Finding Love

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Finding Love Page 8

by Callie Stone

  Most girls would be flattered by his persistence. I, on the other hand, am a worrier, I expect the worst to always happen. What if he’s crazy? What if he wants to kill me?

  Someone that shows up every day for a week and watches someone is certainly crazy.

  I couldn’t figure out why he was so fixated on me?

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  I stare at the phone number unsure of what I to do. At first, I was going to throw it in the trash, not exactly sure I needed or wanted a boyfriend right now. Especially after seeing Troy again. I even went as far as dropping it in the trash can. It stayed there for a full hour before I dug it out. Could I really throw away the number for a guy as gorgeous as Ryan? A guy that made my heart skip a beat around him. A guy that harassed me at work every day for a week? That thought made me laugh. He is one persistent man. But I still wasn’t sure if I would use it yet. I set the paper on the counter in the kitchen and go about my day.

  Suddenly Adam came to mind. That’s how our relationship started. A simple piece of paper with a phone number. I had caved and sent a message and ended up cheated on again and crying for a week. Did I really want to risk that?

  Not all guys are the same, I know this. But the thought of the same thing happening again, scared me. I shuddered at the possibility and decided on a nice hot bath to clear my brain.

  Starting the water, I added some bubbles to it and took off my clothes. Stepping into the tub I slowly lowered myself into the hot water. Leaning back, I let out a long sigh as I felt my body relax. This is just what I needed.

  As I lay there enjoying the heat from the water, I let my mind wander to Ryan. A large part of me wants to take that number and contact him. But another part of me wants to throw it in the trash. After all my previous relationships, I’m not even sure I need to date right now. Maybe this isn’t the best time in my life.

  God, how I hoped that wasn’t true. Ryan is gorgeous and funny. I could use some funny in my life. He catches me off guard and makes me nervous but that could be a good thing. I haven’t felt this way in a long while. No one has made me feel like a hormonal teenager since… well, since I was a teenager and started dating Troy. Shaking my head, I remove him from my thoughts. He’s the last person I need to think about and I don’t want him messing with my thoughts of Ryan.

  Closing my eyes, I sink lower in the tub. I let my mind wander to Ryan’s green eyes and those lips I want to suck on.

  Screw it. If nothing else, I deserve a good time, right? I shouldn’t assume he wants a relationship with me. But either way, I could use some fun and I think he could help me with that.

  I climb out of the tub and wrap a big fluffy pink towel around me. Unplugging the drain, I don’t wait to dry off or get dressed and head straight for my phone. Picking up the paper I open my text messages and type in his number.

  Is there a reason you gave me this number?

  I hit send and wait for the funny response I’m sure he will send. When no response comes after a minute, I realize I’m being overly eager. I look down at my towel-wrapped body and decide to get dressed. What crazy person stands in her kitchen staring at her phone waiting for a message while wrapped in only a towel? This girl apparently.

  I set the phone down and head to the bedroom quickly towel-drying myself and throwing on yoga pants and a tank top. No need for anything special. I have no plans of leaving the apartment today. I run the brush through my hair, grab my book off the nightstand and make my way to the couch. Time to get lost in a story. A getaway from everyday life always sounds good to me.

  I open to my last page read and begin to read the first paragraph. I read it and reread it at least five times. Closing the book, I realize reading is not something I’ll be able to do since my mind can’t stay off Ryan and why he hasn’t messaged me back yet. I set the book down on the coffee table and grab the tv remote. Guess some mindless tv will have to do. I don’t really have to pay attention to that.

  I click on my favorite show and lean back kicking my feet up on the table. Letting out a sigh I allow myself to relax on the couch. I am so comfortable I quickly fall asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Waking slowly, it takes me a moment to realize where I am. I didn’t think I was that tired to fall asleep. Slowly stretching I hear my stomach growl. Checking the time on the TV I realize I’ve slept almost the whole day. I must have really needed to catch up on sleep but now I’m starving. Getting off the couch to go scour my cabinets for something to eat I absently grab my phone to see if anyone called or messaged, completely forgetting about my earlier text. As I open the fridge I look down and gasp. Three messages from Ryan. I instantly become nervous. I hesitate before finally swiping my finger across the screen to read them.

