The Broken and the Dead (Book 1)

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The Broken and the Dead (Book 1) Page 22

by Jay Morris

  “Lucy, we are all better off with him gone.”

  She didn’t look up but she did answer me;

  “Mr. Tucker gave me a map and one of the radios. He said he will call me every day and let me know where they are.”

  I shook my head, great, just great; he’s found a way to fool my sister again.

  I left her standing there with her teddy bear and went back downstairs. I felt left out, everyone had something to do except me. Some of the people were going up the hill behind the lodge to make a garden, one of several I found out. They were not going to make them very large and they were going to scatter them about in case of animal, human, or Z depredations. I finally saw Mrs. Livingston, she and Karen were heading into the lodge so I asked them if they needed any help and Mrs. Livingston said that indeed they did.

  Once in the kitchen I found that there were six large cardboard boxes that were filled with empty jars, empty jars and more empty jars.

  “What is all this for?” I asked.

  “We have to be ready for canning whatever we can before the winter sets in.”

  I agreed with that but really didn’t know what we were going to do but that only lasted a moment because apparently Mrs. Livingston didn’t like anyone to be idle because of the Devil or a playground, I really don’t know which. We started in washing the jars, the lids, and the little rubber rings that fit inside them. I actually thought this was crazy, it was going to be 3 months before we got anything from the gardens and even that is not very likely. That was when Darnell and Deputy Weir entered the kitchen with bushel baskets of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and zucchini squash. It seemed that the Livingston’s had a garden back at their place and she had sent Darnell and Weir back to gather what they could.

  So, I learned how to can things, Mrs. Livingston was patient and kind, she never raised her voice or lost her temper. If Karen or I did something wrong she just helped us do it again. For a little while I forgot it was the end of the world and worked and laughed with an ancient black lady and a pretty girl. When Karen started to sing softly some country songs that I recognized I joined her. It’s funny but that afternoon was the best day I could remember since the day of the outbreak. I noticed that Mrs. Livingston’s eyes were quick and sparkled and that she didn’t miss much. I noticed that Karen’s were big and brown and made me think of a doe in the forest. I noticed that mine kept traveling back to look at Karen’s.

  Day 18, Continued, Scouting Mission

  The Humvee bounced and jerked its way upon to the service road and proceeded to head to the overpass, Lt. Klein, the SSgt and Old Man Tucker had laid out a search pattern on a map, jumping in roughly concentric circles with the lodge at the center. Staff Sergeant Barnes was driving, Janey in the passenger seat and OMT in the second row. He was pressing up between them, showing Janey the map and the plan.

  “There is something else Janey, something we talked about but didn’t share with the others.”

  “Oh really” she said with a very teenage like voice of condescension.

  “Hey, this is your deal Tucker.” joked the Staff Sergeant.

  “Right, well, if we get the opportunity we are going to attack and try to take out at least one of their 4 Z search teams. Janey’s brow raised a bit, apparently this had not been the announcement she was expecting.

  “Are you two telling me that you are actually LOOKING for the Zs? That you actually want to find them?” she was aghast at the prospect.

  OMT said “The Lieutenant and Staff Sergeant Barnes brought a couple of surprises with them in their MRAPs.”

  She looked suspiciously at them and Staff Sergeant Barnes chuckled,

  “Yeah, we have some claymore mines, they can do a number on the Zs even the up-armored ones.”

  OMT interjected “If we can get them in the kill zone that is.”

  “And just what is the kill zone for this thing?” she asked.

  OMT answered,

  “Well, the mine has about 700 balls in it, each one is about 1/8” in diameter, they shoot out in a fan, about like this.” and he held his hands out at about 60 degrees. “They will go about 100 yards, more or less but we really want them about 50 yards out, that’s best.”

  “And just how are you going to get them into this kill zone?” she asked.

  “Ok, here is the plan...” OMT began.

  “Kinda stupid plan”, Barnes slipped into the conversation.

