Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four)

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Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four) Page 8

by M. L. Briers



  Then he found the opening of her channel and he teased it, in two minds about thrusting all the way… he pushed, feeling the pressure of her muscles fighting him off… and sanity won the day as he slowly pressed into her, opening her around his hard length, stretching her silken walls around his steel and listening to the sound of her breath hiss from her lips as he took her deeper, deeper, feeling her inner walls quiver around his flesh…

  “So tight… so damn perfect….” Ben growled and grunted against the need to be balls deep inside of her. Her face was a picture of pleasure and strain as his cock ate her up.

  When his hips met hers; he saw her eyes flare, heard that guttural sound back in her throat, and he loved it… needed to see and hear that again. On one smooth move; his hips were retreating, his length was pulling back out of her, glistening with her juices, and her inner muscles were trying desperately to keep him deep…

  He didn’t keep her waiting, pushing back until his sack was against that puckered rosebud of her most taboo place, a place that he’d claim later if she let him… and then he was moving freely, taking her up and down his shaft, filling her, stretching her body, before retreating once more, over and over until she mewed for more, until her eyes begged him, and her body started to tighten around his length…

  “Do you need me baby? Do you need me to take you there?” Ben growled, knowing the answer before she even nodded at him, the tip of her pink tongue coming out to sweep over those full red lips…

  She was as hungry for his cock as he was for giving it to her…

  “Bite… I need you to bite when…” She never got to finish… He yanked his length out of her and she was lost, clenching around thin air, needy… “N…ooo…” she squeal out, but it was the feel of being lifted from the bed, turned in mid-air, and placed back down in front of him on her hands and knees that caused her a moment of sheer panic…

  “I’ve got you…” He growled against her ear as he curled his hard body over her, around her, one big arm holding her tightly as he pushed back into her…

  Deep, deeper, deeper until she didn’t think she could stretch around him anymore, until she didn’t think he’d fit another millimetre inside of her… and then she felt him hit home, felt that jolt of pleasure go right through her as his hips warmed her backside and his sack touched her clit…

  “You need to be sure that you want me to mark you…” Ben growled against her ear. Once he let his beast out there would be no turning back. She was his… marked, claimed, and that would be forever…

  “Yes… I’m sure… move inside me, please move… I need to feel you…” her hand wrapped over his forearm and her fingernails bit into his skin and she dragged them against the flesh…

  The sound of a guttural growl tore from his throat and he dragged his hips back, his length through her clenching walls, and thrust home again, and she gasped at taking him so deeply, as nature had intended… as every beast within the animal kingdom did…

  “Again… don’t stop, claim me as yours…” now that her body was ripe for him she wanted him whole. The man and his wild beast nature rutting with her, inside of her, taking her as he needed to, as she needed him…


  Her words freed his very soul. He growled like a beast uncaged, and moved his hips like a wildling. Taking her deep, taking her harder and harder, his balls slapping against her clit, his hips spanking the ample curves of her backside.

  “Tell me, baby… tell me what you need…” he growled that alien request against her ear, but her body was on fire for him, her mind was locked on every touch, every thrust…

  “Take me the way you’ve never taken another woman… harder, deeper, put your claim on me, inside and out… I want to feel your fangs branding me as yours… I want to feel your cock so deep that I can taste it…”

  His beast roared within him. He felt the heady rush of his bear pushing forward, felt his fangs pushing down and locking in place… His hips moved faster, took her harder, slapping off her backside like a hard slap from his hand… his sack bounced off of her clit, and he was loving her good… making her gasp, moan, and drawing that guttural sound from her with every thrust…

  Ben locked his arm around her body, drawing her up close against his chest… her backside was up and out, and he had the perfect angle to take her like a Wildman… His other hand fisted in her hair, dragging her head to one side; his eyes feasted on her neck, her shoulder, and he dipped his head, taking her scent that mixed with the thick smell of their sex in the air, before he ran his tongue down her neck and over her shoulder to where he’d mark her, claim her as his…

  He could feel her inner walls locking around his cock. He grunted and growled as he worked harder against the tightness, burying his length inside of her, taking her in deep thrusts that elicited that sound he loved to hear…

  And then she cried out as her world came apart. The hard clench and release of her inner muscles signalling his need to claim her. He bit down into her flesh and felt her body jolt from the pain… another guttural sound rumbling in her throat as he marked her as his…

  His bear roared at the joining. Souls met and danced. He felt her loneliness, her pain from years of rejection, and she felt his. Wiped away in one moment of coming together as one… one soul from that moment on.

  Ben released his fangs and swiped his tongue over her skin. He had a burning need within him to finish their bond. His balls ached from being denied the right to spill his seed within her womb as she still throbbed around his thrusting cock…

  He released her body, wrenched out of her, and before she could speak, he had turned her against him, her legs wrapped around his hips automatically, and he was climbing up the bed with her, taking her down beneath him, his hands on her wrists as he thrust into her, pinned her arms above her head, and loving her the way a mate should…

  Every muscle within his body was tightening. Every inch of him was alive with that need, that desire to have her, take her up with him, and thrust them both over the edge into oblivion.