  Maybe I just like giving my number out to random girls.

  The first text made me smile. To see that he didn’t take offense to my first message made me relax. Some people can be so uptight at times. Scrolling down I read the next two.

  Okay. No response. I, of course, wanted you to use it to call/text me.

  Did I scare you away?

  I had to laugh at the last one. Poor guy probably thought I wasn’t responding on purpose. Though to my defense, it did take him all of… Scrolling up I check the time I sent my message and the time he finally responded. Two hours. Did he think I would just sit by the phone like a love-sick girl waiting on his message? Shaking my head, I start to type out a reply.

  No, didn’t scare me off. Though if you’re worried about scaring me off maybe I should be worried about what you’re hiding.

  I hit send with a smile on my face.

  Sorry, I fell asleep. Not that it matters since it did take you two hours to respond and I do have a life, ya know!

  I hit send on the latest message and wait, staring at my phone. Again, I count the minutes as they tick by wondering what the hell is taking him so long this time. It’s hard to have any fun text message banter if the other person isn’t responding. Letting out a sigh I slide my phone onto the counter again and look back in the fridge. Leftover pizza it is. I don’t feel like cooking anything.

  Placing my two slices in the microwave I push the reheat button and wander back to my phone. I click the button just to make sure I somehow didn’t miss his response. Still nothing.

  Shaking my head at how I’m acting I go back to the microwave at the same time it dings signaling it’s done. I grab my plate, napkin and as I leave the kitchen I hesitate but then grab my phone too. Just in case, I tell myself.

  I make myself comfortable on the couch and as I take a large hot bite of food my phone rings. Mouth full and hanging open while trying to stop the burn I look down and see it’s none other than Ryan. Talk about bad timing. I slide the answer key over, click the speakerphone and mumble out, “Hello.”

  “Um, are you okay? Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  Finally getting my food down I ask, “What are you talking about?”

  “You sounded a little off when you answered. I can call back later if you’re busy.”

  Who would have thought just the sound of his voice over the phone would make me nervous? It’s a good thing I wasn’t standing, he makes my knees weak and I would have surely fallen to the floor. “Sorry! I had a mouth full of pizza,” I say laughing. “I wasn’t expecting you to call. A text would have worked.”

  “Oh.” He chuckles across the phone.

  Be still my beating heart. That sound could do crazy things to a girl.

  “Well, I’m driving home so I figured instead of waiting until I got there to text I would just call. Is that okay or would you rather I hang up now?” He chuckles again, and I want to tell him to stop doing that and do it more at the same time.

  “No this is fine. But I’m eating so excuse me if I try talking with a mouth full of food,” I say before taking another large bite. Any other guy and I would have stuck my food to the side until the call was over or requested to call them back. But with Ryan, I get the vibe that I don
’t have to be prim and proper. I can be my normal annoyingly smart-ass self and it will be okay.

  “No problem. So how was your day?”

  Ah, small talk. “It was fine. Took a nice hot bubble bath to relax and then fell asleep on the couch. Not much excitement here. How about you?” I am more interested than I thought to hear about his day.

  “I don’t know. A hot bubble bath could be very exciting,” Ryan breathes over the phone.

  “If you say so,” I say with a giggle. “So, what did you do today?”

  “Nothing much really. I worked most of the day building a custom table for a customer. That took a couple hours to get done and tomorrow I have to stain it.”

  “Custom table? You play with wood?” I smile to myself trying to keep my laugh in.

  “Yes, I play with wood every day,” Ryan says smoothly with a little chuckle. “I own my own business, building things. I can build anything you can imagine.”

  He is going to drive me crazy. “You think highly of yourself, don’t you? Anything I can imagine? I’m not sure that’s possible.” My smile gets bigger.

