Forged Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 2)

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Forged Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 2) Page 21

by Sidney Bristol

  The boy’s gaze flitted to the toy then back to Evan. Someone had tried to train him, to make him careful, but he was still a kid. He reached out and grabbed the toy.

  “Jacob,” he said in a soft voice.

  “Okay, Jacob. How’s this sound? My friends can take you and your toys out of here, where it’s safe while I go find your sister. How’s that?”

  Jacob frowned at him. The kid knew enough to not trust just anyone. Good for him. Too bad Evan could only play the nice game for so long.

  “A good brother helps save his sister,” Jacob said.

  And damn if the kids words didn’t make Evan’s heart ache.

  Felecia hugged her knees to her chest. There wasn’t a lot of room behind the metal support beam. If one of those men looked this way in just the right angle, they’d catch sight of her.

  She’d avoided two groups of men, no more than four people, thus far. They all seemed frazzled and panicked.

  The echoes of gunfire were abating. No doubt Evan’s people were systematically working their way through the building. There were only six of them. She couldn’t wait to be found. She had to keep moving.

  “Let’s go,” one said.

  Feet pounded on the concrete, the noise fading.

  She peered behind her into what had been an office before walls were removed.

  Alone again.

  She preferred it this way.

  Felecia got to her feet and grabbed the piece of rebar she’d found to serve as a weapon. So far she hadn’t been seen, but she doubted that would last. Her father’s men would know her on sight and they’d try to take her with them.

  There were only three ways out of the space.

  The door she’d come through.

  The door the men had gone through.

  And a third option.

  She headed into the unknown.

  A short hall led into a rectangular room. It still had large pieces of machinery with a conveyor belt on it. She didn’t want to think about what it had been used for. Instead she moved toward the outer wall. Light shone through dirty windows. If she followed those windows long enough, she’d eventually find a way out of here.

  At least she hoped she did.

  A pair of swinging doors barred her way. The glass windows set into the door had been painted over.

  She drew in a deep breath, put her hand on the door and pushed, peering into darkness.

  There were no windows here, just a hall leading away from the exterior wall.


  Voices drifted toward her, a reminder that she needed to keep moving.

  Her only option was forward.

  She stepped into the hall and let the door shut. At first she didn’t move. She just stood there allowing her eyes to adjust to the low light. Dust hung heavy in the air. No one had passed this way for some time. It was musty, as if it had been closed up.

  Felecia took a step forward, then another. It wasn’t complete darkness. Light came in from opaque ceiling panels in the tin roof, but not enough to see well. She picked her way over debris. It appeared as though this area had been used for storage.

  She kept going, saying a silent prayer she was going the right way.

  A door on her left burst open, the light momentarily blinding her. All she saw was the vague form of a man before the doors closed again.

  “There you are.”

  That voice chilled her to the bone.

  Her father.

  A hand wrapped around her wrist.

  She reacted, swinging the rebar, using it like some sort of staff. She spun it, driving it into his arm and wrenching his grip from her.

  Felecia darted past him, but tripped over something.

  A hand dug into her hair. She lost the grip on her weapon and instead flailed her arms. She managed to catch herself before she fell.

  Her father hauled her upright, snarling words at her that were lost in the pounding of her blood past her ears.

  “Let me go,” Felecia demanded.

  He ignored her and dragged her back through the doors he’d come through.

  She kicked out, hitting him in the back of the leg. He staggered into the wall, dragging her with him.

  “Sir? Sir, we have to go—now,” a man said in a rush.

  Felecia couldn’t make out who was talking, not with her head bent forward and sideways.

  “Find my wife and son,” her father snarled.

  The momentary satisfaction Felecia had at knowing her father didn’t know where Karen was died at the knowledge her brother might be in danger.

  Jacob didn’t have the first clue about where they came from. Nothing that had happened to him here could prepare him for the reality of their world.

  Poor kid.

  “Hands up!” A familiar voice bellowed.


  All at once people yelled. Her father yanked her back, just enough for her to get her head up and see the unfolding tableau.

  Lines of men facing each other. Guns. The promise of death.

  This was how she was going to die.

  Blue eyes captured hers and she stared at Evan.


  That was Evan.

  She knew that voice.

  She would always know that voice.

  “You don’t want to do this in front of your son,” Evan called out. “Jacob just wants his sister.”

  That was when Felecia realized Evan didn’t have a gun out. His arms were out on either side of his body, as if he were shielding something.

  Or someone.


  Felecia stopped breathing.

  “Jacob? Jacob, answer me,” Obran yelled.

  “He’s here,” Evan replied.

  “I want to hear for myself.”

  A small head of dark hair peeked out from behind Evan.

  He looked just like the pictures.

  Felecia stared into dark brown eyes the same color as hers. Bitter chocolate her grandmother had called them.

  Her father muttered curses under his breath, and then the most magical words, “Stand down.”

  The men on either side of them didn’t obey immediately. They still had their weapons up, ready, maybe even eager to fire.

