The Nutcracker Reimagined: A Collection of Christmas Tales

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The Nutcracker Reimagined: A Collection of Christmas Tales Page 36

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  Rick slowed when spotting a town up ahead. Going from eight-five down to fifty felt almost as if he was barely moving now. “What’s up?” Surely the guy didn’t just call to talk about the damn wedding.

  “If you have some time, got a friend near here that’s looking for someone to help with preparing the herd for winter. Seems ranch hands with roping expertise are hard to find. Anyway, thought since you’re in between jobs.” He heard a muffled laugh.

  So yeah, at the moment he wasn’t exactly working. After selling his house and most of his farmland, Rick now lived in a cabin on his parent’s land. He liked his life. Just him, two black Labradors, and a damn cat his ex had saddled him with.

  His divorce lawyer had sucked and he’d been forced to pay his ex more than half his net worth. But anger was a hell of a motivator. He’d managed to double his worth since, so yeah big middle finger to them.

  Okay, so other than a fat bank account, he was currently without direction. Spent his days helping around his dad’s house and nights hanging out with his dogs or whoever was free. On occasion he dated…

  Rick scratched his jaw. Damn how long had it been since he’d gotten laid?

  “Hello?” Tobias’ deep voice brought him out of his musings.

  “Yeah, I’ll do it. What’s the name?”

  “Ken Brooks lives near the Belgrade’s. It’s that ranch over by where…” Tobias gave him directions and Rick memorized them. After rambling off a phone number Rick didn’t bother to try to remember and wishing him luck finding the pansy-ass groom, his friend hung up.

  The traffic light on the edge of a small speck of a town brought him to a stop.

  Currently heading to Casper, Wyoming from Butte where his sister lived, he wasn’t too far from Laurel, the place Tobias talked about.

  Perfect opportunity to stop and check it out. Then it was onward to Casper. Another four hours on the road.

  A smile curved his lips as he felt for his Glock.

  Chapter Two

  Although the horse was content to trudge through the snow, Kennedy Brooks’ mind was way ahead of them. Too bad she barely had a chance to notice the beauty of the day. It was winter, and although most of the foliage was bare, evergreens stood out among the starkness. The blue sky overhead allowed for the sun to warm her back and on more than one occasion, she’d taken deep breaths and closed her eyes. Any other time, she would’ve dismounted, walked to a nice spot and planted her butt for an hour or so to take it all in.

  However, today there wasn’t time, too much to do and think about. She went over the logistics of the upcoming week and wondered how the hell she was going to make it with only one ranch hand. Shelters needed repairs and then to be stocked with feed, water troughs to clean out and refill, fencing required mending and the list went on.

  Her herd of cattle had doubled, full on winter meant more snow and frigid temperatures. To top it off two of her three ranch hands had up and quit. One guy turned in his notice to join the rodeo circuit, the other to move to Idaho after getting a job offer at a dude ranch that paid double.

  “Shit,” Kennedy muttered. “What the hell am I going to do?”

  The horse’s right ear twitched, but other than that, no answer came. She’d called every surrounding ranch asking for help or for the names of men seeking jobs. Although most were sympathetic, they had their hands full at the moment preparing their own livestock and ranches for winter.

  It had taken two hours to ride her land that day to check on the herd. She’d taken her time inspecting every animal to make sure none were noticeably thin or needing anything.

  So far, it seemed all were well fed and happy to hang out around the hilly land. With a hundred head at the moment, she was glad not to have more. A part of her hated the thought of selling it all. However, the contemplation of a small house with a postage stamp size yard sounded like paradise.

  Kennedy always wanted a country home with land and a few animals. Cows had not been part of her dream, that bright idea was her ex-boyfriend’s. He’d decided raising livestock would bring in extra income and be “fun”.

  Seriously, she should have known he was an asshole then. If she met a cow, she couldn’t imagine eating it. Now she was stuck with a hundred damn pets. What she wanted was a peaceful place to work from and spend her days doing enjoyable things. Her current job as a blogger and magazine writer kept her busy enough. The added aggravation of checking on so many animals and keeping them well cared for was too much.

