Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection

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Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection Page 10

by Bridy McAvoy

  “This isn’t real.”

  Behind her, Luke chuckled at her protest.

  “Yes, it is, sweetheart. Believe it. You’re going to really enjoy this. At least as much as we are, if not more.”

  His tone made her shudder, and Leanne jerked her head round to look at the security guard, still nonchalantly leaning on the door with his eyes fixed on her legs as Charlotte stroked the stocking up her calf. She licked her lips, feeling the stares of the two men and the gentle pressure of the girl’s hands on her leg beginning to elicit an unwanted response from her body.

  Charlotte finally caressed the stocking up Leanne’s leg as far as her knee, leaving it bunched there but correctly stretched below it, so she could do the same thing to Leanne’s other leg. Within another couple of minutes, both stockings were correctly positioned over the hapless woman’s feet and ankles, but bunched around her knees.

  “Stand up, please. I need to pull these up your legs so they look nice.”

  It was the first time Charlotte had spoken directly to Leanne; in fact it was the first time she’d spoken more than a single sentence at a time. Leanne looked down at the girl crouched at her feet, and licked her lips in apprehension before looking up at Ethan’s face. The security man nodded, so she rose shakily to her feet, keeping her legs pressed tightly together. Charlotte chuckled.

  “Can’t pull the stockings up like that, lady. You need to give me some room to work.”

  Blushing furiously, Leanne shuffled her feet a few inches apart. The young sales assistant immediately went to work, pulling the bunched up thin fabric of the stocking up past her left knee, then slowly drawing it higher up her thigh. By the time the top of the stocking was in line with the hem of her dress, Leanne was trembling in fright. Any moment now Charlotte would be pushing the hemline higher, showing more of her legs to the two men. She didn’t know how to react; the situation had rendered her helpless. Instead, the assistant let go of that leg and transferred her attention to the other one, repeating the same action until the stocking was in place on both legs, needing only to adjust the last few inches. Leanne swallowed nervously and watched in surprise as Charlotte gracefully rose to her feet.

  The chair scraped the floor while being wheeled away from her as Charlotte moved behind her into the space it had occupied in the small office. Suddenly, Leanne felt the shop assistant’s hands at the nape of her neck and realized she was about to unzip her cotton print summer dress.


  “You can hardly model this dress for us without removing that one, can you?”

  Ethan’s comment stifled Leanne’s protest before it really started. She gulped again, her eyes wide open in terror, as she realized they meant to follow this all the way through; the young shop assistant was going to strip her naked in front of these two men, and then, dress her in the supposedly stolen underwear and her new dress. Her mind refused to come up with a plan of action, as the lewd visions that had plagued her a few minutes earlier returned with a vengeance. Only this time, she was seeing herself tangled in the remains of her dress as she was ravished by the two men.


  She couldn’t help the nervous exclamation as she felt the zipper being drawn down her back, all the way to her waist. She shivered as Charlotte’s gentle fingers returned to her neck and flicked the straps off her shoulders to fall onto her upper arms. Reflexively, she brought her hands up to catch the dress and cradle it as protection in front of her bust.

  “Let it go, honey. We don’t really have all day, you know.”

  Leanne knew she must look like a deer caught in a car’s headlights as she stared at Ethan, frozen to the spot. Charlotte solved the problem, reaching round her and freeing the fabric from her unresisting fingers. The dress dropped to her waist where Charlotte deftly pushed it further, until it dropped into a circle around Leanne’s stocking clad feet.


  Her arms were still clasped over her chest, trying vainly to cover her white strapless bra and its contents from their prying eyes. She heard the key click in the lock of the door behind her. Luke stepped around them to stand behind Ethan so he, too, could see what she looked like.

  “Turn around, sweetie. Let’s see the back view.”

  Her mind was still not functioning properly, still trying to sort out reality from her own lewd imaginings, so Leanne raised no real objection as the sales assistant slowly helped her shuffle through a half circle to face away from the men to face her instead.

