Diamond Girl

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Diamond Girl Page 17


  “I really mean it, Sammie.”

  (You lying bastard . . .)

  “I believe you, Jack.”

  (I just vomited in my mouth . . .)

  Once I had said everything as we had rehearsed, Brenda and George stood up to leave. George had something to say to Jack before he left.

  “Jack, both Brenda and I have witnessed everything that was said today. We both wish you luck going forward, but please know this: if we get any inkling that you have done anything to injure Samantha emotionally or physically, we will do everything in our power to make it right - for Samantha; do you understand?”

  I watched as Jack grew contrite right before my own eyes. Christ, what a chameleon he was; I must have really put his shit into the wind for once.

  “George - and Brenda - I absolutely understand. I thank you both for being there for Sammie; I know damn well that I have failed her as a husband. Please understand that I cannot undo the past, but I will damn sure make certain that I don’t screw up our future. I would expect no less from either of you; I know that she comes first in your book.”

  “Damn straight,” Brenda said in her ‘no-nonsense’ tone. “Remember that, Jack.”

  “I will, I will,” he promised.

  (Damn! This wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be . . .)

  After George and Brenda left Jack got settled in our old suite; I retired up to my new room which had a bathroom attached though not nearly as large as the master suite. I continued to put my toiletries away that I had packed up in boxes during the move. I came across the case that held my diaphragm, along with the nearly empty tube of spermicidal jelly that was with it.

  I took it out of the case, examining it closely. It looked fine to me. I opened the tube and squeezed an average amount of the spermicidal jelly onto my fingertip, coating the inside of the diaphragm as per the instructions. Once finished, I put the concave diaphragm up under the bathroom faucet and let the water drip into it until full. I then held it up in front of the mirror, checking for leaks.

  (Damn! There it was; several different locations were dripping water droplets out of the diaphragm into the sink. Shit! I supposed it had never dawned on me that these contraptions needed to be replaced occasionally.)

  I showered making sure that my deadbolt lock was in place in case Jack had a change of heart about how things had gone earlier. I dressed in a clean nightgown, brushing my teeth and combing through my damp locks.

  As I crawled under the clean sheets on my new bed I couldn’t help thinking about Slate. He was going to be a daddy; he would probably never even know. I thought about what kind of father this OMC biker would make; a pretty damn good one was all that I came up with, which puzzled me because I had no reason to believe that based on having no point of reference. It was my instinct I decided. Slate would be a good and proud daddy; of that I was sure.


  Lindsey got home from Cornell the last week of May; I was ecstatic to see her. Her hair had somehow gotten lighter.

  “What did you do to your hair?” I questioned.

  “I just had it highlighted; I’ve been spending a lot of time in the sun with spring soccer so it has lightened up. Do you like it?”

  “Lindsey my darling, you know I think you are gorgeous, right?”

  “Mom - you are obligated to say that!”

  “Maybe so, but in your case, it is the absolute truth. How are things with your boyfriend, honey? I’m sorry, I keep forgetting his name.”

  “Don’t worry about it Mom; you are free and clear to continue not remembering his name because it’s over.”

  “Oh honey, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be, Mom; it would have never worked out anyway. I have been spoiled. I want to have the same kind of marriage that you and Daddy have.”

  (Holy shit!)

  “Speaking of which,” I replied, segueing into the perfect opening to what I needed to tell her, “Your father and I have some great news for you.”


  “Yes,” I said, excitedly, “I wanted to wait for him to get home from the office, but maybe this is better. Women are so much more enthusiastic about this sort of thing, I think. We’ve been blessed with an unexpected surprise. You are going to have a baby brother or sister in December.”

  “What?” she shrieked totally caught off guard. “Are you serious?”

  “Uh huh,” I responded happily, “I am due on December 7th. It’s official.”

  “Oh Mom,” she cried, “I think that is so wonderful. I have to tell you, I was worried about you and Daddy after I went off to school. I mean it just seemed as if you two had really grown apart; I am so happy to see that you two have had a fantastic resurgence in your relationship. That is so healthy for middle aged people!”