  “Oh, believe me. It’s possible. I am that good.”

  “Someone has a big head,” I say my cheeks starting to hurt from smiling so big.

  “I got more than one big head,” Ryan says smoothly.

  I release a loud laugh unable to hold it in any longer. He is too much. I don’t think I have laughed so hard with anyone before. Doubled over holding my side I say, “You’re really full of yourself, huh? I don’t think I can associate with someone so cocky.”

  “Oh, just admit it already. You like cocky. I can hear you trying to catch your breath over there from laughing. If you want, I can come show you how cocky I am, and you can catch your breath in other ways,” he says with that smooth sensual voice again.

  That comment ceases my laughter instantly and I feel my insides tense up in anticipation. “I think it’s a little too soon for that don’t you?” Was it too soon. I mean hell I had plenty of one-night stands, but I had a feeling one night with Ryan wouldn’t be enough. I already couldn’t stop thinking about him. If I had one night with him what would I do afterwards when my mind and body were still thinking about him and he was done with me? Not to mention, I’m over the one-night stands. They didn’t get me anywhere in life. They did help me relieve some hidden anger towards Troy stealing my early adult life for a big fat lie. Shaking my head, I get back to the conversation.

  “Hmm. No, I really don’t.”

  “I don’t even know you. You expect me to just hand over my address and spread my legs?” I’m shocked at how brave he is.

  Ryan chuckles. “Address yes, spreading your legs… We can work on that when I get there.”

  Wow, this man is crazy and way too damn cocky. But I have to admit that I like it. It’s new and refreshing from the men I’ve dealt with in the past.

  “Yeah, I think that will have to be another day,” I say shaking my head still shocked at his comment. I take the last bite of my pizza and set the plate on the coffee table.

  “Well, that sucks because I’m already sitting outside of your place.”

  No. Fucking. Way.

  I grab my cell and jump up running to the door and look through the peephole. “You’re bull-shitting,” I say praying I’m right. But what if I’m not? What if he is out there? Would I let him in? I should be scared of his stalker tendencies. I look down at myself and realize I look like a mess.

  “I’m in the big blue Nissan Titan. I’m parked directly across from your door.”

  I look out and sure enough, there is the truck. What the hell? How did he find out where I lived? “Okay. How the hell did you get my address? Should I be worried about the fact that you are sitting across from my apartment?” I am in complete shock and unsure of what to do.

  “If you open the door I’ll tell you how.”

  What to do… “I just met you, somehow you get my address and just show up and you expect me to just open the door and welcome you in? Can I remind you of my earlier comment, I don’t know you?” I feel frantic as I continue to stare out the peephole. What the hell was this man thinking? Cocky fucker.

  “I didn’t do anything illegal to get your address I swear. I’m not some psycho, I didn’t follow you home or anything. I promise. And you won’t know me if you don’t take the time to. So, I’ll ask one more time. Are you going to open the door? If not let me know and I’ll leave,” he says sounding so sure of himself.

  Letting out a growl of frustration I say, “Fine.” Unlocking the door, I throw it open, hang up on him and walk away. Plopping down on my couch not caring how I look anymore. If he wants to force his way here, he will have to deal with what he gets. I’m a little pissed off by this whole situation. Never put a girl on the spot like that. Doesn’t he know women need time to primp? Do hair and makeup and pick out the right clothes. Looking down at my yoga pants and tank top I whisper, “Shit.” I don’t even have a damn bra on. Before I can make a mad dash to my bedroom I hear the door close. Well, I’m stuck like this now.

  “Did you just hang up on me?” He stands at the entrance to my living room, arms crossed, muscles looking even bigger than I remember staring down at me.

  “And if I did? You got a problem with that?” I stare back letting him know I won’t back down. “You got what you wanted, didn’t you? You’re standing in my apartment.”

