Hell House Books 1-3: The First Three Hell House Novellas in One Box Set

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Hell House Books 1-3: The First Three Hell House Novellas in One Box Set Page 10

by Christle Gray

  I leaned back from his intense stare. “So…how do you get the extra blood you need?”

  “An IV drip is the preferred method, but I don’t always have time for that. I can also take injections. If I’m in a hurry, I’ll drink it, but that typically makes me want to hurl.” He straightened and stole a glance over his shoulder as the door to the school opened and a couple stumbled outside, laughing. Music wafted lazily over to us, promising a fun time. “Are we done with twenty questions? Can we go inside, now?”

  I sighed and held up a red-tipped finger. “In a sec. I just want to make sure I have all the facts. You can go outdoors in the sunlight?”


  “You won’t burst into flames if you go inside a church?”

  “The last time I checked, no,” he admitted, holding his palms up in a gesture of surrender as he shook his head.

  “You can eat food and garlic, touch crosses, cross running water, and not kill humans for food?” I ticked each point off with my fingers.

  “I wasn’t a fan of garlic before I was turned, but yes to all of the above.” He held out his hand and tugged me to my feet so quickly, I barely had time to grab my beaded clutch. “Now can we go inside? It’s freezing out here, so I know you have to be chilly as well.”

  I shivered as I fell in step beside him on our way to the gymnasium entrance, but stopped as one last thought hit me. “Wait. Just one more question. Do you—”

  Liam rolled his eyes and jerked me along with him. “Ask me if I sparkle in sunlight, and I’m just gonna take you home right now.”

  My mouth snapped shut as I suppressed a laugh. “What? It’s a legitimate question,” I managed to squeak out as a giggling fit loomed on my horizon.

  “Uh-huh.” He smiled and tucked my arm into the crook of his elbow as we made our way into the spring dance.

  Chapter Two

  My laughter changed to awe as I stepped inside the school gymnasium. Liam paused inside the door. I took a bracing look around, thankful for the opportunity to digest the scene. The room had been transformed into a spring flower wonderland. Silk flowers of every hue hung from colored streamers attached to the ceiling rafters. Daffodils, roses, pansies, and tulips swayed and swirled like they were being strummed by invisible fingers playing a rainbow symphony. A glittered ball spun in a circle in the ceiling’s center. The reflections from the ball danced around the room right along with the couples that packed the dance floor in the middle. Tables draped with white cloths circled the perimeter of the room. The same colored flowers covered the backs of the chairs at each table and made up the centerpieces. Candles flickered at each table, adding to the romantic atmosphere.

  “Wow.” I couldn’t think of much else to say. Not that anyone could hear me without yelling. The music was pretty loud. The bass thumped in my belly, giving the butterflies taking up permanent residence there something to think about.

  A DJ was at the end of the room on sort of a raised dais. A bored expression crossed his features as his gaze raked over the couples dancing. To his left stood a long table, also decked out with a white tablecloth and flowers. A crystal-looking punchbowl took up most of one end, and a group of kids gathered around it, laughing. The other end appeared to have food of some sort. But as my gut continued to flutter and thump, I doubted I would be eating anything.

  My heart joined in with the beat of the music as a guy with shaggy blond hair waved at us. He lumbered over to where we stood by the door.

  “Liam, my man, I hoped you’d be feeling well enough to actually make it.” He clapped Liam on the back with a crooked grin. Luckily, the DJ had switched to a slow song, so he didn’t have to shout. “And this must be the infamous Sora.” He bowed clumsily in my direction with mock flourish.

  Liam chuckled and rolled his eyes. “This ham is Jason, my best friend and biggest pain in my ass.”

  Jason straightened, his brown eyes sparkling. He kind of reminded me of Derrick, a lone shape shifter and irritating “brother” that lived at Hell House. Derrick had a heavy-duty crush on Zoe that was maddeningly obvious to everyone but her. At least Jason seemed less annoying. But hey, the night was still young, and I always had an arsenal of retorts at the ready, just in case.

