Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four)

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Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four) Page 3

by M. L. Briers

  Andi all but held her breath as she stared back at him. There was a flash of excitement that shot through her at the sight of him like that… on his hands and knees and with his chin angled downwards; he looked so much the predator that she knew him to be, and she could almost believe that she could see his bear…



  “What are you talking about, my witch?” Ben growled.

  Connor groaned and rolled his head on his neck.

  “You can lead a bear to the woods but you can’t make him take a crap,” Connor groaned again. “Is she your mate?”

  Ben looked stunned. He couldn’t quite grasp what the vampire was asking him. His bear was antsy, confused… the beast prowled inside of him, eager for… something… but he didn’t know what.

  “My mate?” He echoed. Ben wasn’t sure of anything right then. Hell, he wasn’t even sure which way was up.

  He’d seen her, sure.

  He wanted her, no doubt about that…

  But his mate?

  Wouldn’t he have known that instantly?

  “Guess not, I’m out of here!” Andi waved a dismissive hand at the group, turned on her heels and started over the rough terrain, stumbling and mumbling as she went. She didn’t have a damned clue where she was going, but she wanted to get wherever it was real fast.

  Ben growled long and hard at the sight of her walking away from him. He didn’t have a damn clue why his bear felt so protective of her… unless it was true and she really was his mate.

  “Easy there…” Landon growled his own warning to the man.

  The alpha was primed and ready for anything untoward that might have been about to happen between Ben and Andi, and he knew that Connor was doing the exact same thing – readying himself to protect the witch should she need it.

  “Wait!” Ben pushed up to his full height. His bear was growling in anger and clawing at his skin to get out, and Ben had to fight hard to keep the beast within its cage.

  Andi ground to a halt with a small grimace…

  “So near and yet…” she bit out on a whisper. With just a look over her shoulder she felt that rush of adrenaline dump into her body and grimaced again as he set off towards her.

  He looked like a predator alright. His big shoulders were set hard and his large hands were fisted at his sides as he stalked towards her…

  “I need to scent you,” Ben growled out.

  “And here we go with the sniffing,” she muttered, turning her body back towards him, but only half-heartedly as she ended up side on to him…

  “There’s gonna be sniffing.” Ash chuckled in a low, deep laugh that rattled her nerves.

  “How about I spell your nose so that the only thing you’ll ever smell again is poop?” She bit out at Ash, and he scowled, the laughter dying on his lips.

  “You can’t do that…” Ash growled, and Ben’s head snapped around on his neck as he glared at his pack brother – a low rumble of a warning stuck somewhere in his broad chest…

  “Of course she can do that, and I’m gonna let her if you don’t shut the hell up.” Landon growled, keeping a watchful eye on Ben as he gained ground on the witch.

  “I’m done talking.” Ash said on a shrug off his broad shoulders.

  “That’d be a first.” Landon growled back.

  “Ok,” Andi held up her hand and stretched her index finger towards the sky, “about this sniffing thing…” she started, meaning to negotiate with the big shifter that was coming at her, but he was showing no signs of stopping, no mind to negotiate anything…

  Landon’s muscles locked up tightly in anticipation of having to pull the shifter off the witch as Ben reached out with one large hand, curled his long thick fingers around her wrist, and yanked her towards the small space between them.

  A squeak of surprise came from Andi’s lips as she collided with his hard body. Her hands palmed the expanse of his chest, and her eyes snapped downwards to take in the muscles that she was feeling, and then right back up again when he growled…

  “It’s just scenting you.” Ben bit out, and yet, he felt that there was so much more to it than that before he’d even dipped his head towards her neck to take her scent in right at the source…

  “I…” Andi tried to warn him off, push him back, hold him at bay while she thought this through, and yet the tingle that raced up her arm and over her body from where skin met skin, the feel of the heat of his hand against the small of her back, the rush of excitement when her eyes met his – locked and held for the longest moment in time as he stared down at her – was all so overwhelmingly distracting that her words got lost in the moment… and what a moment that was…

  Then he slowly dipped his head towards her and for one long heartbeat that seemed to echo within her chest; she felt the rush of excitement go through her at the thought of his lips touching hers… that rush came and went, and came back again as his cheek brushed against hers, sending a flash of a jolt of pleasure to her womb, and then he nuzzled in between her neck and her shoulder and she felt him draw a deep breath against her skin…

  Oh, so help me, I’m not entirely sure what I want the verdict to be…

  He feels like mine… not mine, but – as if my body is primed to accept him… wants him to touch me…

  Is that so damn wrong?

  Isn’t that wrong?

  I vote wrong… but…

  There was a low rumble that started within Ben’s chest that seemed to go on forever, like rolling thunder somewhere in the distance, a warning of things to come, and it rattled her nerves and made her want to close her eyes and listen all the harder. She pushed that urge down… waiting…

  By the time the growl had reached his throat it sounded somewhat possessive, and she knew… just knew what that sound meant. There was a flash of excitement within her that was quickly followed by something else… a long hard shiver gripped her spine as the consequences of what that meant finally dawned on her…

  “Mine…” Ben growled out against her ear – his bear had finally set out its claim to her as their mate and he wholeheartedly conquered.