  “Well - thank you, I guess.”

  “You know what I meant,” she laughed.

  “Lindsey,” I replied, “I am just so happy that you are happy about it.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be, Mom?”

  “I don’t know; I guess it’s just because you’ve been an only child all of these years. I wasn’t sure how you would take it I guess.”

  “Mom, it isn’t as if we have to share a room or compete for attention, you know? I always hated being an only child. I wish you and Daddy would have done something about that sooner, but I am happy about it, really.”

  In that instant I knew that she was; my Lindsey was so precious to me. Only child or not, she had a heart of gold and I loved her for it.

  “Oh Lindsey,” I said, “I love you so much. Thank you for being happy about this.”

  “Mom, I love you, too. I only wish I wasn’t going to be away at college when my brother or sister arrives. I want to help you as much as I can.”

  “You don’t worry about that now, sweetheart. Daddy will be here to help,” I lied.

  I so hated lying to my beautiful daughter. She was mine; not Jack’s. There was no evil in my baby girl at all; I hoped that there never would be. I didn’t want Jack’s evil DNA to ever show its ugly head in Lindsey.

  “What do you have planned for this summer?” I asked wanting to skirt away from the issue of her father and me for the moment.

  “Well, Daddy has an internship position for me at Banion,” she said. “I’m kind of looking forward to being able to work closely with him. I miss both of you so much.”

  (Yep! There it was. She loved her Daddy, too…)

  “That’s great, honey,” I lied. “It will be great experience for you.”

  “I think so too, Mom. Since I’ve not decided on my major yet, Daddy thought it would be beneficial to assign me to the R & D lab. I think he wants me to see how interesting testing of new medications and experimental drugs going through the FDA process will be. Daddy says it is a very complicated and lengthy process.”

  “That’s great, honey. I’m sure that you will learn a lot at Banion.”

  I only hoped that Lindsey kept her soul, unlike Jack; he had lost his soul a long time ago if he had ever had one…

  Lindsey started her internship at Banion the following Monday; I drove over to hang out with Brenda for the day. It was a sunny and warm early June day, beautiful in Indianapolis. I passed several motorcycles on the way over to Brenda’s. It brought Slate to my mind for the hundredth time since I had discovered I was carrying his child.

  It didn’t do any good to dwell on it; what was done was done. He would never know about this child because I wanted no part of him in my life or the baby’s.

  I pulled into Brenda’s driveway and immediately saw another car there. It looked like the one that Alan Krause had driven when we had met the first time.

  Brenda swung the front door open before I had the chance to press the doorbell. She appeared a bit anxious; a look of relief graced her features as I walked through the door.

  “I’m glad you’re here; Alan needs to talk to you, Samantha.”

  I went into the living room and recognized Alan right
away, there was another man seated next to him. They both stood up immediately upon seeing me.

  “Alan,” I greeted, reaching out to shake his hand.

  “Samantha, I would like you to meet special agent Craig Donovan; he is with the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.”

  (The feds? What in God’s name has Jack gotten us involved in?)

  I shook Mr. Donovan’s hand; a feeling of numbness had crept over me.

  “Please take a seat, Mrs. Dennison. There are matters of grave importance and concern we need to discuss.”

  (Holy shit!)



  Someone was banging on my front door. Fuck! It seemed like my head had just hit the pillow. I opened one eye, squinting in the sunlight that was now streaming through my bedroom window. The bedside clock read 9:37 a.m. Shit! It was later than I thought.

  I threw the sheet back and got out of bed, pulling a pair of boxers on. I opened the door knowing full well that it was Taz. He was going to chew my ass for not being up and ready by now.

  “What the fuck, dude; you still crashing?”

  (What did I say? Taz was predictable if nothing else.)

  “No man, I’m wearing my boxers on today’s run.”

  “Smart-ass; out late again, I presume?”

