Believing Your Eyes - A Medieval Romance (The Sword of Glastonbury Series Book 3)

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Believing Your Eyes - A Medieval Romance (The Sword of Glastonbury Series Book 3) Page 20

by Lisa Shea

  He was hers.

  Stephen’s mouth found hers and the kiss penetrated her entire being, at once possessive and gentle. His arms wrapped around her, and they kissed … kissed …

  Lucia wanted more of him, all of him, and she gently pulled at him. He felt the movement and in a smooth motion he lowered Lucia to the soft ground. Lucia eagerly helped him remove his own clothing. She reveled in his muscular arms, and traced the scars she found with her fingers. She wanted to know every corner of him. Her perusal became too much for his passion, and his hungry mouth again lowered to her own. She willingly opened her full being to his onslaught. She wanted to be with him always and could think of denying him nothing.

  Soon they were merging, crying out, and Lucia was laughing, kissing, hoarse, riding at heights she had never dreamt of. She would fall back, exhausted, and then he would be in motion again, and the tidal waves would sweep her back in, drawing her to even greater heights. The night went on forever.

  Finally, long hours later, Lucia lay on her back in utter contentment, curling clouds drifting lazily across the star-spattered sky. Stephen rested beside her, head propped up on one arm, gazing down at her with smoky eyes. Lucia’s mind was a joyous whirl. Everything had changed so quickly. She was immensely happy, beyond her wildest imaginings. The future stretched out before them, glorious, and this night was a new beginning.

  She smiled up at Stephen and swept aside any worry of what might come. She would simply give in to the feelings she was experiencing now. With the war, anything could happen.

  Stephen ran his hand tenderly through her hair, and she pulled him back down into her arms, her lips seeking his, wanting him, needing him.

  After another long while her exhaustion overwhelmed her. She drifted into sleep, sprawled across his chest, contented beyond measure.

  * * *

  Lucia awoke at dawn to peaceful silence; she luxuriated in the quiet. The sun shone in a golden stream through the windows, bringing a fresh glow to the room. Eventually she noticed a weight on her stomach. To her surprise, a medley of wildflowers were strewn across her bed.

  Her eyes widened - where had they come from? The events of the evening came rushing back into her awareness with a powerful rush. She didn’t have any memory of returning here! Had Stephen brought her? Was it all a dream?

  Her emotions were so strong that she knew at once this had been no dream. Her life had forever changed with that encounter.

  Her mouth quirked in a smile. The wildflowers were real enough. She climbed out of bed and filled a pottery vase with water from the pitcher. She placed the lovely bouquet into the vase and admired it.

  Next, Lucia hesitantly examined herself in the mirror. She didn’t look any different ... but she certainly felt wonderful. The flowers proved that the night was no fantasy. Lucia smiled to her reflection. She dressed quickly, headed downstairs, and turned the corner into the sewing room.

  Anna was standing before the doorway, and Lucia pulled up sharply, her face flushing crimson. It came to her with full force just what position she was now in.

  Anna seemed blithely unaware of Lucia’s turmoil, and the blonde radiated a joyfulness Lucia had not seen in some time.

  Lucia’s throat had gone dry. “Good morning, Anna,” she finally greeted her friend.

  Anna glanced around and then drew Lucia into a side chamber. The two women sat on a bench by a window overlooking the gardens below. Anna played with her hair for a moment before turning to Lucia.

  “I have called it off, Lucia,” she admitted with quiet joy, her voice rich with pride and satisfaction. “I have told Stephen that I did not think it was a good idea for us to get married.” She smiled and watched a pair of magpies fly into a nearby tree. “I know I should be sad, but I feel free and light! I thought for so long that I could make it work, but it was simply frustrating.”

  Her face beamed with pleasure. “I know we will both be happier this way. Somewhere out there is the man that will truly make me happy the way he is, not the way I hope he might be.”

  Lucia’s shoulders eased. It was clear that Anna was genuinely happy with this decision. She reached over and patted Anna’s hand gently. “You took your time and thought this decision through,” she reassured her firmly. “I truly think this is the way you will be happiest. It did not seem like what Stephen could offer you was what you wanted.”