  “Shut up” OMT said then continued “We set the mine up somewhere on the edge of an open field. All pre-aimed you see, all set up, then I come out and give the Z’s the finger or something, they chase me, I run right across the front of the mine and when I’m clear and they aren’t: BANG. We take them out.”

  “See? Stupid plan, I should be the one running.” Barnes said.

  “Hey, my plan, I run, when it’s your plan you get to run.” OMT countered.

  Janey rolled her eyes

  “I agree with the Staff Sergeant.” she said.

  “What?” OMT blurted as Sergeant Barnes voiced a solid

  “YEAH.” Janey withstood OMTs ire for a moment before she continued

  “With one minor modification, I do the running.”

  “NO WAY” the sergeant said.

  OMT added his “Out of the question.”

  “You guys are silly, look, I’m younger and faster than both of you, you are wearing all this crap.” she said pulling at staff sergeant’s body armor; “and you Mr. Tucker, you couldn’t out run a turtle with a head start.”

  She laughed as she reached over and shook his belly.

  “Hey, I’m dangerous over short distances.” he said in melancholy voice.

  “I LOVE that movie!” Sergeant Barnes said as he broke into a reasonable facsimile of the theme to “Lord of the Rings”.

  OMT looked at him like he was crazy.

  “Fellows, look, you are both better shots than I am, this way we get the fastest guy, or girl in this case, with the two best shots watching my back!”

  They sat in silence for a bit then the younger man said

  “She has a point Tucker.”

  “I know she does, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.” OMT said in a serious, quiet tone.

  The trio made their way through 2 small towns, both of which were devoid of life, excepting the birds that seemed to recognize the abundance of carrion. Occasionally they found a Z corpse, but disappointingly few.

  “They are sure getting harder to kill” the Staff Sergeant observed.

  The other two said nothing, OMT because he didn’t feel like restating the obvious and Janey because she hadn’t seen this scale of death before. They found one gas station that was pretty much intact and they closed it up, circled on their map. If they could they would come back this way and raid it, otherwise at least its location was noted. That night they parked under an old trestle bridge, taking turns keeping watch.

  As the evening set in back at the lodge the kitchen crew had made remarkable progress and while there were still canning to do, it was satisfying to see the rows of brightly colored jars. Mrs. Driscol had announced after dinner that since it was Saturday, everyone had to bathe. Everyone without exception she reiterated; at which time Lucy made a bolt for it, Ronald Bear in tow; alas for poor Lucy, Mrs. Driscol was expecting such a maneuver and was able to intercept her in her escape attempt. The day had been bright and warm and they had not used the lights at all, even then they had candles burning, this saved the solar charged batteries which were now being used to heat our water supply. It was great having well water to drink, especially on a hot day, but bathing in 56 degree water is not an enjoyable experience, hence the solar panels were employed to this end. The baths were taken in reverse order of age with the exception of Deputy Weir who had the first roof top watch and Mrs. Franks who was sleeping soundly so they decided her bath could wait. It felt great to be completely clean, we had all been doing ‘sponge baths’ but soaking in a tube was a wonderful experience, even if the amount
of water and the duration of the soak were limited.

  I went to sleep easily that night and didn’t think about Janey more than twice, okay maybe three times tops, there wasn’t anything I could do for her; I just hoped that she would survive where so many others around OMT did not.

  Day 19

  The next morning I was ripped from my slumber by such a high pitched scream that its source could only be Lucy. Wearing only my ‘tighty-whiteys’ and carrying my M16 I ran into the crowded hallway, everyone seemed just as confused as I. Lots of cries like “what happened?” and “who is on watch?” just merged into one great mumble. Rico came down from the roof and the Lieutenant from downstairs watch. They seemed just as shocked as the rest of us. In ones and twos the group first peered into the bath then they silently stepped away. When I got there with Elaine right behind me I saw Mom Driscol holding Lucy and Mrs. Livingston kneeling next to her, gently stroking her hair. They were telling her that it would be okay and that they were going to take her downstairs and get her something to eat.

