Redeeming Honor

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Redeeming Honor Page 19

by E. A. West

  “Sounds like they’re here,” Ryan said as he headed for the hallway. “I’ll go let them in.”

  Meghan prayed for the strength to survive introducing her fiancé to her parents. Another prayer left her heart that they would all like each other.

  “It will be fine.” Basir took her hand and led her toward the hall. “If anyone needs to worry, it is me, not you. They are your parents. I am some stranger who plans to marry their only daughter.”

  “Like Ryan said, there’s nothing to worry about. I’m sure they’ll love you.”

  “I hope so, because I love you.” Basir stopped her and gave her a quick kiss. Then he studied her with uncertain eyes. “Will they mind if I hold your hand or put my arm around you like I do in front of Ryan?”

  “They won’t mind. In fact, they might get suspicious if you don’t do stuff like that.” Meghan gave him a hug and then led him by the hand to the front door. “Any way that you show affection will only prove to them that you really do love me.”

  She opened the door, but Basir tugged on her hand to prevent them from going outside. Glancing back, she found him looking at the floor.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The sun...I need my sunglasses if I want to avoid pain.” He shook his head and sighed. “I wish I didn’t need them, but I already have a bit of a headache. I don’t want to trigger a migraine.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Basir. I didn’t think.” She looked outside. Her parents were approaching with Ryan between them. “We’ll wait here for them and introduce you inside.”

  “Thank you.” His right hand went over his heart in a gesture she had seen less frequently since he returned from his trip.

  She gave his arm a quick rub and turned to greet her parents. “Hey, I’m glad you made it.”

  “You know we can’t miss the fair,” Dad said as he wrapped her in a bear hug reminiscent of the ones her brother gave.

  Mom stepped forward to take her turn. “Especially when our little girl is newly engaged.”

  Meghan hugged her mother tightly, relieved to see big parental smiles. Then she stepped back and grasped Basir’s hand, tugging him to her side. “I guess I should introduce you to your future son-in-law. Basir Hamidi, these are my parents, Fred and Linda Carpenter.”

  Basir covered his heart and bowed his head. “It is an honor to meet you both.”

  Dad chuckled and looked at Meghan. “I like this one. Very respectful.”

  “Yes, he is.” She met Basir’s gaze and gave his hand a squeeze before focusing on her parents again. “I’m glad you approve.”

  “Well...” Dad’s expression turned serious, and he stroked his chin. “I can’t say for sure if I approve completely. After all, I just met the man.”

  Meghan felt Basir’s tension and opened her mouth, but her mother beat her to it.

  “Fred!” Mom rolled her eyes and smiled at Basir. “Don’t worry, honey. He approves of you. He just thinks he’s being funny.”

  “Linda, you’re giving away my secrets.” He shook his head and sighed, a gesture that would have been more convincing without the teasing twinkle in his eyes. “She’s right, though. Ryan’s told us about you, and from what he says, you’re perfect for our daughter and will treat her right.”

  “Yes, I will.” A mew at Basir’s feet interrupted the conversation, and he reached down to scoop up his kitten. He straightened and smiled. “This is Kadwaal. He likes to be involved in whatever is going on.”

  “Just like a child.” Mom reached out and petted the kitten’s head. “He’s adorable.”

  “Thank you.”

  Meghan suddenly realized they were still crowded by the door, and heat crept into her cheeks. When had she forgotten how to be a good hostess? “Why don’t we go sit down to talk? Or you guys can get settled in the guest room. Whatever you want.”

  “Why don’t we talk for a while?” Mom said. “I want to hear about how you and Basir met, how he proposed, and everything else.”

  Meghan’s heart lifted as she ushered them into the living room. Every worry she’d harbored that her parents wouldn’t approve of her choice for a husband melted away, and she sent a smile toward Ryan. Thanks to him telling Mom and Dad about Basir, he had smoothed the way for the coming conversation. Basir would have an easier time as well, since the man who knew him better than anyone had vouched for him and clearly given a good report.

