Reckless (Deathstalkers MC Book 9)

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Reckless (Deathstalkers MC Book 9) Page 9

by Alexis Noelle

  Carly's hand grips my sides her nails digging into my skin, but I couldn't care less.

  Pres looks up at me. “Tie up that motherfucker I knocked out downstairs and then wake him the fuck up. Get what you can out of him and then come get me so I can make him wish he was never born.” I nod.

  I look over at Brick and jerk my head toward the hallway, and he nods saying something to Jess before following me.

  "We got two guys by the back door, one is dead, the other one is just knocked out." I point down to the bodies lying there. "Help me get him downstairs, and I'll take it from there. After that just get rid of the other one."

  "Got it, brother, this shit is majorly fucked up." All I can do is nod at him.

  This all still feels surreal, especially the fact that we lost Izzy.

  I know that shit is going to fuck Pres’s head up.

  We get the asshole downstairs to the basement, and I fill up a bucket with ice water. Once I dump it over his head, he jolts awake with a groan.

  "This is how this shit will go. You are going to tell me what I want to know. If you do, you'll die quicker, if you choose not to, I'll fuck you up until you do tell me. Then you'll be killed in the most fucked up way we can imagine." I look over at him, and it's the first time I notice how young he looks.

  His sandy brown hair covers his forehead and pimples are scattered all over his face. He starts to cry as his fate sets in.

  “How old are you kid?”

  “Si—sixteen,” he manages to say before starting to cry even harder.

  I walk over, gripping his hair and tilting his face up to me. "Why the fuck did you come here?" He just keeps crying, and it's really pissing me off. "Stop fucking crying now, you're pissing me off." I slap him across the face to try and jolt him out of it.

  "I don't know anything! We were told to come here, get some girl, and bring her back with us." He looks up at me, and I can tell by his face he's telling me the truth.

  “What girl?”

  "I don't know her name. They gave us a picture. It's in my pocket." He jerks his right leg, and I bend down to get it out.

  It’s a picture that looks like it was taken from outside the property, and it’s of Whip’s old lady, Lucy. “Why did they want her?”

  I shove the picture in his face, and he just shakes his head. "I don't know! I wasn't told!" He starts to cry again.

  “Who sent you?”

  He takes a deep breath. "My father, Jeremiah Evans."

  My brain tries to figure out where I’ve heard that name before but I’m coming up empty. “Where are you all staying?”

  “I don’t exactly know. I never really left the compound until today, and I’ve been there since I was a kid. The drive took about an hour.”

  I decide I have enough information to bring it to Pres and head upstairs.

  I run into Brick coming back in from outside. “I need Pres and Whip in the office.”

  "I'll grab them." He heads toward the main room. I want to follow him and check on Carly, but I know that this is more important right now. We need to figure out who did this and why.

  The door opens, and the two of them come charging in. "Tell me now," Pres says.

  “The one downstairs is a damn kid, sixteen.” Their eyes look at me in confusion. “Said he was sent here to find some girl and bring her back with them.” I pull the picture out of my pocket and hand it to Whip.

  “What the fuck? What do they want with her?” His voice is deadly as I’m sure he is afraid for Lucy’s safety.

  Pres looks over, seeing her picture. “Shit. What else did you get?”

  "Said his family sent him, but he didn't know why they wanted her. Orders came from his father, Jeremiah Evans." Their eyes grow wide as I say the name. "I know it sounded familiar, but I couldn't figure out why."

  “That’s Lucy’s last name.” Whip looks at Pres. “You don’t think…”

  Pres sits down in his chair. “If those crazy fuckers are back, somehow shit just got a lot worse.”

  “Wait, back? You mean her crazy family that we ran out of town and dismantled their whole group?” I remember everything that went on with Lucy. We were all worried for her after those psychos took her back.

  “Yeah, except I thought they’d be smart enough never to fuck with us again.” Pres covers his face with his hands. “Guess we were really fucking wrong.”