  That was when I saw Mrs. Franks, she was lying face up in the bottom of the tub. Water lapped at the edge and quite a bit was on the floor. She was fully dressed and was wearing a fancy black dress I had not seen before. Her knees were bent, together and leaning against the side of the tub. The wet dress must have been a long one because it went over her knees and back down her legs and it floated around her calves. I heard Elaine gasp behind me and they ushered Lucy out of the room. I wanted to run out of there myself but the corpse held me there as if it wanted to tell me something. Her blond hair now streaked with grey floated around her face making a slowly evolving picture frame. Her eyes were open and just for a moment I thought she blinked and I stepped back, the strangest thing of all; she was smiling. Darnell put his hand on my shoulder and said softly

  “J-dude why don’t you get dressed and head on downstairs, Rico and I can take care of things.”

  I nodded, turned and walked quickly out of the room.

  Day 19, Continued, Scout Mission

  Long before Lucy found Mrs. Franks the Assault Team, or as Rico liked to call them, The A-Team, were back on the road. They had gone through one town at day break and found no survivors and the remains they found were in a terrible state, the SSgt. speculated that the people may have been evacuated early on and these few were just the ones who decided to stay. They searched a grocery but found very little except rotten meat and decayed fruits and vegetables. They had a little more luck at a Five & Dime where they found an untouched fishing rod display and several dozen spools of varying strength line and a rack of assorted lures. The small things were put into a big white plastic bucket and the rods and reels were bundled together with some Velcro self-adhesive packing straps they found. They came in a 50 yard roll, were cut to length and were reusable; pretty cool really.

  By nine A.M. they were on the outskirts of another small town that was nestled in a small valley and lay alongside of a river. The watched from high up on a nearby hill, there was movement of the Z sort down below. Janey christened the groups of four Zs to be Quads, and there were two quads working their way from either end of the town intending to meet in the middle. They were systematic; street by street, building by building they entered them three at a time with one Z waiting in the street. It looked as if this town too was empty when a shotgun blast rang out from one of the houses, it was followed by a scream, the Z in the street watched until a moment later the Z that had entered the building reappeared, and it seemed no worse for wear. “Shit” the Staff Sergeant muttered as he handed the binoculars to OMT, he then whispered “center of town, north side of the square, roof of the post office.” “I see them.” OMT answered, “I count three, two kids and either a young man or older teen with a hunting rifle.” he said. Barnes said there were two more at least, a man with a hand gun and a woman who might have been carrying a baby.

  “Shit” Janey added.

  OMT handed her the binoculars.

  “Now what Tucker?”

  The Sergeant asked. There was a pause before he said

  “A new plan Vince, a new plan.”

  The A-team had no idea how many people were actually in the post office and the two quads were closing too quickly anyway to just pull up and honk the horn. That leaves two options; leave or wipe out the quads.

  “We need a trap, we need them where we want them” OMT said.

  “How about there? “ Vince said.

  He pointed to a long narrow alley that ran between a two story, windowless ware house and a parking lot with a 10’ tall, chain link fence topped with concertina wire on the other.

  “We put a claymore at one end, Janey up on the roof of the building, I lead them down the alley, once clear Mr. Mine knocks them down, Janey pops up on the roof shooting down, Tucker you come out from behind those oil drums in the lot with your Thompson, if there is anything left I pick them off from the Humvee.” Vince described.

  “Hmmmm” Janey said, “How do Mr. Tucker and I not get found out? The Zs haven’t searched there yet?”

  “We will have to get in place after they pass.” OMT said as if thinking aloud.

  “You will have to follow the quad and set up once they move on.” Vince said.

  “So we are supposed to silently follow a group of super human-hunters? Do I have that right?”

  Janey asked. The two men looked at each other for a moment then almost as one they said

  “Yeah, that’s about right.”

  “Just checking.” Janey said.

  Vince smiled, “Out fucking standing.” he said.

