Finding Love

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Finding Love Page 16

by Callie Stone

  I take a quick look in the rear-view mirror and have to do a double take, my smile instantly falling. The sun casts a glare on the car behind me but I’m almost positive that Tina is behind me. I take a deep breath and remind myself that I can’t completely avoid her since we live in the same town. The light turns green and I continue to work with constant glances behind me to see if she follows me the whole way.

  Sure, enough after I park I watch as she slowly drives right in front of my car, she looks over at me with a big smile on her face. “What the hell is that all about?” I ask myself. I watch her leave the parking lot before leaving the security of my car, not trusting her one bit. I shake my head as I walk into work and try to put the odd incident out of my head.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Leaving the bowling center, I release a sigh of relief. Work was busy which made the shift go faster. It also prevented me from thinking about Tina. I didn’t tell Ryan about it not wanting to bother him with something as little as her following me to work. I know I should probably be more worried about it, but she is just a blip on the radar that will soon be out of our lives for good. Eventually, she has to get the hint, right?

  I turn around and start to walk to my car and instantly stop as my heart rate spikes. Why the hell is she here? I stay rooted to my spot unsure if I want to continue to my car or call Ryan, hell maybe even the cops. It doesn’t take long for my fear to turn to anger and the decision to handle this on my own kicks in. What’s the worst that could happen right?

  I quickly make my way to Tina’s car that happened to be parked right next to mine, cross my arms and wait. With her smile plastered on her face, she rolls down her window. “What the fuck do you want?” I ask at my wits end with this woman.

  “Just wanted to stop by and let you know that Ryan is not as perfect as you think,” she said with a sickly-sweet voice.

  “And what exactly is that supposed to mean? Just get to the point already so I can go home and forget about you.”

  Tina’s eyes squint just a fraction, I can see the anger in them. “I just spent the day with your precious fiancé.”

  I laugh. “Do you really expect me to believe you?” This woman has lost her mind.

  “Believe what you want but I was with him all day. We spent most of our time in the office if you know what I mean,” she purrs before winking at me.

  This crazy bitch is lucky I’m pregnant because I swear I would whoop her ass right now. And I have no idea where all this rage is coming from considering I’ve never been in a fight before, so I’ll just blame it on the hormones. “If you say so, Tina. I don’t know why you think I’ll believe anything you say. I know you’ll do anything to try and break us up. Unfortunately for you … It’s not going to happen. You might as well give up because you have nothing Ryan wants.” I take a deep breath and release it hoping it will dispel some of my anger. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help as I’d hoped.

  “Sweetheart,” she says in that sickly-sweet voice again. “You should definitely listen to me this time. Look at the hickey he left on my neck.” She leans forward tilting her head to the side to display her neck. Sure, enough there’s a hickey there. “I was his first love, we had a child together that died, we will always have a connection that you can’t come between. And if I have any luck at all I might get pregnant again since we didn’t use protection any of the …” She pauses as she starts to put fingers up as if counting how many times they had sex. “Four times we fucked.”

  I begin to shake from my anger and snap. “Oh really? How about you follow me to the house and we can talk about this with Ryan present.”

  Tina smiles up at me. “No, that’s okay. I’ve had him all day, I’ll let you have him tonight. If you even make it through the night.” She rolls her window back up and backs out of the parking spot.

  I stand rooted to the ground. My brain on overdrive, still shaking from my anger at this woman harassing us. After a couple minutes, I finally take a deep breath and get in the car. The trip home is a blur, I’m on autopilot as my mind goes over everything Tina said. I pull into the driveway a little shocked that I even made it home without getting into an accident. I take another deep breath to try and calm down that yet again doesn’t work. Everyone says when your mad to take deep breaths, but that shit isn’t working for me and I wish it would.

  I get out the car and quickly make my way inside. “Ryan,” I yell out not knowing where he’s at in the house.

  “Wow, babe, why the hell are you screaming?” Ryan walks in from the living room.