  Jason smoothed the front of the teal silk shirt he wore with an exaggerated indifference, jutting out his chin. “Don’t let him fool you. He loves me.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the repartee between the two boys. As I did, a short blond girl in a teal dress sidled up beside Jason with a smile. Tiny jewels sparkled in her shoulder length waves. Since her taffeta dress matched Jason’s shirt perfectly, I assumed she was his date. “There you are, Jason. I’ve been looking for you.” She turned her hundred-watt grin to me and Liam. “Great to see you Liam! How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine, Amy. Ready to have a nice night.” He squeezed my hand gently where it rested in the crook of his elbow. “This is Sora.”

  Amy’s grin grew even wider as she gave a little wave. “Nice to meet you, Sora. We’ve heard a lot about you.” She traded a knowing glance with Jason, which made me stiffen. What exactly had they heard? And why the concern for Liam’s health?

  An older gentleman I assumed was a teacher stopped to speak with Jason and Amy, so I leaned over to whisper in Liam’s ear. “Why do they keep asking how you feel?”

  He leaned down until his lips were next to my ear. “They think I developed some kind of rare blood disease during my trip to Italy. That’s why I need the injections and transfusions.” His breath tickled my earlobe, and I had to concentrate hard on his words to keep from melting into a puddle.

  Another couple joined our little group as the teacher moved on. Dark haired Will and Darla were just as nice as Jason and Amy as Liam introduced me. Typically, making friends was something I just didn’t do very easily. I was the loner, content with being by myself. But for some reason, having Liam by my side just made everything, well, better.

  “So, Sora, you’re a fairy, right? Aren’t fairies supposed to have wings? How come you don’t have any wings?” Jason’s questions were blunt, to say the least, but Liam squeezed my hand again for reassurance.

  Amy took the opportunity to chuck Jason on the shoulder with her purse. “You’ll have to excuse my date. His foot spends an inordinate amount of time in his mouth.”

  Jason shrugged. “I don’t think Sora is offended. Are you, Sora?”

  All eyes focused on me, which made me feel like a bug under a microscope. A snarky retort popped to the surface, forever at the ready, but I pushed it away. I wanted Liam’s friends to like me, not think I was rude. I cleared my throat. “No offense taken, Jason. And as for the wings, only the most powerful and typically older of the Fae have them. And they are never visible in the mortal realm. Unless the fairy is powerful enough to make them visible. And that would make blending in rather difficult.” There. I could act like a sophisticated woman when I needed to.

  Jason nodded. “Cool. So, do you have any powers or stuff?”

  “Um…a few.” All my muscles stiffened. My grasp on Liam’s arm tightened like a vise until he had to pry my fingers loose. A pang of disappointment shot through me until he draped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him in a protective gesture.

  “This probably isn’t the best place for this discussion. Too many people around. You feelin’ me, Jay?”

  Liam’s concern made me all warm and fuzzy inside. Jason nodded and stuffed his hands into his pockets. “No harm, no foul, dude.”

  My shoulders were just starting to relax when a tall girl with straight blond hair so glossy it shone like a mirror sauntered into the midst of our little group. Her short silver dress had enough sparkle and spangle to blind you if you stared too long, and showed enough leg to almost be indecent.

  I immediately didn’t like her.

  And from the nasty looks Amy and Darla planted on their faces, neither did they.

  “Liam! So glad you could make it!” She practically pur
red his name as she stroked his arm, completely ignoring me. One word immediately came to mind and blared inside my head.


  The smile on Liam’s face held no joy. A polite gesture, filled with emptiness. I relaxed a little, seeing as how it seemed he didn’t like the tart either. “Heather. How nice to see you. How’s Rob?”

  Her red-painted lips pursed into a pout. I’m sure she intended the expression to come off as sexy, but I just thought of it as annoying. “He’s around here somewhere. Though you know I’d rather be here with you.”

  Oh, no, she didn’t! Anger simmered hotly in my gut as Liam’s grip around my waist tightened. If I concentrate, maybe I can change her into a toad. I pondered this revelation while Liam continued with strained politeness. “This is Sora, Heather. My date.”