  “Maybe,” I replied, rinsing my face in the bathroom sink. “Last time I looked, I didn’t have a curfew, or a wife.”

  “Yeah, well maybe you fucking should, Slate. I mean you’re going to lose your edge if you don’t fucking clear your mind of that chick; you being out all hours going from one dive to another to see if she’s dancing. What the fuck?”

  “It’s my business what I do, okay?”

  “Yeah; well I’m pretty sure that Slash is going to make it his business pretty damn soon. He ain’t happy with you bagging out like that on a couple of the rides recently.”

  “Yeah, well he’ll get over it,” I said, squeezing toothpaste onto my brush. I knew as soon as I started brushing, Taz would take that opportunity to rerun his usual lecture. I had learned to mostly tune them out.

  “I mean, if the chick wanted to be found, she knows where the hell you live, right? Accept the fact that she got tired of taking a walk on the wild side and went back to her trailer park to have vanilla sex with her old man in their mortgaged to the hilt trailer. End of story.”

  I rolled my eyes while brushing my teeth, leaning over to rinse and spit. Damn I did look like shit as I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.

  “Just roll with it, Slate; shit, you have ‘Garnet the Mouth’ here once or twice a week sucking your dick and happy to do so. Why in the hell do you need some high maintenance townie to make things complicated, huh?”

  I cocked an irritated eyebrow at him as I pulled a tank top over my head. Taz didn’t know shit about how I felt; I wasn’t even sure how I felt anymore. All I knew was that Sunny had done a fucking number on me. At this point, I would have liked nothing more than to return the favor tenfold. I had initially searched for her to make sure that she was okay; who the fuck knew how crazy that rat bastard husband of hers might be. Having hit every dancing dive in the city, it now appeared as if Sunny had simply dumped me like her text message had read.

  I pulled up my jeans then located my boots under the bed. I would bide my time; my instincts told me that I would see the prick tease again; then I would have some sweet revenge. This was the last fucking time a woman was going to get one over on me.

  “So what’s the plan today, Taz?” I asked, pulling my leather bike boots on over my socks.

  “Slash says he met with his supply chain contact yesterday. We’ve got a nice gross of unstamped Percocet to pick up north of town. New supplier so there is to be no one-on-one contact. The financials will be handled once we move the inventory and collect. Make sure your saddlebags are empty. There are six of us riding up there for the drop. The stuff is bagged up to fit inside our saddlebags.”

  “Are they tens?” I asked.

  “Yep; street value fifty thousand. Sweet deal Hammer arranged. Half of them are going on to Fort Wayne; Flush is moving those.”

  “What’s the split?”


  “Shit; and we are taking all of the fucking risks in distributing. How fucked up is that?”

  “It is what it is,” Taz said with shrug. “Sure beats an eight to five though, huh?” He gave me a wicked grin.


  We headed out the door just as Garnet was about halfway up the steps.

  “Oh shit,” Taz moaned, continuing on down the steps, brushing right past her towards his bike

  “What’s up Garnet? We’re rolling out at the moment.”

  “I just wanted to stop by and see you,” she said, her eyes not hiding for a second what she really wanted. I’d never met anyone who liked giving head as much as she did. She had whined a few times about wanting me to fuck her; I had quickly told her that was not an option. She had accepted that and was satisfied with sucking me off as long as I didn’t give her any more jism facials. It worked out pretty well cause I knew she was blowing and fucking Slash too; she liked to share information with me that she referred to as ‘pillow talk.’

  I looked at her for a second debating whether I should simply send her on her way. I called down to Taz. “See you at the club house in about twenty.”

  “Christ, you’re fucking unbelievable,” he said, shaking his head as he started his engine.

  She followed me inside the door, closing it behind us.

  “We’ve got to make this quick,” I said, unzipping my fly as she knelt down in front of me, wetting her lips.

  “I’ll do my best,” she purred, taking my cock into her mouth, and beginning her oral assault. She liked to be rough which was fine with me these days.