  Anna nodded. “You are quite right, of course. I can see that now. I am glad I was able to realize it before we both made a serious mistake!” She smiled and paused for a moment. “I wanted to tell you, since you are so close to me. However, I would rather the news was not spread around quite yet. It will make the whole evening ball very uncomfortable. I will let people know about the breaking of our engagement after he leaves with your escort to Harwich. I will ensure everybody knows that it was an amicable decision, one we made together. That timing will be easier on everyone.”

  Lucia spoke without thinking. “Stephen is coming with me to Harwich?” Her heart swelled with immense joy. That she and Stephen would be together for the journey, riding side by side, free to talk, to laugh, to share their intimate thoughts …

  She flushed and lowered her eyes. She wished they could leave immediately, so there would be no chance of an accidental slip between now and then. She had no wish to bring any unhappiness to her friend.

  Anna smiled gently. “Yes, he told me this morning of his desire to go to Harwich as an escort. He thought having time away would give me the opportunity to let people know of our decision without making things uncomfortable. It was very sweet of him. We just need to get through to tomorrow morning without making a fuss.”

  Lucia’s heart sang. Everyone would be happy. She nodded encouragingly to Anna. “That makes sense. You can count on my discretion.”

  A wave of guilt swept over her as she acknowledged that her silence would also protect her own actions. Should she tell Anna what had happened the previous night?

  After a long moment she shook her head. Anna was feeling content with her decision. Soon Anna would fall in love with someone else, and then she would be able to hear the news of Stephen moving on with greater equanimity. It would be selfish to unburden herself now, right when Anna was still coming to terms with the situation. It was one thing to be fully honest – it was another to properly time the revelations when they could be best handled.

  Anna stood and hugged Lucia. “I am so glad to have you as a friend,” she enthused cheerfully. “You see everything so clearly.” She took a deep breath and smiled. “Well then, I am off to get the kitchen in order for the party, then! You take care.” She hurried from the room and down the hallway.

  Lucia remained by the open window and gazed out, lost in thought. She was grateful that Stephen and Anna had both come to realize how ill-matched they were, and that nobody had been hurt during the process. Now Stephen was free to be wholly hers. She felt guilty for loving Stephen while he was engaged to another, but it had been Anna’s choice to bring that to an end. Lucia had done her best to support Anna in her decisions.

  Lucia stood and strode from the room, ready to throw herself into her final preparations for the evening’s festivities.

  Chapter 15

  Lucia’s room was flooded with springtime gold. Sunbeams streamed through her window, landing brilliantly on her new cobalt blue dress hanging on the door. What fine work Ellie was able to accomplish in so little time! Lucia was sure this was the most elegant dress she had ever owned.

  Ellie turned as she stepped into the room. “There you are,” she called cheerfully. “I have your rose bath drawn, so you can smell pretty for this evening. Come on,” she prodded Lucia along toward the bath area, “we have got lots of work to do before we send you to the celebration!”

  The next few hours were a blur for Lucia. She was powdered, made up, scented, slipped into the dress, and then Ellie spent a long time pulling and curling her hair. When it was all done, Lucia could barely recognize herself in the mir
ror. Ellie had indeed worked a miracle.

  As a final touch, Lucia reached into the bottom of her trunk and withdrew a sapphire necklace with a gold chain and setting. The gemstone was a deep, stunning blue and brilliantly cut. It had been one of the two necklaces she kept safe while fleeing her keep.

  Ellie gasped in surprise, then stood back to admire the whole effect.

  “Lovely, simply lovely,” crowed Ellie.

  “Only because of you,” responded Lucia with warmth. She drew her eyes fondly over her friend. “I am sure all the young lads will be challenging each other to duels over who is able to dance with you,” she teased. Ellie was wearing a delicately embroidered white dress trimmed with yellow buttercups. With her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, she was the very image of an elegant young woman.

  Suddenly the trumpets sounded a triumphant song, and Ellie looked up. “That is our signal,” she whispered to Lucia in nervous excitement. “All are gathered, and now they await the arrival of the Guest of Honor.”