  I walk into the kitchen throwing my stuff down on the counters as I go, Ryan follows watching my every move. “Well let’s see here. It could have to do with the fact that Tina followed me to work earlier. Or maybe it has to do with Tina waiting outside for me after I got off. Let me not forget to mention the horrible grin she wore, the sickly-sweet voice she used or the purr while she explained to me that you are not the man I think you are. Not only that but how she spent the day with you having sex in the office.” I hold up my fingers and flip them up like she did as I continued, “Not once, or twice, not even three times but four freaking times. Also showed me the hickey on her neck and explained how you two didn’t use protection and she hopes to become pregnant by you again.” I ramble all this off without looking Ryan in the eyes. I am so pissed I’m not sure I even want to be in front of him at the moment.

  My stomach picks this moment to rumble. Instead of looking at Ryan I use this as an excuse to turn my back on him and open the fridge. He says nothing to me and I listen closely to see what he will do. The tension in the room is thick. I hear a phone ringing and whip around to see what’s happening.

  “Hey baby, I knew you would call.”

  That damn voice grates on my nerves and I look from the phone to Ryan, finally meeting his gaze. What the hell is he doing?

  “Hey Tina, I’ve had a rough night, can you come over?” Ryan’s stare looks dangerous.

  “Of course, give me thirty and I’ll be there,” she purrs through the phone.

  “Perfect. See you soon,” Ryan responds before hanging up the phone.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I ask flabbergasted.

  Ryan doesn’t say a word as he continues to tap on his phone a few more times. This time he doesn’t put it on speaker so I only hear one side of the conversation. “Hey, can you come over right now.” A short pause. “Tina.” One word before another short pause. “Okay see you soon.” Ryan hangs up again.

  I stare at him with my mouth hanging open unsure of what’s happening. Ryan pays no attention to me as he clicks a few times and makes another call. It went the same as the first. When he finally puts his phone down I ask, “Would you like to fill me in on what you’re doing?”

  “Sweetheart, with my business I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a lot of different people. A few of those people know my situation from being longtime customers. One of them is a cop and one is a lawyer. A lawyer that became my personal lawyer after I built him a special bookcase for his office. I have this under control, don’t worry.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna worry all right because I don’t know what the hell is going on.” I had expected Ryan to wrap me in his arms after I flipped out about Tina but instead he has kept my distance. I don’t know what to think about that.

  “You’ll see. Now, what do you want to eat? I can make you something quick.” Ryan crosses his arms and waits for a reply.

  “No thank you. I think I’ll just eat some grapes,” I say as I turn and pull the bag of grapes out of the fridge. I sit at the counter, shoving grapes in my mouth knowing this won’t fill me but wanting to be present for whatever was about to happen.

  Within minutes the doorbell rings and Ryan finally moves from his spot to answer the door. “Hey.” Is all I hear before Ryan leads two men into the kitchen. Ryan turns to me and says, “Addy this is Anthony, the cop, and Erik, the lawyer.”

  I give a little wave as my mouth is full of grapes and get a h
ead nod in return. They both study me making me nervous to be put on the spot. “Umm would you two like something to drink or maybe some grapes,” I say holding up the bag.

  Both men let out a laugh and shake their heads no before saying “No, thank you,” at the same time.

  Ryan releases a chuckle before getting to the point. “Did you bring the paperwork, Erik?”

  “Of course.” Erik pulls out some folded-up papers from his back pocket. “All you have to do is sign and I’ll get it notarized and get a judge to sign them first thing in the morning.”

  “When he files them, he will call me, and I’ll personally go pick them up and serve her to make sure she receives them,” Anthony says.

  I study them as Ryan reads over the papers. Anthony is tall and slender with short brown hair and hazel eyes. Knowing he’s a cop makes me wonder if he’s anything like Adam. I know I shouldn’t compare the two since I don’t even know Anthony personally but it’s hard not to since they have the same job.

