Christmas With The Biker_Gold Vipers

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Christmas With The Biker_Gold Vipers Page 7

by Cassie Alexandra

  That sounded easy enough. “Sure. I would love to,” I replied.

  “Awesome. There’s one more thing. You need to dress like an elf. I have a costume for you, so don’t worry about finding anything to wear.”

  It sounded like fun and I loved dressing up. After Christmas, my favorite holiday was Halloween. “No problem. As long as it’s not too revealing and my ass isn’t hanging out.”

  He chuckled. “No. Not at all. It’s family friendly, although you’ve given me some ideas for next year. At least for my wife, Raina.”

  I smiled. “Oh, boy. Well, I’m glad I could help. Um, so… do you want me to stop by the clubhouse to pick up the costume?”

  “No. I hear the roads are getting bad. Why don’t you give me your address and I’ll have someone drop it off?”

  Relieved that I didn’t have to go back out onto the icy roads, I gave him the information.

  “Great. Thanks again. We really appreciate you wanting to help out.”

  “It’s for a good cause. I don’t mind at all.”

  “I wish everyone had your attitude,” he said, sounding a little exasperated. “Anyway, try on the elf costume. It should fit, but if it doesn’t, let me know.”

  “Will do. When do you think someone will be dropping it off?”

  “Hopefully, within the hour.”

  “Okay. I’ll watch for them.”

  FORTY-FIVE MINUTES LATER, my intercom buzzed. I stepped away from the Christmas tree, which I’d just finished stringing lights onto, and answered it.


  “I have a package for you from Tank,” the man said briskly.


  I buzzed the stranger in and a few seconds later, there was a sharp rap on the door. I opened it up and when I saw who was standing in the hallway, my stomach did a flip flop. It didn’t help that he looked even more handsome than I’d remembered. “Oh. Hi.”

  Staring at me in surprise, Graham seemed just as shocked to see me. “Hi.”

  Unable to get the stupid smile off of my face, I looked at the package he was holding. It was wrapped in brown paper and had my address scribbled on the top. “Is that for me?”

  “Apparently.” He held it toward me.

  I took it from him. “Thank you.”

  “Sure. So, you live here?”

  “Yeah. I just moved in today, actually.”

  “Huh,” he said, rubbing his hands together, as if they were cold. “You know, I only live a couple of miles from here. On Greeley.”

  “Really?” I laughed nervously. “What a small world.” I had no idea where Greeley was, but planned on looking it up as soon as he left.

  “Yeah. It’s Chloe, right?” he asked, flashing me a panty-dropping smile.

  I nodded. “Yep. Chloe Wilson. That’s me.”

  Oh God, I sounded like a dork.

  “I can’t remember if we were formally introduced. I’m Graham. Graham Dodge. You can call me that or Dodge or even Dodger. That’s what the guys call me at least. Dodger.”

  Was it me or was he nervous too?

  “The guys as in the Gold Vipers?”

  He grinned. “Yeah. Sorry. I’m actually a Prospect now.”

  “Oh. Well, congratulations.” His black leather jacket covered the vest he was wearing, so I hadn’t noticed any patches and Jessica hadn’t said anything.


  We stood there staring at each other for a few seconds, in awkward silence, until he finally broke it. “Well, I should probably leave. Have a good night.”

  “Thanks. You, too. Oh, wait. Tank said I should try on the outfit. In case it didn’t fit, you know? Do you have a few minutes? I can give it back to you if it doesn’t work out and save another a trip out here.”

  “Sure,” he said, giving me a funny look. “An outfit, huh?”

  “It’s actually an elf costume.”

  “Oh.” He smiled. “Okay.”

  “It’s for the fundraiser. I guess I’m handing out flyers tomorrow and he wants me to dress like an elf.”

  “Sounds like Tank. He really gets into the Christmas spirit.”

  “I do, too. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Come on in,” I said, moving out of the way.

