looks over the monitor. I can tell just from her face that Keira isn’t going to be happy. So, I brace myself to find out what’s going on.

  “Keira as soon as this contraction is over with, I’m going to check you. If you haven’t progressed at all, then we’re going to take you in for a cesarean. I know it’s the last thing you want, but we need to think of the babies right now,” she tells her, reassuringly.

  “I know. Honestly, I don’t know how much longer I can do this. It feels like it’s been days instead of a few hours. And I know that you guys are watching the babies closely. So, whatever you think has to be done, let’s do.”

  The doctor does her thing and tells us that we are going to surgery instead of delivery. I knew it was a matter of time before we heard that news. Don’t ask me how I knew, but I knew Keira wasn’t going to deliver the way she wanted to.

  “Go out and let everyone know. Take a breather and come back to me babe,” Keira tells me, taking a break to relax a little before the next contraction hits.

  “Not leavin’ you alone,” I tell her.

  “Send Shy in and go take a break. Shy won’t let anything happen and she’ll come get you as soon as we’re ready to head back.”

  “I want her in here before I leave this room,” I say, pulling my phone out to let Slim know to send her here.

  Within minutes, Shy is knocking on the door and poking her head in. She takes my spot by Keira’s head so she can watch the monitor and help her through her contractions. It’s honestly almost like she knows what she has to do to help her already without me saying a single word to her. Has she been through this before and no one knows?

  “I’ll be back in a minute or two,” I say, kissing my girl before I leave the room.

  Walking down the hallway, I make my way into the waiting room Shy told me everyone was moved to. The guys are all sitting there watching tv, reading, or playing on their phones. Grim is the first to look up and notice me standing there.

  “You okay brother?” he asks, coming over to me.

  “Yeah. She’s got have a cesarean done. Not what she wanted, but it’s in the best interest of the kids,” I tell them all.

  “Most women carryin’ multiples end up havin’ that done any way,” Joker says, joining us.

  “I know. I’ve read and done research,” I answer honestly. “She wanted me to take a break before we go back.”

  “Cage is havin’ a hard fuckin’ time tryin’ to keep the girls in Clifton Falls. Especially Melody. Glock is debatin’ headin’ home right now to make sure she stays there,” Grim tells me.

  This is the first time that I’m truly realizing that the men and women that are in the club are going to be by our sides no matter what. I look around and see the few men that are here right now, knowing for a fact that more would be here if things at the clubhouse weren’t going to shit right now.

  “Any news of what’s goin’ down at the clubhouse?” I ask.

  “Not talkin’ about that now. You take your break and when the little ones are here, we’ll talk business,” Slim tells me.

  His tone alone tells me that I’m not going to get an answer from anyone in the waiting room. So, I sit down in one of the chairs and close my eyes for a second. I’m not going to sleep, instead I’m praying. I’m praying that my girl, my son, and my daughter are going to make it through this okay. I don’t want anything to happen to anyone in my little family. This includes my brothers and their women in the clubs we surround ourselves with.

  “Why don’t you get back in there so we can meet our niece and nephew,” Glock says, walking into the waiting room.

  “Where’s Melody?” I ask.

  “Finally sittin’ at home where she belongs right now. More goin’ on than you know, Brother.”

  “I got a pretty good idea. But, I’ll wait until you’re ready to tell everyone,” I say, a smirk on my face at his shocked expression.

  I don’t let anyone else say anything to me as I make my way back in to my girl. Shy is there, holding her hand and holding a wet rag against her forehead. Seeing this makes me scared that something is wrong and no one got me while I stepped out for a second.

  “Nothing is wrong
daddy,” Shy says, reading my expression. “She was getting hot and they don’t want her to have ice chips or anything. So, this is about all we could do for now. It’s just about time for you to get ready to go in though.”

  “Thank you,” I tell her, taking my spot back at Keira’s side.


