Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four)

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Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four) Page 1

by M. L. Briers


  Clan Special




  Copyright © 2016, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.

  Table of Contents


  Clan Special
















  A note from the Author;

  Books you might enjoy by ML Briers:

  Other books you might enjoy in the A B Lee and M L Briers series are:



  Tourist season had come back to the mountain and Ben was more than grateful for it. He just loved to sit at a window seat in the café and watch those fresh faced girlies with their short-shorts and hiking boots setting out for a day on the hiking trail. Backpacks on and a glow about them as they prepared to face Mother Nature head on.

  His ears distracted his brain as they pricked up with the constant sound of a click – click – click, like an out of control grandfather clock that rubbed his nerves up the wrong way, and his eyes scanned for the source of that sound. His eyebrows arched up on his head as he took the source in.

  About five foot two, maybe a little more with those out of place five inch heels that she was wearing, of pint sized trouble with a capital T was walking down the street as if she owned the town. With one arm swinging at her side as if she was out on parade, a small bag tucked under the other arm… she looked like one of those city women rather than a tourist, and the only time people around those parts dressed like that was for a human wedding.

  But it was the long, tight, pencil skirt that got his attention… the way that it hugged her curvy hips… and as she strolled by with a purpose… he noted the way the material clung to the more than ample curves of her backside… Hell, he hadn’t even got up as far as her breasts yet, and she was walking away from him, and that didn’t feel right.

  “Hello – little Miss Right for tonight.” Ben grinned to himself.

  To say that his manhood had gone from resting comfortably to rock hard and begging to be set free from his jeans wouldn’t have been an understatement of the fact that his little head certainly agreed with his big head.

  “Ben…” Ash frowned as he leaned in over the loaded plate of food on the table in front of him and tried to get the shifter’s attention back where it was supposed to be.

  “Not now…” Ben couldn’t take his eyes off that wiggle when she walked. He even growled a little…

  “Ben, come on, man. We need a plan of action if we’re a team on this whole – build a cabin for Dexter’s pack thing.” Ash said.

  The whole idea of Dexter building his own pack was finally starting to happen with a few bites of interest from some wolves looking for a new home. Of course, they didn’t have the cabins yet, and the wolf pack had started the build on Dexter’s place, but Justice had reached out to Landon to see if the bear’s might help out. Ash had agreed to be a part of a team as long as Ben was on it. The man was a whiz with a hammer and nails and all that implied.

  “Uh – huh…” Ben said absently, lost in thought, and each and every one of those thoughts were very, very X-rated. The further away from the café that she got, the closer his nose got to the glass…

  “Ben, I’m serious man, what are you doing?” Ash grumbled.

  “Taking in the view…” Ben said. She was getting away, and he wanted, no needed to see the whole package…

  “You gonna lick the glass?” Ash grumbled, and Ben’s head snapped around, a curious look on his face.

  “What?” He demanded.

  “What the hell has got you all hot under the collar?” Ash craned his neck to try to take in whatever it was that Ben was looking at, but he couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  “Back off… I saw her first.” Ben scowled. That piqued Ash’s interest. Ben certainly had an eye for the ladies and they had one right back for him.

  “Who?” Ash tried harder to see what Ben saw. He lifted his backside out of his chair and pressed his forehead against the window, rolling his head against the glass to get a better look.

  “Are you crazy, man?” Ben growled, lifting his hand and pushing the man back down in his seat. “Sit your butt down.”

  “Hey, it’s open season on tourists, and it’s every man for himself.” Ash grinned, but Ben found something very wrong with that idea.

  He didn’t normally mind going one on one with Ash where the ladies were concerned, and they both normally did alright in that department over the summer months… but not that one… that little package of trouble he didn’t want to have to compete for… he wanted her all to himself…

  And there was no time like the present.

  Ben pushed up from his seat and reached in his pocket to drop a bill down on the table. He was going to get up close and personal with that little hottie and put his scent on her to mark his claim…

  His bear grumbled and clawed within him at that thought… Claim… not in the mate sense of the word, but in the back off I saw her first sense… His bear grumbled some more.

  “Where you going?” Ash looked up in surprise. Ben’s plate was still two thirds full and it wasn’t like the man to walk out on a perfectly good meal.

  “Gotta see a man about a dog.” He raised his eyebrows up on his head and Ash scowled back at him.

  “You not gonna eat that?” Ash used his knife to point at Ben’s plate.

