Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection

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Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection Page 1

by Bridy McAvoy

  Fantasies Incorporated: The Complete Collection

  By: Bridy McAvoy

  ISBN: 978-1-927220-99-3

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © Aug. 2008 to Oct 2012 Bridy McAvoy

  Cover Art Copyright © May 2013 to Mar 2015 Brightling Spur

  Bluewood Publishing Ltd

  Christchurch, 8042, New Zealand

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Bluewood Publishing Ltd

  Special Note: This book contains UK Spellings


  To everyone who helped me write this. Especially my husband, who encouraged me to explore my fantasies in print.

  Fantasies Incorporated: The Taxi Ride

  By: Bridy McAvoy

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © Aug. 2008, Bridy McAvoy

  Cover Art Copyright © Aug 2009, Brightling Spur

  Bluewood Publishing Ltd

  Christchurch, 8042, New Zealand

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Bluewood Publishing Ltd

  The Taxi Ride

  As Jenny sipped at the last of the magnificent Merlot that had accompanied the meal she watched through lidded eyes as her fiancé savored the warmth of the brandy he had ordered. The meal had been fabulous and Colin had been on top form, laughing and joking and chatting with her all through it. She still found it difficult to realize that this Mr. Right had wafted into her life fifteen months ago and she was now only a few weeks shy of becoming his wife and spending the rest of her life with him.

  Her eyes sparkled as she watched him; the handsome man she fully intended to ravish once they got back to her flat. It was a Friday and neither of them had to do anything in particular for the whole weekend. She had plans for the whole weekend though. Her throaty chuckle drew his attention.

  “What sweetheart?”

  “Nothing. I’ll tell you later.”

  Her voice sounded throatier than normal too and she realized that the two bottles of wine and her own salacious thoughts were providing him with several clues as to her plans. The pale blush at this thought rose up her cheeks and the way his eyes flared told her without words that he had read the signals very clearly indeed. Christ, she thought how am I ever going to keep my hands off him in the taxi?

  He signaled the waiter and settled the bill using his gold company Amex. Following the successful conclusion to the deal he had been working on for months his boss had told him to take ‘the little lady’ out for a swanky meal and charge it. Colin had done just that and Jenny had sucked in her cheeks when she saw the prices on the menu. All in all the meal, including the drinks, had come to over four hundred dollars.

  They waited in the vestibule to the hotel as they gazed with disappointment at the spring downpour that had started whilst they were finishing the meal. Neither of them had a coat or an umbrella with them and she thought the rain would ruin her hair if she walked out into it.

  The doorman came to their rescue as a parked cab suddenly turned on its hire light and he flagged it down vigorously before it could pull out. He held a huge umbrella over them as they dashed into the back of the taxi and was rewarded with a huge smile and a flash of thigh from Jenny together with the equally welcome twenty note from Colin.

  “Where to mate?”

  The white driver looked around at the giggling couple.

  “Seventh and Park please.”

  “Ok. Filthy night isn’t it?”

  As he pulled off he got no answer from the two in the back, they were kissing each other and he smiled and pulled up the screen. No conversation on this trip obviously.

  Jenny was on her way to heaven. Her forty dollar hairdo hadn’t been ruined and her dress was still immaculate and probably wouldn’t even need to go to the cleaners. She was a thrifty lass but as Colin continued to nibble playfully at her lips her mind was certainly heading in a completely different direction.

  As Colin continued the teasing kiss, his hand was brushing her knee. Then it was moving up her leg pushing the relatively short, but not immodestly so, skirt hem with it. Playfully she slapped his hand away; but took the sting out of her action by wrapping her other arm around his neck and opening her mouth to extend her tongue to lick at his lips. Instantly on cue his lips parted and as their tongues fenced and the kiss deepened, she no longer pretended to be cross with the way his hand was roaming up her leg.

  Her leg was bared to the top of her thigh, showing the dark band of the stocking top clearly to the driver if he angled his mirror. She didn’t care, she was in the arms of the man she loved, the man she intended to marry, and the man she intended to make love to as soon as they got home.

  * * * *

  She wasn’t quite sure what alerted her to the change in their circumstances. Maybe it was because the taxi was no longer moving. Maybe it was the absence of light outside the taxi. Maybe it was the fact the rain was no longer beating down on the roof of the cab with its incessant drumming.

  She paused in the frantic kissing and looked over Colin’s shoulder. Her body froze in shock at the sight which met her eyes. The driver was turned in his seat to face them, and there in his hand pointing unwaveringly at his passengers was a handgun. The end of the barrel looked huge to her, a large black gaping orifice from which could issue her death in a single heartbeat.

  She opened her mouth to scream but not a sound came out as the driver held his finger up to his lips. Colin was by now realizing something was wrong from Jenny’s suddenly frozen unresponsive posture and turned his head around to look in the same direction. As soon as he caught sight of the driver’s gun he too froze.

