Brides of the Kindred Volume One

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Brides of the Kindred Volume One Page 21

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Not exactly.” Liv tried not to look but her eyes kept being drawn to his cock. Up until now she’d only seen him half erect but now…God, it’s a good thing he promised we wouldn’t do the deed tonight. A damn good thing, she thought, eyeing him with something like awe.

  “Do you want me to put the towel back on?” Baird asked and she realized she was staring. Feeling her cheeks heat with a blush, she shook her head and looked quickly away.

  “No, no. Let’s just…get on with it.”

  He nodded gravely. “If that’s what you’d like to do.”

  “It is.” Unless jumping off the bed and running away was an option, that was. But Liv knew she couldn’t legally do that. It wasn’t that what he was doing to her didn’t feel good—it did, way too good. And that scared her to death. She thought again that if Baird hadn’t promised not to bond with her that night she would have been really freaking out at this point. “Do…” She cleared her throat. “Do you have another kind of oil for my…for down there?” She nodded down to the area between her thighs. Her blonde curls were all that was visible at the moment because she had her legs crossed tightly.

  “I do. Relax, Lilenta. I’m not going to bite you.”

  “Not until the tasting week, anyway—huh?” She tried to laugh and failed.

  “Not even then,” Baird assured her. “It’s only the Tranq Kindred who bite when they bond.”

  And what do you do? What exactly does bonding sex entail with a Beast Kindred? With you, Baird? It was on the tip of her tongue to ask but then Baird was pouring a different kind of oil—this time directly between her thighs over her small mound of curls.

  “Oh!” Liv gasped but it turned into a moan as the oil hit her skin. It wasn’t as intense as the kind he’d used on her nipples but somehow she knew its effects would be longer lasting. She could feel herself reacting, feel the heat blooming along her flesh everywhere the silky liquid touched her and her heart started pounding like a sledge hammer again. God, was this ever going to end?

  “No more talk of biting. I would never hurt you, Lilenta,” Baird murmured in her ear. “Can you open yourself and let me touch you now?”

  “I…I guess.” Liv’s breathing was already ragged as she unclenched her legs. Then his big, warm hand was back, smoothing the oil over her skin, caressing her inner thighs without quite touching her core.

  “You’re so soft here,” he whispered. “So smooth and hot. Are you wet for me, Lilenta?”

  “I d-don’t know,” Liv stammered as his fingers slid upward. He’d touched her like this when they were in the bathing pool together but somehow this felt more intense…more intimate. Maybe it was the way he was lying in bed beside her, leaning over her. Or maybe it was the way he was looking into her eyes as he touched her. But for whatever reason, she could barely breathe.

  Baird’s searching fingers found her pussy and slowly, gently he began to massage the special oil into her sensitive flesh. At first he concentrated on the outside until Liv thought she would go crazy but just as she was about to scream from frustration, his fingers slid inward, sliding over her slippery folds and finding the tight little bud of her clit at her center.

  “God!” Liv nearly jumped off the bed as he rubbed the slick oil into her, giving her a more intimate massage than she’d ever had before.

  Baird watched her intently as he touched her but when she tried to close her eyes, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “No, Olivia. Look at me.”

  “Wh-why?” Liv stuttered, looking up.

  “I want to see you when you come. Want to see the pleasure in your eyes,” he murmured roughly. His voice was thick with need and she felt like she could drown in his golden gaze as he stroked her. Somehow he seemed to have found the exact way Liv liked to touch herself—one fingertip sliding along the side of her clit—and he was working her with a deliberate rhythm she could tell was designed to push her over the edge.

  “God, Baird,” she moaned, unable to help herself. “That feels so…God, I can’t…”

  “You like the feel of my hands on you? My fingers inside you?” He matched actions to words, sliding two long digits deep into her slippery pussy as the broad pad of his thumb continued to slip over her clit.

  The new sensation was too much. Liv felt like she’d been on edge all night, the build up of sexual tension inside her was like a nuclear reactor set to blow. When she felt him enter her she cried out, her spine bowing and her fists clenching at the bedspread on either side of her.

