Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5)

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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5) Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  “Okay. Well, then let’s get home so you can show me.”

  Walking into our home, I help Keira get the twins settled in so I can show her the surprise. As I lead her back downstairs, I can feel the tension mounting. Keira obviously has never had anyone do anything nice for her just because they wanted to. That’s going to fucking change.

  “Alright kitten, you ready?” I ask, putting my hand on the doorknob.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” she tells me.

  I open the door and let her go in before me. She stops as soon as she enters the room and just stares. In front of the wall is a desk so she can look outside while she’s writing. I got her a filing cabinet, a printer and paper, notebooks, pens, a bookshelf, and a ton more things she may need.

  “Why did you do this?” she asks, finally turning towards me with tears running down her face.

  “So you can follow your dream. Kitten, if writin’ and makin’ books is what you want to do, then I’m goin’ to make sure you can do it. Anythin’ you need, I have no problem gettin’ or payin’ for,” I tell her, wiping her tears away.

  “I’ve never had anyone do this, babe. Never.”

  “I can tell. But, you need to get used to me bein’ there to support you no matter what. I do have a question for you and I need an honest answer.”

  “What’s your question?”

  “I noticed you were writin’ an MC book. How do you know so much about clubs?” I ask her, making her look me in the eyes when she answers.

  “Well, you know the shitty upbringing I had. My dad wasn’t necessarily a part of a club, but he did associate with one. I paid attention to what I saw because I wanted to stay as far away from them as I possibly could. They scared the hell out of me. Especially one of the guys. The looks he gave me were not the ones a man of his age should’ve been giving a young girl. We even went to the clubhouse a few times. You know, when my dad actually took me somewhere with him.”

  “That’s why you don’t ask me questions about what I’m doin’ or want to know more than I tell you. Now, do you by chance remember the name of the club your dad had ties to?”

  “I think it was the Soulless something or other.”

  “The Soulless Bastards?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, I think that was their name.”

  “Well, you don’t ever have to worry about them kitten. That club doesn’t exist anymore. We made sure of that,” I tell her, wanting her to know that she doesn’t have anything to worry about.

  “Are you sure? Because they were pretty big when I was younger. I mean there were a ton of members.”

  “I’m sure. We made sure that they don’t exist and can never hurt anyone else again. Ever,” I tell her, needing her to know that she won’t ever have to think about them again. “Now, I’m goin’ to leave you here so you can get started doin’ your thing. I know that Irish put some office program on your computers so you can type out what you’ve already hand-written.”

  Keira just nods at me and heads over towards the desk. I did manage to get her a flash drive so she could save all of her work to transfer it from one computer to another. I close her in her new office and head upstairs to finish going through the boxes in the closet.


  I can’t believe that Blade went out and bought me what he thought I would need in order to write. I’ve always wanted to be an author, I’ve just never had the courage to follow through with that dream. There are a ton of stories that I’ve started and thrown away. The one that Blade found is an idea that I’ve been toying with for an MC story. Just recently I found the indie community where authors publish their own books and do a majority of the work themselves. Most of these books I’ve read have been MC. Now, I may not know much, but maybe this is some type of therapy for me letting out parts of my story of the small amount of dealings I had with the MC when I was younger.

  Blade already has my handwritten story sitting on my desk, so I turn on my desk top and let it boot up. I get everything set up where I want it and turn on music once the computer is ready to go. I open the writing program and just go to town. Within an hour, I have every word I’ve hand-written typed out. And I had written close to fifty pages. From there the words just continue to flow. Before I know it, I’ve typed out almost forty pages in a matter of hours.

  I’ve had no interruptions from Blade or the twins waking up. Blade has been true to his word and let me do my thing. But, I can’t sit in here anymore and continue to sit in front of the computer. I need to get something to eat and check on my family. Even though I’m following my dream, I’m not going to cast my family to the side and ignore them. They are, and always will be, my number one priority.

  Walking into the kitchen I see Blade starting to make dinner. He’s taken a shower and is standing there in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. They’re riding low on his hips and my mouth starts watering. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to be with him. Hell, we couldn’t even do anything on our wedding night. As long as the twins are still sleeping, I think it’s about time to change that fact.

  Before I can make any moves, he turns around and catches me staring at him. I can see the smirk that takes over his face because he knows where my head’s at. His eyes darken and I know he’s following the same thoughts that I’m having right now. I’m not going to make it easy though. So, I turn on my heel and make my way upstairs to our bedroom.

  As I walk upstairs, I start removing one piece of clothing at a time. I leave a path upstairs and I’m hoping that Blade will be following me. Finally naked, I climb on our bed and lay back against the pillows waiting for my man to make an appearance. He doesn’t disappoint. Within a few seconds I can hear him running up the stairs. A smile spreads across my face as I am finally going to get what I want.

  Blade opted to also take his clothes off on his way upstairs. So, when he enters the bedroom, I get to see him in all of his naked glory. My man is hot as fuck and I love seeing him naked. Since I first met him though, he has added a ton of muscle to his body. I’m guessing it’s from all the workouts he’s been doing with Tank.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this kitten?” he asks, standing at the end of the bed.