  “I said stand down,” Obran snarled.

  Felecia blew out the breath she’d been holding as disappointment flooded her.

  The emotion made no sense. She was glad this was over. Glad her father would be in handcuffs and the brother she only now learned about safe. But a small part of her was bitter that her father was willing to let it all go for a son he barely knew.

  She doubted he’d have done it for her.

  “Let go of Felecia,” Evan said.

  Obran’s grip on her hair tightened.

  She hissed.

  “Bah.” He let go of her and shoved her away.

  Felecia staggered away, then kept going straight through the line of FBI. Evan reached for her, one arm wrapping around her as she dove for him. She buried her face against his shoulder, doing her best to keep the sobs inside. This wasn’t the time to unpack her complicated feelings. She shuddered while he whispered in her ear that she was safe.

  “Hey? Hey, someone wants to meet you,” Evan whispered. His voice was uncharacteristically cheerful.

  For her sake? Or Jacob’s?

  Either way, she loved him for it. Loved that Evan had come after her. That he knew what was important to her. That under it all he was a good man.

  She reluctantly let go of him and found herself looking down into a face so much like her own.

  “Felecia, this is—”

  “Jacob.” She smiled.

  Her hands twitched and suddenly she didn’t know if she should hug him, shake his hand or give him a high five.

  Jacob smiled, his eyes lighting up. He took one step and wrapped his arms around her, solving that dilemma.

  Felecia’s arms wrapped around the boy automatically, but she stood there, stunned, studying the top of his head.r />
  A day ago she hadn’t known he existed. Fifteen minutes ago she hadn’t known his name. Now she couldn’t see her life without her brother in it.

  She glanced up at Evan who smiled at her then winked.

  Was this it? Was this the end?

  Her father and mother were in custody. The files had to be here somewhere.

  Was it possible this was an ending and a beginning?


  Wednesday. FBI Holding Facility. Austin, Texas.

  Evan was ready to drop. The whole team was, but they had work to do yet. Much of the heavy lifting was being done by the FBI, but it still fell to their team to make sure everything happened as it should. It would be their hides Zora skinned if something went amiss now that they had Obran—or whatever his real name was—in custody.

  Damn. Evan still couldn’t believe the man had actually been there. The whole time they’d strategized going in after Felecia. They’d thought the most they’d find was her, her mother and brother, and the files.

  They were well on their way to being done with this. It was an unexpected relief. But it also brought on all new stress.

  Evan scrubbed a hand over his face and peered at the cameras.

  It fell to him to double check the facility’s security and ensure all of the cameras were covering all their blind spots. That did not make him a popular person with the building’s security team. He understood. He wouldn’t like anyone poking at his set-up either.

  The FBI facility was on the outskirts of Austin with high fences and security on par with a maximum security prison or some such bullshit. They were as safe and secure as they could make it, and he was grateful.

  They needed to catch a breath. Them and Felecia.

  Last he’d seen Kelsey and another female agent were showing Felecia to where she’d be staying. No one was locking her up. With Obran in custody, she wasn’t of interest. Jacob was being kept separate from everyone and in the care of a Child Protective Service worker.

  His phone began to ring.

  Inwardly he groaned, but answered it anyway.

  “Ivanov,” he said.

  “It’s Logan.”

  Evan didn’t reply. He was still pissed at his TL.

  Logan sighed. “I need you to bring Felecia to interrogation. We’ve tried talking to both the mother and father. They’re saying the same thing that she’s the only one they’ll talk to.”

  “You want to ask her a favor?” Evan drew on the table top, his blood beginning to boil all over again. “You want to ask the woman you betrayed a favor? Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

  “Because I thought this might be easier if you were with her.” Frustration bubbled under the surface in Logan’s voice.

  “It might be easier on her if the people she trusted actually kept their word.”

  “You bringing her or am I?”

  Evan swallowed a curse. “I’ll see if she’s willing to help.”

  He ended the call.

  Logan had once again explained his reasoning. Evan understood it. He didn’t have to like it. They could have told Felecia, explained that it was temporary. Instead they’d created a situation that led to this.

  Zora would likely argue it was worth it. They had Obran. But at what cost?

  Evan got up and went in search. People were quick to give him directions and soon enough he found himself on a hall that had bunk rooms and private quarters.

  “Felecia?” He knocked on the door another agent had indicated and waited.

  It swung open. Felecia stood on the other side, freshly showered, her hair dry and wearing new clothes. Jeans, a tank top and flip flops. Just seeing her made his heart do funny things.

  “Hey.” He braced his arm on the doorframe and peered inside. “Kelsey’s not with you?”

  “She was taking a shower last I knew.” Felecia stepped back, inviting him in without words.

  He was supposed to take her to Logan.

  Evan glanced over his shoulder.

  Logan could wait.

  Evan stepped into the room and closed the door.

  Felecia frowned at him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Sit?” He gestured at the bed, but there was also a chair.

  Someone had given her a private room. Evan was grateful to that person.

  “Why?” Felecia’s frown deepened.