  Lucia turned slowly in place and gave herself one last look. Ellie smiled in satisfaction.

  “You radiate contentment,” she sighed. “I do not know how you do it. Every man will want to be at your side.”

  Lucia’s heart glowed. There was only one man she wished to have at her side, and soon he would be.

  The halls were deserted as Lucia and Ellie headed toward the great hall. Lucia found herself slowing as they went, and Ellie squeezed her hand in support.

  They approached the circular staircase above the great hall. Rich aromas of roast turkey and boar wafted up the stairs, setting her mouth watering. A low murmur of excited voices mingled with the clatter of goblets and the shuffling of feet.

  Ellie went forward to announce Lucia to the trumpeter. The musician gave two short blasts and a hush fell across the great room.

  A deep voice called out into the silence. “And now, the guest of honor for this evening, the Lady Lucia of Keilder.”

  A chorus of cheers and applause came from around the corner. Lucia took a deep breath and slowly descended the long stairs, her eyes sweeping out across the multitude.

  The applause rose in volume, the cheers became more enthusiastic, and her face flushed crimson at the attention she was getting. She kept her eyes focused on the ornate oak table before her, where Lord Edmund, Ian, Stephen, and Anna were waiting for her.

  Ian’s eyes blazed with heat; a swirling combination of pride and possessiveness. And there was something more, a crafty, focused attention, like a wolf stalking a deer and preparing to make his leap at the tender throat. Lucia resolutely held her smile in place. This was the last night. Tomorrow she would be gone, would be finally free of his unwanted attentions.

  Anna was elegance itself, with fine pearls woven into her blonde hair and an intricately embroidered gown of smoky burgundy. Her eyes also shone with pride and satisfaction. Lucia knew that Anna had helped Ellie with Lucia’s dress, and she gave her friend a warm smile. Anna’s talents were certainly on full display tonight. The hall’s decorations were a stunning array of painted banners and curling ribbons, of floral displays and culinary achievements.

  Lucia kept walking forward, nearing the table. Finally, when she could hold out no longer, she allowed her eyes to meet Stephen’s.

  It was all she could do to keep in motion, the force of his gaze was so powerful. Her breath caught at the love and passion which shone in his eyes. She looked away quickly, all too aware of the many watchers which followed her every step. There would be plenty of time for her to lose herself completely in Stephen’s warmth over the coming weeks. For tonight, she had to play her part, and honor her final night with her hosts.

  Lucia took her seat at Lord Edmund’s right, with Ian on her other side. Lord Edmund smiled down at her, then turned to call out to the throngs.

  “Let the feasting begin!”

  Suddenly the hall was filled with a stream of servants carrying in roast boar, steamed turnips, fragrant loaves of bread, plum-stewed duck, and a myriad of other dishes. Pewter tankards clanged together and peals of laughter rung to the rafters.

  Although Lucia only sipped at her wine, Ian’s goblet was continually refilled. Soon he was amusing the hall with his jokes and wild tales. The meal lasted three full hours, with many courses and diversions. After the final meats were served, the hall dissolved into a one-uppance contest of daring stories.

  Lucia bided her time until there was a lull in the laughter. “Sorry to interrupt,” she offered, still smiling at the vision Ian had conjured up of fighting off twenty wolves’ heads singlehandedly. “This looks like the perfect moment for me to distribute my presents ... or shall I take them with me?”

  “No, no!” replied Ian, feigning mock horror. “By all means, get about your business!” He placed an arm around her shoulder in a hug of encouragement, and Lucia counted to three before standing to gently shake it off. She caught Ellie’s eyes, and motioned for her to bring in the packages.

  When Ellie returned with them, Lucia took the cloth-wrapped objects and addressed the crowd. “Here I have presents for the five people who have made my life wonderful since my arrival.” The room reverberated with enthusiastic shouts and whistles. Lucia waited for them to die down, then lifted the first package. “This is for my helper, Ellie.” A squeal of surprise erupted from behind her. “She is always finding pretty things for me, and I felt it was time to return the favor.”