  “I’m more than ready babe. It feels like it’s been so long,” I tell him, the need I’m feeling making me sound desperate.

  No more words are said as Blade climbs on the bed and starts kissing his way up my body. My hands make their way to his shoulders as he stops at my thighs. As he stops and stares up at me, I can see every emotion running through his eyes. Breaking eye contact, Blade focuses on my pussy and I hold my breath as he lowers his head and swipes his tongue from my opening to my clit for the first time. The more that he runs his tongue up and down, sucking on my clit, the tighter my grasp becomes in the sheets. I can already feel my orgasm building and I know that it’s going to be intense and quick.

  “Blade….” I moan out.

  “It’s Michael now kitten. Only Michael when we’re in bed.”

  “Mi-michael,” I moan, my body starting to shake as the coil winds tighter and tighter. “More. Please!”

  Blade inserts a finger in me as he zeros in on my clit with his mouth. He bites and sucks as he pushes and pulls two fingers in me. Because it’s been a while I can feel him trying to stretch me a little bit, getting me ready for him.

  “So. Close,” I moan, starting to squirm on the mattress.

  Blade wraps his arms around my thighs, holding me in place. I tell him he’s torturing me when he does this, but he says he’s giving me nothing but pleasure. It only takes one more nip on my clit and I feel myself explode around his fingers.

  Before I can completely come down, Blade has his cock at my entrance and is kissing me like his life depends on it. Entering me slowly, I arch my back at the fullness I’m already feeling. Finally, he’s completely buried in me and he stops moving. I don’t want to wait though. So, I start to move my hips, letting him know that I’m fine without having to say anyt
hing to him. Taking the hint, Blade starts a slow pace, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back in. I meet him thrust for thrust and it’s not long before his pace quickens. Knowing that he’s going to wait until I cum at least once or twice more before he lets himself find his release, I move my hand down between our sweat-slickened bodies. Finding my clit, I start to rub circles around it before moving my hand lower to feel him as he’s pulling out of me.

  “Keep that up and I’m not goin’ to last long kitten,” Blade grits out.

  I want to see him lose control though. I want the roughness that he used to give me, so I keep my hand where it is. After a few more pumps, Blade does what I want and I feel his control starting to slip away. He’s not going to give up control that easily though. Pulling all the way out, he tells me to get on all fours, knowing I love this position.

  Without waiting, I feel him slam back into me as soon as I’m in the position he wants me in. The pace is quick as he reaches an arm around me to rub on my clit. Leaning farther over me, Blade starts kissing down my back. As he’s kissing his way back up, I turn my head to the side knowing that he’s going to want my mouth next. Just as our lips touch, he brings his other hand to my hip and I can feel his fingers dig in. This is my first cue that he’s getting close and trying to hold his release off.

  “Give it to me,” He grits out.

  One hard pinch on my clit is all I need to send me flying over the edge again. I yell out his name and throw my head back. My entire body is shaking and I know that he’s about to follow me over the edge. So, I squeeze my muscles around him and feel him still behind me. Blade growls out my name as his release overtakes him. Still slowly moving in and out, I can feel his body shake against mine before he lowers us to the bed. He turns us so we’re laying on our side as he holds me from behind, not losing our connection.

  “So. Good,” I mutter, feeling my eyelids getting heavy.

  Blade rubs my stomach as we both come down and try to slow our breathing down. I wrap my arm over his to get him to stop and just lay with me. When I was in Benton Falls, this is what I missed the most about being with Blade. Him just holding me while we gather ourselves. Before I can get too comfortable though, I feel him pulling away from me. I know he’s only going to get cleaned up real quick before he brings a washcloth in to clean me up. It’s the same every single time. As soon as he’s done, he makes sure the baby monitor is on and lays back down behind me. We wrap ourselves around one another and I fall asleep before I can say anything to him.

  Chapter Ten


  It’s been an interesting few weeks. I’ve been working on writing this book and Blade has done everything in his power to help me. If I need the housework done, dinner needs to be cooked, the twins need to be watched, or anything else, he is all over it. I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve had to write and get this book closer and closer to completion. If anything, I’m writing for me and no one may ever see it. Other than Blade because he’s already said that he will be reading this book.

  I’m sitting in the office when Melody comes bursting through the door with Glen on her heels. She’s panicked and telling me that Anthony is sick as fuck and needs medicine. She doesn’t want to take him anywhere and she doesn’t want me to stay with him because of the twins. So, she wants me to run to the store for her to get what he needs. Anthony doesn’t get sick often, but when he does, it’s bad. Saving my work, I grab my purse and keys before heading out the door.

  Just before I make it to the pharmacy, I spot a beat-up, rusted-out truck following me. I’ve never seen it before and I’m not sure what to do. Blade had to go out of town for the day so I don’t want to call him. The prospect that’s been at the house, I can’t remember his name, is supposed to be following me, but he’s not. I wonder where the fuck he is.