  “It’s all yours,” Ben nudged the plate across the table top and you’d have thought that Christmas had come early to the mountain as Ash’s face lit up at the sight of all that free food…

  “Man, you sick or something?” Ash asked over his shoulder to Ben as the man walked away, reaching for the plate with glee, and dragging it towards him like Ben was going to change his mind and take it back.

  “I just remembered I got somewhere to be.” Ben lied.

  “What about the cabin?” Ash wasn’t about to build it alone.

  “I’m in, no problem. I’ll get back to you on it.” Ben called from the doorway before he strolled out into the morning sun and immediately turned left in her direction.

  There was no sign of her out on the street. The town just wasn’t big enough to lose someone that wasn’t hiding from you, and Ben’s grin turned into a scowl as his eyes searched the area.

  “Damn!” He grumbled, putting one foot in front of other as he started off down the road.

  He knew that there wasn’t much of a town for her to be hiding in. Not that she was hiding, at least not from him – she didn’t even know that he was looking for her, and yet his bear rose its head with interest like they were out on the hunt or something.

  He guessed he was hunting
for something, some prime rump that shimmied and wiggled like a dream under the material of that tight skirt of hers. He grinned to himself at the thought of hooking the bottom of that skirt with his fingers and dragging it up her thighs, exposing the curves of her hips and her ample backside to his gaze, his hands, his tongue, his…

  Ben felt the ache at his groin and tried to stop imagining, but that was like taking honey from a bear, it wasn’t going to be an easy thing to do. He turned his head left and right and scanned the inside of the shops as he went, searching for any clue as to where she might be…

  When he reached the very last shop, a small half boarded up bakery that had been empty for nearly a year since old Mrs Collins had died… he stopped and raised his hand to scratch his head…

  “Must have missed something…” He grumbled as his bear clawed a little inside of him. His beast liked to hunt and she’d looked as if she’d be worth the effort.

  Ben turned back on his heels and was about to put one foot in front of the other when the loud thud, and subsequent curse that came from the bakery caught his attention. He turned towards it and titled his head in the direction of the shop to better hear.

  “Who leaves a damn packing crate right in the middle of the…” There was another loud thud, followed by several hissed out curses, and Ben grinned…

  “Gotcha.” He muttered to himself, light on his feet for a big man as he scooted to the front door of the shop.

  When he raised his hand to push on the door; he almost jumped at the sight of it being wrenched backwards away from him. His eyes widened at the sight of her… with a scowl on her face, and the obvious attitude of a woman that wasn’t having a good day… He swallowed hard as her warm brown eyes took him in.

  “We’re not open yet, and even if we were – I don’t think you’re the kind to want to set foot over this threshold.” Andi folded her arms, pushed out a hip as she changed her stance, and narrowed her knowing eyes on him.

  “Baby, I like to eat.” Ben informed her with the kind of grin that usually knocked a woman’s socks, and other clothes, right off…

  She looked less than impressed, as her black eyebrows rose up slowly on her forehead, and her full red lips pouted for a moment’s thought.

  “Baby…? Is that how it is?” She gave him the kind of no nonsense look that he remembered one of his Aunt’s giving him – the one that would grab him by the ear between her finger and thumb and march him to whatever mess he’d created to un-create it.

  “Oh, I think that’s how it could be.” Ben tried another smile – this one a little more playful, a little more subtle, and she pouted again.

  Andi dropped her hands to her sides and oh – so – slowly leaned in towards him.

  “You know what?” She asked in the sweetest voice that she could find. Ben certainly liked the sound of that voice…

  “What’s that?” Ben raised his eyebrows up expectantly – he had her interested now – he could see it from the flare of her eyes.

  “If you’re looking for honey then you’re growling up the wrong damn tree.” Her hand palmed the side of the door and she launched it at the wooden frame.

  The loud thud of the door being slammed in his face made Ben pull back a little and re-evaluate just what had happened. He twisted his head to one side and stared, almost dumbfounded, at that door – until the roar of his clan brother’s laughter filled his ears and made his fists clench at his sides.

  “Smooooth…” Ash offered, and when Ben made a slow turn towards him and found the man standing there, grinning wildly, he felt the slow boil of anger within him rise to the surface.

  He’d like nothing more than to punch the man’s lights out right there and then, but they were still in town, and fun like that would have to wait until they were back on clan land.

  “Eyes off. I saw her first.” Ben growled out to the sight of Ash holding up his hands in mock surrender at his chest.

  “Hey, not my type, being a mean witch and all,” he teased and Ben’s bear growled within him. “But I thought Landon said we had a no dating the locals policy…” He motioned towards the shop. “Looks like she’s local, man.”