  Erik is shorter than Anthony by maybe a foot but is built like a tank. I wouldn’t have expected a lawyer to look like him. His t-shirt can barely contain his muscles, I wonder how a suit would. Erik seems to be the complete opposite of Anthony with blonde hair and blue eyes.

  Ryan signing the paper pulled my attention from the two strangers standing in my kitchen. “What are you signing?” I ask.

  “Restraining order. You have to sign too.”

  “So, what you’re telling me here is Erik already had these papers pulled up and ready before you called him?”

  “This is not the first time I’ve had an issue with her. Erik typed them up about three years ago after the last time she popped up trying to get me back.”

  Ryan sounds exasperated having to explain this to me. Which is crazy considering he never told me this before. Why though? Was he keeping it from me or he just didn’t want to worry me? So many questions and none I want to ask in front of these men. I start popping the grapes in my mouth again to give me something to do.

  Ryan slides the paperwork over to me and Erik shows me where to sign. I do as they say without reading it trusting Ryan read over everything. “So, you really think this will stop her?” I ask curiously. “Because I honestly don’t think it will.”

  “If she does anything after this is filed I will personally arrest her and enjoy every minute of it, too. It’s time for this shit to stop so Ryan can move on with his life,” Anthony says with a stern look my way.

  “Okay,” I say looking away from the three men in my kitchen.

  Seconds after Erik folds up the paperwork and slides it into his back pocket the doorbell rings again. “Lord, I hope she has actual clothes on this time,” I say not bothering to move from the stool I’m on. Anthony and Erik give me a strange look while Ryan laughs.

  “You and me both,” he says giving me a wink before he goes to the door.

  “Hey baby, you have a party going on here? What’s up with all of the cars?” Tina’s voice floats into the kitchen.

  “Something like that. Come on in, we’re in the kitchen.”

  Tina walks in with a smile on her face that quickly falls as she comes to a stop just inside the entrance. Her eyes flicker over all of us. Ryan walks in behind her and blockers her escape. She whirls on him and tries to move around him, but he doesn’t allow her to get by. “What the fuck is this Ryan?” She all but screeches at him.

  “Just clearing some things up,” Ryan says with a shrug. “I want to make sure I have the facts straight. We spent all day together?” He looks at her expecting a response, but she clamps her mouth shut. Ryan holds up his hand like she did, and I did when I got home and counts off. “Not once, twice, or three times but four times.” He looks at her again.

  Tina still not saying a word turns slightly and looks right at me. I can see the anger in her eyes, anger at me. This does not bode well for me.

  Ryan continues. “Let me not forget the fact that we used no protection.”

  Tina visibly takes a deep breath. “Look Ryan, I don’t know what she told you but she’s lying. I…”

  Ryan holds up a hand to stop her. He crosses his arms, anger rolling off him in waves. Anthony and Erik, two men I just met, stood up straighter also crossing their arms as if they were mad on my behalf too. “You will not call my fiancé a liar, I will not stand for it. I know damn well you did all these things. You should know by now that your lies don’t work on me. Nothing that comes out of your mouth is the truth.”

  “Whatever Ryan, just let me leave,” Tina says as she tries to push her way past him again.

  Ryan holds his ground. “No, we’re not finished yet. I filled for a restraining order to protect Addy and me. Erik here is taking care of it and if you ever come near us again whether here or our jobs Anthony will arrest you, personally.”

  Tina looks behind her at the two men who both give her an evil smile. She visibly swallows before turning back to Ryan.

  “Do you get what I’m saying? I’m not playing around anymore, we are done, over and there is no way I will ever leave Addy for you. She is ten times the woman you are. Where you’re sour, she’s sweet. You’re mean and bitchy and conniving. She’s loving, maybe a little bitchy at times and giving.”

  I gasp narrowing my eyes at Ryan. He doesn’t look at me directly, but I know he can see me in his peripheral vision. That little shit will pay for that later. I glance over at the other two men and their shoulders are shaking with silent laughter. Ugh, they are all three little shits. My attention shifts back to Ryan as he starts talking again.

