by Levine, Nina
Sassy Christmas
Storm Girl Style
Nina Levine
A Note About The Storm MC Series
1. Chapter One
2. Chapter Two
3. Chapter Three
4. Chapter Four
5. Chapter Five
6. Chapter Six
7. Chapter Seven
Sneak Peek At Illusive - Coming 25th August
Also by Nina Levine
About the Author
Cover designed by LM Creations
Edited by Karen Harper
Stock Image from Dollar Photo Club
A Note About The Storm MC Series
Each book in this series continues on from the previous. While there won’t be major cliff hangers in each book, there will be parts of the story that won’t be resolved, so please be aware of this. All loose ends will be tied up by the end of the series.
It is recommended that each book be read in order.
Sassy Christmas should be read after Slay.
To all the feisty chicks out there…
Never lose that sass!
Chapter One
The sun splashed heat onto my back as I stepped on the hot sand of the beach. I lifted my face and closed my eyes as I soaked in the warmth. It never failed to ease any tension I was feeling out of my body, and today was no exception. Lightness rushed through me as the sun worked its magic and I smiled to myself before opening my eyes and turning my gaze to the man standing at the water’s edge in front of me.
My husband.
His body was tense as he stood staring at the ocean, his back to me. I didn’t even have to be close to him to be able to tell that. J had a lot on his mind at the moment. It was the reason we’d taken a quick break from everything and spent the last few days on the Gold Coast. I’d surprised him with the getaway and although he’d been reluctant to come, Scott and I had managed to convince him. I understood he didn’t want to leave his club right when they were in the middle of a situation with some drug dealing asshole, but he was wound so tight over this that I held concerns he might react badly to something and cause worse problems. After all, J wasn’t known for his patience.
I walked to where he was and stood in front of him. As I turned to face him, I looked up into his eyes and slid my arms around his waist. His arms circled me and his hands landed on my ass a moment later. “Morning, baby,” I said. “How long have you been out here?”
He bent his lips to mine and lightly kissed me before saying, “About an hour.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “You didn’t sleep last night, did you?”
Shaking his head, he replied, “Not well, no.”
“You should have woken me up. I could have talked you through it.”
A look washed across his face. It was the look that told me he didn’t want to discuss what was worrying him. I was okay with that. I’d made peace with the fact J wouldn’t always talk about his club business with me, but I still wanted to be there for him in any way he’d let me.
His hands tightened around my ass and he pulled me even closer to him as he bent his mouth to my ear and growled, “You could have done much more important things than talking me through shit, babe.”
I caught his lips in another kiss and murmured, “Yeah, I guess we could have spent the time discussing the Christmas party.”
He shook his head and muttered, “That fucking party . . . Nash is a motherfucker for putting that idea in your head.”
I grinned as I stepped out of his embrace. J had been cranky at Nash for weeks now over this and it only served to amuse me. “J, that party is exactly what you guys need. A night off from everything the club is dealing with and some fun will do you all good.”
His lips set in a hard line and the scowl on his face remained. “Baby, I’m not sure any of us will be able to put the shit out of our mind for long enough to relax.”
I nodded. “Yeah, I know,” I said softly, “but us girls are gonna try our best to help you with that.”
“You’ve roped all the girls into this?”
“Of course. The Storm girls are a force to be reckoned with. You should know that.”
His face softened and his arm curled around my waist and pulled me back to him. “You fucking amaze me, Madison Reilly. I know I can be a moody asshole and I know I give you shit about this party, but I thank the universe for you every day of my life.”
Our faces were so close I could feel his warm breath on mine. His breathing had picked up and his chest rose and fell accordingly, showing me how much I affected him. I placed my hand on his chest before saying, “Yeah, you’re a moody asshole, Jason Reilly, but I kinda love that about you.” When he raised his eyebrows questioningly at me, I added, “Most days.”
His face broke out into a grin. “I try my best.” His grin gave way to a serious look as he said, “We’ve been married for nearly a year now, babe. When are you gonna stop avoiding my question about kids and start working on one with me?”
I sighed. He’d been hounding me over this for months now and he’d tried to talk to me about it last night but I’d managed to distract him. I threaded my fingers through his hair and answered him, “J, I just want you for a while. One day, babies will come, but for now, I don’t want to share you. Can you understand that?”
“I get it, but I just want more of you . . . of us. How long are you thinking?”
“How long do you think you can wait?”
He groaned. “I don’t want to wait, that’s the point. But I want an idea of what you’re thinking.”
Shit. If I had my way, we’d be on our own for years but I knew he wouldn’t go for that. “At least a year,” I said quietly, waiting for his outburst that was sure to come. He wouldn’t like that number.
His eyes widened and he let go of me as he took a step backwards. “I don’t want to wait a fucking year, Madison. I want lots of kids, so we need to get onto it soon.”