  “This is a matter of pride.” Ben lied, turning his eyes back towards the shop and the little witch he knew was behind that door.

  “Yeah, you still got some of that left?” Ash teased him and Ben growled long and hard, but low enough so that only Ash’s hearing could pick it up.

  “Back off, Ash.” Ben bit out.

  “I don’t mean to rain on your parade, brother.” Ash chuckled again. “But witches aren’t so easy to get as normal humans.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Ben bit down on the urge that he had to slam that bakery door right back open and step inside her little space, make her see that they could share some good times together… for a while…

  “Now I know where to find her…” Ben muttered to himself as he forced his body to move, forced himself to put one foot in front of the other, and not in the direction that he wanted to go.

  “I think you’re gonna be pretty damn busy building that cabin for now.” Ash said, falling in step beside him. But Ben wasn’t listening; his mind was on that witch and those big brown eyes of her, the way they’d run over his body – they could have been her fingertips caressing his skin…

  His beast was antsy and he guessed it was due to the long hard winter that they’d been through without much of a sight, let alone the touch of a woman. He growled inwardly – he wanted that witch, right there on a big old bed beneath his hard body… he could almost taste her on his tongue, almost feel his length pushing inside of her…

  Damn, but he needed to get laid, and soon. Right now – he’d have to settle for hammering nails into wood to work off some of the tension that was back building within him, and from the ache in his hard length – he could probably have used his manhood to do it.



  Andi stood at the window and sneaked a peek around the drawn blind at the big bear shifter outside as he turned and stalked away. His friend almost matched him for size, but not for sex appeal.

  Mr Smooth, with those big brown eyes, and that sexy grin that was designed to entice a girl’s underwear right off, she couldn’t say that her interest hadn’t been piqued. She doubted that he had a problem with many woman slamming the door in his face if he came calling, but then she wasn’t most women.

  That man had a body built for sin with those packed muscles drawing her attention and her womb’s interest. She still felt hot under the collar just from the touch of his eyes.

  That man was one fine piece of prime bear, and if she didn’t have a no shifter rule – then she would have given him a little bit of the sweetness that he was looking for… Maybe…

  She wasn’t opposed to meaningless sex if it promised to be good… and that man promised one thing and one thing only, that it would be all good. But shifters were volatile – some could be downright sweet and the boy next door… and others could be too close to wild to trust…

  She lifted her hand and tapped her fingertip against her lips. She had to wonder which kind of shifter he was…

  Not that it mattered, she told herself on a quick start as she tried to dismiss the man from her thoughts, and wrenched her body around to face the inside of the barren shop…

  Don’t get involved… it would be a mistake.

  You came here for one thing and one thing only… to get this place up and running.

  It might be a small town bakery in the middle of nowhere, but the price was good and it’s all mine… so… no distractions.

  You can do this.

  New start – new you – new life.

  And if one thing is for sure… having a bear clan nearby might just triple my takings if I let them over the doorway…

  Andi thought long and hard about that. She’d decided to use her magic to put up some wards around the shop just in case there were any supernatural beings in the area… She didn
’t need the headache that those guys brought with them spilling over into her business, but now that she’d met one of them… she thought that maybe she’d been a little premature in her assessment.

  Feeding the bears wasn’t always a bad thing. Lord only knew how they ate – like… well… bears, and she could certainly use that income.

  Andi took one more look around her and nodded her head, a slow bubble of excitement started rising inside of her for all that she’d accomplished so far.

  “You can make this work.”




  Ben discovered that the more energy that he put into hauling sacks of concrete mix, ballast, and sand around – the less his bear felt settled, and that wasn’t right. Something was definitely off with his beast, and as he tossed the final sack down onto the pile and stretched his back out, lifted a hand and wiped the back of it against the sweat that was glistening on his dark brow… he had to wonder why the beast was playing up today of all days…

  Hard work, a good physical workout was usually the stuff that drifters needed to ease the feeling of anxiousness within them. Well, he’d been working like a dog for the past five hours, he was hungry like a beast, his muscles were tired and burning for relief, and yet he still felt off.

  “Here,” Ash called out, and the moment that Ben’s eyes flicked in his friend’s direction; his hand shot out to catch the bottle of chilled water that had been lobbed at his head.

  Ben growled as Ash grinned. If he’d been just one second slower that bottle would have hit him upside the head and Ash would be looking directly at the fist that was coming for his face.

  That bottle might not have hit him, but the fist in the face idea seemed like a pretty good one right about then. It might just sooth his bear a little, at least, it was worth a try…

  “You gotta death wish?” Ben growled out.


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