  Kenyon and Cory made their entrance into this world in less time than I expected. Right now, the nurses have them and are cleaning them up and doing whatever else they have to do, my girl is in recovery, and I’m making my way to the waiting room to let the guys know. Keira did an amazing job and I couldn’t be more proud of her than I am right now. Dr. Sanchez told me that I’d have enough time to go talk to my brothers and Shy before the kids were brought back in to us. So I’m going to gather myself so I can be there for my new family.

  “Are they here?” Shy asks excitedly.

  “They are. Right now, the nurses have them and Keira is in recovery. You guys should be able to see them soon but I’m pretty sure they’re goin’ to limit the number of people goin’ in and out for now,” I tell them.

  “I bet they’re cute as fuck,” Shy says.

  The men are paying attention to me, but they don’t want to seem too excited over seeing my babies. They have to act like the badass bikers they are. But, I’ve seen them when the kids are around and I know they all melt and become wrapped around the little fingers belonging to every child of every club we’re friends with.

  I sit down and talk to my brothers to find out what happened at the clubhouse since we’ve been gone. Apparently, it was Jason that was trying to breach the gate and fence around the clubhouse. I’m not sure where the men with him came from, but he had a lot of guys with him. His ultimate goal was to have them distract us all enough so that he could get to Keira. This was all told to the remaining men by a few of the guys they captured. Jason managed to get away and some of Slim’s guys are out looking for him now.

  “You know he’s mine when they find him, right? I don’t give a fuck what you all do to him before I can get there as long as I get the kill shot and my time with him. It’s my girl the fucker is after and I want him!” I say, making sure everyone is paying attention to me.

  “You’ll get him son,” Slim assures me. “I’ll make sure that there’s more than enough left for you. I will also be gettin’ my hands on him. Keira has become like a second daughter to me and I want him almost as bad as you do.”

  Wood and Killer are nodding their heads right along with Slim. I know they’ve been the main two to watch my girl and they treat her like their little sister. She looks at them as her friends, brothers, and guys that she can depend on no matter what. The four of us want him more than anyone else here. We better get him soon before something worse happens. My children are here now and I get what Keira meant about protecting them at all costs.

  “Alright, I’m headin’ back in. It should be about time for my son and daughter to be brought back to us.”

  “You go enjoy some time with your family and tell the nurse to let us know when we can come in,” Grim tells me, offering his congratulations.

  “Okay. You guys don’t have to sit here though. We’re good,” I tell them all.

  “Not leavin’. The guys at the clubhouse got it under control and we want to meet little Kenyon and Cory,” Grim tells me.

  “Besides, if we don’t get pictures to take home with us, our women are goin’ to kill us. Or at the very least, make us sleep on the couch,” Joker tells me.

  The only thing I can do is laugh because I know that Joker’s right. Skylar has made them sleep on the couch more than once. Cage and him both vowed never to do anything to make that happen again. And I know that Melody will be worse than her because Keira is like her sister. I bet she’s just bitching about not being able to be here right now. More than likely, she’ll talk Glock into letting her and Anthony come here so she can be with her girl.

  “Glock, I think you need to make arrangements to bring Mel and Anthony here,” I say, pausing at the doorway. “You know she’s already formin’ a plan to get here anyway.”

  “I’ve been thinkin’ the same thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if she talked the new prospect, Glen, into bringin’ her here. Hell, she’s probably already on her way.”

  We all laugh because we all know that Glock is right. Melody gets something in her mind these days and she does it. It doesn’t matter what it is, Melody is like a lioness when she wants to do something. Especially when it concerns her family. Keira is the closest thing to family she has besides Glock.

  Turning around, I continue to make my way down to recovery. About halfway there, a nurse stops me to tell me that Keira is back in a room and they’re getting ready to bring the kids in. I quicken my pace to get in the room before the bassinets are wheeled in. Nothing is going to stop me from being in there when my son and daughter are brought back in to us.

  Quietly opening the door, I don’t want to disturb Keira if she’s sleeping. However, she’s sitting up in bed looking as relaxed as she can be right now. I know she’s in pain but my girl is going to tough it out like she always does. No one will know the amount of pain she’s in unless she wants you to see it.