  “Nice ass. What do you think, Luke?”

  The crude compliment penetrated the fog Leanne’s brain was shrouded in. She whirled around to face the two men again, one hand still clamped protectively across her chest, the other reaching down for her dress.

  “Enough is enough.”

  “I don’t think you’re in any situation to dictate to us, sweetie.”

  Ethan reached for the phone as Leanne clasped the dress to her chest once more.

  “Go ahead. I’ll tell them what’s been going on in here if you do.”

  To her amazement, she was suddenly surrounded by loud laughter as all three, including Charlotte, responded to her comment.

  “You think your word would stand against ours, when we have video evidence of your offence? Pull the other one, young lady, and put the dress down, like a good girl.”

  The futility of her defiance hit her like a physical blow; these manipulative people had her at their mercy. She made no protest as Charlotte reached around her and drew the dress away from her once more, this time tossing it into the corner of the room, well out of her reach. Before Leanne could react, the younger woman reached to the small of Leanne’s back and popped open the catch of her bra. Deprived of the elastic support, the garment dropped on top of Leanne’s hands. Gasping, she realized her breasts were now in the open. Quickly, she repositioned her hands to cup and conceal her breasts, realizing to her chagrin that her nipples were standing out, proud and erect. The room was quite warm so there was no way this was from contact with cold air. Blushing, she noticed the two men focussing their attention on her hands and the treasures they concealed.

  “Don’t be shy, honey, no point to it at all.”

  Leanne didn’t move, so Ethan merely smiled and nodded. Not realizing why he was nodding, Leanne’s understanding that it was a signal for Charlotte to remove her last item of clothing didn’t sink in until too late. She only realized what the other woman had done after her fingers deftly slipped into the waistband of her demure white panties and pulled them down over her hips onto the top of her thighs.

  Leanne squealed and one hand instantly let go of her breast to cover her crotch, leaving her right breast exposed to the hungry eyes of the two security guards.

  It was too late; the futility of her situation seeped into her mind as Charlotte continued to bend, drawing the panties down past her knees to fall around her ankles.


  “As I said, no point in modesty now. You’re among friends.”

  “Not exactly.”

  Ethan grinned at her and, with a tilt of his head, indicated her exposed breast. Behind him, she could see the other security guard, Luke, licking his lips as he stared at her flesh. Quickly, she slid her arm across to cover both breasts and at the same time clamped her legs together, with her hand covering her sparse trimmed bush from their eyes.

  “You can’t stand like that forever, Ms. Andrews.”

  She simply stared back at him, her defiance returning.

  “Drop your hands. Do it now. Or…”

  He gestured to the phone on his desk, implying a call to the police. Her final attempt at defiance crumbled, and she slowly lowered her arms to her sides, revealing her body to their eyes. Charlotte tapped the side of her leg and, wordlessly, she lifted first one foot, then the other, to allow the assistant to remove her panties from around her feet.

  Ethan made a turning motion with his hand and reluctantly but without resistance, she slowly turned
through a half circle to face Charlotte again. She could feel the gaze of the two men burning her ass as she displayed it to them. She was dismayed to find the same sort of gaze in front of her too, as Charlotte’s eyes roamed up and down her body. The young shop assistant licked her lips, lust evident in her eyes, and Leanne shivered.

  “Turn back. Don’t be shy.”

  Leanne turned back to face the two men once more, almost glad to be away from the piercing stare of the younger woman, who seemed to be lusting after her naked body just as much as the two security guards. She was still trying to come to terms with how she had ended up in such a situation, naked in front of three strangers, and with the fact her own body was reacting to the situation.

  “Finish getting the stockings into place.”