  “You did, yes, I have a problem, yes, I got what I wanted but if there is one thing I hate it’s when people hang up on me. It takes two seconds to say bye,” Ryan says as he stalks over to me and plops down next to me. “Two seconds,” he repeats. “Next time use those two seconds and say bye.”

  Ha! Who does he think he is? My daddy? I don’t think so. He really is something else. “Oh, I’m so sorry sir, I will make sure to remember that next time,” I say in a whiny teenage voice.

  Ryan starts to chuckle while slowly shaking his head at me.

  “If there is a next time,” I add in a low snarky voice.

  Ryan’s smile fades away as he gives me a stern look. He can be a little scary at times, very intimidating. I look up meeting his eyes and plaster on the biggest brightest smile I can. I’m sure I’m grating on his nerves, but he’s already got on mine.

  “Watch yourself before you get your ass spanked,” he says in a low gravelly voice that could make me wet instantly if it wasn’t for the comment he made.

  I stiffen instantly. “Yeah buddy, that won’t happen, sorry. And are you trying to treat me like a child? Because I already have a daddy and I don’t suffer from daddy issues so that won’t do any good with me.”

  “It will happen, and you’ll love it, just wait and see. And no, I’m not trying to treat you like a child. Just letting you know what’s going to happen. I’ve been dreaming about smacking that ass over a week since I watched it sway away from me at that restaurant,” Ryan says as his eyes darken.

  Oh hell, what have I gotten myself into? His look is turning me on. When it should be scaring the hell out of me. Time to change the subject and quick.

  “Um, okay then,” I say trying not to fidget. “So, are you going to tell me how you got my address now?”

  “We apparently have a mutual friend,” Ryan says smiling.

  “And that friend would be?” I ask impatiently. I want to know who I need to fuss out for giving out my information.


  Well damn.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Why the hell would Adam talk to anyone about me? The thought of him telling Ryan about our relationship made me nervous. I thought guys didn’t share about the girls they dated. Brag about one-night stands, yeah probably, but relationships that ended because they cheated and got caught? I figured that would be something they kept to themselves. “Ha! I wouldn’t call that a friend of mine. I’m okay never seeing him again. So how did I become the subject of conversation between you two?” I ask curiously.

  “I ran into him after I l
eft the bowling alley one night, we had some guy talk and he told me where you lived.”

  Oh no. That’s not going to work. “So, what, he told you all about me and you figured you had to show up and see for yourself?” I ask a little disgusted. I am two seconds away from throwing this man out of my apartment.

  Laughing Ryan says, “No nothing like that. If you must know the whole conversation, he asked me if I was seeing anyone yet considering I’ve been single for a few years focusing on my business. I told him not yet, but I had hoped to be seeing the gorgeous woman I had recently met. He asked what your name was, and I told him.” Pausing Ryan shakes his head and chuckles. “I must say, I never saw him look so shocked before. He said he knew you, so I asked where you lived. He wrote it down, gave it to me, said bye and we parted ways.”

  Looking at him with my mouth gaping a little I come to my senses and ask, “So he didn’t tell you how he knew me?” How interesting is this conversation becoming?

  “Nope. He didn’t offer, and I didn’t ask. Though I am curious as to what made him look so shocked. Would you care to fill me in?”

  Hmm. Do I tell him what happened or not? It makes us both look like fools. Him for cheating and me for not realizing it. “I’m not sure I should tell you since he is your friend.” I shrug my shoulders and look away.

  “Did I say friends? I meant acquaintances. We rarely see each other, haven’t hung out in years. Not really in my circle of friends anymore.” Ryan lifts his eyebrows and waits.

  “Fine,” I huff. “I dated Adam for a year and thought the relationship was going somewhere…” I sigh, dropping my shoulders. “That was until he was in the bathroom and his phone went off. When I looked at it, let’s just say I saw things I didn’t want to. So, it ended right then and there.” I look toward the kitchen, so Ryan can’t see my face. I’m not upset about the whole thing anymore, but I do feel like a fool for not realizing sooner.


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