  “I’m not sleeping,” Keira tells me. “I’m waiting for them to come back in with us. What’s taking so long?”

  “They’ll be here in just a few minutes. One of the nurses told me they were just finishin’ up.”

  “I can’t believe we’re parents.”

  “I know. You did amazin’ kitten. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Didn’t do anything other than lay on a table and get cut open babe.”

  “You didn’t throw a fit because you had to do it that way. You accepted what the doctor said and let them do their thing so nothin’ happen to Kenyon or Cory.”

  “Told you they are more important to me than anyone else in this world. It’s why I made the decision I made and why I’m seeing it through.”

  “Not talkin’ about that today. Maybe when we get back to Clifton Falls. Now, some of the guys are waitin’ to get in here. You tell me how many and who.”

  “I don’t care babe. I’m fine and if they all want to come in at once, have at it. As long as the nurses don’t care.”

  Within a few minutes, there’s a knock on the door and I’m expecting to see my brothers since I sent a message to Grim. Instead, two nurses are on the other side of the door and the greatest sight in the world, my son and daughter. I hold the door open so they can be wheeled in and I don’t let them out of my sight. It’s only going to get worse from here I think.

  One of the nurses checks on my girl while I move to stand between the two bassinets. Our son and daughter are so tiny and I don’t know how any clothes are going to fit them. I’m not worried about hurting them by holding them or dropping them though. I will do everything in my power to protect them.

  Cory is smaller than her brother and seeing her little face makes my heart melt. She’s going to be the spitting image of her mama and I know we’re gonna be beating the boys away. No one is going to ever be good enough for my little girl. Switching my gaze from Cory, I look down at Kenyon. He looks more like me and I know that I’m going to teach him everything I know. He’ll grow up to be a man that is loyal, caring, strong, and determined. Someone that he can be proud of and someone that doesn’t back down from a fight.

  “You okay over there, daddy?” Keira asks me, sitting up a little higher in the bed.

  “I’m just looking at our kids and thinking about how opposite they are.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “Already I know that Cory is gonna grow up lookin’ just like you. She already takes after your looks. Kenyon is going to look more like me. Cory is so much smaller than he is and I know she’s already wrapping me around her little finger.”

  “She’s only a few hours old, how can she be wrapping you around her little finger already?”

  “Because she’s gonna be a daddy’s girl.”

>   “Well, hand me Kenyon then so I can make him a mama’s boy,” Keira tells me.

  Before I can respond, there’s another knock on the door and I open it to see the guys waiting to come in and meet our son and daughter. For right now, it’s just the few guys from my club. Joker, Glock, and Grim come in and give Keira a hug and offer their congratulations before they walk over to meet Kenyon and Cory. Joker looks at me, silently asking permission to pick Kenyon up. I nod and go to pick Cory up at the same time. It’s definitely going to be harder to let someone else hold my little princess.

  “Come on Blade, let her go. It’s your brothers and not some random person. They all have kids of their own,” Keira tells me, knowing what’s going through my head right now.

  “I won’t hurt her, I promise,” Grim tells me, stepping in my space to take my daughter from my arms.

  I hesitantly hand my daughter over to Grim and stand between the two men holding my world in their hands. Keira is the only other part of my world and Glock is standing with her, getting ready to hand her his phone. Must be he called Melody and she wants to talk to her girl. Hopefully Glock warned her that we want to surprise her so we’re not letting her know that Melody and Anthony are coming here.

  Instead of paying attention to my girl on the phone though, I watch the guys holding my children like a hawk. Glock has made his way over and is shaking his head at me. Joker goes to hand off Kenyon to him and I’m just glad it isn’t my daughter. Not that I don’t trust these men with my life, and the lives of my children, I just need to keep them close where I can watch over them. Call me overprotective or whatever else you want to, I really don’t care. I see this being a matter of conflict between Keira and myself though.

  “Has it hit you yet?” Joker asks me.

  “It has. As soon as Kenyon was born it hit me. My life is changing for the better and I couldn’t be happier than I am right now. Well, I will be when we get this threat taken care of.”


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