My heart started beating faster. This was going to be a shit fight because I didn’t want to back down and I knew J was just as stubborn. “Can we reassess in six months or so?”
He didn’t answer me but rather, stood staring at me. I guessed he was processing what I’d asked. Finally, he said, “Three.”
I frowned. “What?”
“We will reassess in three months time, but I’m telling you now, I’m not giving up on this. I’m gonna find a way to make it happen and I’m also gonna have you on your back as often as I fucking can.”
My core clenched at the last part of his statement and I felt relief that I’d been given a three-month reprieve. I’d find a way to change his mind. I stepped into his space, laid my hand on his chest again and said, “The part about having me on my back sounds good. If we had kids, you wouldn’t get that as often.”
“What? Sex?”
“Yeah. Kids would cut back on your sexy time.”
“Not fucking likely, babe. And if that’s what you’re worried about, I’ll put your mind at ease right fucking now.” He ran his hand over my ass as he said, “There’s nothing that could come between me and your pussy, baby. Not a fucking thing.”
Oh god, J was dangerous. If he realised just what his dirty mouth did to me, I could be in trouble over this baby thing. His words and his voice were like candy; I wanted more and would never get enough. They could make me do things I didn’t want to do.
I pulled out of his embrace and asked, “What time do you want to head home today?” It was the last day of our mini bre
ak and I knew he had club stuff to get home for.
His brows pulled together as he watched me closely. “You changing the subject?”
I shrugged and attempted to distract him from the matter at hand. “No, I’m just wondering if you’ve got time to do something for me before we go.”
“If it involves my mouth or my dick, then we’re good to go, babe. Always got time for that.”
I smiled. “Yeah, it involves both of those.”
Grabbing my hand, he muttered, “Don’t think I don’t know what you just did because I know exactly what you’re up to.”
As he led me back towards our hotel, I said, “It worked, though, didn’t it?”
“Don’t get too far ahead of yourself, babe. When I’ve got my mouth on you soon, I might play dirty and get you to agree to shit.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
He chuckled. “Of course I would. You don’t think I know what my mouth does to you? And my cock? Fuck, if I wanted to, I could make you agree to all kinds of shit while fucking you.”
“Two can play that game, J. I could just as easily make you agree to stuff just by saying no more often.”
He laughed and looked at me walking beside him. “I think we both know there’s no way you could ever say no to me. Not for any length of time anyway.”
Shit. He had me there.
* * *
“J!” I screamed as his tongue licked my clit and his hand reached up to grasp my breast. His fingers played with my nipple and I shut my eyes as I let the sensations he was causing wash through me. J knew exactly what I liked and he never failed to give it to me.
He pushed his tongue inside me for a moment before pulling it back out. I opened my eyes at the loss of the pleasure he was delivering and found him watching me. His eyes were full of desire and I smiled at him.
I placed my hand over his hand on my breast and entwined our fingers. “Did you get tired, baby?” I asked teasingly.
He moved fast and a moment later was positioned over me, his face close to mine, his hands planted either side of me on the bed. “Only way I’m getting tired today is if I fuck you into exhaustion, and we’re nowhere near that yet,” he growled.
My pussy clenched at his words. “We’ve got a couple of hours till we have to check out of the hotel, so you’d best be getting a move on. Takes a lot to exhaust me.”
His eyes flashed heat and his breathing grew ragged. A second later, he pressed his cock against my pussy but didn’t push inside. He watched me intently as he did this. J knew the effect it would have. As he began moving it through my wetness, I wrapped my legs around him and attempted to push up into him to take him inside. However, he wasn’t having any of that and pulled back. “Time to work for it, baby,” he said.
I raised my brows at him. “Really?”
He smirked. “Yeah. I want your lips around my dick before I fuck you.”
I smirked back. “You know how much I love to suck your cock, so bring it on.”
“Fuck, Madison, you’ve got a dirty mouth, woman,” he muttered as he moved off me to stand at the end of the bed.
I scooted down the bed to sit on the end. He held his cock in his hand and pumped it while I got myself organised, his eyes never leaving me. I took his cock in my hand and looked up at him. “You love my dirty mouth, J. Especially when it’s got you inside it.” I watched as he sucked in a breath and then I lowered my mouth to wrap my lips around him. His grunt of approval and his hand on my head gave me all the encouragement I needed, and I began sucking and licking him.
Having J’s cock in my mouth was one of my favourite things to do, and I worked him up until I knew he was close to coming and then I pulled back, letting him go. I looked up at him and watched his eyes open with a questioning look.
“You gonna finish the job?” he asked in a husky voice.
God I love that voice.
I stood and murmured, “I want you to finish off in me.”