  “Now I suggest you turn around and sit straight please. No funny business, I’m very quick and very accurate with this. If you know guns you will note the safety is off and is a full automatic which carries a seven round clip. Slowly now.”

  Jenny realized her emotions were all over the place as they both slowly un-entangled themselves and sat facing the front of the taxi.

  “Please … You can have all my money. I haven’t got much cash on me but you can take the cards. I won’t report them stolen.”

  The driver overrode Colin with a laugh.

  “Hell boy, I don’t want your money. If I wanted money I could do better rolling drunks in Central Park.”

  “Please let Jenny go.”

  “That’s even funnier sonny. So that’s your name girl. It’s you I want.”

  Jenny’s eyes opened even wider in shock. She tried to stammer something out but no sound beyond a low voiced croak came out, barely audible to the driver. He grinned.

  “Don’t worry girlie, I’m sure you’ll enjoy what I have got planned, in fact I guarantee it.” He laughed obscenely and then tensed and moved the pistol
to point at Colin who had tensed to jump him.

  “Don’t try it son. You’ll lose and I’ll still get the girl.”

  Colin sank back into his seat with a look of resignation on his face and cast a stricken look at his fiancé. Deep inside her, her emotions churned as she fought to get control of herself. She felt sick as she looked at the driver and realized that he fully intended to rape her.

  “Now, this is how it happens okay?”

  They both nodded.

  “You girlie, Jenny are going to slowly peel those expensive clothes off so that I can have a good look at that very nice body of yours. Make a wrong move and your boyfriend grows another navel. One that he will bleed from profusely. Got it?” she nodded. “You young man, Colin is it? You will sit very still and watch your beautiful young lady get naked. Understood?”

  They both nodded abjectly and Jenny bit her lip. The dress buttoned all the way down to the waist at the front and that part would be easy, not constrained by the confines of the taxi. Getting it all the way off was going to be a problem though.

  Her hands went up to her neck and grasped the first button and button hole. Her whole body shook as she shivered.

  “Don’t worry sweetie I can wait a long time. Keep teasing, take it slow, it’s so much better.”

  His mocking comment struck her like a physical blow and she was having difficulty holding back the tears as the first button slipped undone through her trembling fingers. She glanced across at Colin as her hands moved down to the second button and realized he was watching the impromptu show too. Rather than watching for a chance to jump her would be rapist, he too was staring as more of her neck and chest came into view as the second button came undone.

  Her emotions were still all over the place as the third button came undone. She was afraid of what the rapist would do to her. She was angry that Colin seemed more interested in watching her than protecting her and she was feeling a strange sense of pride that she could hold two men’s rapt attention simply by flashing some cleavage.

  Under the harsh interior light of the taxi her skin shone whitely through the steadily opening v down the middle of her chest. The buttons were undone almost to the waist now, only a couple more to go and the thin lacy strap that held the two cups together was clearly in view.

  Damn, why did I have to wear such sexy underwear tonight? She thought. You know why, you wanted Colin tonight.

  Now the buttons were open all the way to the waist and she hesitated before taking the next step.

  “Go on sweetie.”

  She bit her lip, leaned forward and pulled the wide shoulder straps out and off of her shoulders. The shoulder straps of her lacy bra came into view as she slowly drew the dress down her arms the upper swell of her chest came into view, soon followed by the black lace cups of the sexy bra she was wearing.

  The driver whistled at the sight making both of his passengers jump.

  “Nice tits sweetie. Are your ass and legs as nice? All the way off now.”

  Jenny blushed furiously at the comments. No one had ever talked to her quite like this and she desperately wanted to fold her arms across her chest. She glanced across at her fiancé again and saw that Colin was still mesmerized by the sight and by the obvious tent in his pants was enjoying it too. You bastard! She thought but could do nothing about it. Her anger at Colin allowed her to pluck up the nerve to complete the removal of the dress and she lifted her hips clear of the seat and pushed at and wiggled the tight dress off.

  Her white thighs above the stockings gleamed in the light as she pushed off the dress onto the floor. She made herself sit still, not attempting to cover herself as she waited whilst the driver devoured her with his eyes. There was no point in attempting to cover her charms, by his own statements he obviously intended to see the rest of her and soon. She was right.

  “Very nice sweetie, but please turn around so I can see your butt.”

  Taking a deep breath which she belatedly realized emphasized her breasts, she got up onto her knees and looked out through the back window of the cab. All she could see was a plain wall. They were inside somewhere.

  “Very nice ass, baby. Very nice indeed. Now while you’re there just to preserve your modesty a little and to tease me some more why don’t you lose the bra.”