  As she sat beside Basir on the sofa, she sent a prayer of thanks heavenward.


  Basir watched clouds approach and prayed they would cover the sun. Then he could remove his dark glasses and not have to worry about searing pain. As it was, he kept them on and returned his focus to the conversation around him. Meghan had brought her parents out to see the fruits of her labor, and he and Ryan had tagged along. After touring the vegetable garden and the herb garden, they had ended up by the alpacas lazing the afternoon away in the pasture.

  “Your farm is thriving,” Fred told his daughter with a proud smile on his face.

  “The yarn business is doing well too,” Meghan said. “In fact, I’m thinking about expanding the herd in order to keep up with the demand.”

  “That’s a big move. Can your business support the added expense?”

  “I’ve been keeping a careful eye on the books, and I think it can. I’m getting more orders through my website, and I’ve had a couple of yarn shops express interest in stocking my yarn. At some point, I may raise my prices too. The demand is growing, but I can only produce so much.”

  Ryan straightened from where he leaned on the fence. “Sounds like you need to consider hiring another spinner to help you out.”

  Basir considered volunteering, but he wasn’t sure if she wanted someone who only knew how to use a drop spindle.

  “Maybe.” Meghan studied her brother with a teasing twinkle in her eyes. “Want to moonlight on the weekends?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Sorry, sis. I have enough to keep me busy right now. Speaking of which, I need to go pick up Sara.”

  “Why? Can’t wait to introduce her to Mom and Dad?”

  “That too, but mainly it’s getting close to time for your alpaca walking lesson.” Ryan studied her. “You do remember that your helpers are coming this afternoon to learn what to do during the parade, right?”

  She closed her eyes and groaned, an action Basir found positively adorable. His fiancée was such an expressive woman, so different from what he had known before. He wasn’t sure how he could ever have been attracted to anyone less vibrant, less compassionate.

  “I completely forgot they were coming!” Meghan blew out a breath and glanced at her watch. “I better get the alpacas inside and haltered.”

  “I gotta go,” Ryan said and headed in the general direction of the house. “See you soon!”

  Meghan looked at her parents. “Sorry to cut the tour short, but I have four kids and Ryan’s girlfriend coming in just a little bit and the alpacas they need are out there with the rest of the herd.”

  “No, they aren’t.” Basir smiled when she turned a questioning gaze on him. “I put them in the barn before lunch so they would be easy to find.”

  “You have just saved my sanity.” She moved to his side and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He hesitated but then risked her parents’ wrath and put his arm around her. Fred and Linda both smiled, and he relaxed. “Why don’t I put the halters on them? I am sure you would like more time to talk to your parents.”

  “I would, but I don’t want to make you do all the work. Especially since I’m the one who forgot everyone was coming.” She bit her lip and shifted her gaze between him and her parents.

  His heart melted, and he gave her a one-armed hug. “I don’t mind the work.”

  “I know, but...” She sighed and looked at her parents. “Do you guys mind if I leave you on your own for a little while?”

  “That’s fine, sweetheart,” Fred said with a smile. “Don�
��t let us get in the way of your plans.”

  Linda smiled as well. “Actually, do you mind if I come with you? I’m dying to pet one of those cute little critters of yours.”

  Basir felt the tension drain out of Meghan, and she nodded. “Sure, you can come meet my parade walkers.”

  They went to the barn, and Basir collected the harnesses from the wall of the feed room. As he and Meghan haltered the six alpacas and picked pieces of debris from their coats, Fred and Linda asked a few questions and petted the friendly animals. Soon the alpacas were ready and waiting in their pen.

  Tires crunched on the gravel drive, and Basir stepped to the open barn door. Ryan parked near the back of the house, and then he and Sara stepped out. Basir waved to them before turning to the others.

  “Ryan is back with Sara.”

  Linda’s face lit up. “Oh, good! I want to meet the young lady who has captured my son’s attention.”

