Grayson: Twins (Members From Money Book 22)

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Grayson: Twins (Members From Money Book 22) Page 8

by Katie Dowe

  “What is it?”

  “You need to see it.” He approached and placed the device in front of his employer, touching it to enlarge the picture and the caption which read: ‘Billionaire club and restaurant owner Grayson Whitfield seen here with entertainer at one of his many clubs Avia Whyte and they are pregnant with twins! Is the elusive and handsome bachelor ready to settle down now that children are on the way?”. There was a picture of them coming out of Henry Whittingham’s medical center. He hadn't seen any reporters around but then again when are they ever seen?

  “What do you want me to do?” Claude looked at him curiously. He'd never said anything to him about seeing someone but then again Claude had learned over the years that he was a very private man.

  “Nothing,” he said grimly. “Just say no comment.”

  “That's only going to feed their curiosity even more,” Claude ventured.

  “Refer them to me when they call next.”

  “Okay, sir.” He nodded and picked up his laptop. “The plane is ready to leave within the hour.”


  Claude left and closed the door behind him. With a grim smile he realized that he could use this as leverage in getting what he wanted.


  Grayson sent a driver for her. His assistant called and told her what time to get ready and a driver arrived at her apartment complete with a suit as if he'd been sent to guard the queen or something like that. She had hoped he'd have come by last night but he'd told her that he had something to take care of and he would see her tomorrow. “Okay Grayson,” she muttered. “You want to play hard to get, then so be it.”

  She dressed with extra care, wearing a plum colored sheer dress with pleats at the front that opened and closed with each step she made. Her hair had grown thicker and fuller and she'd brushed the lustrous strands and piled them on top of her head. Pregnancy had given her cocoa brown skin an added glow which needed little or no makeup. The dress was short and exposed her legs, which she had just shaved this morning. Diamond knobs glinted at her lobes and she was wearing a platinum necklace with a diamond pendant that settled in her cleavage. The top of the dress exposed her smooth complexion and the thin straps crisscrossed at the back. She grabbed a light summer jacket to go with it and she was ready.

  “Shall we?” she said to the man sweetly as she took his arm.


  “I thought you would be coming together,” Grace said as soon as her son showed up without Avia.

  “I had some business so I sent a driver for her.” He kissed her cheek fondly as soon as he came in.

  “On a Saturday, darling?” she sighed. “You need to lighten up and stop working so hard. Hopefully when the children come you'll do so.”

  “I love what I do Mother.” He accepted the glass of wine that was handed to him by one of the uniformed maids as they went into the living room. “And I thought we were having dinner by the pool?”

  “We are as soon as Avia shows up.”

  They both turned as they heard the sound of a vehicle. “Ah, just in time.” Grace said as she went to the door.

  Chapter 8

  Avia ignored him. She was helped from the vehicle by the driver whose name she discovered was Benjamin and had been working for Grayson for the past ten years. “Thank you Ben,” she said with a gracious smile as he released her hand.

  “Thank you Ms. Avia,” he told her with a smile.

  “My dear!” Grace exclaimed as she came forward to meet her. “It's lovely to finally meet you. And I have to say you are the most gorgeous pregnant woman I have ever seen.”

  “I like you already,” Avia said with a smile as the woman took both her hands. “I love the place. It makes me think of a palace without the dreariness.”

  “Thank you. We're dining outside next to the pool.”

  “Wonderful. I love the outdoors in the summer.” He was standing behind his mother and she barely glanced at him.

  “Darling, please escort Avia.”

  “That’s okay, I can find my way,” she sent him a cool look which had his mother hiding a smile.

  “Of course.” She linked arms with Avia and they walked across the lush lawns and onto the cobbled stones of the path to where the sparkling blue water of the pool greeted them. A table had been set and chairs put out. He pulled one out for her and she sat without saying anything to him. “I'll go and see what the chef is up to,” Grace said as she made her exit.

  “Are you going to ignore me for the entire evening?” he asked her mildly as he took his seat at the opposite end of the table.

  “That’s the plan,” she told him coolly.

  “I'm the one who should be mad at you.”

  “And why is that? Because I declined your very gracious offer of marriage?”

  “Yes,” he told her tightly. “I want my family with me. Is that so hard to understand?”

  “You mean you want your children with you,” she corrected him.

  “I also want you.”

  “You have me when you come over and that should be enough.” She reached over to pour herself some water, pulling back her hand as he went to do it for her.

  “I want more.”

  “Too damned bad.” She accepted the glass and sipped the cool water. The place was serenely quiet and was located in a very exclusive neighborhood. She had a glimpse of a tennis court at the far side of the property and lovely fruit trees laden with their different fruits. The air smelled of jasmine and oleanders and some other exotic plants she couldn't quite identify. “You knew the deal before we started.”

  “That’s just it, I didn't know you were using me as a sperm donor!” he hissed at her.

  “Well that’s true darling and I do apologize for the oversight but I'm not the marrying kind. I like my freedom.”

  “You make it sound like marriage is a prison term.”

  “It might as well be for all the prisoners it takes.” She put the glass away. “I'm not marrying you for the sake of the children so deal with it and stop pouting.”