  His name was on her lips as he felt her body tightening, reaching for another release, and his hips rolled, pitched, and slapped against hers.

  “Come for me, Andi…” He growled against her lips… “Let me feel your body claiming my seed…”

  A heartbeat later and she cried out at the intensity of the orgasm that ripped through her like a twister… the sound of his growls, his grunts of pleasure echoed in her very soul as her inner walls suckled his cock, claiming his seed as he buried his length as deep as he could, his head going back on his neck, his muscles locking up, before he roared at the feel of the orgasm tearing him apart…

  His hips thrust home, once, twice, three times… he growled hard, his body on fire, muscles threatening to rip apart… four… five… six… buried right to the hilt, giving her his seed, marking her inside and out as his… seven… he felt her body come apart again… another rush of pleasure speared him… eight… nine… his pleasure was unending…

  Over and over he hit home and spilled inside of her…




  He dropped his weight down onto his elbows, felt her body down the length of his…

  “M-i-n-e…” he growled, long and hard…

  ‘Yes… yours…’ He heard her words echo inside his very soul and his beast roared… he felt his heart expand to take her in… the love that he felt for her already reaching back towards her as she reached for him…

  Then they eased down together, as one, body, mind and soul coming back from the brink of insanity…

  Ben fought to ease up away from her, his muscles still quivering under his weight. He looked down at her face… so sated, so loved in every way that he could possibly share with her. Her brown eyes fluttered opened, hooded from the desire they had shared…

  “I heard you in my head…” Ben growled, questioning if he
was losing his mind…

  “I have… gifts… it’s one of the reason nobody wanted me. I’m different…” The look of sadness crossed her face.

  “You’re special, Andi. So damn special to be able to reach into my bear, into my soul…” he was in awe of her in every way possible. She truly was a soul mate.

  He saw the tears form in her eyes and pulled her in closer, wrapped her within the safety, the security of his arms…

  “Mine, Andi, from now until forever. I’ll never leave you, never hurt you, never reject you for who you are, what you are. You don’t have to hide with me…” Ben whispered against her ear.

  “I’m yours, Ben. I’m home…” She’d opened her heart and her soul to him. Shared everything and he hadn’t pulled away. There was a warmth that spread through her body, mind, and soul… she felt alive, truly alive in his arms.

  “Wait til my clan sees what you can do…” Ben was filled with pride for her.

  “N… no.” He felt her pull back away from him, looked down at the look of fear on her face.

  “You don’t get it, baby. Connecting with the clan makes you so damn special to each and every one here. It’s not a bad thing… trust me.” He felt her body ease at his words, and she took a moment to consider his words. Then she nodded.

  “I trust you.”

  “Good, because I think Ash has got this coming…” Ben grinned and she couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of his glee.



  Ben stood naked at the window of the cabin peeking out. He’d almost forgotten, in the two days since he’d first discovered Andi’s gift – and with what they’d been up to in those days with his mate, exactly what it was that he’d wanted to do…

  Now, as he spotted Ash walking across the uneven ground from his cabin towards Landon’s, it was time to put that plan into action.

  “Hey, come here… there he is.” Ben grinned with glee as he sniggered at his own evil thoughts. The sight of Andi, wrapped only in a thin cotton sheet almost made him change his mind as she came towards him…

  His cock hardened to steel and she arched just one eyebrow at it.

  “Down boy, hold that thought…” she grinned, and he growled, she was sexier than hell when she looked up at him like that, those sexy eyes almost begging for his length with her X-rated thoughts…

  She stepped in front of him and he immediately wrapped a big arm around her, bringing her backside up against his hard length and growling at the connection between them as he nestled his length between those ample cheeks… He hadn’t got as far as taking her there yet, but they were getting closer, she was getting more acquainted with the idea…

  “I know what’s on your mind…” she chuckled and he growled a denial…

  “I’m sure you don’t…” she turned to look up at him, and from the glint in her eye he was sure that she did…

  “Maybe later…” She shrugged a sexy shoulder upwards and he dipped his head to kiss it.

  “Maybe now…” his eyes went black.

  “Patience,” She teased. “First we screw with Ash… then we… screw…” she giggled and it was the dirtiest sound that he’d ever heard…

  “Damn it, Andi… you’re so damn hot I could just…” he grabbed a handful of the sheet and yanked it upwards, exposing the nice round curves of her backside… a heartbeat later and he had her bending towards that window, her backside jutting out towards him, and his knees were opening her legs for his length to push right back inside of her from where it had been not fifteen minutes before…

  “That’s…” she bit down on a gasp as he took her to the hilt…

  “Ok, now you can screw with Ash…” he growled, gently rocking his hips back and forth and just teasing her insides…

  “I can’t concentrate on him now…” she bit out, and Ben’s hips pressed against her backside. He held in place.


  “That’s…” she wiggled until he wrapped his arms around her and held her still.

  “He’s almost half way there… get him, baby.” Ben chuckled.

  Andi groaned inwardly. Messing with Ash wasn’t top of her list, but Ben was chuckling with glee and she didn’t want to disappoint him.