  “Well, that settles it, enjoy.” Connor bit out on a chuckle that felt like a slap to the face and rattled her nerves more than anything else so far.

  “This is insane…” Andi pressed her flattened palm harder against Ben’s chest – she gave a small push, but the man seemed intent on staying right where he was, crowding her space, and making her want to zap him across the field.

  “Mine…” Ben growled again. As if she didn’t hear him the first time.

  “I heard you.” She bit down on that urge to scream at the injustice of it, she didn’t need him rubbing salt in the wounds of it. “If anyone heard you, I did. You’re growling right in my damn ear…” Andi hissed, unsure of what to do about it. About him.

  She didn’t have to wonder too long. Without a word of warning, Ben eased back his head and captured her lips, eager to taste her, to claim her as his…

  “Uh-oh.” Landon groaned, rolling his eyes within his head. “At least give the woman time to-”

  Andi felt a jolt to her womb and her stomach decided it wanted to see the world from upside down as it flopped over inside of her. There was a long moment when all that she wanted to do was to give into that kiss – kiss him right back – her body pressed against his and she felt the evidence of his arousal that was trapped between them… and that jolt of a realisation woke her up pretty damn quickly…

  So… she zapped him – hard – a biting sting like electricity that flowed through his body, and snapped the man’s spine in to place, bringing his head up, his lips from hers, and his eyes locked on her as every muscle within his body locked up tightly, so tightly that his hand around her wrist was threatening to break her bones…

  Andi let out a yelp of pain and yanked her magic back from him, but it was too late to stop the vampire and the alpha from trying to intervene at the sound of her cry.

  Both men rushe
d head on towards him, and as Ben’s muscles started to relax, and he let go of her wrist at the sudden realisation of what he’d done – so he was body checked from the side by the alpha, taking him down to ground as his beast reared up within him, ready for the fight of his life…



  “Wait!” Andi rushed out. “My bad!”

  Ben roared like a wild thing. Using the bulk of his weight to push Landon up and off of him as he rolled out from beneath the threat and away across the ground.

  Ben was back on his hands and knees in a heartbeat. His eyes were jet black and his beast was just itching to be set free…

  “Boy, you need to calm the hell down.” Landon bit out, already matching Ben’s stance and ready to body check him again should the need arise.

  “You attacked me.” Ben growled out. Logic and reason flying out of the window in the face of someone, even the alpha, getting in between him and his mate.

  “You nearly broke your mate.” Landon growled back the accusation that hit Ben hard.

  “No harm, no foul, she’s fine.” Connor offered, trying to ease the tension within the group. “Wave, witch, show them your hand still works.”

  “Are you considered funny, because I’m not getting that vibe?” Andi offered the vampire a glare of annoyance, as she absently rubbed her sore wrist with her other hand.

  “You want my blood to ease your…?” Connor started, but she hissed at him, turning her nose up at that idea.

  “Not even if I were screaming in agony.” She bit back.

  “Wait until you hear your mate sing,” Ash chuckled and Landon growled.

  “Weren’t you done talking?” The alpha grunted.

  “Now I’m done.” Ash said, holding up his hands at his chest and grinning wildly.

  “I think there needs to be some rules involving zapping.” Landon eyed the witch, and she balked at that idea.

  “Hey, he kissed me.” She bit out – not too pleased that she was being called out for the shifter’s problems with self control.

  “Mate’s tend to do that,” Connor offered lightly and she tossed him another glare. “You’ll get to like it.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she sneered back at him, pulling her head back on her neck and turning up her nose at him as if he carried a bad odour.

  “You are one creepy dude, do you know that?” She offered and Connor frowned.

  “I am a ghoul,” he offered back, raising just the one eyebrow towards her, and causing her to snort her contempt for him once more.

  “You got that right.” She muttered.

  “If you could keep the zapping to a minimum.” Landon offered with another low growl of annoyance.

  His life was getting more and more complicated by the day as the bears within his clan found their mates. He wasn’t entirely sure that he liked it. He much preferred the time before mates when he got to watch the games on TV and had a reasonably quite life, apart from breaking up the daily bloodings of his misfit bears.

  “Tell him to keep his lips to himself.” She shrugged and heard Ben’s low growl. “And the growling.” She added.

  “That’s hardly going to happen, now is it?” Connor offered. “Be logical, he’s a b-e-a-r.”

  “And I’m a witch. Bears – bear and witches-”

  “Are bitches,” Ash offered unhelpfully, but it caused Connor to burst out laughing before he managed to get it in check, even as Ben growled in anger and Landon groaned…

  “Not helping.” Landon snapped.

  “Not another word.” Ash held up his hands again.

  “I can help with that.” Andi bit out, clicking her fingers and taking away his voice.

  Ash opened his mouth to decline her offer, but when he found that only silence came out, he panicked a little – his eyebrows drawing together over the bridge of his nose…

  “Mess with a witch at your own peril.” Connor warned him – a little too late to do much good, but fun nonetheless.

  Ash looked towards Landon and pointed to his mouth. His lips were moving but nothing came out… Landon rested the urge to chuckle, but the amusement in his eyes was more than evident.