  "Well, the kid is downstairs. Whatever you want to do with him is up to you, seems like he doesn't know much though. Said he didn't know where he came from because he's never left, but the drive here took about an hour. I'm gonna try to do some more digging and see what I can find. Let me know if you need anything else." Pres looks up at me. "Sorry about Izzy, we all loved her." His only response is a nod, and I can tell he's barely holding his shit together right now.

  I walk down to my room and find Carly on my bed. She's asleep, but she's still sniffing and breathing heavy like she cried herself to sleep.

  I place a kiss on her forehead and pull the blanket over her.

  Sitting down at the computer, I hope I can find something else that will help us find these assholes.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Izzy's funeral tomorrow, everyone around here has been walking around like zombies since that night. She was the only one we lost, but Torch took a bullet to the shoulder, Jaz, Cutter's girl, took one to her thigh. We had a bunch of people grazed by them too, but those are easy fixes.

  I'm heading out right now with Brick and Cutter to go pay Tony a visit. We got the all clear from Pres to leave because he knows there is no way I will let what that asshole did to my girl slide. I wanted to kill him for how he treated her in the past, now he's really gonna get fucked up.

  I haven’t been able to find out anything else about Lucy’s family. There aren’t medical records, school records, employment, it’s like they’re all fucking ghosts. Whip has been extra paranoid and refuses to let her out of his sight.

  Everyone is all on edge about the funeral tomorrow. We will all be armed, but we're praying they wouldn't try to come after us then. Lady has barely said anything to anyone. He hasn't left his room since they took Izzy's body to the funeral home.

  We park our bikes down the street from Tony's house, I don't want him to have any idea we're coming for him.

  "Tracker go around back in case the chickenshit decides to run." He gives me a nod before walking around the house. I wait a couple minutes before walking up the steps to the front door. Not even bothering to knock, I try the doorknob and find it open, dumbass.

  Walking in, Tony is sitting on the couch. “What the fuck! Get out of my house!”

  I walk over, pushing him back down onto the couch. "I know I told you to stay the fuck away from my girl. Couldn't listen, could you?"

  “Leave now, or I’ll call the cops.” His voice shakes as he tries to pretend like he isn’t scared shitless.

  "Nope, see this is what's going to happen. I'm gonna beat you until I'm satisfied you'll never look at Carly again. Then we'll leave, and you won't call the cops, and if you decide to see the doctor, you'll tell them you fell down the steps. You call the cops, I'll be back, and you won't have a chance to do anything ever again." My hand fists his shirt lifting him a few inches off the cushion. "You fucking understand?"

  “Listen just—"

  I slap him across the face like the little bitch he is. “Shut the fuck up. Hearing your voice only pisses me off more.”

  I toss him on the ground. “Take him downstairs. I feel like the basement is more sound proof.”

  The entire way down, Tony is begging us to just leave him alone. He’s such a fucking pussy it makes me even happier to beat his ass. Brick and Cutter back away.

  I lay into him, my fists connecting with every part of his body.

  “If. You. Ever. Come. Near. My. Girl. Again. I’ll. Fucking. Kill. You.” Each word is emphasized and broken up by a blow to him.

  Brick pulls me back, and I f
ight him. I want more of the asshole. Not just for what he did to her but to the way he treated her when they were together.

  "You need to fucking stop, or you will kill him. He's passed the fuck out!" Brick yells at me, and I turn around and head upstairs knowing I won't be able to control myself.

  I pace the living room trying to get a hold of my anger. I've never lost it on someone like this before, but once I started, it was like I couldn't stop.

  "We need to get out of here," Cutter says from next to me.

  I walk out of the house and over to my bike. I need to see Carly. I feel like she’s the only one who can calm down the storm that’s raging inside of me. It’s like being around her just sets me at ease and right now I fucking need that more than I need to breathe.