  “Addy is the love of my life, my soulmate. You will stay away from her. I have been nice when you were just messing with me, but now you’re messing with my family and I won’t put up with it. It. Ends. Now.”

  “Fine Ryan, I’ll leave you all alone. Can I go now?” Tina asks shoulders slumped looking defeated.

  Ryan steps to the side and Tina practically runs out of the house. Being the smart man that he is, Ryan walks straight to me and wraps his arms around me. “Sucking up isn’t going to work, Ryan. You are in deep shit for your comment,” I say slapping him on the arm. Pointing to the other two men I say, “And I appreciate what yall are doing for us but both of you are in trouble too.”

  “And what are you going to do to us?” Anthony asks with a serious look.

  “I don’t know yet, but I’ll think of something. It might have to wait until after the baby is born though. Just know that gives me nine months to plan.” I glare at them and Ryan laughs.

  Clearing his throat Erik says, “And that’s our cue to leave. I will keep you updated Ryan, don’t worry about her anymore.”

  Ryan releases me and goes to shake their hands. “Thank you, I really appreciate it and I owe you both one.”

  “I’ll send you my bill,” Erik says with a grin.

  “I bet you will,” Ryan replies shaking his head.

  “Goodnight and nice meeting you.” I wave as they make their way out of the kitchen. Ryan comes back to me wrapping me in a tight embrace.

  “So how are you going to punish me?” He looks down with a megawatt, sexy as hell smile.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It’s been a week since I found out I was pregnant. A week since I had to deal with Tina, who thankfully has left us alone so far. I’m standing at work and doing everything in my power not to throw up. Every smell here seems to turn my stomach. The shoe spray, the cleaner for the counters, ball wax and don’t get me started on some of the stuff they cook over in the snack bar. How can people eat some of that stuff? I don’t think there is any way I can make it working here through my first trimester. I am doubled over ready to puke almost all day.

  I have to quit.

  I broke this news to the boss two days ago. Thankfully she had hired someone two weeks ago and she is willing and able to cover my shifts. I just can’t make it. Today is my last day. I check the clock. Ten minutes and another chapter in my life has been closed. This job has b
een good to me and I hate that I have to leave, but what other option do I have?

  I watch the minutes tick by one by one. Five minutes down. I can do this without losing my stomach.

  As I watch another one tick off I hear someone calling my name. My head snaps to the right and I about fall to my knees.

  Standing there gloriously handsome as ever supporting a nice darker tan is Jimmy. Sweet sweet Jimmy. Why can’t I have one month without something crazy happening?

  I stand as best as I can afraid if I stand fully it will allow vomit to come up and smile wide. “Oh my god, hey Jimmy, how are you?” I hobble over a little and wrap my arms around his waist.

  “Hey, babe. I’m doing good, are you okay? You’re acting a little funny.”

  “Oh,” I say as my face drops. This is going to be difficult. I check the clock and two minutes left. “Give me a minute to clock out and get my things and then we can talk, but it has to be outside, not in here.”

  Jimmy gives me a strange look but nods his head.

  I walk into the boss’s office the best I can to give her a hug, thank her and say my goodbyes.

  “Make sure you let me know when that baby is born,” she says.

  “Of course, I’ll let you know about the baby shower too, I want you to come.”

  “I will be there.” She smiles at me as I walk out.

  I grab my bag from behind the counter and clock out for the last time. Feeling my eyes begin to water I stare up at the ceiling to try and clear them. Deep breaths in and out to calm my nerves and feelings down.

  Once I feel under control I walk back over to Jimmy grab his arm and pull him towards the doors. “I have to get outside before I get sick.”

  Looking at me strangely he nods once and follows me out quickly.

  Stepping outside I stop and take a few deep breaths of fresh air thankful to be away from the smells causing me to be nauseous. Finally, able to stand up straight I look up at Jimmy and motion him to follow me to a bench next to the door. We sit down, and I feel my body tense, something it probably would have done earlier if I wasn’t putting all my energy into not throwing up. I look up at his handsome face and smile.


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