  Meghan ushered her parents outside, but Basir didn’t immediately follow. He stepped into the feed room and retrieved a small box from a high shelf. Thankfully, Meghan rarely entered the feed room these days. It made the perfect hiding place.

  He lifted out his special project and returned the box to the shelf. The ring he had made from scraps of copper wire and solder gleamed dully in the light, and he checked once more to make sure there were no rough spots. He had no idea what an engagement ring looked like, hadn’t even known one was expected until Ryan told him a few days ago, but he had done his best to make something beautiful for his bride-to-be. The delicate copper wires were twisted and braided in an intricate design vaguely reminiscent of a ring he had once seen in an advertisement. Tiny beads of solder added a touch of silver here and there while also holding the ring together. He hoped Meghan liked it, because he wasn’t sure he could make anything nicer. Buying a ring was out, especially if he wanted to be able to afford a wedding ring for her.

  Sunglasses on, he stepped outside and found Sara receiving the same warm greeting from Meghan and Ryan’s parents that he had. His heart filled with the knowledge that he was accepted as much as she was, and the naysaying voices in the back of his mind faded a little more.

  Basir stopped beside Ryan, who hung back a little. Nerves attacked, but he held out the ring anyway. “What do you think?”

  Ryan took it and turned it in his fingers. “You made this?”


  “That’s amazing.” Ryan returned the ring and grinned. “I assume it’s for Meghan.”

  “Of course. Do you think she will like it?”

  “She’ll love it.” Ryan looked toward his girlfriend and lowered his voice a little. “Do you think you could make another one?”

  “Yes, but it won’t be identical to this one.” That design was for Meghan only.

  “That’s fine. Any design you think a woman would like will work.” Ryan glanced at Basir. “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m going to ask Sara to marry me.”

  “Your secret is safe.” Basir laid a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Give me a few days, and I will have a ring for you.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Ryan rejoined his girlfriend, and Meghan walked over to Basir. “You guys looked like you were having a pretty intense conversation.”

  “We were discussing this.” He opened his hand to reveal the ring lying on his palm.

  She gasped and touched it with a fingertip. “It’s beautiful! Did you make it?”

  “Yes.” He picked it up and held it out. “It is for you.”

  Her eyes flooded, and he worried he had made a serious mistake. Then she took the ring and slipped it on the fourth finger of her left hand. It fit perfectly, and he thanked his memories of holding her hand for helping him get the size right.

  She threw her arms around him and held him tightly. “I love it. Thank you.”

  Uncomfortably aware of the others watching, he slid his arms around her and hugged her close. “You’re welcome.”

  After a moment, she stepped back and dried her eyes. Then she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the others. As she showed off her homemade engagement ring, he caught the approving glances her parents exchanged. Hope sprang to life deep within him. Maybe asking for her father’s permission to marry her wouldn’t be so difficult after all.


  Basir waved to the crowd as the Marine Corps float slowly rolled down the street. Wearing the tan T-shirt, camouflage pants, and boots felt strange, almost as if he had stepped back into his role as interpreter. But Ryan and another man wore similar uniforms, and the others on the float either wore Marine Corps T-shirts or the dress uniform. It was a strange mix in a strange environment. Never would he have expected to be in a parade with people cheering as he passed.

  He turned to Ryan, who stood next to him. “I still don’t understand how I am on this thing with you.”

  “Around here, you count as an honorary marine. After all, you worked with us and helped us out with our missions.” Ryan patted him on the back and grinned. “All marines, honorary or otherwise, get a spot on the float for the parade.”

  Basir shook his head and waved at a young family. At least the day had turned cloudy, making his sunglasses and hat unnecessary. From the look of the sky, they might soon need umbrellas. That didn’t deter people from lining the streets to watch the floats, high school marching band, tractors, Boy Scouts, and numerous other parade entries pass by. Somewhere ahead of the flatbed trailer Basir rode on, Meghan, Sara, and four children from church walked half-a-dozen alpacas. He wished he were with them, but he was proud to be a part of the parade at all. Before coming to America, he would have suffered disdain rather than appreciation.