  I watched as her tongue and mouth licked and swirled up and down the length of me; her fingernails were digging into my ass, pulling me closer, deeper. This chick liked taking it all; I was almost positive she had no gag reflex.

  I thrust my hips back and forth, fucking her mouth as she sucked in rhythm to my movements. She was moaning now, her teeth lightly nipping around the sensitive ridge of skin near the head. I heard myself moan which totally turned her on; she was motivated by it to suck deeper and faster bringer me closer.

  I fisted her hair, pulling her head in to me as I felt the familiar, pleasurable throbbing. She knew the signal; she braced herself for the liquid rush that was coming. There it was; I moaned as I emptied myself into her waiting mouth. She swallowed and swallowed, moaning as if I was pumping some sort of heavenly nectar into her mouth. I counted five good swallows. I stilled as she then ran her tongue along the head, licking up every last drop that dribbled out.

  “Mmmm - your cum tastes so much better than Slash’s, baby.” She was still licking her lips enjoying it to the last drop.

  “That was nice, Garnet. Got to go though, babe,” I said, tucking my glistening dick back into my jeans. “Come on; I’ve got to lock up.”

  “See you tomorrow?” she asked tentatively.

  “We’ll see,” I replied, tying on my do-rag. “Bring me some ‘pillow talk’ and it’s a definite.”

  The rest of the riders were waiting for me at the clubhouse when I roared up. We took off heading north to the pick-up point. It was Taz, Nate, Red Dog, Gramps, Flush and me. The pick-up point was remote, near the edge of the Forest Woods Reserve. We pulled our bikes over the hill and down into a shallow ravine. In about fifteen minutes, a dark van pulled in on the road along the ravine. The back door opened; someone tossed a cardboard box from the van. It went end over end down into the ravine. Flush went over to grab it.

  He pulled a switchblade from his pocket, and cut along the taped flaps to open. We all filed up and got our big baggie full of Percocet to tuck away into our saddlebags. As Flush handed me that last bag of one thousand pills from the box, I saw the logo imprint on the side of the box. It was t
he fancy ‘B’ with the ‘P’ positioned underneath in a different color so that the bottom loop of the capital ‘B’ was also the top loop of the capital ‘P’.

  (Banion Pharmaceuticals, this was definitely getting interesting.)

  Taz and I took off from the clubhouse after Slash verified inventory and sent a team of three on their way to Fort Wayne with the split. He and Hammer were working on a deal with a shitload of hand guns that had had the serial numbers filed off; they were discussing the means of moving them out of state. Garnet had traveled with them to Chicago to collect the handguns after one of those police-sponsored gun buyback programs, no questions asked. Apparently a couple of cops up there had no problem being bought off to part with the weapons before they were crushed at a salvage yard.

  Taz followed me upstairs to my apartment talking about the ride that was scheduled tomorrow. Once I reached my door I nearly didn’t notice the small hole in the glass that had been cut out in a perfect circle in order to allow someone’s hand to slip through and unlatch the deadbolt.

  I nudged Taz, nodding my head toward the hole in the glass and put my finger to my lips for him to be cool. Sometimes Taz could be excitable. I lowered my hand to where I had my switchblade strapped around my inner thigh and pulled it out.

  Taz jiggled the door knob; it turned easily and quietly in his hand. He swung it open and I checked both sides of the doorway before going in. Once inside we heard a voice from the living room.

  “Sorry about the door, Slate; but needed to get inside quickly and unseen.”

  “Jesus Christ, Donovan; you scared the shit out of us!”

  “Need to talk to both of you; sit down.”

  I had dozed off on my couch when I heard the pounding on my front door. Shit! I didn’t get up right away, hoping that whoever the hell it was went away.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  (No such fucking luck!)

  I peeked out between the slats of the mini blind. Shit! It was Garnet and she had been fucked up. I opened the door, pulling her inside. I looked around on the darkened street. I didn’t see anyone else out there.


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