  It was very clear to Leanne that they wanted to enjoy looking at every square inch of her before allowing her any kind of covering in the form of her new dress. She bit her lower lip, sucking it between her teeth, as she tried to think her way out of the situation. Suddenly, she felt Charlotte’s fingers stroking her left thigh, as the shop girl began to pull the stocking all the way up - not that they provided any kind of cover for her nakedness. Charlotte’s touch moved around to the back of her leg as she eased the stocking into position, straightening the top, before coming to rest nestling between them about four or five inches below her pussy.

  “You’ll have to open further to give me room to work.”

  Flushing red with embarrassment, Leanne allowed her feet to drift apart in order to comply with the Charlotte’s instructions, knowing she was providing an unobstructed view of her most private part to the woman. She could almost feel the Charlotte’s gaze concentrating on her nether lips as she transferred attention to the other leg. Finally, the indignity of being dressed and manipulated like this was over, and Charlotte stood up once more, reaching around Leanne for the underwear.

  “Garters first, I think.”

  Ethan spoke without taking his eyes off her body, and Leanne shuddered as she realized he intended to get his money’s worth by stretching the time she was naked to his gaze for as long as possible. She watched him as his eyes continued to roam up and down her body, his tongue flicking out to lick his lips, as Charlotte’s hands circled her waist to fasten the thin piece of black gossamer into place.

  Charlotte trailed her fingers over Leanne’s ass cheeks as she pulled the garters into position, fastening them to the backs of the stockings.

  “Turn around again, please.”

  She did so, only to find the shop assistant on her knees again, her hands reaching out for the front garters and her face only inches from Leanne’s unprotected pussy.

  “Mmm… Smells nice, guys.”

  Her comment caught Leanne completely unawares, as Charlotte quickly snapped the garters into place and then leaned forward to sniff delicately at her mound.

  “God! This isn’t happening!”

  Leanne didn’t even realize she’d spoken out loud as the two men chuckled and Charlotte rose to her feet, smiling into her eyes before gently turning her to face the two men once more. This time, her hands stayed on Leanne’s hips.

  “Bra or panties next?”

  “Bra, I think.”

  Without anything being said, Leanne knew Charlotte would take liberties with her breasts as she pulled the bra into place, but there was no defence possible in this situation. Her problem was compounded by the sensitivity of her nipples Once her current boyfriend, or for that matter any of her previous boyfriends, had started playing with them, she was always lost. Now, for the first time in her life, another woman would be in a position to exploit that sensitivity.

  She shook her head, but nothing was going to deter the female predator from her goal. Charlotte pulled the straps up her arms and then stepped behind her to deftly pull the back straps together to fasten them. Without warning, she placed her hands on Leanne’s shoulders and twisted her to face away from the men once more. Leanne looked down to see the cups of the bra out of position and knew that Charlotte intended to take full advantage of that fact.

  Without hesitation, Charlotte’s hand closed on Leanne’s left breast. Instantly both women could feel the nipple hardening even more and trying to burrow its way into the enclosing palm. Charlotte smiled and began to gently move her hand in a circle, not exerting any pressure, but simply providing stimuli to the distended nub. Leanne’s breathing quickly grew heavier due to the stimulation and she could feel her legs starting to go weak. It was a relief when Charlotte stopped the massaging and tucked the breast into the bra cup, although the thin nylon fabric provided its own stimuli as the assistant turned her attention to Leanne’s other breast. After what seemed like an age, the delicious torture was over and she was turned to face back toward the men, her arms still meekly hanging by her sides.

  The young woman now reached past her again and picked up the remaining item of underwear, the thin scrap of fabric that purported to be panties but was more nearly a transparent thong, a sheath for her sex and some strings. Leanne was breathing very heavily now, and when she looked down she could see her nipples fully distended, pushing out the black fabric of the bra, and she could feel the pressure of the men’s eyes as they stared at her now partially clothed body. As she lifted one foot after the other to step into the panties and felt Charlotte drawing them up her legs, Leanne realized she felt even more naked like this than before. She gasped as Charlotte eased the panties into place covering her mound, the young woman’s fingers brushing against her pubic hair.