  Graham stepped into my apartment and walked past me. Taller then I remembered, he smelled very masculine, like leather and something else I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  As if reading my mind, he apologized for smelling like exhaust fumes. “I just got done helping a buddy of mine move a bunch of cars around at the clubhouse. He was plowing the snow out of the parking lot.”

  “It’s okay. I didn’t notice,” I lied.

  “Wow, you really did just move in,” he said, noticing all of the boxes scattered around the living room.

  “Yep. Uh, here,” I said, rushing over to the sofa. I cleared off a place for him. “Why don’t you make yourself at home while I go and get changed? Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No. I’m fine. Thank you.” Graham sat down and looked at the Christmas tree, which was still bare except for the blinking multi-colored lights.

  “I just got that,” I said, glad I’d put it up already. It made the place look a little warmer, I thought. “Just trying to make it more festive in here.”

  He nodded.

  “Do you have a tree?” I gushed, talking too quickly. I couldn’t help it, though. It felt so weird. I once again felt like a teenager, this time on a first date. It was so awkward, which I knew was silly, but all I could think about was the last time we’d seen each other and that kiss.



  He looked away.

  “I’m sure you’re-”

  “Busy. Yeah, I just… haven’t had time,” he said, looking a little uncomfortable. “Besides, it’s just me anyway.”

  “It’s just me this year, too,” I replied, secretly feeling a little too happy about his admission. “But, I couldn’t spend Christmas without a tree.”

  He stared at me. “So, why are you alone this year?”

  Chapter 15


  Fuck. Smooth move, dipshit.

  Me and my big mouth. We were practically strangers and it wasn’t any of my business. Fortunately, she wasn’t offended.

  Chloe smiled humorlessly. “You know that saying ‘Two’s company, three’s a crowd?’ Well, it used to be just my roommate and me. Then his boyfriend moved in and it just became too much,” she confided. “Obviously, being the third wheel, I had to get out.”

  “Ah,” I replied, a little relieved that she hadn’t just gotten over a rocky relationship. I didn’t want to bring up unhappy shit for her. “That’s too bad.”

  Chloe nodded. “More for Kai. His boyfriend is a selfish asshole who’s using him.”

  “And he doesn’t know?”

  “I’ve tried telling him, but he doesn’t want to hear it.” She sighed. “I’m just waiting for the day that Trey breaks his heart. I almost wish it would happen before the New Year, so he doesn’t waste anymore of his life with that jerk.”

  “I wouldn’t wish a broken heart on anyone. Especially during the holidays. Take it from me,” I replied, thinking about the incident with Bonnie again. She’d tried to reconcile with me many times, explaining that it was the drugs that had made her fuck Seth. Ecstasy or not, I didn’t care, nor would I ever be able to get that vision out of my head. It still haunted me, even though Seth been murdered. Tank seemed to think the Blood Angels had something to do with it. His friend, Dom, the V.P. of the ST. Paul Chapter, thought so, too. But, there wasn’t any proof. As for the club getting implicated for Seth’s death, no charges were ever filed. The cops had no evidence and although they’d questioned the club, they didn’t seem to think they had anything to do with it either.

  “I suppose. I just don’t know how to convince him that he needs to kick Trey to the curb.”

  “Do you have proof that he’s using him?”

  “I d
on’t have to. Kai pays for everything and Trey just free loads off of him.”

  I shrugged. “He’ll probably get tired of it.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping. Anyway, I’m sure you need to get going. I’m going to try this thing on,” she said, patting the package.


  She disappeared down the hallway.

  Settling back against the sofa, I looked around the room. Other than the furniture that I was sitting on, everything else was packed away, so it was hard to get a handle on her. Not that it mattered, I was just there to do a job. Still, she was definitely intriguing and last year’s kiss hadn’t been forgotten. Not to mention that Chloe was even more gorgeous than I’d remembered. But, she was Jessica’s friend and I wasn’t going to try and bang her. She was obviously a lot classier than the chicks who hung around the clubhouse.