  The fact her ex didn’t get the memo was a damn shame. After the break-up, he sold her his half of the ranch and now she was stuck with a hundred cows, two bulls, five goats and little help.

  “It’s because we’ve grown apart that I cheated. I think we should consider other options,” he’d announced after she caught him cheating. While she cleaned the orange juice she’d spit out over the kitchen, he’d calmly stood and wished her well. With a kiss to her head and a promise to “talk soon”, he’d gathered his already packed duffle and strolled out.

  “Son of a bitch,” Kennedy said glaring toward the stable noticing a brand-new sports car. She spurred the horse to a trot. “If that ass is here again, I’m going to kick him in the nuts.”

  “Two shelters are repaired,” Harvey, her only ranch hand at the moment, said with a goofy grin as Kennedy dismounted and guided her horse into the nearest corral. “Two down, one thousand to go.”

  “Where is he?”

  “Went to the back to use the bathroom,” Harvey replied. “Nice car, huh?”

  She barely glanced toward the showroom shiny Mustang. “Yeah, must be nice.”

  “I don’t want to hear it. You can afford one. Not sure why you keep driving that POS on four wheels.” Harvey laughed at his own joke. “I keep waiting for the doors to fall off.”

  From where she stood, her truck was barely visible. Yeah it was old as dirt and about as reliable now as a toaster from Walmart, but she loved her faded brown and tan 1980 Ford Ranger. It had been her dad’s. Although even he cracked up at her attachment to it, she was stubborn and had no problem forking over money to keep it running.

  “What does he want?” Kennedy asked frowning toward where her bastard ex had gone. “Did he say anything?”

  “Nah. Just asked for you. Told ‘im you’d be here in a bit. Said he’d wait.”

  Harvey was a fountain of information. Although without him, she’d be lost. Other than her friend Lucy, who worked with her, Harvey and his wife were the only people she saw regularly.

  “What’s Meg making for dinner tonight?” Kennedy asked to make conversation and hoping for an invitation.

  “Whatever it is, it’s gonna be good. Come on over about six, she’ll be happy to see ya,” Harvey replied, chuckling as he walked away into the stables.

  So yeah, it was Wednesday, and she always visited for dinner at least twice a week. Harvey and Meg lived close enough to be able to get there and back without feeling as if she was slacking off, especially with so much to do even in the evenings.

  She kicked the dirt and considered “accidentally” kicking some at the Mustang. Begrudgingly, Kennedy neared the car and peered inside. “Brand new.”

  The new car smell was unmistakable. It had to have cost a pretty penny, by the tricked out interior and racing stripe down the center of it. What was taking the ass so long?

  Annoyed and thinking perhaps Steve, her ex, was being sneaky and taking inventory of the goats or some shit, she trudged into the stables.

  Standing there by a stall, a man stood running his hand down her horse’s nose and speaking softly to it as Harvey watched on.

  “Ah there you are,” Harvey, said with a wide smile. “This here is Rick Edwards. Friend of Tobias Hamilton’s.”

  When the guy turned to look at her, Kennedy had to clamp her lips together to keep from gaping or better yet to keep from saying something stupid like…

  “Holy Mother of Moses.” Her friend Lucy seemed to materialize beside her and Kenne
dy jumped. Lucy took full inventory of the stranger. “What cloud did that fall from?”

  Her girlfriend looked from the hunky guy. who ambled closer toward them to Kennedy, who had yet to form a thought other than “Wow”.

  Piercing blue eyes under a set of straight dark eyebrows set the tone. From there he had the straight nose, full lips and lightly shadowed square jawline. She caught sight of a few silver wisps at his temples, but other than that his hair was a dark shade of brown. Wide shoulders, thick arms, and a broad chest tapered to a well-fitting pair of 501s.

  With her jaw still clenched, Kennedy was sure she probably didn’t present a friendly front. It was better to look annoyed than awestruck or totally and absolutely gobsmacked.

  Lucy leaned into her ear. “Has God been nice and sent down one of his hunky angels? Or maybe the guy is an out of work actor doing research for a movie role.”

  She’d watch anything he was in.