  OMT and Janey armed themselves, OMT took the claymore in its bandolier, and a back with a Colt .45 model 1911 in it along with the spare mag for the Thompson and two for the Colt. Janey had her M4 and two spare thirty round magazines.

  “Alright” Vince said, “When you are in place and set up, Janey you signal me with this mirror, no radios just in case, okay?”

  Janey took the mirror and nodded.

  “Let’s go then.” OMT said.

  The old man and the girl started off down the road towards the little town with the Marine nervously watching them with the binoculars.

  Day 19, Continued, Frank’s Family Lodge

  Rico and Deputy Weir dug a grave up on the hill for Mrs. Franks next to her husband’s. Everyone came to say goodbye, even Lucy who seemed to have recovered from her early morning shock. She had a death grip with one hand on Ronald Bear with one arm and on Elaine’s right leg with the other. The Deputy had returned to the lodge to take over-watch for Kyle and his sister so they could come up with the rest of us. As I looked around the circle around the grave I noticed a few things: 1) Elaine had really done a great job with Lucy since Mom was killed, 2) except for OMT who didn’t really count, Mrs. Driscol was the last adult from our original group, and 3) I saw that Mrs. Driscol was sobbing uncontrollably, Lucy was in shock, and everyone else seemed sad, I felt nothing. I wasn’t sad or upset, I didn’t mind being there but it was more like I was watching a pre-school soccer game. It was there but it didn’t matter if there were any goals or not. So what if Mrs. Franks decided to check out? At least she got to pick the time and manner of her death, that was more than most of us would get.

  Mr. Livingston read two things from the bible, first was the one about everything having a season but the second one I had never heard before, it was something about how we should not fear evil men because they would dry up and blow away. I liked that, I liked the idea that evil men, the evil monsters, would not last forever. It dawned on me that maybe, just maybe Mr. Livingston was right and that someday the Zs would dry up and blow away. The trick was to stay alive long enough until that happened.

  I started to turn and walk away when Mrs. Livingston’s wrinkled hand grabbed my shoulder,

  “Just a minute boy, we are going to sing now.”

  I looked up at her and she seemed rather sure of her announcement so I stayed and sing we did.

�Shall We Gather at the River”

  We sang softly, barely audibly really but I even knew most of the words. When that was over everyone started back to the house except for Rico and Kyle who stayed behind to fill the grave in, the hill seemed longer going down than it did going up. I was walking off to one side from the others when I saw that Mrs. Livingston was veering on an intercept course towards me.

  “Just a minute Johnny,” Mrs. Livingston said, “can I speak with you a minute.”

  “Sure” I said and I stopped to face her.

  She wrapped a lacey shawl around herself, she looked over at her husband who was walking next to Lucy and holding the little girls hand. She smiled a sad smile and looked back to me.

  “Johnny, do you know anything about those cars over there?”

  She nodded with her head into the forest. I looked in the direction she indicated and I could just make out the cars that OMT had hidden there. I squinted like I was trying to make them out, “Hmmm, well I’ll be.” I said.

  “No, maybe the Franks kept old vehicles back there.”

  “Humph” Mrs. Livingston said and we started to walk back to the lodge together.

  After a moment she said

  “One of those cars looks like one that belonged to Janae’s boyfriend.”

  I started to protest but I couldn’t so I just said

  “Really? Which one?” “I don’t know what kind it is but its silver.” she said.

  I turned and looked again,

  “Yep, there is a silver one in there but I can’t tell what it is either.”

  I looked back at her “I am sure there are lots of silver cars in the world.”

  She looked at me over her wire framed glasses.

  “Yes, Johnny, I guess there are.” she said.

  I smiled at her once more and turned and started back to the lodge. I felt her watching me; I could feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head. I tried not to appear nervous, or hurried, but my stomach was full of butterflies. I don’t know which was worse, that I was covering for OMT or that my role and Janey’s role in what happened may be revealed. I feared what might happen to the kind old lady if she found out that her daughter had been murdered.


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