  In fact, from what I’d overheard, she was a nurse and worked a lot of hours at the hospital with Jessica.

  My phone began to vibrate and I noticed that it was Tank sending me a text.

  Tank: So, how’d it go?

  Me: Good. I’m still here. She’s trying on the costume.

  Tank: Were you surprised?

  He had me stumped for a few seconds until I remembered Tank’s mischievous grin. I wondered if he’d heard about the kiss we’d shared.

  Me: About what?

  Tank: Chloe.

  There it was. He’d known and that’s why he’d sent m in particular. I decided to play dumb.

  Me: Why would I be?

  Tank: Fuck you. I bet you were shocked as all hell to see her.

  I chuckled. Tank thrived on drama and loved gossip. Hell, the guy was known to TiVo Big Brother and Dr. Phil for shit’s sake. I decided to keep stringing him along.

  Me: No. Should I be?

  Tank: She was the girl you kissed last year at the fundraiser. Remember?

  Me: I kiss a lot of girls. Can’t remember them all.

  Tank: You’re full of shit.

  Hearing Chloe step out of the bathroom, I put my phone down and watched as she stepped out of the hallway wearing the elf costume.

  “I feel like there’s been a mistake,” she asked, smoothing down the short skirt.

  I could barely talk. My mouth had gone dry the moment she’d stepped into the living room. The elf costume consisted of a satin red and green petticoat dress that accentuated her breasts, thigh-high sequined stockings, and a green Santa hat. She looked like a Victoria’s Secret model ready for an “Adult’s Only” Christmas party.

  “So, you’re supposed to wear this passing out flyers?” I asked, standing up.

  She nodded. “Apparently.”

  “I mean, it’s cute,” I said, watching as she tried tugging the bodice up over her cleavage, which wasn’t helping anything but my dick get hard.

  “I’m going to freeze my ass off,” she replied, frowning. “He said it wasn’t supposed to be revealing, but it barely covers my butt.”

  “Oh really?”

  Chloe turned around and from where I was standing, she was right. Her cute little derriere was barely covered by the satin material. I imagined her wearing heels and it was almost too much.

  “You’re going to be cold if he’s wanting you to stand outside,” I said, trying to nonchalantly adjust and cover my boner.

  “Yeah. There’s no way I can wear this with the weather the way it is. I’m going to call him back and see if there’s something else we can do,” she replied, walking back toward the bathroom.

  “Good idea.”

  I sent Tank a quick text myself.

  Me: She tried on the elf suit.

  Tank: Nice, huh?

  I could almost hear him laughing.

  Me: Too nice and too revealing. She’s returning it.

  Tank: I figured she would.

  Me: Then why did you send it over?

  He sent an emoji with a wicked smile.

  Grunting, I put my phone back into my jacket and waited for her to appear again. A few seconds later, she stepped back into the living room.

  “Here,” she said, handing the package back. “I left Tank a message. Hopefully, he’ll send over something else because I’m definitely not wearing that thing. It’s cute but not appropriate. At least, I don’t think so.”

  “I liked it,” I admitted. “But, I get you. You’d be freezing your ass off standing outside.”


  Chloe’s phone began to ring.

  “That’s probably Tank. I should get going,” I said.

  “Okay. Sorry you wasted your time.”

  “It’s not your fault. Besides, it was nice seeing you again.”

  “You, too,” she replied, smiling at me before answering the phone.

  “I’ll let myself out,” I whispered,

  She nodded. “Hello?”

  Chapter 16


  TANK’S EXCUSE FOR the costume was that he’d received the wrong ones. He apologized for the mix up and wasting my time.

  “You’re not the only one who contacted me. I don’t know what happened, but I’ll make sure you get the correct costume tomorrow. In fact, why don’t I have one of my Prospects pick you up around two o’clock?”


  As in Graham?

  I wanted to ask for him specifically, but was too chicken.