  “That’s right, Lilenta,” she heard Baird murmur. “That’s right, just let it go. Let yourself come for me.”

  Liv cried out again as the pleasure washed over her like a tidal wave, breaking her into a million pieces and scattering her mind in a thousand different directions. She’d never had an orgasm this intense. Through it all Baird held her eyes with his and continued to thrust deeply into her, riding out her pleasure and adding more until she thought she would die of it.

  “Please,” she gasped at last. “Please, I can’t…can’t take much more.”

  “We can stop for a little while if you want.”

  “For a little while? How…how long do you intend to keep this up?” Liv demanded, still trying to catch her breath.

  “I’d love to pleasure you all night—or for as long as you’ll let me.” His eyes were still burning with hunger as he slowly withdrew his fingers.

  Liv moaned softly, feeling suddenly empty and weak now that the intense feelings were ebbing. “I appreciate that you want to make me feel good. I mean, believe me, I’ve never been with a guy who seemed so…uh, focused on my pleasure. But I don’t think I can keep this up all night,” she told him. “Just now that was…it was damn near an out of the body experience. I don’t know if I can take it again so soon.”

  Baird looked concerned. “I was afraid of that—it’s because your body isn’t used to mine. Come here.” He slid one muscular arm under her head.

  “Why?” Liv asked uncertainly but she didn’t fight him when he pulled her close.

  “So I can hold you, just for a little while. If we’d been sleeping like this for the entire first week you wouldn’t be so overwhelmed right now. Relax, Lilenta. Let’s just breathe each other in.”

  Liv wanted to protest that it was silly and needless but something stopped her. That something was the fact that the feel of his hard muscular body against hers actually felt nice. Not just nice—wonderful, she amended to herself. Baird was so big she should have felt smothered but instead she felt warm, safe…protected. They were on their sides facing each other with her breasts pressed against the hard wall of his chest and her head resting on his bicep. Her face was just at the level of his throat and that same spicy masculine musk she supposed must be his natural smell was invading all her senses at once.

  God, he smells good…feels good…Without knowing what she was doing, Liv nuzzled against him, pressing her nose closer to his throat and breathing him in, just as he had said. She felt rather than heard the low rumble of laughter coming up from his chest.

  “You scent marking me, Lilenta?”

  “I’m not…not sure what I’m doing,” she admitted. She only knew she wanted to be closer, to have his body pressed against hers, to fill her lungs with his delicious scent.

  “Well whatever it is, don’t stop.” He pulled her closer and she felt his shaft, like a heated bar of lead against her hip but even that didn’t stop her. She wanted more, needed more and only Baird could give it to her. A soft, needy sound escaped her lips and she tugged at his shoulders, trying to get even greater contact between them.

  Baird responded by rolling her under him and covering her completely with his body. A small part of Liv’s brain knew the feeling of him, hot and hard and heavy on top of her, ought to scare her to death. But that part was quickly overruled by the delicious feeling of being pinned beneath him.

  “Baird,” she moaned softly as his hot cock branded her belly. “God…”

for me, Lilenta.” His voice was hoarse with desire but there was no question that he was demanding, not asking.

  “I…you…you promised. Promised not to,” Liv whispered but she was already spreading her thighs, inviting him in.

  “I won’t,” he assured her. “But I need to mark you—rub against you and be sure you’re covered in my scent. Just open yourself for me, Lilenta. I swear I won’t go too far.”

  They had already gone too far but Liv’s head was fuzzy with desire and she was finding it increasingly hard to think straight. God, how could he make her lose all her self control so quickly? Somewhere inside she had an idea that she was in a very dangerous position but before her brain could convey that to her body, she had already parted her legs and welcomed him within the cradle of her thighs.

  Baird shifted and she felt his cock part the lips of her pussy. He wasn’t trying to enter her but the hot length of his shaft sliding against her sensitive clit was almost more than Liv could bear. She moaned out loud and bucked up against him, feeling the pleasure begin to build again.