  Ellie came up and shyly opened the present. The bracelet shimmered in the light, its yellow and white decorations almost gleaming. Ellie’s mouth dropped open.

  Lucia smiled at the girl. “With your complexion and the dresses you wear, these will look stunning,” she assured Ellie. “Oh, please do not cry,” she added in embarrassment as tears streamed from Ellie’s eyes. “You well deserve these with how loyally you have cared for me.”

  “Thank you, thank you!” cried Ellie at last. She sat back against the wall again, holding the bracelet tightly.

  Lucia looked out over the room. “Secondly, a present for my good friend Anastasia. Anna has been quite kind throughout my stay here.” Anna smiled in thanks, then gently pulled open the fabric. Her eyes widened with delight when she saw the elegant gold and bronze necklace tucked within the folds.

  “This is exceptional,” she sighed in delight, holding the piece high to show it around the room.

  Lucia called out over the crowd’s cheers. “It was one of the two heirlooms I was able to carry with me from Keilder. The designs bring happiness and good luck,” she announced, “both which Anna well deserves.”

  Anastasia’s eyes glowed with pleasure. She brought the piece to her throat, fastening the clasp behind her nape. The crowd roared its approval.

  Lucia lifted the next package high in the air, unveiling it for all to see. “For my host, Ian,” she called out, “A scabbard fit for a prince!” Toasts rang out on all sides, and Ian was pulling it from her hands before she could turn.

  His face beamed with pleasure as he rotated the fabric, examining it from all sides. “You are so in tune with me – this is exactly what I wanted!” He drew her into an enthusiastic hug, and it was several long minutes before Lucia could gently extricate herself from it and redirect his attention to the present. At last he pulled free his belt to slide the scabbard into place.

  To her relief, the scabbard did indeed seem to complement his outfit. The gold designs in her present set off the elegant needlework on his tunic.

  Lucia now turned to Ian’s father, resplendent in his elaborate court wear. “For you, my Lord, a cloak to keep you warm even in the chill of winter.” Lord Edmund smiled in thanks, and took the cloak with a bow. After adjusting his shoulders for a few seconds, he leaned back and smiled. “Aaah,” he crooned, “This is wonderful. Just wonderful.” The hall echoed in cheers.

  Finally, Lucia turned to Stephen. For a moment it was as if only he and she were there, and the rest faded into a muted quiet. His eyes held hers; his gaze g
lowed with strength, love, and contentment. She moved her gaze quickly to the package before her, praying that their connection was not glowing as clearly to all watchers as she felt it within her own heart.

  She lay a hand on the fabric square before her, looking out over the gathered crowds.

  “Stephen found me in the snowstorm, when I had given up all hope. He brought me back from the brink of death, when the Grays’ poison was coursing through my veins. When we were ambushed, it was his skill with the sword which kept me alive.”

  The hall erupted in loud cheers, and Lucia let them ring out, feeling the echo in the deepest levels of her soul. Finally, an expectant hush descended on the hall, and she looked down, unfolding the outer layer, her heart pounding.

  She lifted up the folded banner. “With my most heart-felt thanks and appreciation, I offer to Stephen what he has always dreamed of.” She turned to him.

  Stephen glanced down at the object in her hands, and then back up to gaze into her eyes. Lucia’s cheeks warmed with rich heat, and she could see clearly in his eyes that what he desired with all his heart was not being held in her hands.

  She fought with every ounce of her self-control to stay her course. She held the bundle out to him, calling out to the furthest corners of the room. He deserved this praise, this acknowledgment for all he had done.

  “For the man I trust in, who I am sure will regain and rebuild his homelands, I give what every leader needs. A sign to call his own.”

  Stephen’s eyes lowered and he quickly unrolled the cloth. The fabric fell open to reveal a dusk blue banner. In its center was a golden ring surrounding an embroidered golden lamp.

  Lucia ran her eyes across the banner with a critical eye. She had poured her heart and soul into the efforts, but would it be enough? Her gaze drew hesitantly to Stephen.


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