  “Great. I’ll have him bring the costume over and drive you downtown, where you’ll be helping to pass out the fliers.”

  I imagined Graham dressed like an elf and it put a smile on my face. “Sounds great.”

  “It should be a lot of fun. In fact, a friend of mine, who works at the zoo, was able to borrow us a couple of caribou to use.”

  “Oh, cool.”

  “There will be hot cocoa, cider, and Christmas carolers too.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. So, who did you say was going to be picking me up?”

  “I was thinking of sending Graham back. Did he behave himself?” Tank asked, a smile in his voice.


  “Oh, yeah. For sure,” I replied.

  “Good. Anyway, like I said… we’ll send someone over, possibly Graham, around two tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Remember to call me if something come up.”

  “Will do.”

  After hanging up with Tank, I turned on some Christmas music and went back to trimming the tree. As I hung up the decorations, I thought about Tank asking if Graham had behaved himself, and was a little disappointed that he had.

  AFTER HANGING UP with Chloe, Tank smiled at Raptor, who was sitting across from him in the office.

  “What did she say?”

  “He was a good boy. Behaved himself.”


  “He must not be related to you after all,” Tank said, laughing.

  “I’m a good boy.” Raptor threw a pen at him and Tank ducked.

  “You weren’t when you were chasing Adriana all over town. If I remember correctly, you couldn’t keep your hands off of her and she was barely legal.”

  “She’d just turned twenty-one. She was as legal as fuck.”

  “You mean she was legal to fuck.”

  Raptor chuckled. “At least I made an honest woman out of her.”

  Tank smirked. “That’s ‘cause you knocked her up.”

  “Fuck you. You know better.”

  “I know, brother. I’m just giving you shit. You were hooked the moment you saw her. I remember the night you two met. It actually was her birthday, if I recall?”


  “Time sure flies,” Tank said, staring ahead with a fond smile on his face. “That was also the year Frannie and Pops got married.”

  “That’s right.”

  “I miss that son-of-a-bitch,” Tank said sadly.

  Raptor nodded. “Me, too.”

  They both sat there in silence for a few minutes and then Raptor cleared his throat. “You know, maybe Dodger’s not i
nterested in Chloe?”

  “He’s interested. Last year at the fundraiser, he not only kissed her but after we got him hammered, he asked us to get her number, so he could hook up with her. You went home with Adriana, so you didn’t see.”

  “Obviously, he didn’t call her.”

  “No. Dodger was trashed. We couldn’t let him make a fool out of himself. Hell, he doesn’t remember anything about it.”

  “All he remembers is how that bitch Bonnie hurt him,” Raptor said, frowning.

  Tank shrugged. “Oh, I don’t know. He seems to have put everything behind him.”

  “Adriana thinks otherwise. She’s good at judging people. You know, we’ve had Dodger over every Sunday, since football season started. He usually stays for dinner and has been opening up more-and-more. He doesn’t say much about Bonnie, but Adriana says she can tell he’s not happy.”

  “We want him happy.”


  They both sat there quietly, thinking. After a while, Tank spoke again. “Jessica raves about Chloe. I really think they could be good together.”

  “If there’s still a connection.”

  “Unless she’s gained five-hundred pounds and has grown a tail, I’m thinking they’ve got a shot.”

  Raptor smiled humorlessly and rubbed his forehead. “I can’t believe we’re even talking about this. We’re guys. We should be encouraging him to sow his wild oats.”

  “He’s been doing that and apparently is still unhappy.”

  Raptor nodded. “So, what’s your plan?”

  Tank told him.

  Chapter 17


  After leaving Chloe’s, I stopped at the liquor store and picked up a case of beer. Now that my next few days were pretty much screwed with the shit Tank was signing me up for, I decided to forget the bar. The last thing I needed was to be hungover while playing Santa Claus. It was already a head-ache waiting to happen and I didn’t need to add to it.


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