  Charlotte now reached for the bag she had packed for Leanne earlier in the shop and pulled the dress from it, deftly removed the label and shook it out.

  “Arms over your head please.”

  Leanne continued to follow instructions, thankful the ordeal appeared to be almost over, as Charlotte lowered the dress over her arms and then wiggled it down her body into position. At the shop assistant’s signal she lowered her arms again and the young salesgirl quickly smoothed the dress down her body. Leanne was relieved to be finally dressed and stood there facing the two men as they continued to watch her.

  “Can I go, now?”

  Ethan chuckled once more, the sound filling her once more with a dreadful feeling of uncertainty.

  “I said you needed to model it for us, not simply wear it. Now put your shoes on and model it.”

  She picked up her shoes and moved over to the chair. As she sat down she realized she was going to have a problem putting her shoes on without flashing her crotch at the three people who continued to watch her. Mentally she shrugged; five minutes ago she was totally nude in front of them, so it wasn’t going to matter. Once her heels were in place, she stood up once more and tried to strike a pose, although with no modelling experience this was pure guesswork.

  “That’s no good. If you can’t pose, you’ll have to dance instead.”


  “As I said, we want to see what the dress really looks like, and if you made a good choice.”

  At Ethan’s nod, Luke turned and pressed the button on a small CD player on the shelf behind the desk and a fairly heavy rock beat filled the small room. Leanne knew she was not the best dancer in the world before she started and, as the three of them watched her impassively, her fragile confidence crumbled even further, resulting in a half-hearted sway and a shuffle of her feet. After a minute of that, Ethan had clearly had enough.

  “Charlotte, the woman can’t dance. Why don’t you dance with her and show her what we mean.”

  As Leanne’s movements stuttered to a halt, Charlotte grinned and stepped close in front of her. There wasn’t much room in the tiny office, but Leanne could sense Charlotte didn’t need much room.

  “Put your arms around my neck, sugar, and I’ll take the lead.”

  No argument sprang to her mind, so Leanne submissively did as she was told. Immediately, Charlotte snuggled into the embrace, wrapping her own arms around Leanne’s waist and moving in close, unti
l their bodies touched. They were about the same height, and Leanne could feel the other woman’s breasts mashed against her own still overly sensitive ones. She bit her lip as she felt her nipples responding, betraying her once more.

  Leanne quickly realized they weren’t really dancing either, simply shuffling around and swaying their hips together, with Charlotte taking the lead, pushing gently on one side of her waist then the other. As a result, their bodies ground together gently as they slowly moved in a circle. It was as poor a dance as it had been when she was on her own. The realisation struck her; this was what the two guys wanted. She opened her mouth to protest, not realizing Charlotte was waiting for that precise moment.

  Her soft lips smothered any words before they even began to issue from Leanne’s mouth as Charlotte mashed hers to Leanne’s in a passionate kiss. As she did so, one hand slid up Leanne’s back, over the gold sequinned dress to nestle at the back of her neck, preventing her pulling away and breaking the contact, while the other slid down to cup one of her ass cheeks and pull her savagely into a tighter embrace. Leanne’s eyes were wide open in shock as she felt Charlotte’s tongue enter her own mouth. Her own tongue tried to pull away from the contact, but Charlotte’s pursued it and their tongues fenced with one another in a parody of a passion that was equally obviously going to inflame the ardour of the two men.

  A couple of moments later, still unable to break the kiss and embrace, she felt the hard edge of the desk pressing against the backs of her thighs and realized Charlotte had adroitly maneuvered her into exactly the position she wanted Leanne. Finally, Charlotte broke the kiss and pulled her face back a couple of inches, looking straight into Leanne’s eyes.

  “See, I thought you’d enjoy that.”

  Leanne hadn’t, at least not at the beginning, and she now blushed rose red as she realized toward the end of the kiss the soft touch of another woman’s lips had been something she’d enjoyed.

  “Lift up a little, on your toes.”


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