  I get to the part of the road that’s got a slight curve to it when the truck makes its move. As I go to go around the curve, whoever is driving the truck speeds up and rams me in the ass end of my car. Because I’m going around a curve, the car starts to fishtail before going into a spin. I have no clue what to do other than not to touch the brakes. So, I just wing it and I think I end up making it worse. What the fuck am I going to do now? is the last thought that I have before everything goes black.


  As I start to wake up, I can feel pain radiating through my body. The worst of it is coming from my wrist though. And it’s even worse because my hands are tied behind my back wrapped around a pole. The angle is awkward and I know that before I get found, my wrist is going to be broken for sure.

  Looking down, I see that my clothes are torn and I’m desperately trying to figure out what happened to me. Hell, right now I don’t even know how long I’ve been gone. I don’t know if anyone is looking for me, or if Blade’s even back yet. But, the main thought running through my head is what Kenyon and Cory are doing right now.

  Because there’s hardly any light in here, I try to figure out where the hell I am. Based on the smell and the fact that there isn’t any light, I’m guessing that I’m in a basement or some other dark ass, musty room. If I had one guess, I’m going to say that I’m at the house I was sharing with Jason. I really didn’t venture down in the basement, but I know he had to be behind me being taken. There’s nowhere else he’d take me. Only because he probably assumes that they wouldn’t think to look somewhere so obvious.

  Before I can try to figure anything else out, I hear a door open and someone walking down a flight of stairs. There’s no point in pretending that I’m still knocked out so I stare in the direction I hear the movement coming from.

  “I see your fat ass is finally awake,” Jason says, turning on a light. “Thought you were going to die and then I’d be out the money I’m thinking I’m going to get out of you.”

  “You aren’t getting shit from me, or from selling me,” I spit out, letting my rage shine through. “My husband and his brothers will find me before you can do anything to me.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Jason asks, getting even closer to me.

  “I mean, Blade is my husband and there’s nothing you can do to make that go away.”

  “You watch and see what the fuck I’ll do bitch!” he screams, punching me dead in my face before landing a kick to my side.

  I try my hardest not to scream out in pain or to flinch away from him. I swear it only turns him on to see the pain he’s inflicting. So, I tighten my body up and wait for the next blow to land. Surprisingly, there’s no other hit to hide from.

  “I’ll be back and you’re gonna do exactly what I fucking tell you to do,” Jason yells in my face, covering me with spit before leaving the room.

  I have no clue what Jason is talking about. The only thing that I know is that I’m not going to do a fucking thing that he wants me to do. He can beat the shit out of me, hurl all of the insults he wants to, and whatever else he plans to do. There isn’t anything in this world that could make me do anything that Jason wants me to do willingly. Well, if he decides to go after my family, I will have no choice but to do what he wants. I’m not risking them for anything in this world.

  Apparently, I’m going to have nothing but time to think and plan on my hands. So, I try to figure out how I’m going to first get my hands undone so I can try to protect my wrist and hand. I can’t take care of my family or write if I’ve got a busted-up hand.


  I’ve all but lost track of time. Every time I get knocked out by one of Jason’s goons, I don’t know if it’s been minutes, hours, or days. The only thing keeping me sane is the thought of my children, my husband, and my sister from another mister. I will do what I have to in order to get back to the people that own my heart.

  “Ready for another round?” Jason asks, coming down the stairs.

  “I’ll go down fighting you nasty ass prick,” I spit out.

  “Today’s the day that we take care of the pesky fact that you’re married,” Jason tells me, as
I see the papers he’s carrying out of the slit in my swollen eyes.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “I’m going to untie one of your hands and you’re going to sign these annulment papers. That way my investors and buyers don’t have to worry about a jealous husband trying to come after you.”

  “You think that me signing a piece of paper is going to make Blade and the rest of the clubs not come looking for me? You are so stupid if you think they won’t come looking for me. And then I’ll just marry the love of my life again,” I tell Jason, getting ready to have the use of my hand to claw and fight my way free.

  Jason walks slowly towards me and I can the see evil glint in his eye. “I know they won’t come looking for you. I already have plans in place.”

  As soon as he gets close to me, Jason flips his phone around to show me pictures of my twins. In some they’re with Melody and the rest of the girls, others they’re with Blade doing various things. I can see the pain etched on Blade’s face and I know these pictures are recent. I look up to Jason and see the hatred etched out on his features and wonder why I didn’t see this shit coming from a mile away.

  “You see, I can get to your little family any second I choose to,” he tells me.

  “You can go to fucking hell!” I spit in his face. “My family will never let you get close to them.”

  “I already am and your little club has no clue. You don’t think I already have someone in place in that club? Then you guys are the ones that are stupid as fuck.”

  Jason unties my arm and I see that I have a small opportunity to make my move. Seeing Jason getting ready to turn his face back to me, I slam my hand up into his nose. I can hear the sickening crunch of his bones and for a second I’m stunned that it actually worked. Jason is stunned enough that I get my other hand free and I try to stand so I can make my way out of the dark, dingy basement.

  My entire body hurts and it’s crying out for me to stop and sit back down. I have to keep moving though, I have to do everything in my power to get away from here and back to my family. They are the only thing I’m concerned about right now. My health and wellbeing is at the back of my mind, it’s not important to me.


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