  “Good. That’s good, Lilenta. Now give me your throat.”

  “Wh-what?” Liv looked up at him, her vision gone hazy with lust. “I don’t understand.”

  “Raise your chin and bare your throat for me—now.” There was a demanding tone in his deep, growling voice she found it impossible to disobey. Tilting her head, she turned her face to the side and offered him her throat in a display of complete submission.

  Baird growled in approval and placed a hot, sucking kiss on the tender skin of her offered throat. “Mine,” Liv heard him mutter as he pulled her even closer, lapping at the sensitive place where her shoulder met her neck and thrusting against her. “Mine, Lilenta. Mine forever and always.”

  The possessive words and the heat in his voice should have sent Liv running but instead she felt a thrill go through her. The thrill of being cherished and cared for. The thrill of being owned. God, yes…I’m yours, Baird. Always and forever yours. The words wouldn’t leave her lips—she was too busy moaning as he lapped and sucked at her neck and pressed himself against her in a rocking rhythm that was rapidly pushing her over the edge yet again.

  Wrapping her legs around his muscular hips, Liv dug her fingernails into his broad shoulders and rubbed herself against him wantonly. Fear was forgotten. Even the idea of holding out in order to be with the people she loved on Earth was completely eradicated in the mindless barrage of pleasure. Baird was close but not close enough. She needed him closer—needed him in her. Deep inside, filling her, fucking her, making the two of them one.

  “Baird,” she pleaded, thrusting up against him. “Please, in me—please!”

  “Can’t, Lilenta.” His breathing was ragged as he pressed against her. “Promised you I wouldn’t, remember?”

  Somewhere deep inside Liv the rational part of her brain, which had been so conveniently deactivated by intense pleasure, realized he was right. He had promised not to make love to her, not to bond her to him tonight. And at the time, she’d been glad. Now that seemed like utter foolishness. Why would she want him to hold back? How could she not want to feel him inside her, taking her, making her his? She was his bride—his mate. She needed to belong to him completely.

  “Please,” she begged shamelessly. “I don’t care what you said. Just do it—do it.”

  “Can’t.” He was rubbing against her harder now, faster, as though trying to bring their mutual pleasure to a conclusion. “Let yourself come, Lilenta. Clear your head.”

  “I don’t want to clear my head. I want you inside me, now!” Liv tilted her hips and attempted to reach him, wanting to guide the thick shaft that was working against her sensitive clit deep inside her pussy.

  “No, you don’t.” Baird caught her hand and brought it up. Then he captured both her wrists and pinned them above her head. “Are you gonna be good or do I have to hold you down?” he growled, his eyes flaring golden as he looked at her.

  Liv moaned with need. God, the pleasure he was giving her was amazing and it was growing by the minute but she still wanted more. She felt so empty, so open. But Baird’s grip on her wrists was unbreakable—the harder she struggled, the less she got anywhere. Crying and gasping, she worked herself against him. She might not be able to get what she wanted, but she would damn sure get what she needed and right now she needed to come more than she ever had in her entire life.

  Baird seemed to sense her acceptance because he loosened his grip on her wrists and gathered her close against him, wrapping both arms around her and kissing the side of her face as he pushed hard for their conclusion.

  “Gods, Lilenta. So soft…so wet,” he groaned as he pressed against her. “Wish I was inside you now. Need you so much.”

  “I need you too.” Liv felt like she might cry or explode she was so ready for him. “Please, Baird, please.”

  “Can’t, I told you.” He kissed her hard and then more softly before looking into her eyes. “Just let yourself come again and you’ll feel better. Look at me, Lilenta. Let me feel you coming under me.”

  The intense eye contact and the low, commanding tone of his voice as much as the delicious friction between them finally sent her over the edge again. As a second, even stronger orgasm crashed down on her, Liv arched her back and cried out her pleasure shamelessly. At the same time she felt Baird getting even harder against her and then, with a low roar, he released in hot, hard spurts against her belly.