  “He wants to marry you?” They'd been so caught up in the conversation that they hadn't heard his mother behind them.

  Avia turned to the woman and smiled. “Yes and he's mad at me because he turned him down.”

  “Why have you?”

  “Mother!” Grayson warned. Both women ignored him.

  “Because I don’t believe in it.”

  “My dear, marriage is a very special institution and one that will work as long as you're committed.”

  “I'm sure you think so. I understand you lost your husband a long time ago. How did you feel?”

  “I was lost for a long time and then I started living again. I'm actually seeing someone else now.”

  “And how is that going?”

  “Very good actually.”

  “Are you in love with him?”

  “I love him, not like I loved Grayson’s father but we're very content with each other.”

  “See that’s the whole point. You were in love with your husband and now you're with someone else. How can you bear to be with another man after him?”

  The woman looked at her in shock for a moment and was spared having to reply because the maids started bringing the food out. Grayson hid a smile behind his napkin. He was frustrated beyond belief at her constant rationalization, but he was also fascinated by how honest she was.

  Grace waited until they were well into the meal before she spoke again. “How's the duck?”

  “Delicious,” Avia said with a sigh. “I don’t cook much but I plan on doing so as soon as the babies come.”

  “That’s good dear,” Grace said, a little distracted. “I loved Andrew,” she said quietly, causing Avia to look up at her. “I fell in love with him when I was in my twenties and have loved him ever since. He's gone and it took me a long time to accept that he's never coming back. The man I'm seeing now also lost his wife and together we find comfort in each other.”

reached out to took the woman’s hand in hers. “I'm sure you do. I have a lot of issues where marriage is concerned and usually I don’t force them on people.” She looked over at Grayson and his eyes met hers. “I've been on my own for a very long time and I'm going to have to make adjustments when the children come. I can only deal with one drastic change at a time.”

  “I would love to have you as a daughter-in-law.”

  “Thank you.” She moved her hand and finished the meal in silence. She could feel him watching her and suddenly she wanted to feel his mouth on hers, his body against hers. It was as if an inferno had been turned on inside her.

  She waited impatiently for the meal to finish and then said to him. “How about a tour of this lovely place?”

  “Go ahead, I'll sit out here and enjoy the sunshine.” Grace said waving them away.

  He helped her up from the chair and held her hand as they made their way across the lawn and into the house. Avia caught glimpses of dazzling chandeliers, a huge fireplace and lovely painted walls as they made their way through the halls and rooms. “Where is your bedroom?”

  “Upstairs. Why?”

  “I have something I need to do.”


  He took her hand and led her carefully up the spiral staircase. He opened the doors and ushered her inside. “I haven't been here—” his voice petered off as he turned to look at her. She'd taken off the dress leaving on her white lace panties. Her belly jutted over the lace and he'd never seen anyone so sexy in his entire life. “Avia.” His throat was dry as he looked at her.

  “I need to be taken care of,” she said huskily. She walked over to the sofa and sat there carefully, opening her legs wide. As he started to walk over she laid down on the cushions and shimmied out of her panties, lifting one leg and putting it over the back of the sofa, her sex revealed and already wet. “I've been thinking about this since dinner. I could hardly sit still.”

  He didn't have time to undress. His erection was straining so much against the material of his pants that it was painful. “You should have said something,” he said hoarsely as he went to his knees before her.

  “That would have made an interesting conversation,” she said with a sultry laugh. “I'm sorry Grace but could you excuse us? I want to feel your son’s exceptional penis deep inside me.”

  “My penis is exceptional?” he eased into her slowly, closing his eyes as her wetness welcomed him.

  “Extremely,” she murmured as he went in deep. “And very satisfying.” She moaned as he bent to take a nipple inside his mouth. “Grayson! Oh Lord! Please don’t stop darling. Please!”

  He humored her as his mouth plucked at her nipple hungrily. He'd missed her so much that it had practically driven him crazy. This extraordinary contrary woman who made him so mad at one moment and then crazy with passion for her in the next. He lifted his head and took her lips with his savagely, his tongue invading her mouth as he plunged into her over and over again.


  He took her to his apartment that night after they left his mother’s place. He didn't get to give her the entire tour of the place because they'd been carried away by the overwhelming desire that had taken them over. He'd switched positions and had taken her from behind, his hands stroking her belly possessively as he went inside her deep, shaking her to the core. She'd been insatiable and had demanded more and he'd been more than willing to give her what she needed, what they both needed. So time had run away from them and the lovemaking had left them weak and shaken, barely able to make it back outside. They'd left soon after and he had told her that she was coming home with him. “It’s time you knew where I live,” his voice had brooked no argument and she hadn't offered any. For the first time in her life she was not in control of a situation and she was confused.

  “It hardly seems like someone lives here,” she murmured as she looked around the luxurious split level penthouse suite.

  “I hardly spend time here.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants as he watched her circling the hardwood floor. Her hair had escaped the chignon she had put it in and as much as she'd tried to repair the damage he had done with his seeking fingers she hadn't been completely successful. Tendrils rested on her cheeks and on her forehead.