  Heather paused, acknowledging me for the first time, and gave me a good once-over with her cold blue eyes. “Hello.” She glared at me like I was something she’d scraped off her shoe.

  I pasted a fake smile on my own face. My social niceties were wearing thin, but I was determined to have this evening not spiral into some kind of nightmare. “Hello,” I managed to get out between gritted teeth.

  Heather turned her attention back to Liam, dismissing me. I amended my earlier thought.

  Stuck up bitch.

  She batted her eyes at Liam, openly flirting with my date. The anger in my belly boiled over, and I felt tiny sparks snapping at the ends of my fingers. Seriously. A toad. Or maybe a cockroach. Transformation spells were difficult, but this floozy really made me not care about the consequences.

  “Heather, I think you should go check on Rob. You know how it’s not a good idea to leave him alone for too long.” Amy made a point to glance over her shoulder at a burly guy with a shaved head standing over by the punch bowl, where a leggy redhead swiped at a large red stain decorating the front of his white tuxedo shirt.

  Heather’s gaze followed Amy’s and her flirty smile transformed into an evil scowl. “I told him not to wear white, the klutz.” Her eyes narrowed into slits. “And who’s that pawing all over him? I’ll kill her.” She marched off toward her date, her stilettos clicking loudly with each step.

  The tension that Heather injected into our group dissipated almost immediately with a collective sigh from each of us. Amy shook her head as she watched the devil in a silver dress stalk off, then turned her gaze back to me. My anger level diminished, cooling the fire in my gut and snuffing out the angry magic that wished for release. I mouthed a silent thank you at her and received a genuine smile in return.

  “Remind me never to get on your bad side, Sora.” I bristled at Jason’s comment, but when I saw the humor in his eyes, I realized he was just teasing, and decided to throw one back at him.

  “Yeah, I’d hate to have to set you on fire, Jason. Or anyone else, for that matter.”

  A beat of utter silence settled over us, and I thought for a second I’d gone too far. But then Amy giggled. “Actually, I don’t think there’d be many complaints if Heather burst into flames.”

  That comment made everyone laugh. Liam’s hand moved to my back in a soothing motion that made all the blood rush from my head, pushing me toward a big, lightheaded swoon. I was doing this. I was a normal girl at a normal dance with normal friends. Woo to the Hoo.

  “So,” Will started, after the fit of laughter passed, “how about we bust a move on the dance floor?” As if on cue, the music changed to a fast number, the base thumping so hard I think my teeth rattled.

  Did he really just use the expression “bust a move?” I shook my head in bewilderment and glanced at Liam hopefully. His brows were drawn together in what looked like worry. “What? Don’t you want to dance?” I tugged on the sleeve of his jacket as colored lights swept over us and the crowd.

  “Er…” he faltered, the creases etched in his brow deepening.

  I peered with longing as Amy, Jason, Will, and Darla reached the dance floor, arms and feet going manic to the music. In spite of my cramped toes, my foot tapped out the rhythm. “Come on, Liam. I want to dance.”

  I didn’t want to sound like a whiner, even though my voice did have a bit of a whiny edge to it. Geez, this was a dance, and I wanted to take part in every aspect. Especially since I didn’t do anything to that skank, Heather. I deserved a reward for that, alone. “Please?”

  I batted my lashes, playing coy. I’d never done it before, but I’d heard it worked on boys to get what you wanted. I needn’t have bothered. Liam wasn’t even looking at me. Instead, his eyes were focused across the room. My gaze followed his to see a boy with spiky blond hair and a black trench coat glaring holes through us. A very petite girl with short platinum hair and a black leather bustier stood to his left. Each one of them wore a creepy smile.

  “Who’s that?” I noticed that Liam had grown very still. Trepidation wove its way slowly through me, stealing my breath as my heart thudded inside my ribcage.

  Liam didn’t answer, just stared at the two of them. A muscle ticked in his jaw, which made me realize how hard it was clenched. “Liam?” I tugged on his sleeve again to get his attention.

  Liam finally ended the staring contest. When his brown eyes locked with mine, I swear I could see fear in their depths, making my trepidation grow stronger. “What’s happening?”