  The float stopped, bringing his thoughts to a halt as well. He glanced at Ryan. “Why are we stopping?”

  “Don’t know.” He looked ahead and tensed. “Uh-oh.”

  Before Basir could ask what was wrong, an alpaca trotted past trailing its lead rope. Adrenaline surged through his veins as he met Ryan’s gaze.

  “I’ll catch it,” Ryan said, already heading for the side of the float. “You go check on Meghan and the others.”

  As soon as his boots touched the pavement, Basir took off down the street. After passing several parade entries, he reached Meghan’s group. She had her arm around a tearful little girl who was only about eight or nine years old. Neither one appeared injured, and the rest of the people and alpacas appeared unharmed as well. Some of Basir’s apprehension faded, and he slowed his steps as he approached them.

  “What happened?” he asked as he reached Meghan.

  “Jenny’s alpaca spooked and yanked the rope out of her hands.” She turned a worried gaze on him. “Did you happen to see him?”

  “Yes, Ryan is catching him now.”


  Jenny looked up at her. “I’m really sorry, Miss Meghan. I tried to hold on to him, but he was too strong.”

  “I know, honey. It’s OK.” She gave the girl a hug and met Basir’s gaze. “Basir, once Ryan brings Chewy back, would you mind taking over walking him? I don’t trust him to behave at this point.”

  “Of course.”

  Ryan showed up a moment later with a placid alpaca at his side. “Lose someone, sis?”

  She rolled her eyes as Basir took the rope. “Nope. He just decided to go for a little walk without human supervision.”

  “That misbehaving critter.” Ryan heaved a sigh and shook his head, and then he knelt beside the still upset girl. “Hey, Jenny, what’s wrong?”

  “Chewy escaped from me.” She sniffled and hiccupped. “He got scared by something, and I couldn’t hold onto him.”

  “Well, no harm done. I’m sure you did the best you could, and that’s the important thing.” He offered her a smile then stood and looked at his sister. “I assume Basir’s taking over with Chewy?”

  “Right. I don’t trust him not to spook again before the end of the route.”

  “In that case...” He focused on Jenny aga
in. “Since Basir is taking your place here, how would you like to take his place with me?”

  “Really? I can ride with the marines?” She looked up at Meghan with wide eyes and an awed expression. “Is that OK, Miss Meghan?”

  “Sure. We can explain what happened to your parents later.” She gave the girl one more hug. “You have fun with Ryan.”

  “I will!”

  Ryan held out his hand, and Jenny took it with a big grin on her face. She skipped along beside him back toward the Marine Corps float, and Basir chuckled as he took his place beside Meghan.

  “She cheered up quickly.”

  Meghan laughed as they started walking. “I think she has a bit of a crush on Ryan. She’s always so excited when he helps out with junior church.”

  “Sara will be so jealous.”

  The woman in question glanced back from her place several feet ahead. “Why will I be jealous?”

  Meghan laughed again, the sound like music in the muggy air. “Because Jenny’s riding with Ryan instead of you.”

  “That’s no reason to be jealous.” Sara grinned. “He’ll just have to make it up to me later.”

  Basir chuckled and enjoyed the laughter of the kids around them. Despite the vague sense of danger from being so exposed and surrounded by crowds, he was enjoying himself. He had come so far in the time he’d known Meghan, and the best part of it was that he was no longer afraid to love her. No, he wasn’t the same man he had been before working with the marines and getting injured, but he was no less of a man now. His honor was no longer in question.

  During his time working as a temporary interpreter, he’d had a chance to talk to Colonel Spencer about everything going on in his life. The colonel had been happy to hear about his relationship with Meghan and had offered a few pieces of advice. The most important advice he had given Basir involved cutting ties with the past and embracing the future. Yes, he had a lifetime of memories and trauma to work through and live with, but he also had a woman who loved him and wanted to see him happy. As Colonel Spencer had said, the love of a good woman could get a man through just about anything. The closer Basir drew to Meghan, the more he saw the truth of that statement.


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