  “I can see that darling,” she went into the kitchen and he followed her. She clapped in delight at the ultramodern kitchen with its shiny chrome and black décor. “Do you cook?”

  “I do,” he smiled at her as he went to get them some juice from the fridge. “But I prefer to eat out.” He handed her the glass of frosted fruit punch. “I have a function I have to attend next Saturday and I want you to come with me.”

  “As your baby mama?” she asked him wickedly as she sipped the juice.

  “As my woman.” He smiled at the look on her exquisite face. “For want of a better term. What do I call you?”

  “You can call me Avia,” she told him firmly. “I don’t do well with titles darling.”

  He reached over and took her slim left hand. “Emerald with diamonds surrounding the stone. Not ostentatious but tasteful.”

  She dragged her hand away and wrapped it around the glass. “You make my body hum and I lose control when you even look at me like you're doing now but I've still got full use of my faculties, enough to know that I'm not getting married.”

  “We'll see,” he said calmly as he got to his feet.

  “What does that mean?” she demanded as she slid off the stool carefully and followed him into the wide open space that served as a living room, and dining room. There were wide expanses of glass that allowed them to see the terrific view.

  “Exactly what I said,” he bent and lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her hands around his neck.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to bed. Tomorrow is Sunday and we're going to spend the entire day in bed and then we might go for a drive into the hills.”

  “You have it all planned, don’t you?”

  He bounded up the steps with her and she wondered at the ease at which he did so. “I do.”

  His bedroom was purely masculine and was done in shades of tan and cream. A huge closet opened into the bedroom and she could see rows upon rows of shelves and clothes hanging from hangers. “I thought you said you don’t spend a lot of time here.”

  “I don’t but I intend to now.” He placed her onto the king sized bed and stepped back to take off his shirt and shoes.


  “Because you're here,” he said simply.

  “Grayson I'm not—”

  “You're not marrying me. I get it.” He climbed onto the bed with her and ran his hand over her smooth thigh, lifting her dress up. “If you're not marrying me then we're going to be living together.”

  “We are not—”

  He bent his head and cut off the rest of the sentence with a deep kiss that stole her breath and had her reaching for him. He lifted his head and looked down at her. “I'm not going to be without you or my children. So decide.” He put his hand between her legs and removed her panties, his fingers seeking the warmth and wetness of her.

  “You're not bullying me,” she gasped as his fingers went in deep. “Grayson.”

  “Hmm,” his hazel eyes bored into hers. “Lift your legs.”

  She did and gasped as he sank deep into her, thrusting slowly with his finger until he added another, reaching deep into her core. She screamed, her body moving towards his seeking fingers. She was falling, so fast that she had to grab his hand as her entire body burst into flames. “NO!” she panted, her fingers digging into his wrist. “Grayson, please no.”

  “Let go baby,” he whispered.

  She did and felt as if she was on the brink of madness. He bent and kissed her belly gently as they waited for the trembling to stop. When it did he turned her onto her side and entered her swiftly, his hands wrapped around her belly as he moved into her slowly, as if he had all the time in the world. She twisted her head around
and he took her lips with his hungrily. Avia moaned into his mouth, her body heating up again although not quite recovered from the powerful orgasm that had rocked her world.


  He fell asleep with his hand over her bulging belly. He'd moved his hands over her and had smiled as he felt his children moving inside her. He'd talked to them softly and she had watched his bent head as he did so. Something strange had passed through her as she looked at him and listened to his foolish talk. She lifted her head and looked at him, really looked at him. He was gorgeous but she already knew that. He had tiny freckles on the bridge of his straight nose. He needed a shave, she thought absently and he had girl lashes, she thought with a whimsical smile. He had a strong chin and determined jaw line. She'd caught a brief glimpse of the gym as they were downstairs and that explained the play of muscles in his chest and arms and his powerful legs. He wasn't just a suit and tie guy but he was rugged and she suspected that he could be ruthless. He would have to be in order to own and operate clubs and restaurants all over the world. If only— she broke off the thought abruptly. She was not living with him, nor was she marrying him.


  She stretched luxuriously, almost purring as she felt the soft cotton sheets beneath her naked skin. Her eyes opened slowly and she saw the sun trying to peek through the heavy damask curtains at the windows. She rolled over and saw that he wasn't next to her on the bed. A look at the clock showed her that it was almost eleven. Her stomach was growling, indicating that she needed sustenance for her and the twins. “Sorry, Mommy overslept darlings,” she whispered as she got off the impossibly high bed and reached for the shirt he'd taken off last night. She took a quick peek into the rest of the rooms before she headed down the stairs. She found him in the kitchen with his head bent over a device in his hand. She stood there for several seconds before he looked up and saw her. His eyes wandered over her, obviously liking that she was wearing his shirt. She had buttoned only half of it and he could see the clear outlines of her breasts. He was wearing a loose pants and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Avia walked over to him and let her hands wander over his chest. “Hi,” she leaned in and nibbled at his bottom lip. “Avia,” he groaned and pulled her between his legs.


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