  “Nothing.” I’m sure he tried his best to sound convincing, but I didn’t believe him. Something was going on. He patted my shoulder and flashed me a smile, but the fear in his eyes remained.

  I cocked my head to the side in question as he peered across the room again. The creepy smile twins were gone. Liam’s head whipped around in what I could only describe as panic, his eyes wide. “I need to take care of something, Sora. Stay here.”

  He started to step away, but I stopped him with a firm grip on his shoulder, giving me time to step in front of him, effectively blocking his path. “Where are you going? Who were those people?” Something was up, and I didn’t like it.

  “Hey, Sora, come to the restroom with me?” Amy walked up, breathless from dancing. Hello, inopportune moment.

  “Go,” Liam ordered. “I’ll be here when you get back.”

  “Um…” Amy grabbed my hand and yanked me toward the opposite wall where the restrooms were. Confusion and irritation swirled their way through me as she guided me away. I threw a glance over my shoulder to witness Liam head off in the direction where the blond and his companion had been.

  What the hell is going on?

  Chapter Three

  The girls’ restroom was a flurry of activity. Girls laughed and talked as they gathered around the mirror to check their makeup and fluff their hair. I hadn’t even thought about my appearance since we’d arrived. Just goes to show how limited my experience was with the whole “looking good for your man” scenario.

  Amy chattered away as she tugged me to the corner of the room. I smiled and pretended to listen. My mind was on other things. Like, what about those two weirdoes across the room had Liam so worried and afraid. I really didn’t want anything to ruin this evening.

  Amy ducked inside a stall and shut the door. Even though I was a girl, I never understood the whole idea of going to the restroom in groups. It boggled my mind. I nervously tapped my foot and tried to keep my irritation under control so Amy didn’t get the wrong idea. No need to complicate a friendship before it even had a real chance to start. When a space opened up in front of the mirror, I decided that it might be worth it to check on my own hair and makeup. Zoe had spent so long helping me, I owed it to her to keep it as perfect as possible.

  I stepped in front of the mirror and smoothed the skirt of my dress. Everything appeared to be in place with my outfit. Further inspection uncovered a few tangled strands of hair, which I remedied. Probably from the breeze outside when Liam and I had our talk. A shiver rippled through me at the memory. At least it was much warmer inside.

  I placed my clutch carefully on the edge of the sink as I rummaged through the contents. Migh
t as well freshen my lipstick. I leaned forward and traced the outline of my upper lip carefully. Zoe really had outdone herself with my makeup. I looked like a real girl, instead of an angry Goth kid. Kudos to her. And to me, for having a hidden beauty queen. I’d seriously need to return the favor.

  As I moved to my lower lip, a jab in my side made my aim go askew, and I ended up with a red slash from lip to cheek. Fabulous.

  I turned to see Heather the skank had elbowed her way next to me, a smirk settled over her lips. “Did I cause that? So, sorry.”

  Sure, she is. Heather busied herself with checking her own makeup as I glared daggers into the back of her skull. At her appearance, most of the chatter in the room died down and many girls just left. Heather was apparently the fastest way to clear a room in this school.

  The bitch in question proceeded to straighten and fuss with her dress. She pushed her boobs up to expose as much cleavage as possible, the silver sequins hugging every curve. I glanced down at my own meager offerings. My dress showed off my assets to my utmost advantage, but there was no denying that mine paled in comparison to hers. Insecurity paraded around in my stomach, reviving the butterflies I’d brought with me earlier in the evening.

  “You really think that you can compete with me when it comes to Liam?”

  Heather’s question smacked me right upside the head with its bluntness. It must have showed in my face, because she crossed her arms over her ample chest with a purely sarcastic smile. “He’s going to be mine, you know. The novelty of your freakish existence will wear off, and he’ll be relieved to have a real woman to take care of him. A normal woman. Not some fairy child.”

  I nearly choked on the venom in her words. She thought the way to get Liam was being normal? If she only knew. I laughed, and Heather’s lips twisted with bitterness, which transformed her smile into a scowl. “You think I’m kidding?”


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