  “Oh, if only I could let you leave him like that.” Landon groaned. He could see his own amusement reflected in her eyes.

  “I don’t have a problem with it.” She tossed up a shoulder.

  “Seconded.” Connor offered as Ash twisted his head on his neck and eyed the vampire with disbelief. The muted shifter’s mouth started moving but no sound came out.

  “Pretty please, before he cries.” Landon asked and Connor chuckled harder.

  “As you asked so nicely,” Andi shrugged and clicked her fingers once more…

  “And I don’t think…” Ash stopped in mid flow. He’d been talking the whole time and the suddenness of hearing his own voice startled him into silence. Then he cleared his throat… “That’s not even remotely funny.” He growled at her and she shrugged again.

  “I enjoyed it.” She tossed back.

  “I have to say I did too.” Connor offered with another chuckle at the sound of Ash’s growl of annoyance.

  “I’d stay quiet if I were you.” Landon offered to Ash and the man actually pouted. “If you could refrain from using your magic-” Landon offered towards her.

  “Tell him to keep his lips and paws to himself and I’ll consider it.” Andi shot a glare at Ben and the big man scowled back.

  “I’m your mate. I have to woo you.” He growled out.

  “Woo this,” she flipped him the bird and Landon groaned again.

  “I like this mate.” Connor announced and everyone looked at him. “She’s fun.” He offered with a small shrug off his shoulders.

  “Yeah, fun.” Ash bit out and then eyed her from beneath his eyebrows as he muttered something else.

  “Guess you can’t teach an old bear new trick, ha?” Andi warned Ash, and he pressed his lips together until they were white.

  “About this wooing thing-” Connor started, but Ben growled long and hard.

  “I know how to woo a woman.” He bit out.

  “Obviously not.” Connor shrugged again.

  “Not just any woman, man, she’s your mate.” Ash said, and when Andi cleared her throat; he tossed up a hand in Ash’s direction and he balked. “I’m just saying – he’s gotta be more thoughtful and not rush you, is all.” He grumbled back on a deep frown.

  “Oh.” Andi shrugged, she couldn’t argue with that one.

  “I know how to woo my mate.” Ben said again as he pushed upwards, getting to his full height and taking a step towards her.

  Andi’s hand shot out and she offered him her index finger, trying to keep him in line before he even started anything else. She wasn’t feeling in a very forgiving mood, and he’d taken more than his fair share of liberties with her, and in front of everyone to boot.

  “No more kissing or manhandling me.” She warned and Ben frowned.

  “Fine.” He growled.

  “Good.” She snapped back.

  “I’m not feeling the need.” He grumbled a lie.

  “You think I am?” She shot back, snapping her head back on her neck and looking at him as if he’d just offered her a fresh kill. He grunted on a deep scowl.

  “Look, I’m a man and we have certain needs, you feel me…?” Ben started, taking a breath, and she jumped right in.

  “They’ll be no feeling.” Andi bit back.

  “Not what I meant, but moving on.” Ben informed her. He was starting to feel a little more like his old self now. “I found my mate – neither of us are happy about it, but there it is – I have to woo you.”

  “Is that like; don’t take it personally?” She shot back and Connor sniggered.

  “Yeah, about this wooing thing…” Connor started again, but Ben growled in his direction, and he tossed up a shoulder. “You suck!” He added with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

  “I’m just saying; she needs to get with the plan,
man.” Ben bit out, an irrational need within him to explain himself, to get her to see that he had no choice in the matter.

  “I hate to agree with a vampire, but he’s right, you suck.” Andi bit out. “From Mr Smooth to Butthole in the space of a few hours. I’m kind of getting a vision of how my mated life would go, and I have to tell you – there’s not a lot of incentive not to run away screaming.”

  “If you run from me…” Ben took a long step forward and she eyed him with intent to zap his backside should he get out of hand again.

  “Nobody is running.” Landon growled out, trying desperately to keep things on an even keel.

  This wasn’t like Ben – the man might have had a few problems with his bear, which is one of the reasons that he was a part of the clan, but the man was usually of a more jovial nature…

  “Walking really fast.” Andi muttered, and Landon groaned as Ben took another step.

  “Running from my bear is no laughing matter.” Ben warned her.

  “You think being mated to you fills me with joy and warm fuzzy feelings?” Andi asked.

  She desperately wanted to cross her arms, but she didn’t trust the shifter as far as she could throw him, and she’d need her magic to do just that should he get riled up again.

  “I think that feeling is mutual.” Ben growled back.

  “I take it back, he doesn’t just suck, he’s hopeless.” Connor shook his head in disbelief.

  “Leave.” Ben growled out as his bear rose up within him at his words. He kept that beast in check, caging him deep within. “Go back to your life, your damn shop…” he growled out, forcing his body to turn away from her, and then – he forced himself to put one foot in front of the other as he stalked away…



  “Well, you heard the man.” Andi announced, somewhat shocked by the sudden turn of events, and not knowing quite what to do about it.

  Deep within her his words caused her heart to sink as her stomach took on an empty feeling, as if she hadn’t eaten in a week… She glared at his back as he stalked away.


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