  ‘Ash!’ she called out with her mind, testing out her gift to see if she could reach him and only him… and they both watched as the big man stopped dead in his tracks and looked around…

  Ash lifted his nose and sniffed at the air… nothing… nobody… he could have sworn… He reached up and scratched his head, shook it, and then started back off for Landon’s cabin…

  ‘Ash… over here…’ Andi wanted to chuckle as the shifter stopped once more and spun around, sniffing the air as his eyes darted about…

  “Boy, what the hell are you doing?” Landon growled out as he stepped out onto his front porch, mug in hand, and took the shifter in.

  “I… was sure I heard something…” Ash reached up and scratched his head again, shaking it off, and starting towards Landon once more.

  ‘Ash, I’m here… over here…’ Andi almost lost it that time, especially when Ben chuckled and his length moved inside of her…

  Ash stomped his foot down on the ground and spun a full three hundred and sixty degrees, taking everything around him in…

  “Now, where the hell are you?” He called, demanding an answer, demanding that she… whoever she was, show herself…

  “Are you insane?” Landon growled, his eyebrows pitching together over his nose…

  ‘What’s the matter, bear… can’t find me? That nose not working?’

  “You can’t hear her?” Ash demanded of his alpha and Landon’s eyes looked about them, taking everything in and listening real hard…

  “Nope.” He said on a shrug.

  ‘Only you, Ash. I’m here for you…’

  “For me?” he growled, eyeing the area. “What’d I do?”

  ‘You wronged a witch, Ash…’ Andi put her hand over her mouth and chuckled at the sight of him, confused, worried, stepping backwards across the ground as his eyes searched wildly… She could barely contain her mirth, and Ben was practically panting out silent chuckles – his length jiggying about inside of her…

  “Which witch?” Ash growled out.

  ‘How many have there been, Ash?’ She sniggered as the blood drained from Ash’s face and he shook his head wildly…

  “None… not one. I wouldn’t harm a fly.” He rushed to denial on another shake of his head.

  “Who the hell are you talking too?” Landon growled out. “Are you on drugs?”

  “Me!” Ash snapped to attention. “Hell no!” he growled back.

  “Then what the hell are you doing?” Landon scowled at him.

  “She’s talking to…” Ash scowled, “me.” He finished lamely.

  “She who? Are you away with the faeries or something?” Landon demanded.

  “I don’t know… maybe.” Ash replied, even more confused.

  ‘He can’t hear me, Ash. Only you. I’ve come here for you…’ She bit down on another snigger as Ash started backwards across the field.

  “Come here for me…? What’s that mean?” he growled out, worried, confused, and a lot nervous at the prospect.

  ‘It’s reckoning time, bear, and you’ve got to answer for your crimes…’

  “Crimes… I didn’t do it!” he tossed up his hands.

  “Do what?” Landon growled.

  “I have no idea.” Ash shook his head harder.

  ‘I saw you, Ash… that poor witch…’

  “Which damn witch?” Ash growled, stepping back further and further, and having no damn idea where he was going or how to get away from the disembodied voice that was haunting him… “Ghost…” he whispered as his eyes flicked to the alpha.

  “Ha!” Landon snapped out. “Good luck with that.”

  ‘I’ve come to take you to the other side, Ash…’

  “I’m not ready!” Ash tripped and f
ell backwards onto his backside on the ground with a grunt of pain and a snort for his pride.

  ‘It’s not your choice to make-’

  “I’ll be better…” Ash rushed out.

  ‘Better than what?’

  “I don’t know…” he whined, “just better.”

  Andi giggled and Ash’s eyes snapped towards the cabin. His ears pricked up at the sound of Ben’s deep chuckle… a heartbeat later and he was up on his feet, stalking towards them…

  “Oh, poop!” Andi chuckled…

  “Where the hell you going now?” Landon growled. More than ready to get up the mountain and get to work on one of Dexter’s cabins.

  “I got a bear to punch upside the head…” Ash growled out…

  “Let me go…” Andi chuckled as she wiggled against Ben and the man reluctantly pulled away, slipping out of her as they both sighed at the loss… he reached out, and for the first time in a few days, wrenched his jeans on to the sound of Ash beating at his front door…

  “We’re busy…” Ben called back, still chuckling.

  “Get your ass out here before I come on in there and drag you out…” Ash growled.

  “Gee, bears really don’t have a sense of humour, do they?” Andi said loud enough for Ash to hear.

  “That’s not funny…” he growled through the door. “How’d you do that anyway?”

  “It’s a gift.” Ben called back as he stalked towards the door. Wrenching it open and feeling the full force of Ash’s fist hit him square on the jaw. He stumbled backwards and Ash grunted in satisfaction. His eyes snapped towards Andi, wrapped in a sheet, her eyes wide at the sight of her mate on his backside on the floor…

  “You’re a mean one…” Ash pointed an accusing finger in her direction and she grinned back at him.

  “At least I’ve never stuffed a witch in the boot of my truck…” she tossed back and he scowled at her.

  “It’s not a boot.” He snapped.


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