  “Shhh,” Kennedy muttered as he reached them.

  “Nice to meet you.” Sex on a stick held his hand out. “I’m here to see Ken Brooks.”

  She meant to let out a comely chuckle, instead it came out like a Dr. Evil snicker.

  “I’m Kennedy Brooks. People sometimes call me Ken.”

  The actor-hunk-angel blinked twice and then composed his expression back to neutral. “Nice to meet you. I was told you needed help, I happen to have some spare time so if you need me, I’m all yours.”

  This time Kennedy sputtered and choked on her spit. Lucy pounded her back.

  “Compose yourself.” Her friend giggled and held her hand out. “I’m Lucy, Kennedy’s best friend and advisor.”

  Kennedy frowned. “Advisor?”

  Lucy held up both hands and shrugged. “Yep, in matters of land and heart.”

  Oh. My. God. Heat rushed to her face. “Lucy.”

  She turned to Rick Edwards who looked back and forth from her to Lucy. “I’m not sure I’m following.”

  So much for a first impression on her part.

  Chapter Three

  Rick wasn’t sure what to make of the women. Even with a formfitting jacket and a scarf wrapped around her neck, a looker with curves in all the right places, instantly grabbed his attention. With long dark hair pulled up into a ponytail, it emphasized her oval face. Huge thick-lashed hazel eyes and lips that naturally lifted at the corners gave the impression she kept a naughty secret.

  Her personality though was odd. Between clenched teeth, her smile didn’t reach any other part of her face.

  Lucy, her friend with the wild curls, was cute. Tiny and married, judging by the ring on her left hand. She grinned up at him and he could tell she was a mischievous sort.

  When Kennedy shook his hand, her gaze locked to their hands and once again he wondered what her deal was. Yeah, so he was aware of his looks and that most women found him attractive. But, in Kennedy’s case, she seemed more on the brink of taking off in the opposite direction than flirting.

  “So Tobias talk to you?” she asked with a wary expression.

  “Yeah he called me. He’s a good friend of mine. Said you needed help. Not doing much at the moment.” Rick waited for her reply.

  She glanced to the Mustang. “Not sure I can afford you.” A smile crept up her lips, when she met his gaze. This time it brightened her face. “I mean, do you really need the job?” There was vulnerability in her hazel gaze and he wondered why a woman who was clearly overwhelmed had bought such a large property.

  “Nope, but ranchers help each other out. Let’s settle on you paying me what you paid the guy that left you high and dry. Or better yet, we can negotiate if you ever decide to sell.”

  Her wide gaze went past his right shoulder toward the stables. “Yes, well he had good reason. Joining the rodeo.” A chuckle bubbled and she shook her head. “That’s almost like saying someone left to join the circus.”

  “I think rodeos pay less than a clown job,” Rick replied. “I am on my way south for some business. Can’t be back for a couple days, I have to make meet a guy about something. Two days from now work for you?”

  Brows drawn in thought, her nod was slow. “Yes. I appreciate any help. I’m worried about the cows. With winter coming, they need extra feed and… well, you probably know more than I do.”

  “I’ve got a few moments now. Want to show me what all you need help with?”

  “I’m going to fix some tea and start editing.” Lucy looked up at him. “We are co-writers for a couple of magazines.” With a wave, she hurried off toward the farmhouse.

  Before he could say anything, Kennedy motioned toward a corral. “Come on, I’ll introduce you around.”

  Who the hell was she introducing him to?

  Just then five goats hurried toward them as she made her way towards a large corral. Kennedy petted them as if they were dogs and when a baby goat rushed toward her, she laughed and played with it.

  Her eyes shined with mirth. “This is Arnold.” She patted the baby goat’s rump. “The other four are Neo, Morpheus, Trinity and Oracle.” Nice, she was a Matrix fan.


  She grinned. “Terminator.”


  He wasn’t about to shake the goats’ feet, although all four looked up at him as if expecting some sort of attention. Rick waved at them. “Hey goats.”

  Seeming satisfied, Kennedy walked toward the corral. One of the goats, Arnold, followed and Rick began to wonder what kind of ranch she was running. Some sort of petting zoo?