  She brought her hands to the small of her back and found her fingers were still trembling a little so it was with difficulty that she popped the snap. The cramped confines of the taxi meant she was bent forwards and as soon as the elastic parted, her breasts fell forwards giving the watching men a good side profile of them hanging in the loose cups.

  She continued the movement shrugging the shoulder straps off and bringing her hands back in front of her to draw the straps down and release the cups from her breasts.

  “Leave it on the parcel shelf and turn around.”

  She left the bra where it was and clasping both breasts with her hands shuffled back around to a seated position again. She was aghast to find her nipples were stiff and hard, from the cold air although it was rather warm in the taxi or from arousal. She hoped it was the cold air as she hated the thought of her body visibly betraying her in this way.

  “Drop the hands to your side.”

  This was the moment she was dreading although it had been obviously coming for some time. Since she had met Colin, nobody else had seen her boobs, not one person. Now she was going to bare them to a complete stranger. However, as the stranger held a gun on her there was no choice, so she closed her eyes and leaned back, dropping her hands to her side, baring her breasts to their gaze.

  She heard two gasps from the two men. Colin was obviously physically enjoying the process even though he had seen them before and the driver was obviously impressed.

  “I said they were nice tits Jenny and I was right. They are a fucking awesome rack.”

  The obscenity cut through Jenny’s funk and her eyes opened and blazed at him. He just smiled.

  “Open your legs, sweetie, let’s see what might be hidden by those panties. Now! Spread them wide!”

  Reluctantly she opened her legs until her knees were about a foot apart. He gestured with the gun and she spread wider. The crotch panel of the panties she wore was thin lace and stretched in such a manner the outline of her mound could be seen.

  “Put your hand in your panties and tell me how wet you are.”


  “You heard me. Put your hand in your panties.”

  She slid her left hand inside the waistband of her panties and with no other viable alternative cupped her pussy. She realized she was wet, somewhat more than moist. Her body was betraying her.

  “Tell me if you are wet. Don’t lie about it. You wouldn’t want me to make you push your pussy into the hatch here so I could check for myself would you?”

  “Quite damp sir.” She gasped the words out.

  “Well that will never do will it. You can’t enjoy what’s going to happen to you until you are wet enough to be fucked can you? Play with yourself to get yourself ready.”

  The barrel of the gun was pointing unwaveringly at her face. She realized that if Colin attempted to jump him, which he still showed no inclination of doing, the man would get at least one shot off. At this range he couldn’t possibly miss. The hole in the end of the barrel looked like a cannon so she numbly started stroking herself.

  The stimulation was unavoidable. Her fingers and her panties were drenched with her own moisture and her chest began to heave as her breath came in shorter and shorter gasps. She closed her eyes; she didn’t want to look at the man who was making her do this. The situation was extreme, she could not control any of it and then she wasn’t trying as her orgasm took over and her back arched off the seat as a primal scream of ecstasy left her throat.

  She opened her eyes, shocked at her own reactions, to see the smiling face of her tormentor. The muzzle of the gun had never wavered. She glanced to the side and saw that Colin was sitting there his mouth hanging open but his han
d was in his lap and moving. With a shock she realized he was playing with himself whilst watching her. Her cheeks flamed at the thought and her eyes flashed anger at him.

  “You may as well lose the panties after that sweetie. You can’t possibly have any inhibitions now can you?”

  Gulping but realizing there was a semblance of truth in what he said she reached for the waistband of her sopping wet and ruined panties, ruined until washed that is and savagely pulled them down. She had to close her legs to strip them off but defiantly opened her legs as wide as before straight afterwards. She contemplated throwing them at the would be rapist but decided at the last second it might jog his trigger finger and meekly tossed them onto the floor next to her dress.

  “Your boyfriend seems to have a problem there. Why don’t you give him a hand sweetie?”

  She looked over at him and the driver rolled his eyes.

  “I know you know he’s hard so give him some relief with those pretty lips of yours; why don’t you sweetie?”

  Bloody hell, now he expects me to blow my fiancé at gun point!

  Still it was an act Jenny wasn’t exactly averse to. She enjoyed giving head almost as much as Colin enjoyed receiving it. The idea at doing so under these circumstances at somebody else’s orders was too much.

  She opened her mouth to say no when she realized it would at least delay the inevitable rape and if Colin was satiated then maybe he would be able to get away and fetch help. So the naked young woman pulled herself into a position where she was on all fours along the width of the cab seat and reached out to unzip her fiancé.

  Colin made no move to stop her or to help her until she tugged at his trousers indicating he needed to lift his buttocks from the seat and he obliged.

  His fully erect member sprang into view, already with a bead of pre-cum on the tiny slit in the end. The magnificent member sent a shiver of delight through her body, this was after all something she was familiar with and had intended, albeit under different circumstances that night anyway.


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