  I make the trip to the clubhouse in half the time. When I walk in, Carly is sitting at a table with Jess and Tracy. I walk over grabbing her hand. “Need you to come with me.”

  She stands up, not even questioning it and lets me lead her to my room. Slamming the door closed she looks up at me. “What are yo—“

  I grab her neck, pulling her lips to mine, needing the peace our connection brings me. I move to her jeans, popping the button on them and yanking them down her legs as she steps out of them. Gripping her lace panties, I give them a hard tug and throw the scraps on the floor. My hands move down to her ass lifting her up and bracing her against the wall. My hands are holding her hips as I bend down and rest her thighs on my shoulders. Standing up, her pussy is right in front of my face, and I can already smell her.

  "Take the rest off," I say as I kiss her thigh and gently nip the sensitive skin.

  She moans as she pulls her shirt over her head and tosses her bra onto the floor. I bend my head, using my finger to spread her pussy open and run my tongue over her. Stopping at her clit, I cover it with my mouth and suck until she screams her orgasm pouring out of her as I lap up every last drop.

  I lift her off my shoulders and carry her to the bed, letting her fall onto it and enjoying the way her tits bounce as her body settles. I get undressed as quick as possible, then I grab her feet, pulling her to the edge of the bed before I sink into her.

  She screams, her hands fisting the sheets beneath her. “Shit!”

  I grip her thighs tight pulling her against me as I pump into her. Her screams fill our small room as I lose myself inside of her. She arches her back as she comes on my dick, feeling her squeeze me sends me over the edge, and I let go.

  Exhausted, I lay down beside her, smiling at how out of breath she is.

  "What was all of that about?" She laces her fingers through mine and I hear her gasp. "Babe, what happened to your hands?"

  Looking down, I see my knuckles, and they look like someone took a cheese grater to them.

  “Nothing, it’s all good now.” I pull her against my chest. She opens her mouth to say something else but seems to decide against it. “You ready for tomorrow?”

  She takes a deep breath. “No.”

  I’m pretty sure that’s how all of us feel.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Waking up today is horrible, I spent the last two days pretending like this is just some bad dream. I feel like Izzy will just walk in any minute and say, ‘surprise, just kidding!’ I know she’s gone though and today it will all become real. I’ve never been to a funeral.

  Everyone around here has been walking around in complete silence and sadness since the shooting. Last night when Wrench got home, it's the most emotion I've seen from him lately.

  Opening the closet door, I grab my black dress and slip it on. Looking in the mirror, I don't even recognize the girl staring back at me. I have changed so much since I left Tony and even since Jax came back into my life.

  The door opens, and Wrench is standing there. "You ready, babe?"

  I nod my head, he still hasn’t told me what happened to his hands and I’m not sure at this point I want to know. “Let’s get this over with.” Taking one last look in the mirror, I smooth my straight hair, I didn’t even bother with makeup knowing I’ll end up crying and ruining it anyway.

  Walking into the hall, I see Nikki, we have been stuck to each other's sides since that night. Lying there with Izzy while we tried to keep her coherent and comfort her created a bond between us. "I don't know how I'm going to get through today."

  I wrap my arm around her. "You'll get through it with me by your side and take it one step at a time. How is he doing with it all?"

  Pres took Izzy's death hard. He's been holed up in his office since that night, and only the brothers have been allowed in.

  "Hell if I know. I haven't seen him, and honestly, I'm pissed off. I get Izzy was his sister, but she was one of my best friends." She wipes a tear away. "I don't know what's worse, that he hasn't checked on me to see how I'm doing, but he doesn't even want me around when he's hurting."

  I stop walking and look at her. “He needs to process this in whatever way he feels like will take the pain away. It has nothing to do with his feelings for you.”

  “I keep trying to tell myself that.” She takes a deep breath. “Let’s get this over with.”