His arms came around me and in one swift movement he lifted me and threw me on the bed before climbing on top of me. “I would have preferred to blow down your throat, sweetheart,” he growled as he thrust inside me. Pulling back out, he asked, “Is that what you wanted?” And then he thrust in again.
“Yes . . . don’t stop, baby . . .” Fuck, I loved it when he gave it to me like this. I gripped on tight because J was about to take me for a ride. My nails dug into his skin as he kept thrusting in and out, hard and fast. His breathing also came hard and fast, and he dropped his head as he focused on chasing our orgasms.
My body came alive under his like it had for no other man.
And he had been right when he said I would agree to anything while he was fucking me because right now, if he were to ask me for a baby, I would say yes. Hell, I would say yes to twins so long as he never stopped giving me what he was giving me right now.
As every nerve ending of mine lit up and I felt like I would explode from the pleasure, his body tensed and he came. I followed right after him and as the release rushed through me, I stilled and let it claim me.
Oh god, this was my own little slice of J heaven. I could happily live here twenty-four seven.
“Babe, you okay?”
J’s voice dragged me back from the trance he’d put me in and I opened my eyes and looked at him. The love and tenderness I saw in his eyes caused my belly to somersault. I nodded and whispered, “Yeah.”
He dropped his lips to mine and kissed me before saying, “Good because round two’s coming.”
Hell yes.
“You always know the magic words.”
He grinned. “Wait till we get to round four, sweetheart. I’ve got something special planned for you today.”
Desire hit me in the gut. He hadn’t been kidding when he’d said he was going to fuck me into exhaustion. “Looks like you’re carrying me home because I won’t be able to walk once you’re finished with me.”
His grin spread further across his face. “Maybe if I fuck you really well over the next few days you’ll have to cancel the Christmas party due to cock fever.”
I laughed. “What the hell is cock fever?”
He kissed me again, slowly and deeply, and then said, “It’s when your pussy’s so worn out from sex that you can’t move anymore.”
Still laughing and now also shaking my head, I murmured, “The shit you come out with . . .”
His brows rose. “What? It’s a real condition. And it would definitely stop you from being able to throw a fucking Christmas party.”
I looped my hands around his neck and said, “You should know by now that nothing could ever stop me from throwing a Christmas party. Not even this cock fever shit you just made up.”
He buried his head in my neck for a few moments before lifting it again and grumbling, “Fuck . . . you’re really gonna make me suffer through this party, aren’t you?”
“It’s a good thing I love you then,” he muttered before shifting off me and leaving the bed.
I watched him as he walked into the bathroom. J had one of the best asses I’d ever seen and he’d been working out a lot lately. Between his ass and his other muscles, I could happily watch him for hours and not tire of the view. I really was lucky. Not only did my husband love me, but he also put up with my crazy antics and my need to bring family and friends together as often as possible. This Christmas party was about more than just my love of Christmas. It was a chance to reconnect our family after the awful events of the year. The events that had threatened to shatter us.
And there was no way I would let this opportunity pass.
Chapter Two
“God damn it!” I kicked the flat tyre on my car and cursed some more inside my head. This day was going to shit very fast. I’d slept through my alarm and then I’d had an argument with Nash on my way out of the house. It had been one of those arguments that should never
have even started in the first place. But because we were both tired and rushed, it had escalated pretty quickly and there was no fixing it before I had to leave for work. And now, this bloody tyre. I raked my hand through my hair and blew out a long, frustrated breath. This time of year was so damn stressful and I was all tied up in knots on the inside. The fact Nash was dealing with Storm problems at the moment didn’t help either. Worry for him and the club filled my mind daily.
“Kicking it won’t make it better,” Roxie said from behind me.
I spun around and glared at my boss. “No, but it made me feel better.”
She eyed the tyre. “You got a spare?”
“Yeah, but I have no idea how to change it, and besides, don’t we have customers to look after?” It was the Tuesday before Christmas and I was fairly sure we were both flat out this week.
“Bobby and Tahlia have customers. You and I are blocked out because Madison, Harlow and Layla are coming in today for haircuts and facials. They haven’t arrived yet so we’ve got time to change this now, which beats leaving it until the end of the day. That would be the last thing you’d want to do after working all day.”
I’d forgotten today was the day the girls were all coming in. “I don’t think you heard me, Roxie, I have no clue how to change a flat tyre.”
She put her hand out. “Give me the keys for the boot. I know how to change a tyre.”
I handed her my keys. “Why does it not surprise me that you know how to change a tyre?” I’d been working with Roxie for nearly six months now and she kept revealing parts of herself to me. She blew me away with the shit she knew.
As she walked to the boot of the car, she jerked her chin towards the salon. “Can you go in there and make sure Bobby and Tahlia are okay? Christmas time seems to bring out the bitch in Bobby even more than normal and I think Tahlia has almost had enough.”