  “Logan wants you to come help interrogate your—Obran and Karen.” He almost said parents before catching himself.


  “I’m supposed to take you to him.” Evan didn’t like this job. Instead he blurted, “You should leave.”

  She blinked at him.

  He shoved a hand through his hair. “I mean, we have your dad and the files. There’s no reason you shouldn’t look out for yourself and I’m worried that when Zora gets here, she’s still going to be a hard ass over all of it.”

  “What about Jacob? Can he go with me? What about you?” Felecia shook her head. “I don’t want to leave either of you.”

  Damn but he liked hearing that. It seemed like everyone else always had somewhere better to be, people they’d rather spend time with. For the first time the person he really wanted to be with wanted to be with him, too.

  Why did it have to be now though?

  He slid his hands up and down her arms and closed his eyes, drawing in the smell of her, how warm her skin was to the touch.

  “I think you should put yourself first right now,” he said.

  “What does it matter if I leave all of this behind if the only two people who matter to me are still stuck in it? I don’t want to be alone, Evan. Maybe that makes me weak—”

  “You are not weak.” He opened his eyes and looked down at her.

  She was so young, somehow innocent and full of good. If only he could give her what she deserved.

  He lifted a hand and stroked her soft hair. “You are never weak.”

  Her throat flexed as she swallowed.

  He made himself speak. “I don’t want to let you go either. I’m just worried about what will happen…”

  “What’s the worst that happens?” she asked.

  “Zora has you arrested and you’re held as an accomplice,” he said. He had to tell her the truth.

  Her brow furrowed. “My mother abandoned me. I don’t want that for Jacob.”

  God, she had a big heart. He loved and hated that about her. For once he wished she’d be selfish, but that wasn’t who she was.

  Evan hugged her to him, her body molding to his.

  If they were going to get Zora on Felecia’s side, they had to win her over with evidence. Proof that Felecia was cooperating and useful.

  Damn Logan.

  “Okay.” Evan took a step back. “We need a plan. We can make Zora see your side, but that means helping with interrogation. It means being a bug under a microscope. Can you do that?”

  “Can’t be any different than living with cameras watching my every move, right?” She tossed her braid over her shoulder.

  She was something else. Something amazing.

  “Hold on.” Evan took her hand. “Before we do anything else, I want you to know I’m here for you. For the long haul if that’s what this turns into. I hope you’re off the hook soon, but for as long as you’re part of this, I’ll be here for you.”

  “Oh.” She blinked a few times. “Thank you.”

  That wasn’t what he really meant, but how could he tell her that she seemed part of him? They’d known each other a few days.

  He shook his head. “I’m fucking this all up.”

  Evan cupped her face and stared into eyes that made him think of rich coffee, silky chocolate and home. “I want more than to just go through this with you. Boring nights on the couch watching movies. I can’t promise anything though, not until we know what comes next for you and for my team. But that’s what I want.”

  Her lips parted and her eyes were wide now. She understood what he meant.

  “Okay,” she said softly.
She licked her lips and leaned into his touch. “I can live with that. I like the sound of that.”

  “Good.” He bent his head and kissed her briefly. “Let’s make you the star of this case, okay?”

  Her hold tightened on him. “Will you be there with me?”

  “Every step of it.”

  If Evan had his way, he’d take every step of the rest of her life with her. But that was crazy talk. Wasn’t it?

  Felecia clung to Evan’s hand. There wasn’t another word for it. She was holding onto him so tight he had to be losing feeling in his fingers, yet he kept holding on.

  Her heart beat against her ribs.

  She hadn’t told Evan, but she was scared to talk to her father.

  All she’d ever wanted was her freedom. If he’d just let her go, it wouldn’t have come to this.

  She glanced up at Evan.

  But without being her father’s prisoner she wouldn’t have met Evan. She’d have lived her quiet life and their paths would have never crossed.

  Evan’s pace slowed and he glanced at her again.

  “Ready?” he asked softly.


  “Okay.” Evan gave Felecia’s hand one last squeeze then they let go.

  She could still feel that connection, like a string binding her to him. Did he feel the same thing? Did she want him to?

  They turned right.

  Evan’s pace slowed even more as they came to an open door. She heard a few familiar voices. Evan put his hand on the small of her back and guided her ahead of him into the dim room.

  Logan, Tucker and Kelsey were there along with two black men she thought she might have seen earlier. It was a jumble. The group was staring into a window, and on the other side her father sat at a table, his wrists and ankles handcuffed to the floor and his chair.

  “There she is,” Kelsey said, catching sight of her first.

  The others turned, their gazes speculative and curious.

  “Felecia, this is Baruti and Sammy. They’re FBI agents we work with,” Evan said.

  “The woman of the hour.” The tall, wide shouldered man stepped forward. His smile was toothy and his eyes alight with mischief. She liked him immediately.

  “Hi.” She smiled.

  “Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” Sammy’s expression was stoic while his taupe colored suit and neon paisley tie were not.


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