  We walk out to the cars, hand in hand. The guys are taking their bikes, but with everything that happened, they don't want us on the back of them. Nikki and I climb in next to Lucy, and Tracy is in the front seat. None of us say anything for the entire ride. Pulling into the cemetery and seeing the white folded chairs lined up in front of a beautifully decorated oak casket immediately causes tears to start falling.

  Half the chairs are already full, and the rest are being filled by us. None of the girls wanted the kids to be here, so Jess volunteered to stay back with them since she didn't have that close of a relationship with Izzy. Stepping out, I give Nikki my hand, she's always been so strong that seeing her body jerk with sobs only makes me cry harder.

  We take our seats, and everyone is here except for Pres, hearing the sound of a bike coming, we all know it must be him. Eyes turn to the street and follow him as he walks up to stand next to the casket.

  "My sister, Isabella Pierce, was the most amazing woman I have ever met in my life. When she walked into my life years ago, I didn't treat her right. She never once held a grudge against me. She showed understanding and compassion for my mistrust and anger at her." He pauses, and I can tell he is using every ounce of strength he has not to break down.

  As much as we would all understand, I think he assumes people would think he's weak. "I wasn't able to protect her when she was little. When we took her in, I promised her she would always be safe here. I broke that promise twice, and this time I can't make it up to her. Now she is watching over all of us, and I'm sure she'll be a guardian angel to all of our kids who adored her."

  It's at that point that a single tear traces down his cheek. "She would have made an amazing mother, and I hope that in heaven she has that chance." He grabs a single rose from the planter next to him. "’Til we meet again." He tosses the rose onto the casket and walks back to his bike. He pulls away from us, and no one moves.

  Lady stands up and faces us all. "Izzy would have really appreciated you all being here. She loved everyone here, and I love you all for caring about her. Waking up these past few days and realizing that she’s gone has been a kind of hell I could have never imagined. All I can pray for is that she’s at peace and she died knowing how loved she really was." It's all he says as his voice breaks. He tosses a rose onto the casket the same way Pres did before walking away.

  Nikki stands up, walking over to the flowers and I follow her.

  We all say a silent goodbye to Izzy as the flowers make a huge pile on top of the casket.

  Love you friend.


  Chapter Twenty-Four


  We are heading back to the clubhouse now. All the girls are quiet, none of us knowing what to say after putting our friend in the ground. I have been close to Izzy since the first day she walked throu
gh our door. She reminded me so much of myself, and I just wanted to help her. Knowing that she was pregnant makes everything so much worse too. With how her mother had been, she never really wanted to have kids. We used to talk about it constantly because she was always so good with Ana and Jimmy. Ana asked me when Aunt Izzy was coming back this morning and cried for hours when I said she wasn't.

  Pulling into the lot, all I want to do for the rest of the day is sleep. Maybe I can pretend that this is all a dream and none of it ever happened. Whip is standing outside the door, and the look on his face makes me worried.

  What else could happen?

  “What’s wrong?” I say as soon as I climb out of the car.

  “Someone came here when we were gone. Fuckin’ Mikey let her in.” He looks over at the prospect who is sitting on a chair outside the building looking like a toddler in the corner.

  “Let who in? What’s going on?”

  Looking behind me at the girls, he cocks his head to the door. “You guys need to head in, I need to talk to Lucy.” He pulls me against his chest. “We figured out who’s been behind everything.”

  “And?” I look at him in confusion.

  "Your family isn't as gone as we thought they were." My heart stops and everything inside of me freezes. "They've been behind a lot of shit, and we don't know exactly who all is still orchestrating it."

  “What makes you think it’s them?”

  His arms tighten around me. “We caught one of them the night of the shooting. A young kid, he had a picture of you and when he told us his name it clicked.

  My head is spinning right now. “What was his name?”

  “Jeremiah Evans.”

  I gasp, feeling like I can’t breathe.

  “That’s not it though, babe.” He looks down at me. “A girl showed up today looking for you. She got in by telling Mikey you’re her aunt.” I look at him in confusion. “She’s Amy’s daughter.”


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