  God, so intense. Never…can’t… And then none of her thoughts seemed to make sense anymore and everything went grey.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Lilenta? Olivia? Are you all right?” The worried voice in her ear pulled Liv back from the foggy grey nothingness where she seemed to be floating.

  What happened? Feels like I blew some kind of fuse. Slowly she forced her eyelids open even though they felt like someone had tied lead weights to them. “Baird? What…?” She lifted her head, which was even heavier than her eyelids, and looked down at herself groggily. “Why am I naked? Where am I?”

  “Still in our suite on the bed.” There was a concerned frown on his face. “You passed out after you came the second time while I was scent marking you.”

  “After you what?” She shook her head, trying to clear it.

  “After I rubbed against you to mark you with my scent,” Baird explained. “It’s what I should have been doing the entire first week. If I had, you wouldn’t have had such an extreme reaction when we finally came together.”

  “When we…” Liv felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice cubes into the pit of her stomach. “Oh my God, did we have sex? Please tell me we didn’t have sex. Is that why I passed out? Is that part of it?”

  A look of pain crossed his face and was gone so fast she thought she might have imagined it. “No, Lilenta,” he said roughly. “I swore I wouldn’t bond you to me this week and I keep my word. I think you were just overwhelmed because you weren’t used to having me touch you, pleasure you. It’s true that bonding and everything that leads up to it can be pretty intense but losing consciousness isn’t usually part of it.”

  “What is part of it?” she demanded. “Aside from me losing my mind and turning into some kind of cat-in-heat, begging you to…to…” She shook her head, too embarrassed to go on.

  “You shouldn’t be ashamed of anything you did or said while we were touching.” Baird’s voice was soft. “It’s just the way your body reacts to mine. We need each other.”

  “I don’t believe that.” She looked down at her belly where the evidence of his orgasm was still visible and her heart started galloping again. “You didn’t, uh, get any inside me, did you? Wouldn’t that mean we were bonded?”

  Baird shook his head. “There’s a lot more to bonding sex than that.”

  Liv sat up unsteadily and reached for the red robe to cover herself with. “Okay, I didn’t want to have to ask you this because it’s so damn embarrassing but after what happened just now, I think I
need to know.”

  “Ask me what?” Baird frowned.

  Liv looked down, busying herself with arranging the robe and trying not to look at him. God, this was so embarrassing but she’d had no luck finding out what the grand finale of this whole song and dance was. She needed to know what was going on before things went too far and she was stuck here forever. “What…” She cleared her throat. “What exactly is bonding sex? I mean, my friend Kat said that according to the contract we signed it’s one step beyond, uh, traditional intercourse—but what does that mean?”

  “What do you think it means?” Baird came to sit beside her at the head of the bed where she was leaning against the headboard. It was made of some dark green metal that matched the spread and looked like it should be uncomfortable but it seemed to mold itself to her body like a comforting hand. Which was good. As far as Liv was concerned she needed as much comfort as she could get. “Well?” Baird said, making her realize that she was stalling.

  Liv felt a hot blush begin to creep into her cheeks. “I don’t know. All I’ve heard is that you—the Beast Kindred—can go on and on for hours.”

  He nodded seriously. “It does take a long time for bonding sex to occur. And it’s longer for my kind because of the mating fist.”

  “Excuse me, the what?”

  “At the base of our shafts, just here.” Baird was pointing to himself.

  Liv bit her lip. Okay, get a grip—it’s not like you haven’t seen it before. Taking a closer look isn’t going to kill you. Taking a deep breath, she leaned a little closer to see what he was talking about. But other than being larger than normal, okay—much larger than normal, Liv amended to herself, he looked pretty much like any other man she’d ever seen.

  “I, uh…” She cleared her throat. “I don’t think I’m seeing it.”

  “That’s because we’re not touching anymore. Being near you, knowing you’re my mate and the woman I need to bond with, makes me react. But it’s really hard to tell unless we’re in actual physical contact,” he explained.


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