  Two cows, one obviously pregnant, stood in the enclosure. With the usual cow bored expressions, both looked towards them when they approached. She motioned to the pregnant one. “That’s Sandra, the other one is Julia.”

  Rick neared and leaned on the fencing. “Why are these animals named? This is a livestock ranch right?”

  The wind blew hair across her face and her expression changed. Instantly he regretted it. Brows drawn, she let out a long breath. “I am overwhelmed by all this. I didn’t want a livestock ranch. But, my ex thought it was a good idea. Now I’m stuck with a hundred head of cattle and five goats.”

  He looked around. “No dog?”

  Her shoulders lifted and lowered. “He took our dog.”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “Yeah. Anyway, I planned to sell everything in the spring. I am not sure what to do about Sandra and Julia. Oh and Sandra’s baby.”

  “You mean calf.”

  She shrugged. “Right…calf.”

  “What about the goats?” He was picking on her now. “Taking them with you?” She was beautiful when smiling.

  “I’m not sure. They’re cute but stinky. I can’t see getting rid of them though. I think a friend of mine might take them if whoever buys the place doesn’t want them.” She bit her bottom lip and didn’t that just grab his attention.

  “Maybe I will keep Arnold.”

  Rick rocked back on his heels and jammed both hands into the front pockets of his jacket. “So you need help setting up cows and goats for winter. Moving some feed out and ensuring the horses in the stables are cared for. Same for the goats. Any repairs needed for fencing and such?”

  She filled him in on the duties, which although substantial, were not too overwhelming. Rick figured between him and the other guy, Harvey, they’d have no problem getting the place ready. After that, Harvey could handle it alone.

  “Alright, got it. Like I said, I’ll be back in a couple of days. Got a place I can crash? I live about two hours away near Butte. Don’t want to drive that far after a long day.”

  “Yeah… You can stay in the studio over the garage. It has a separate entrance and a small kitchenette.”

  “I can help out for a month. By then you’ll decide whether to sell or not. How does that sound?”

  She nodded. “Thank you. It’s a relief.”

  “Oh, I’ve got two dogs. They’re gonna have to come with me.”

  Once again she nodded, this time a smile curved her lips. “A
rnold loves dogs.”

  Great, he had the approval of a damn goat.

  Now to call his mother and convince her she needed a cat.

  In the rearview mirror as he drove off, the reflection of Kennedy standing next to the corral surrounded by goats made Rick shake his head.

  What in the hell had he gotten into? Maybe the work could be done in less than a month. The ranch was small and sustainable, nothing one person and a ranch hand couldn’t handle.

  Once everything was set up, the guy, Harvey, could handle it alone, no doubt. Or she could hire a second person part time. Soon when the snow started falling, it would be hard to get back and forth to his cabin, so he would have to be gone before mid January.

  He considered his dogs and eyed the interior space. Damn things would slobber and stink up his new ride. “Shit.”

  A truck would be a better option. So this entire thing was turning out to be a bigger pain in the ass than he expected. Why had he gone to see about the job to begin with?

  Next time he saw Tobias, he was going to punch him in the face.

  The cell phone rang through the car speakers and he answered it to a husky female voice.

  “Hey handsome,” Tina, his sometime lover who always seemed to have perfect timing, purred in a low tone. “What are you up to? I’m thinking of rare steaks, salad and a special dessert tonight.”

  Now he was thinking of her version of dessert too.

  And chalk up one more reason to be pissed at the pansy-ass motherfucker Bruce. “I can’t. I’m out of town. Can I take a rain check? Maybe tomorrow night?”

  “No can do babe. I’m going on a cruise with friends. I’ll call you when I get back.”

  Rick cursed when she ended the call. He should have left well enough alone and not gone to see the “would be groom”. Now he wasn’t getting laid, had to threaten the asshole again and probably would spend the night in a seedy motel and catch crabs from the toilet.

  Rick shuddered. Nah, he’d drive until finding a good place to stay. Of course the view of nothing but rolling hills and no dwellings didn’t exactly promise a Ritz-Carlton in the vicinity.


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